New World 1620

Chapter 15 Newborns and Vouchers

The calendar came to December 1620, 12, and it snowed heavily on Tuesday.

Heavy snowfall for several days has basically shut down various projects in the Brooklyn industrial area.Today, in a strange silence throughout the Manhattan neighborhood, in a special room at the community hospital, a pregnant woman is expecting labor.

The pregnant woman was miraculously unscathed on the day of the catastrophe, and was also the first Manhattan resident to give birth to a new generation after crossing.

The word "offspring" is a topic of hope and future in any age.Person No. 498, who has experienced a huge disaster, has been working tirelessly for survival in the past few months. Now that he has settled down a little, many things that have been left behind are slowly emerging.

Whether some young people led by Yan Xiaosong are increasingly showing a kind of "autonomous behavior", or the ex-dock workers are gradually demanding vacation rights and labor remuneration.Normal future considerations have begun to emerge after the crisis has passed.

Economically, in life, even in thought, and so on.

The community committee has also discussed this on and off several times, but each time it ends at the most critical time.The question is whether to let go of the integrated compulsory management of all people now and implement institutionalized free management.

This is really a daunting topic.Even Su Zining, who deeply understands and agrees with Yan Xiaosong, has nothing to say at this moment.

After people are alive, safe and well-fed, what remains is the pursuit of ideals and the release of humanity.Even a grassroots person still has an acre of land that he cares about ideologically.

What kind of life do you want to live and what kind of life can you get.This is a thinking that even gods cannot stop.

The imminent birth of a newborn has finally dug up a more acute practical problem-the gender imbalance between men and women. Among the 73 women, excluding 38 "other women" with families and 8 underage girls, there are only 27 unmarried women, and more than 300 bachelors are "waiting to be fed".

A "sunset red" like Mr. Liu would naturally not take advantage of everyone's power in this regard to get ahead of others, but what about those young people?Especially those former dock workers who suffered from various objective inequalities in wealth and education, will they continue to accept that fate in this new world?

This serious hidden danger can no longer be explained by the social ethics principle of "not worrying about few but suffering about inequality".This is simply a powder keg!

How about Indian women?Liu Lanxi, the committee's new community security committee member, anxiously proposed a plan, but the male committee members, including Mr. Liu, shook their heads unanimously.

Leaving aside whether Li Xiang's odd number is the first spark in this powder keg, at least his current Indian friend is pretty good-looking and has a good figure.Others, just judging from the strange expressions of most of the dock workers facing those Indian women, there will never be any sexual fantasies.

Well, in the end it was left to some self-proclaimed social psychologist to ponder.At this stage, an issue about the education of minors in settlements is also imminent, which is also an entry point for creating a normal social life order.What's more, Su Zining has long put forward the idea of ​​"de-Indianization" of minors from nearby Indian tribes.

There are also a few talented teachers who can cover from preschool education to middle school. It doesn't matter whether the subject is satisfied as a whole. The key is the inheritance of Chinese tradition and modern social thought and value.

This time it was almost unanimously approved, and a female committee member will be in charge, and a kindergarten, a primary school and a middle school will be established in the fastest time.For this reason, "Indian Goodwill Ambassador" Li Xiang will be given a new mission, which is to try to lure minors or even young people from Indian tribes to study at the school.

Finally, there are economic issues.

On a serious note, Manhattan neighborhoods are not much better than nearby Indian tribes.A planned distribution system under the management of a complete collective commune.This system may not be considered a problem for people like Mr. Liu, but for the younger generation of committee members including Zheng Quan, they have a deep understanding.

Under the social production mode of temporary compulsory planning and regulation, everyone's social wealth is virtualized, and scheduling and distribution become the source of injustice. No matter who presides over this justice, everyone will intensify everyone's dissatisfaction with their own labor compensation.After all, it is impossible to manage such a group of modern people who are still working desperately with a wartime system for a long time.

According to the suggestion of member Shi Wenbo, a former master of finance and a bank executive, the community committee will establish a new subordinate organization called the Economic Management Department, referred to as the Economic Management Department, and all production departments in the community will become management companies of the Economic Management Department.

In this way, the production department of the entire Manhattan community will become a special large-scale state-owned enterprise, 51% of the shares will be vacant, and will be submitted to more formal state-owned institutions for management and holding in the future. Each of the 498 official residents will hold an average There are remaining shares and jobs are chosen on a voluntary basis.

The economic and management committee will calculate an approximate value based on internal production, circulation and consumption, and the work remuneration of all owners will be distributed to laborers in various departments in the form of vouchers.

Those who do not participate in the work, or those who are unable to work, enjoy several levels of basic living security according to the specific situation.

The voucher is not a real currency. It can only quantify the value that a certain commodity should have in the production, circulation and consumption link with a fixed digital unit. Note that it is a certain commodity, and it does not mean that all commodities can be exchanged with vouchers , because some of the rare materials held by the community committee must be independent of the financial value system at this stage.

Therefore, this voucher will not be able to fulfill all monetary functions.

At first glance, it seems feasible.But the hidden danger of this proposal proposed by sensible people immediately is the question of who decides the exchange value of the voucher and the exchange object.Otherwise, this thing that is worse than banknotes will not even have the chance to depreciate overnight.

But for now, before the establishment of the future political system, only such preliminary means can be used to solve the problem of labor compensation for the crossing people.The issuance of vouchers will be entrusted by the community committee to the Ministry of Economics and Management, but the Ministry of Economics and Management itself does not have the right to issue them.

Since all means of production and stock materials currently belong to the community committee in name, the import and export trade department to be formed will also belong to the community committee.Therefore, each time the community committee issues a batch of vouchers, it must simultaneously supply relatively equivalent materials to enterprises in these sectors.

Conversely, the community committees will also inject the obtained vouchers or materials into each production department in the form of state capital appropriation, and then use tax means to obtain fiscal revenue from the business accounts of the enterprise, and can purchase any of the enterprises in various departments. commodity or raw material.

This unique economic model is the easiest to implement and manage for a Manhattan community with a population of only 498, and it also prevents community committees from "taking their own weight" to issue vouchers indiscriminately.

In addition, the community committee will issue real currency to recycle vouchers at an appropriate time, and in the future allow official residents to purchase and transfer any company shares, or start their own businesses.

Hidden dangers and problems exist objectively and rigidly, but after considering a series of complicated rules, the community committee reluctantly agreed to implement them, and reserved the power to adjust policies in special emergency situations in the form of administrative endorsement.

Whether it's worry or joy, even the members of the community committee have begun to think about how to make good use of their shares.

A series of policies were introduced on Christmas Eve, December 1620, 12, and the residents of the Manhattan community suddenly found that their lives seemed to be moving closer to the past.

No matter how despised by the youths, the women who are used to this Western calendar festival still held their own celebrations in the dock area and on the streets of the community. 27 unmarried young women received the largest collective pursuit since the catastrophe day.

At least on the surface, people are quite harmonious.

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