Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 991 Heaven-sent land

Chapter 991 Heaven-sent Land ([-])

In Xinhua Port, it was raining continuously.

"Even in the dry season, it rains here for at least one week every month." Shi Qinjie was wearing a slightly washed blue shirt, standing at the window of his office, looking at the misty sea view in Xinhua Bay, He said with great emotion: "I have been here for more than ten years, and I used to complain about the humidity and heat, the mosquitoes, and the many diseases. I didn't expect to leave, but I was very reluctant."

Shi Qinjie recently received a notice of appointment and dismissal from the executive committee, that is, the executive committee intends to remove Shi Qinjie from the posts of the captain of the New China Pioneering Team and the commander of New China Security, and at the same time appoint Ma Wanpeng as the acting captain of the New China Pioneering Team.As for whether Ma Wanpeng Fuzheng will officially take the helm of this big island in the future, or whether another local person will be sent to take over as the captain of the pioneering team, it has not yet been determined.But in any case, Shi Qinjie will leave Xinhua Island and return to the mainland in the near future.

As for Shi Qinjie's future, it is very likely that he will join the executive committee as a central executive member, that is, one of the so-called nine elders (the next executive committee plans to reduce the number of members from 11 to 9).Recently, many local small groups across the country are optimistic about him. Everyone agrees that these "Jiedu envoys from other towns" have rich political experience. It is likely that he will be elected to the Executive Committee at the National People's Congress at the end of the year.

Kyle, who was reporting to work in Schinger's office, was also silent when he heard the words.He has already moved his whole family to live in Xinhua Port. As a new family with aspirations to take root here, he still respects Shi Qinjie, a relatively generous and kind boss, so he feels a little regretful about his departure.He is now very afraid that the locals will send someone who is very successful. You must know that the entire Xinhua Island has only 4.8 soldiers and civilians on the east coast, which is really insignificant compared to at least 150 million aborigines.What everyone should do now is to strengthen the foundation and immerse themselves in development, but if the new chief is a war lunatic, then it's hard to say what will happen next, and it's hard to say good things for the entire Xinhua Island.

"I have been in charge of this place for more than ten years, and I think that there is no credit but hard work." Shi Qinjie put his hands on the ebony window sill, letting the sea breeze bring rain into the house, and only heard him say: "With the harvest of cotton this year, The total trade volume between Xinhua Island and the mainland will historically exceed 100 million yuan, so it’s not hard to see such a report card, right?”

Shi Qinjie was born in the Ministry of Agriculture, so he naturally has some experience in farming.He has been in Xinhua Island for more than ten years, fighting with the harsh natural environment, fierce and cunning natives, and Western colonists such as Portugal, Holland and France. The direction is no problem.

In addition, although his character is a little hesitant and cowardly, and his style is not strong enough, but fortunately he knows people well, is willing to listen to the opinions of his subordinates, and is willing to delegate power to those who can do things; Committee member Jin Kela's best friend is still familiar with the New China region, which is dominated by the plantation economy, so he has been in charge of this big island for more than ten years, and his achievements can basically be described as qualified-not particularly outstanding, but At least above average.

In addition to his achievements in agriculture, Shi Qinjie is also determined to implement the central government’s intentions. For example, with his strong support, Xinhua Shipyard has developed into a company with unique advantages (abundant raw materials). A medium-sized shipyard with two special berths and one general berth, with a total of more than 16 technicians, skilled workers and apprentices.Thanks to their efforts, although ships have been repeatedly transferred (some to the Far East, and some to the mainland), the fleet of the East African Transportation Company is still growing steadily. At present, the company has a total of 650 transport ships—— All 1.04-ton flute-shaped ships—with a gross tonnage of [-] tons, are second to none in the southwestern Indian Ocean.

And it is precisely because of the existence of this large-tonnage ocean-going transport fleet that the potential of Xinhuaxia Island has been fully realized.For example, they transported a large number of Polish and German prisoners of war from the Port of Suez, which effectively enriched the manpower on the island, and some (German prisoners of war) were even transferred to the Far East to support the local anti-Qing war Another example is that they use these transport ships to sell all kinds of commodities in the large-scale material storage warehouse built in Xinhua Port to Ottoman, Persia, Oman and other countries, with an annual profit of 10 yuan-of course, these countries Commodities such as livestock, raw silk, female slaves, fruits (such as dates), blankets, gemstones, and perfumes were also transported back to New China and even the mainland on the east coast by these transport ships, which greatly enriched the domestic commodity market.

Especially the Safavid dynasty of Persia, the trade volume between this country and the east coast has increased astonishingly in recent years, from less than 10 yuan at the beginning to 1652 yuan last year (43), and this year's data It is necessary to reach a new level on the scale of last year—according to statistics, this year the East Bank Republic imported about 600 tons of raw silk from Persia (the Persians have raised the import quota of raw silk on the East Bank to 1000 tons per year, second only to In the United Kingdom), this is a trade volume of more than 38 yuan.If you count a little metal utensils, dyed leather goods, soap, high-grade printed cloth and a large amount of military supplies exported to Persia, it will not be a problem for the trade volume between East and Poland to exceed 50 yuan this year, even if they go to war with the Indians. If the intensity increases, it is not a luxury to expect the total trade volume to exceed 60.

Persia has gradually grown into a market that people on the east coast cannot ignore!

Of course, it is gratifying to use Xinhuaxia Island as a springboard to start trade with Persia, Oman, and the Asian and African parts of the Ottoman Empire, but for the mainland, the most important part of Xinhuaxia Island will always be the massive resources it can provide—all local shortage.For example, timber, regardless of the increasing amount of local forest harvesting, but in the huge southern cone, there is no high-quality large wood comparable to that of New Huaxia Island. Today, the escort gunboats and ocean-going merchant ships on the east coast are basically made of New Huaxia wood. It is evidenced by its creation; another example is the extremely versatile sisal, which is basically used in agriculture, industry, fishery, and navy; another example is cotton, cocoa, coffee, rubber, high-quality clean coal, unique seafood, tropical dried fruits and Pepper and vanilla have just begun to be planted on a large scale. This big island with a trade volume of more than 100 million yuan with the East Coast is now the most important overseas colony of the East Coast Republic and the most dazzling jewel in the crown!The east coast can lose Australia, and South Africa can be lost, but the serious consequences of losing Xinhuaxia Island are absolutely unbearable.

"Forget it, everyone is leaving now, and it's inappropriate to complain about it." Shi Qinjie smiled smugly, then looked at the embarrassed Kyle, and said gently: "But before leaving, I still have a few things to do, which can be regarded as my final work. The first and most important thing is to carry out the intention of the Executive Committee and transfer the financial and taxation of the townships under the New China Pioneering Team to Clarified, especially in several mature settlements, such as Xinhua Town, Xixiang, Lobster Port, Tacheng Port, Guihua Port, etc., the collection of the seven major types of taxes determined by the Ministry of Finance must be resolutely implemented. Good collection Taxes, such as deed tax, customs duty, personal income tax, business tax, and consumption tax, must be levied resolutely. Movable and real property taxes that are difficult to collect must also be levied as much as possible. For the new and old settlements, due to the short development time, poor conditions, and the possible impact of the war, they are temporarily exempted from taxes, but the real estate registration of local residents must be fully implemented. The sooner this is carried out, the less resistance, Well, well, this is Ma Wanpeng's business, not yours. You only need to be in charge of Xinhua Port and its surrounding areas, and I will talk to Victor in Tacheng..."

"Besides this matter, the second most important thing is medical science popularization and disease prevention, which cannot be overemphasized in tropical areas." Shi Qinjie seemed to be saying to Kyle, and seemed to be talking to himself I said to myself: "The sewerage and sewage facilities in various settlements are currently implemented in Xinhua Port, Xixiang is under renovation, Guihua Port and Tacheng Port are included in the reconstruction plan, and there are no plans for other places. Alas, There are a lot of things to do, and these things are much more important than fighting the natives at Mianhe. Our current population on the island is less than one-thirtieth of the natives. There is still a long way to go before the majority of the population even exterminates the natives, and the first step is to improve sanitation facilities, strengthen disease prevention and control and publicity, and reduce the mortality rate of our infants and young children. Fighting those things is really nothing. "

"Hehe, the third thing is the war I just mentioned. Eliminating the Sakaravatus is the top priority, and the next step is to expel the colonial strongholds of other western powers on the island. Now the Dutch are being controlled by us. It’s gone, but the French are still there, and we have to find a way to target them. This island must be exclusively occupied by my Great East Bank, which is absolutely non-negotiable. Alas, it’s a pity that there is not enough time. I really want to It's a pity, a pity, to settle these two matters before leaving office." Shi Qinjie thumped his desk hard, and said with a little regret.

It is conceivable that when Shi Qinjie, who almost regards New Huaxia Island as his own child, will definitely mobilize various resources to encourage the Executive Committee to increase its investment in this place, so as to making the world's fourth largest island an important part of the country's economy.

The future of Xinhuaxia Island must be extremely bright!

(End of this chapter)

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