
Chapter 225 Hidden Monuments and Teleportation Array

() Outside the cave is a sparse woodland, of course, this sparseness is relative.Because this is the buffer zone between the great lake and the forest, the land of connection!

When entering the downhill area of ​​the forest, there are also various plants growing on the slope.Before entering the forest, the bursts of heaven and earth spiritual energy are like water mist, floating upwards visible to the naked eye!

As soon as the robots entered the forest, they saw dozens of hectares of wetlands and small rivers in front of them. Obviously, this was one of the places where animals in the jungle drank or hunted.

In the creek, there was a huge boa constrictor the size of a bucket floating on it, its whole body as black as charcoal.It's really strange, there is no fire here, how come two-thirds of the snake has become coke?Of course, the big snake was still writhing from time to time. The strong life force of the boa constrictor supported it from dying on the spot, but the final result was obvious, and it definitely couldn't survive!

"Based on my experience, I think a fire-type elemental monster attacked the snake." Wang Zifeng said after observing the scene through the video.

"Warcraft?" Several people were surprised.

"That's right, it's the same as human elemental magicians and earth warriors. Many beasts, fishes, and birds with good intelligence, even if they haven't fully evolved, will still have the energy of heaven and earth deposited in their bodies. Learn to use them by yourself. Passed down from generation to generation, it becomes instinct! This kind of animal is much stronger than ordinary animals, and can even compete with elemental masters and land warriors, so it is called a monster here!"

"The magic crystal in the body of some powerful monsters is even more wonderful. This is a kind of energy crystal nucleus in the body of the monster, which is filled with the aura of heaven and earth of a pure general. But it is also mixed with a trace of the soul and obsession of the monster. So it can’t look like there is spiritual energy inside but can’t directly absorb it!”

"However, after so many years of research, some special formulas have emerged as the times require, which can be adjusted into alternative liquids and panacea corresponding to various magic crystals, which can be absorbed by earth warriors and people who want to refine their bodies. Some professional research on this People in the field can even master this method, make it more effective, and become a variety of strength-enhancing elixir that countless people covet, and can quickly increase strength!"

"This type of professional and technical personnel is very rare, and they take the formula in their hands very seriously, and most of them are strong. Nowadays, people call them pharmacists. The role of magic crystals is not only that, it can also bless On top of weapons, weapons that have been blessed with magic crystals will not only have better destructive power, but also have the attractive special effect of increasing the power of the earth, and are deeply sought after by all walks of life in the mainland."

"Of course, in addition to weapons, magic crystals can also be blessed on armor and other items, bringing powerful defensive power to the owner, and giving people a little more life protection in the face of danger. And even if it is a simple The flesh and skin of monsters are also priceless treasures, and the energy and aura contained in them are also one of the pharmacist's formulas. At the same time, if you are not afraid of adulteration and poisoning, eating it directly will also have the effect of enhancing your strength!"

As Wang Zifeng's explanation became more and more comprehensive, the others were all excited and moved.Jack looked at the dying snake on the video and asked, "Is this dying snake considered a monster?"

"It doesn't count, it can only be said that he is half a step away from evolving into a first-level monster, but snake gall, snake skin, and snake meat are good things."

"Then what are you waiting for, let some robots go to it for ten years, anyway, it is dying. Bring it back for us to study!"

"Then try it, big pig?" Wang Zifeng asked.

"Okay, no problem, let's go and have a look first!"


I saw that a few robots tentatively waded across the creek and came to the twitching giant snake, intending to tear its skin with sharp robotic claws and use it to take out its snake gall, although the giant snake It has been burned to almost half-cooked, but the skin still looks very tough, and it is hard to tear it apart after a few efforts?

The robot started the chainsaw and finally cut in. The inside of the snake skin was already a little cooked, because no blood flowed out after the outer skin was torn. Just less than an inch in, a fresh snake blood suddenly rushed out from the inside.

The whole body of the big snake violently twisted, and the back light rose up from the cover, the huge snake head raised up, and the scarlet snake letter let out a frantic hissing sound.The big snake's eyes were ruddy, obviously scalded.But it looks even more terrifying this way.

Although the big snake's eyes have been scalded, the snake's eyesight is not very good, and it mainly relies on its tongue to obtain information.Under the threat of death, the enraged giant snake raised its head high, opened its mouth wide, and rushed towards the robots.

However, after all, the giant snake had already turned into coke in many places, and its coordination was poor. It didn't cover all the robots, but only knocked down one robot.It's too late, so fast!Taking advantage of the opportunity, the other robots who were fine jumped up and jumped onto the snake's head. They raised their sharp robotic claws and inserted them into the snake's neck fiercely, attacking the giant snake's seven inches.

The giant snake howled crazily, and actually made a sound like a beast.The snake's head shook violently and rolled up and down.A few robots were smashed to the ground by giant snakes several times, but it was a pity that they were unable to recover. In addition, this batch of robots were made of finer and harder materials, and they didn't feel pain like living things.

So the pair of robotic hands, the claws inserted into the giant snake's neck, did not dare to relax at all.A large amount of blood kept flowing from the giant snake, and the creek was gradually dyed red by the giant snake.

Finally, the giant snake couldn't hold on any longer, and the huge snake's head hit the water fiercely, splashing huge waves.Sobbing!

The robots took out the snake gall and skin from the snake, cut off the snake meat, and accidentally found a small bead, and sent them to the cave where several people were hiding behind.

"Didn't you say it wasn't a monster? What is this bead?" Jack asked softly.

"It's really strange, it's definitely not a monster?" Wang Zifeng was also a little confused.

"Maybe it's a monster?" Suddenly, Zhu Datou's eyes flashed, his eyes flashed strangely, and he spoke surprisingly.

"A monster? That's it? It's so weak, a monster can be regarded as half a cultivator, stronger than a monster. This giant snake can't even be considered a first-level monster, so how could it be a monster?" Wang Zifeng retorted.

"I didn't say it's a pure-blooded monster. Maybe it's just a descendant of a monster with impure blood. Otherwise, it can't be explained. Even a first-level monster can't meet the standard. How can there be Neizhu?" Zhu Datou explained clearly. ;"It seems that there are not only monsters in this forest, but also powerful monsters, we have to be more careful! "

"There are dragons, monsters, and magical beasts, so he's gone through time!" Huang Zhen cursed softly.

"It's time-traveling, okay?" Wang Zifeng replied with a helpless expression.


The robots moved forward again, carefully dodging some swamp traps, and faintly heard a roar. As they ran forward, the sound became more and more loud, and the surroundings began to be covered with fog.After a while, I saw a cliff in front of me, and a huge waterfall hung down from it, making a loud noise.Apparently here is one of the sources of many small rivers!

After crossing the waterfall, after running for another hour or so, I saw a large canyon with an unknown depth lying in front of it.But there was another strange wave of energy spreading outward!

Now there is no way to go, so I can only go left and right along the side of the mountain to find a way out.

Just about to change the route, suddenly Jack pointed at the video screen, and everyone looked at it, and their hearts were shocked.

At a certain point in the depths of the canyon, there seemed to be something floating there.Just because there is protection like a fish just didn't find out.By zooming in on the lens, the telescope, and the eye of the sky, with the help of their respective techniques, several people were immediately stunned.

It turned out that there was a huge square with a huge dome building on top of the square.And they just float there like weightless!

There is no updraft below, no special magnetic fields fluctuating around, and nothing above to hold it back.This palace complex is miraculously floating there, like a legendary movie scene, but it is a real existence!

I do not know how long the floating buildings and palaces have been sealed up, as if they coexisted here with the world.A few stone pillars carved with strange patterns support the entire dome, and a thick layer of stone powder has accumulated everywhere. The murals on the wall are separated by a long distance, but only an outline can be vaguely seen.

On the square of the floating palace complex, there are many mysterious ancient sculptures.

I don't know what kind of stones are used to carve the statues, some are black, some are golden, some are white, and there are all kinds of statues.The lowest one is seven or eight meters tall, and the tallest one is even taller than the palace.Their characters look different, most of them have spouting muscles and hideous expressions, and some of them have horns like sheep horns, dragon horns, bull horns, and deer horns on their heads.

Not only that, they also held various weapons in their hands, including short staffs, big swords, leather whips, and even one holding a feather of an unknown bird, etc.Lifelike, it feels as if it is really a living body!

"Does the floor of the square have a special meaning when matched? Do you think it looks like a five-color five-shape or a five-pointed star?" Huang Zhen suddenly spoke.

Several people shook their bodies afterwards, didn't they?It feels so familiar!

"It's really like a super-large teleportation array, but the color has been taken off a lot. If you don't pay attention to it, you will almost miss it." Wang Manyu covered her mouth with her small hand, watching the picture on the video, her eyes sparkled.Liren, who is well-versed in battle, is obviously better at observing historical sites than Wang Zifeng!

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