Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 983 Traveling in the Mountains

Chapter 983 Traveling in the Mountains ([-])

"Today I want to talk about the prevention and treatment of nutritional diseases." In the compound of the township government, everyone built a thatched hut, and there were more than [-] people sitting side by side, all from the villages below. Hygienist (part-time).Shao Yuanyi held a small notebook in his hand, stood at the front, and spoke directly to everyone.

At this time, there was a patter of winter rain outside, and some places on the roof of the hut still leaked water, but everyone didn't mind, and while enjoying the comfort of the rainy day without working, while listening to Shao Yuanyi's class—just listen to it The story, many people think.

"We all know that corn, a New World crop that is resistant to barrenness, drought, and high yield, is the top two food crops chosen by many newly established settlements for land reclamation. It is true that corn has various advantages, and the Northern Seed Company is cultivating , Screening high-yielding corn seeds and making a lot of achievements along the way, so now more and more newly-built settlements choose to plant corn as a crop in the first two years to make a transition, but it has to be said that corn is bringing us enough to eat When eating food, it also inadvertently brought pain to many people." Shao Yuanyi talked to the crowd, only to hear him say in a calm voice: "Corn erythema (that is, pellagra, the mortality rate is 70 %) is the biggest killer.”

"We all know that corn erythema usually occurs in newly established settlements. Diarrhea, red rash, and stupidity are the main symptoms. Seven out of ten people who are sick will die. It is very terrifying. A few years ago, the imperial court was not alert. However, with the gradual expansion of the corn planting area in the new settlements in recent years, more and more people died of this disease, which alerted the court and the Yamen of the Ministry of Health. After careful identification, it was—— Well, It is caused by the lack of vitamin PP (vitamin PP). I am not afraid of everyone laughing, but I don’t know where the vitamin PP is. As long as everyone knows, everyone will get the erythema without this little thing. Isn’t that true? Just kidding, it's a lesson learned in blood."

"In the newly established settlements, everyone works tirelessly and hard, and usually can only chew fruit and corn; in addition, the road is far away, the location is remote, and the funds are very frequent, and it is rare for everyone to eat meat. It further exacerbated the outbreak of this disease. To be honest, on this point, the government office of the Ministry of Health was really careless, so that pellagra was not taken seriously until it broke out in many places, but by this time many people had died It's gone." Shao Yuanyi's voice was slightly low when he said this: "The dead are dead, we can't say anything more, but the imperial court has decided to eradicate this disease in the whole country, and the cure method is also very simple, that is, eat more oranges. Grapefruit, strawberries, lemons, melons, pineapples and other fruits. When I came here, I found a large forest of wild honey oranges at the foot of your mountain. This is very good. Eating more of these things can also prevent corn red spot disease, young and old in Luohan Township It is a blessing, and I can open up to eat corn in the future."

Corn does not contain vitamin PP, but because it exists in the form of a compound state, the molecular bond cannot be opened, and eating the above fruits can just break the molecular bond, so that the vitamin PP in corn can be effectively absorbed by the human body , so naturally you won't get that pellagra again.

Corn pellagra is now rampant in Brazil, southern North America, and Italy in Europe—the Indians in Peru, New Spain vaguely know how to prevent it (ready-to-eat fruit), but it has never been known to Europeans. Very serious, quite a lot of people died.The situation on the east coast is slightly better, but it is not optimistic. The life of the residents of Gein’s new settlements (especially the new immigrants from the Ming Dynasty) in the first two or three years is extremely difficult—or even if they have money, they can’t afford it. Unwilling to waste money—I often live on corn for three meals a day, and then use the saved money to buy land, but this often leads to no small tragedy.

In the past, few people in the new settlements on the east bank grew corn, and this problem was not serious. However, as the northern seed companies successively cultivated a variety of high-yielding corn seeds, almost most of the new settlements have switched to planting corn, which can be used for food. When crops that can also be used as feed, the situation suddenly became serious, and this obviously attracted the attention of the Ministry of Health.

The people in the Ministry of Health don't eat dry food. After the doctors met to study and conduct on-the-spot investigations, they finally came to the conclusion that they were suffering from corn red spot disease, so they immediately promoted the treatment method across the country. Shao Yuanyi's trip was subject to the county health The bureau commissioned people to come to Luohan Township and other newly-built settlements to do disease control science popularization.

Next, Shao Yuanyi talked about the prevention and treatment of other nutritional diseases, such as anemia, rickets, chorea, beriberi (except for scurvy, the prevention and treatment of which will not be publicized), and also focused on strengthening children's nutritional intake. Because according to the successful experience of the Ministry of Health: the more developed the economy, the better the living conditions, and the more adequate nutritional intake (such as the old urban areas such as the eastern coast), the local children suffer from various diseases—especially nutritional diseases— - The lower the chance of death, the lower the mortality rate.Therefore, in order to reduce the high abnormal mortality rate of children, local government agencies must do everything possible to improve the nutritional level of children.

Shao Shude's request naturally aroused the sighs of the nearby township government officials.This kind of request from the higher-level government, but did not clearly state whether it will issue funds is the most troublesome thing for them, especially their kind of trusteeship township that their grandma doesn't love and uncle don't love, and Xihu County is not willing to leave them at any time Too much investment is spent on the townships under the jurisdiction, because it is not worth it.

Without the funds allocated by the higher-level finance, it would be difficult to effectively implement this newly established township on the verge of bankruptcy.But they also know that the central government's finances are not rich, and there is also a shortage of money. Of course, the money here does not refer to gold and silver. In fact, there are a lot of gold bars stored in the Army's No. 100 Prison, but what is the use of this?What is actually lacking in the market is sufficient material goods. There are already 100 big cakes, and you can buy so much for 1000 yuan. If you invest more gold and silver into the market for [-] yuan, you can still only buy so much, and make it for no reason. It is unwise to cause inflation and bring disaster to the economy.

Many township cadres in Luohan Township came from Daming, and they also knew how much disaster children's malnutrition would cause. In Daming, it was common for children to die of a large number of diseases. How many survived; the situation in Europe is similar, a frightening number of children are struggling to die, and then die of various diseases.

In the 17th century, humans were still quite fragile!The officials of Luohan Township had already accepted the fact of their fate, but who would have imagined that the court of the Great Eastern Bank would go against the heavens and use various means to reduce the mortality rate of children, so that more children would be free from the harm of the disease and be healthy. To live to adulthood-and at this time, they will no longer be easily knocked down by disease-this simply subverted their outlook on life 30 years ago.

But I have to admit that such a court is really for the sake of everyone, there is no doubt about it.Children in Peru are taxed by disease (about one-tenth of local children die of illness every year, even relatively wealthy Spanish children cannot escape this curse, so it is called "children's tithe") At that time, the child mortality rate in the East Coast Republic was maintained at a relatively low level—it was still a place where East and West viruses converged on the East Coast—it has to be said that the government responded effectively and various disease control measures were effectively implemented. If it is effective, otherwise it is impossible to achieve this level.

Shao Yuanyi's lecture finally ended in the evening, and then he had a conversation with officials of the Luohan Township government.He feels that because Luohan Township is newly established and the number of children is relatively small (they often move with their parents from other places), it is entirely possible for the hometown government to squeeze out some funds to purchase some milk from Hongxing Farm and even Mocaoling Township in the lower reaches of the Kamakuang River. Products and meat products are then distributed to a small number of children in the form of special subsidies to ensure that they live a healthy and healthy life as much as possible.

And after the local residents gradually settle down and start a family, the local land reclamation should bear fruit. At that time, the residents should not be too short-handed, and some of the poultry and livestock raised should be able to be slaughtered. When a large-scale baby boom is ushered in, the township government and residents should not be helpless—the premise is to publicize to the residents, don’t be reluctant to spend money, rich nutrition must be rich in nutrition, and there are minor ailments Don't delay, don't hide it, report to the village health worker as soon as possible, and then the health worker will report the situation to the township level, and make a response judgment after a comprehensive analysis.

After careful consideration, the officials of the Luohan Township government accepted Shao Yuanyi's suggestion to a limited extent. They said that the township government would do its best to give priority to major projects such as education funds and medical funds, and then start infrastructure construction when there is spare capacity. For example, dredging the river course - this is very important, because after the transportation is convenient, the local resources and special products can be transported to the outside world for sale, so as to increase the income of local residents.In fact, the soil quality of Luohan Township is very suitable for the cultivation of oranges, and later generations are also one of the most famous orange producing areas in Brazil, as evidenced by the large number of wild forests in the area. With this kind of advantageous specialty, it is natural to dig it out. The first step is to start with opening up the channel with the outside world.

After the part-time health workers from various villages who came to attend the class dispersed overnight and returned to the village, the officials of the township government originally planned to invite Shao Yuanyi, his master and his apprentice, to a small restaurant across the street for a banquet, but due to financial constraints (in fact, more reasons were The township government has paid too much bills in the small restaurant), and everyone still had a makeshift meal in the cafeteria, and they had a light meal without drinking, which was quite enjoyable.

And after finishing the affairs here in Luohan Township, Shao Yuanyi can finally breathe a sigh of relief, go home and rest for a while, and deal with the loan business by the way, life is quite good.As for the newly built trust towns in the north of Xihu County, such as Cerro Grande do Sul (meaning the mountain in the south), Sentinela do Sul (meaning the military outpost in the south), and Barao do Triunfo (Barao do Triunfo) , named after defeating the Guaraní people here), East Surrender Fort (Don Felicianu, named after a Guarani tribe surrendered here), Central Surrender Fort (Foles, because a Guarani tribe surrendered here) Named after this surrender), let’s go after the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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