The Demon Soul is Coming

Chapter 21 The Devil's Soul Arrives: Kill!

Nangong Dengxi's complexion changed, and he made a sudden move. His powerful strength gathered and took shape, and he transformed into a golden tiger, rushing towards the young man with overwhelming momentum.

Zhengxitian Kunlun spit gold method - the white tiger is coming to the west!

The so-called white tiger is the legendary god of protecting mountains in West Kunlun, and some people say that it is the incarnation of Queen Mother of the West.

Zhengxi Tian Kunlun's method of spitting gold was formed by Qi, and the white tiger spitting gold is the reason why Nangong Dengxi became famous in Hezhou, and was hired by Ao Guansheng, the prime minister of power, to come down the mountain to become famous.

The white tiger bombarded the boy with astonishing golden energy.

Mysterious devilish energy surged from the boy's body, even though he was bombarded with golden light, he still stood there coldly.

Looking at the weird young man covered in blood, Ao De was startled: "This is... what's going on?" How could this boy still stand up?

Not only did he stand up, but he also forcibly caught the murderous aura that Martial Master Nangong borrowed from him?

Nangong Dengxi said coldly: "My lord, you go first."

Sensing the seriousness in Nangong Dengxi's tone, Ao De took two steps back first, then turned around and ran away.

He didn't want to stay here for a while, and he didn't want to look at that weird and chilling young man again.

Jin is the killing spirit, the white tiger grows bigger and bigger, like a beast, almost swallowing the young man.

The young man shrank, the demon energy disappeared, and the white tiger rushed forward.

The demon energy that had disappeared suddenly rose sharply, and with a loud bang, the white tiger was torn apart.

Nangong Dengxi's complexion changed drastically, he turned his body, and in an instant he threw himself in front of the young man, bursting with energy.

The young man stretched out his hand suddenly, blocking Nangong Dengxi with one finger from the mighty power of Kuncanglun's breathing of gold in Zhengxitian, and then slowly opened his eyes.

His face was so blank, and his eyes were endlessly indifferent.

There was a weird sneer at the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and directly pierced into Nangong Dengxi's protective energy, his palm was like a knife, and penetrated into Nangong Dengxi's body.

This is impossible!Seeing the young man's cold eyes, his strange smile, and the black air rising from his body, Nangong Dengxi roared angrily.What is going on with this kid?He should have died, even if he didn't die, he should be far from his opponent?

Following this roar, Nangong Dengxi's body became violent and turned into blood mist.

The boy passed through the blood mist...



Ao De fled in the forest, not even daring to turn his head.

Nangong Dengxi's roar before he was about to die already knocked him out of his wits, as if he was suddenly placed in a terrible hell.

The pounding heartbeat echoed non-stop in his ear drums, as if reminding him how scared he was.

He, who was born rich, would be frightened by such a kid. He felt deeply ashamed, but he didn't have the courage to go back.

He didn't even dare to stop.

The cold wind was blowing through the forest, and he, who didn't dare to stop, suddenly stopped.

Because there is a river ahead.

Born in a family, he was taught by a famous teacher since he was a child. Of course, a river cannot stop him.

But there are people bathing in the river.

High-spirited, no one dared to offend him, he was always bowed by people wherever he went, a person who ran to take a bath in a small river in the forest naturally had nothing to be afraid of.

But that person is Liu Sang.

Liu Sang took a bath in the river.

He was wearing the remnants of brocade clothes, soaking freely in the water, letting the river wash away the blood and mud on his body.

At that moment just now, Ao De felt that his heart was beating too fast.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly stopped, as if it would never beat again.

There was too much blood and mud on Liu Sang's body.

The blood and mud were quickly washed away by the rushing water. He turned his head and glanced at Ao De lightly.

It was a look without any emotion, no joy, no worry, no love, no hatred, a normal person would never have such a look.

This kid is not human at all!Such a thought appeared in Aode's mind involuntarily.

Ao De turned around and fled, he must leave here, he wanted to go back, he wanted to tell everyone that the young man Xia Yingchen married was not human at all, he was a monster.No wonder he was able to marry Xia Yingchen, no wonder he has such a good life, he is not a farm boy at all, he is a monster that came out of nowhere.

As long as the boy is exposed, the boy will die. Maybe Xia Yingchen will be grateful to him, because he let Xia Yingchen know that she is actually married to a cruel and terrifying monster. He is grateful to marry him.

Ode thought excitedly.

Quick, must be quick, let everyone know...

As the wind blew past, a voice said coldly in his ear: "You escaped...too, slow."

His whole body froze there.

Ode did not escape slowly.

The "Canglong You" Canglongyi dance technique taught by the famous teacher "Canglong" Duan Wowo is absolutely no inferior to the "Qingyan Zong" technique of the Xia family in Ningyun City. How could it be slow?

But when these words rang in his ears, he really felt that the so-called "Canglongyou" was really not much different from "turtle crawling".

Ao De turned around and struck the direction of the sound like lightning.

But when he heard a bang, something had already exploded, and when he wanted to figure out what it was that exploded, he had already lost consciousness.

It was his head that exploded, and the reason why he felt "bang" was because the opponent's slap first shattered his ear drum, and then blasted his head off.

Slapping Ao De to death like an ant, the young man lifted his body, let his body fall, and instantly fell to the place where the ground was full of broken meat. On the ground, the broken limbs were shocking. Head, eyes still open in disbelief.

The young man threw Ao De on the ground and slapped him casually, causing his demonic energy to scatter.The sand and the stone flew, and buried the bloody water on the ground, Ao De's body that lost his head, and Nangong Dengxi's head that lost his body.

After the corpse was destroyed, the young man sneered coldly, and his body was filled with black air, wrapping him completely round.

Slowly, he floated up...



On the top of the mountain, Xia Yingchen was dripping with sweat as he faced the four bandits of Gansi Mountain.

She is not afraid of picking out any one of these four bandits at random, but it is difficult for her to defeat the four bandits together.

On the other side, Xiaohuang and those soldiers are also extremely dangerous. There are many bandits and powerful people, and they are in ambush first, and the betrayal of the city captain Jian Jun. Tian thirteen strikes, the princess quickly counterattacked and killed Jian Jun in one fell swoop, but the betrayal of the Chengwei was still a big blow to morale.

Seeing that those soldiers were dying more and more, Xia Yingchen was helpless.

In the few moments when the rabbit was up and down, she was already in danger repeatedly.

She gritted her teeth tightly, these four gangsters obviously wanted to capture her alive, instead of falling into their hands and suffering much humiliation, it would be better to die here.

She suddenly swung her sword, looking for an opportunity to die with one of the bandits, but at this moment the sky suddenly darkened, followed by a surge of cold air.

Why is the sky dark and why is the earth cold?

No one can figure it out.

But the sudden killing intent invaded everyone's heart, causing everyone to stop and turn their heads to look.

A figure, wrapped in round darkness, rose up from the cliff, blocking the sun.


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