
Chapter 294 The Yin-Yang Gate of Life and Death

() Near the ground around the palace, more and more underground holes emitting black smoke appeared, revealing the chance of a big kill!

Tan Jingjing looked up, then around, and finally at the palace.Only the edge of the palace didn't have such a hole nearby, maybe it would be a good idea to hide there?

It's just that Tan Jingjing regretted it just after passing by.Because the gate of the palace squeaked, like a giant man-eating ghost, opened its mouth wide, the palace gate opened wide, and a gust of wind blew by. Amidst the screams of a man and a woman, the two of them came together again. It was like entering a little swan washing machine once, and the world was turned upside down!

When the wind stopped and people looked around, there was no sound in the palace, and people were afraid that they could not hear any other sounds other than the sound of their own breaking through the air.A heavy and gloomy sense of oppression surged into the hearts of the two of them, making them feel like shouting loudly.

In the gloomy darkness, there is an oppressive force.It is conceivable that if you stay here for a long time, you will definitely collapse!

"There is a little light ahead!" the mermaid salamander said.

So, the two of them walked forward tentatively with a little bit of light, and they didn't know how many miles they walked.The space in the palace is getting bigger and bigger, which is obviously inconsistent with the outside world.Suddenly, the two of them stopped in their tracks, and at a huge gate in front of them, a huge piece of snow-white skeletons piled up there like a hill.

This turned out to be a long bone and tail, but the front half of the body looked like a dog's skeleton. The most special thing was that it had three heads!

The three dog heads were all raised high, and they did not lower even when they died.There are many cracks on the bones of the whole body, and dozens of places are completely broken on the long keel in the second half.Apparently it was extremely traumatized before it died.It was cut into dozens of pieces, presumably he must have died in battle!

Isn't this chick here the entrance to the underworld?Is this a hell three-headed dog?But why does it still have a dragon tail?Tan Jingjing suddenly showed a serious look!

hum! ! !

Suddenly, when Tan Jingjing tried to step forward and take a closer look, his body shone brightly, especially a heartbreaking pain hit his buttocks, as if something was about to come out of it!

At the same time, an amazing thing happened at this time.The three-headed dog skeletons in front of them burned by themselves, shining brightly, shrinking rapidly and changing constantly.

In the end, the three heads merged into one, and the tail of the dragon was shrunk down to the size of a person.A ray of brilliance bloomed, becoming crystal clear as if carved from beautiful jade.


There was a strange metal sound, and a similar keel-like tail grew from Tan Jingjing's buttocks, which corresponded with the shrinking keel on the opposite side, flickering and darkening.

A peerless sword slowly emerged from the tail of the keel.

The same is true for Tan Jingjing's buttocks. The two swords, like a general and Mo Shu, flew into the air at the same time, clanging!

Let the man and woman below be stunned!


In the end, the two swords became one, turning into a strange sword with one side white and one side black.

Then, with a swipe, it turned into a ray of divine light and sank into the spine of Tan Jingjing's butt with a swipe, disappearing.

"What's going on here?" Tan Jingjing touched her butt, and said to herself in surprise and confusion.And the mermaid salamander looked at him with a devilish face, confused.

One has amnesia, the other is frightened, and there is no one to explain to Tan Jingjing.

Just like that, a man and a woman stood at the gate of a forked palace in the palace until the flames burned out, and there were bursts of light in the opened gate, and a lot of fragrance.

"What a pure spiritual energy! Could it be that there is a paradise hidden in it? There may be a glimmer of life in it after death." Suddenly, the mermaid salamander opened her mouth and pointed to the doorway with a look of surprise.

Tan Jingjing has lost her memory, and she thinks that she is more like a different person, but she is still a kind-hearted person.It's only less experienced than the mermaid salamander, but if the other party believes that this may be an exit, it's only a little more reliable than him, then go in and have a look!

After slowly pushing open the inner palace door and turning a corner, the two of them were stunned by the scene in front of them.Tan Jingjing immediately yelled strangely, "I'm getting rich."And the mermaid salamander groaned strangely, what a pure spirit stone!

Stones like gemstones piled up like a mountain, each shining brightly.If it is really a gemstone, it is indeed priceless, but Tan Jingjing will make a fortune by herself.If it is a spiritual stone, naturally for a practitioner, it can save hundreds or even nearly a thousand years of hard work, because more than half of the practice is actually absorbing the spiritual energy of the world, and pure spiritual stones and spiritual energy are similar!

"If it's's a great opportunity for us." The mermaid salamander looked at Tan Jingjing for the first time, and there was no hostility in her eyes. Maybe there was at first, but if Tan Jingjing didn't rush all the way She came here, how could she come to such a place in normal times.So, isn't this a forbidden place?The usual restrictions are so strong, why did you just come in this time?it's wired!


Apparently, the mermaid is a monk, or someone who knows a monk.

She is very concerned about these spirit gems. If it wasn't for Tan Jingjing's instinctive internal force that hit her randomly, she would have rushed up by this time, grabbed a lot of things from the spirit gems, and might have slept directly on the bed!

And Tan Jingjing also really wanted to get these gems back, but his memory has not been restored, and there is no pocket for him to put gems in, even if he has, he can't hold many.Oh, what a depression!

"Young master, can you help me unlock the restriction? I have a space bracelet, which can hold a lot of gems, but let me explain first, this is a special space equipment, and only I can use it. If I hang it up, he will also use it." It can’t be opened. What’s here, we add two to one to make five, how about half of one person?” Suddenly, the mermaid salamander spoke, which made Tan Jingjing’s heart flutter.

Jin Guan didn't have a deep impression of how to use the internal force to acupoint, but he remembered some of it. It was just two times and three times. After trying for a long time, he didn't completely unlock the acupoints of the mermaid salamander, only part of them.It was a pair of salty pigs, who completely touched the girl's double peaks, slender waist, and beautiful legs.The mermaid salamander's beautiful eyes are full of jealousy, and her cheeks are red, and her body is as soft as a puddle of autumn water!



"Should we... want to go in?"

At the inner gate of the palace, a man and a woman who confiscated half of the spirit gems decided to investigate the situation here more for safety.

At an inner door, two portals appeared in front of it.The two portals are shaped like the yin and yang fish in Tai Chi, the portal on the left is a black yin fish, and the portal on the right is a white yang fish, both of which look like irregular crescent moons.

"This...two and one, it's the Tai Chi yin and yang map!" Tan Jingjing blurted out, and the memories of the earth time have recently brought back many memories.

On the portal of the black yin fish, there is a vigorous ancient character engraved, with a forceful momentum, the yu will fly out. "Death!" This word can be very ominous, like a curse, imprinted on it, it smells bloody.

And on the white Yangyu portal, there is only one word engraved on the iron hook and silver strokes, which reads: "Sheng!" The strokes are vigorous and natural, exuding a peaceful atmosphere, which is completely opposite to the Yinyu portal.

It is difficult for a man and a woman to calm down, and it seems that there are only two roads ahead.

"There's nothing to consider. Naturally, choose life. Who would choose to die?" The mermaid wrinkled her nose and whispered.

"Tai Chi produces two forms, yin and yang rise together, the yang is life, and the yin is death. It is true, but why do I always feel that something is wrong?" Tan Jingjing also whispered uneasy.

"The extreme of life is for death, and the extreme of death is for life, emptiness and reality, yin and yang coexist." Tan Jingjing touched her chin, and finally pointed to the door of death: "to die and then to live, maybe this is the real way of life exit!"

"Are you sure? You don't look like an expert anyway?" The mermaid was suspicious for a while.

sweat!What does this have to do with experts and professors? Brother's instincts and senses have always been the most accurate.Tan Jingjing was sweating profusely!

"Young master, are you sure? Why don't you test it first?"

Yes, throwing stones to ask for directions! ! !

Tan Jingjing suddenly realized, and threw a huge stone into the two gates respectively.Immediately, like a stone being thrown into boiling water, a sound like a tsunami came, the black light in the Yinyu portal rushed directly, and the white light in the Yangyu portal shone and penetrated.

The opposition of black and white, the brilliance of life and death complement each other, and the yin and yang flow, overwhelming the sky, making rumbling sounds, like the ocean rolling in anger, and like thunder resounding through the nine heavens and ten earths.

At the beginning of Tai Chi, life and death are opposed, yin and yang are misty, this kind of collision is extremely terrifying, it can generate all things, and it can also make the world silent.

The naked eye can see that there is a chaotic murderous intent surging up and down, as if it is more prosperous within the gate of death!

The yin fish died at the gate, and the bloody artistic conception was like a hammer, rushing towards him. At this moment, he and the mermaid salamander saw the mountain of corpses, the sea of ​​blood, and the endless bones, but at this moment, there was something wonderful in his body resonating. Amidst his mental turmoil, he seemed to see another chaotic world rushing within his body!

Immediately, Tan Jingjing felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy.

Into the door of death!

At the same time, a voice echoed in Tan Jingjing's body.She was surprised, and after careful recollection, Tan Jingjing found that it seemed to be the voice of the green fire dragon that appeared a few days ago.

Jin Guan has lost his memory, and he doesn't know what his relationship with Qinghuolong is, but he has an instinct that he won't harm him.

Almost at the same time, Tan Jingjing's eyes flashed, and then she stepped forward unswervingly, pushing open the door of death represented by the black seyin fish.

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