New World 1620

Chapter 30 The Inescapable Historical Pit

More than an hour later, the moist morning fog had cleared, and the smell of blood began to spread to every corner of West Point Town.In the previous small-scale sneak attack, the Pequots who escaped from West Point directly brought a lesson to the English immigrants and cross-border people with one death and four injuries.

The Pequots had already withdrawn, leaving only one body—a head smashed by He Yu's pistol.The snow-white brain mixed with bright red blood paints a large rock it hides in an extremely abstract way.

Qiao Daqiang had stopped convulsing half an hour ago, his eyes were wide open at this time, and the sharp bone arrow that pierced his neck was still stuck in his mouth.

Three Delaware Indian employees of the construction crew and an English immigrant were injured.The Delaware Indian boy who was the most injured had a hole in his stomach directly pierced by a bone arrow, and he was shivering by the side of the wooden house with a pale face. If there were no accidents, he would not survive the next day.

Dong Jiunan and other time-traversing people stood around in front of Qiao Daqiang's body in a daze, none of them had the courage or thought to deal with the unfortunate companion in front of them.

"It was only a small group of Pequots who were attacking just now, and within a long time, their number will increase to at least 200." Li Xiang gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand, wiped away Qiao Daqiang's unrepentant eyes, and then hugged his own tightly. The little wife said in a low tone, "The Pequot village is only a few kilometers away from us, but our boat will arrive tomorrow."

"We must guard the fence!" He Yu pulled out the magazine of the pistol for inspection, put it back into the holster, and shouted at the surrounding guard soldiers, "Persist until noon tomorrow, and we will withdraw to the ship!"

"Mr. Brest, quickly block all the openings in the fence with stones, and reinforce the wooden walls on the west and south!" He Yu stood up and pointed to the terrified English pastor, "We still have 80 Many people, if we work together, we can still board the ship alive."

"God, these savages...Mr. Second Lieutenant, can you guarantee that we will all board the ship safely tomorrow?" Branster kept crossing his chest, and the other surrounding England silently checked their hands. Matchlock.

"As long as the pier is still in our hands, there will be no problem."

As he said that, He Yu walked up to Li Xiang who was squatting on the ground and carefully arranging Qiao Daqiang's body, and also bent down, looking at Na Da, who was leaning against Li Xiang's back with a pale back, and sighed slightly: "Nada , Delaware's brothers must persevere, I hope you can make them burst out with enough courage."

Looking at her husband, then at He Yu, and finally at the twenty or so young people of the same clan who were either injured or sitting and resting, Na Da nodded slowly.

With the exception of a few armed with bows and arrows, most Delaware Indian hirelings had nothing but construction tools.So He Yu sent some of the twenty or so iron spears originally equipped for the English.

The Delawares were born hunters and warriors. Once they got such a sharp weapon, they all returned to normal expressions, and began to obey He Yu's command and dispatch according to Na Da's translation.

Geography teacher An Shaoqing and other frail youths and Li Xiang and his wife were forced by He Yu to stay in a wooden house with the best finish, and put the only modern pistol in the whole team into Li Xiang's hand.

"He Yu, how many guys do you look down on?" An Shaoqing adjusted his glasses, quietly looked at the young guard officer in front of him, with a trace of disdain on the corner of his mouth, "Now they are all grasshoppers on a rope , it is not the time for people to step aside to fight floods and rescue disasters."

"I'm a soldier, and you are precious talents in Manhattan. Although I'm usually a bit arrogant, I know what I should do at this time." He Yu grinned, and the expression of the former scout sergeant was unexpectedly Still a little mischievous, "Don't worry, those outside are recruits, but they have been training for two months anyway."

"Come on, don't be brave. Just ten muzzle-loading flintlock guns plus thirty or so matchlock guns can beat hundreds of Pequots? Get us some weapons!" Li Xiang said coldly. , without waiting for the other party to answer, he turned around and supported Na Da's shoulder, handed the pistol to his little wife, and said in a very gentle tone, "Nada, you stay here, if... you go south along the river Walk."

Na Da slowly understood her husband's words, suddenly dropped the pistol, and hugged the young man's waist tightly, not letting go no matter what.

The door opened, and He Yu, who had been going back and forth, brought two matchlock guns and two logging axes this time, and then said solemnly to the other two geological prospectors: "You two stick to this place, If we can't stand it anymore, you take Nada and leave."

After finishing speaking, he handed out the matchlock guns to Li Xiang and An Shaoqing one by one.

The large-scale Pequot attack was earlier than He Yu had imagined. Only two hours later, about [-] Pequot Indian fighters surrounded them from three sides.

Perhaps having tasted the sweetness of the previous sneak attack with bows and arrows, the Pequots just hid at the edge of the woods and shot arrows into West Point Town under the cover of trees and boulders.With a long distance and a serious defense, the simple wooden bow of the Indians did not have any effect this time.

The Englishmen and the passers-by behind the wall hid their bodies tightly behind the bunker, and clenched their weapons tightly.Dong Jiunan held a fire ax and stared blankly at the sky. Beside him was a teenager from England who was less than 18 years old and was trembling with an iron spear.

"Wow wow!"

There was a call from the outside, and then hundreds of Pequots rushed out of the woods like a hornet's nest, and rushed towards the wooden fence on three sides.

"All of them! Take aim!"

The guard soldiers under He Yu's personal command turned around, put their flintlock guns on the crossbars of the wooden fence, and aimed at the twenty or so excited Pequots approaching from the north through the front sight.The English who were in charge of the western defense also raised their matchlock guns under the command of Pastor Brest, and stood up in a more daring way. The most Indians attacked here.

With the cooperation of Li Xiang, An Shaoqing and others' matchlock guns, the Delaware Indian warriors with bows and arrows and iron spears specially dealt with the south, which had the second largest attacking force.



Chinese and English sounded almost at the same time, and the black gunpowder burning flames came out together with a series of roars, and a row of white gunpowder smoke appeared on the north and west wooden walls at the same time.

To the north, the Pequot Indian charge team, which was less than 50 meters away, suddenly became chaotic. The bodies of three Pequot Indians were knocked to the ground by the lead bullets discharged at high speed.

The first Pequot man was pierced by a bullet through his almost unprotected chest. The lead bullet deformed when it hit the bone, and then exploded a large bloody wound within 0.1 second. The entire chest cavity was like a mouthful. The boiling fresh and spicy soup hot pot is constantly spraying bright red crumbs.

The second one was hit directly in the head, and the lead bullet whose trajectory was changed by the skull shattered a large piece of skull, and then the Pequot man with a small half of his head rushed forward several steps before staggering and falling.

The third one was hit on the right shoulder, and the entire right arm was split into two sections in a cloud of blood mist and flew into the sky.The stress contraction of the peripheral nerves of the wound muscles did not make the unlucky man feel the pain for the first time. After running for a while, he let out a piercing scream and fell to the ground and rolled.

The Pequots in the north, who were stunned by such a bloody head-on blow, suddenly slowed down the attacking crowd, and all of them crawled to the ground with terrified eyes, looking at their companions who died in an instant or howling and rolling.


About 50 meters away, He Yu shouted new instructions with a cold face.

For the first time in their lives, the guard soldiers who shot at real people were all stunned, as if they had not heard the commander's order.Even if it's just a primitive flintlock rifle, the tragic killing effect brought by it at a distance of tens of meters made the former dock workers fall into a short-term paralysis state like a dream.

"If you don't want to die, reload quickly!" He Yu was furious, and slapped the guard soldier beside him in a daze.

The sober soldiers of the guard quickly took out the fixed ammunition, began to load gunpowder and lead bullets with trembling hands, and many of them were so anxious that they couldn't align the push rod with the barrel.

Ten seconds later, the Pequots, who had experienced a short period of sluggishness, suddenly fell silent again, so they got up from the ground again, this time their roars were louder and more crazy.

The figures of more than a dozen Pequots were getting closer, and they could almost see their bony chests and the hideous patterns on their faces under the sackcloth.

It was only a few meters away from the wooden fence, and the sharpened spear seemed to be poking into the fence in the next second.This time, without waiting for He Yu to issue an order, the guard soldiers almost closed their eyes and pulled the trigger on the Pequots who were close at hand.

The snow-white gunpowder smoke directly mixed with the splattered flesh and blood.At a distance of less than ten meters, more than two-thirds of the Indians were directly pierced by the kinetic energy of the powerful flintlock lead bullets, and the shattered flesh and bones flew into the fence and splashed on several guards who were also in a state of madness. on the faces of soldiers.

Of the more than 20 Pequot Indians who charged in the north, only a few of them fled back less than a minute after the first salvo was fired. Even He Yu himself was shot to death by the bloody queue. shocked.

The Pequot Indians who attacked from the west were the most, probably more than 40 people, and they were met by a volley of English settlers.It is a pity that the effective range and accuracy of the Dutch-manufactured matchlock guns cannot be compared with the Type 21 flintlock rifles of the Brooklyn Armory. More than 20 matchlock guns only caused less than five Pequots to fall to the ground.

Then the English didn't have a second chance to fire. The arquebus gunners quickly backed away, and then a dozen or so Englishmen with iron spears quickly stuck up and stabbed the Pequots who rushed to the wooden fence.

The iron spear, which was a hundred times sharper than the bone spear, knocked down seven or eight Pequots in an instant, and only one Englishman fell.The unlucky middle-aged uncle in England was rubbed on the shoulder by the Indian's spear, and a large piece of flesh was directly peeled off.


There was another row of roaring, and the second volley of matchlock guns from the English finally started. This time, the distance was closer. More than ten Pequots were overturned by bullets, and then a few more were stabbed by the English iron spearmen. The unlucky one who finally squeezed in.

The offensive of the Pequot Indians in the west was disintegrated in an instant, and the remaining terrified Pequots quickly left their dead or moaning companions and retreated in panic.

"Attach the bayonet after shooting!"

He Yu left half of his men to continue monitoring the no-threat north, and took the remaining five guard soldiers to run south, preparing to support Li Xiang and the others.

Li Xiang had already retreated behind the Delaware Indian warrior, with a bone arrow with a dangling feather tail on his shoulder.He only fired one shot just now, and was hit by the bows and arrows shot randomly by his opponents.

Dong Jiunan roared and fought on the front line of the wooden fence, the color of the fire ax in his hand completely changed, and the English boy beside him was screaming in panic with blood on his head.But the blood was not his own, but what Dong Jiunan spurted when he chopped off the leg of a Pequot who climbed over the wooden fence.

After firing a row of flintlock guns, several Pequot Indians who were about to overturn into West Point fell down like logs, and He Yu's support troops arrived immediately...



At 60 o'clock in the afternoon, the Pequots finally calmed down after several failed attacks, leaving a total of more than [-] Pequot corpses in the north, west, and south directions.

The people in West Point Town also paid the price of 10 casualties, including 1 Englishman and 4 Delaware Indians. 2.Almost all casualties occurred in the west and south, especially in the direction of the south gate, where the offensive force was not as strong as the west, because the defensive firepower there was the weakest.

The pier was on the southeast bank of West Point Town. It was just a daytime battle, and the pier that He Yu had hoped for lost contact with the south gate of West Point Town.

After several visual inspections, He Yu has determined that there are more than 200 Pequot Indians besieging West Point.Although there were a considerable number of old men and young men, it was the Pequot village that apparently mobilized the largest force this time.

If casualties and enemy reinforcements are not considered, maybe the people of West Point Town can take the opportunity to recapture the pier when the fishing boats arrive at West Point the next day, but who can guarantee that the Pequots will not appear more encircling forces the next day?

You must know that in this area on both sides of the Hudson River, there are several Pequot villages, the total number of which will not be less than 2000, and the number of troops that can be used for fighting will not be less than 500.Perhaps within a few days, more Pequots who received word would arrive.

When night came, the people of West Point Town found that the Pequot troops in the north and west were much smaller, and most of the opponent's fighters gathered in the docks and woods in the south.



Inside the wooden house, a small pot of fire was burning, and the people who traveled through were leaning against the wooden wall blankly, their faces full of gunpowder and exhausted.

Li Xiang sat on a rock, with one side of his upper body naked, silently looking at the brazier.Nada carefully cleaned her husband's injury with a torn sackcloth dipped in corn wine, the tears on his face were clearly visible.

Outside the room, a wounded Delaware Indian living in a tent groaned, and several English sentinels cursed in the direction of the Pequots through the wooden fence.

After Nada bandaged her husband's shoulder injury, she hugged her husband's body tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"According to the plan, the supply fleet from Manhattan will leave at 7:8 a.m., and it will take [-] to [-] hours on land, and it will arrive after noon." He Yu looked at his watch with a serious expression, "But they don't Knowing that there's been a war here, even West Point is surrounded, they can't get off the docks, we have no hope of getting on a ship."

"Then they can only return to Manhattan, and then go to Manhattan to bring in reinforcements. In this way, the customs patrol ship will be used to transport the reinforcements, and they won't arrive until late at night tomorrow!" An Shaoqing took off his glasses and wiped away the traces of blood. , with a bitter face, "This means that we have to persist for another full 24 hours, or even longer."

"Brother An, Brother Li, I'm sorry..."

Suddenly, three youths belonging to the construction team stood up in the corner.They are the ones who followed Joe Daqiang to rape the Pequot Indian girl in the morning and caused a catastrophe.

"Except for Qiao Daqiang, your words are only useful to the English and Delawares outside." Li Xiang leaned against the wall with his little wife in his arms, and said with a wry smile, "Indeed, we have no right to judge your faults, but Qiao Daqiang did too much."

"What if we can go back this time...?" The young man in the lead nervously looked at He Yu in military uniform sitting on the other side, his tone very light.

Li Xiang didn't answer, but Na Da beside him suddenly opened his eyes and muttered a series of Indian words.Everyone in the room turned their heads to look at Li Xiang and his wife.

"Nada said... her father would drive those who made mistakes out of the village, and he would not be allowed to return until a few years later." Li Xiang touched his wife's face with a wry smile and translated the Indian language.

There was another silence in the room, and He Yu was also thoughtful.

"No...the community committee won't do this, we are together!" The young man at the head was dumbfounded and trembling all over.

"Nada just said people in her village, not you." Li Xiang pulled his coat over his wife, looked at He Yu, the silent guard officer, and also expressed doubts, "He Yu, you Said to escort them back to Manhattan this morning, then what?"

"I don't know, I just think they are no longer fit to stay here... I have no right to deal with them." He Yu shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly, "The Pequots are very belligerent, maybe it would be us, Nor can it be tolerated."

Outside the house came the low voice of the Delaware Indian song, and then the soft prayer of the English priest Brest.Na Da, whose head was covered by the coat, shivered, threw off her clothes, rushed to the door, stayed there for a few seconds, and knelt down covering her mouth.

Apparently, one of the wounded Indians was overwhelmed and died.


Sensing that her husband had already walked behind her, Na Da stood up, turned her head and looked at her husband earnestly, the previous sorrowful expression was wiped away, and replaced by an unusually cold expression.

The war between the Delaware tribe and other Indian tribes in the surrounding area lasted for an unknown number of years. Perhaps in Nada's view, the troubles caused by "Chinese people" like Qiao Daqiang are not difficult to understand. A hatred that can never be erased.

revenge?Kill the Pequots, or drive them out of the valley?Li Xiang looked at his little wife with red eyes, and his heart was full of confusion.

As the night got deeper, in the woods a few hundred meters away from West Point Town, there were also sparse and deep Indian songs, which were similar to the Indian singing that appeared in West Point Town...

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