Chapter 974

After returning to the Ottoman Empire from London, Mo San has been recuperating in Smyrna recently.As he grows older, his body functions are not as good as before. Naturally, he can no longer run around and work hard all day like before. Gradually cultivate and support young people, and then let them go to the front. This is what a person like him who is approaching the age of five should do. .

For example, Mo San is currently focusing on training two people. One is Gao Wengang, the son of Gao Mo, a veteran of the diplomatic circles. He is currently studying with Mo San. For a business station, after accumulating a certain amount of experience, you can consider letting it be responsible for one aspect of affairs alone.

The other is a member of the navy who was born in the time travel, 37-year-old Li Qing, who was a junior high school student before time travel, ACG house, and after ten years of paper work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he joined the navy at his own strong request, but the result is not enough. It was "returned" by the Navy within a year-it's really not this material.After being transferred to the Navy Department as a staff officer for many years, this guy recently retired from the Navy with the rank of lieutenant, and then was sent to Smyrna to help Mo San on errands.

Mo San also had a headache about how to arrange such high-level and low-level time-travelers. After all, no matter how indifferent they are, they are also time-travelers and "ones of their own", and they cannot be ignored, let alone neglected.So, after much deliberation, Mo San decided to save this guy, train him in diplomatic affairs, and entrust him with some simple tasks by the way.For example, Ma De, who was originally in charge of the female slave trade in Kaffa, recently went to The Hague, the Netherlands, to serve as the resident diplomatic envoy of the East Coast Republic of China (may be upgraded to an ambassador in the future). It was handed over to Li Qing, who was said to love blondes, to see how bad this kid was.

The result is quite satisfactory to Mo San. The handover between Li Qing, a "young man" and the Azov Sea Chamber of Commerce went smoothly. Although the operation of the Kafa Trading Station cannot be said to be excellent, at least there are no mistakes. The noble man's affairs are also proceeding in an orderly manner, and his work can be regarded as basically qualified-if you ignore the fact that he stole and enlarged the stomachs of two female slaves within a few months of taking office.

Mo San breathed a sigh of relief in the diplomatic affairs of Dadong'an, and then concentrated on staying in Smyrna and becoming a tortoise.This is not the reason. The sky over Istanbul, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, is now surrounded by another coup storm. Ren Daweiqi can only work for one or two years, and most of them are only two or three years), the court eunuch Suleiman Aga, the sultan's biological mother Turhan, the army, the well-respected prince Suleiman, and the local rebellious The leader of the Serari rebels in the United States is planning to join forces in Istanbul to set off a battle that will determine the future of the empire.

At this time, Mo San felt that it was better for him to hide as far away as possible. Anyway, with the degree of entanglement between the interests of the Ottoman Empire and the East Coast Republic of China, no matter who came to power, he would make good friends with the East Coast, especially in the Dardanelles. Under the circumstances of being blocked by the Venetian fleet, this connection is even closer.

However, as the plenipotentiary envoy of the East Coast Republic to the Ottoman Empire, even if Mo San hid in Smyrna, his leisure would not last long. On February 2, Kara Murad, the former leader of the Ghanishari Legion who had sadly resigned from the position of Grand Vizier, came to the door.At first, Mo San thought he was coming to buy equipment for the Ottoman Army, but when he opened his mouth, Mo San was shocked.

"You mean, you are now an admiral?" Mo San's eyes widened, and he looked at Murad Agha in disbelief—oh, no, maybe he should be called Kara Murad Pasha now Alright, noble Ottoman Navy Pasha!

"This is really crazy!" Mo San said, "From the world-famous Ganisari Army to the Navy, this kind of change is really too big, it is unbelievable."

"But this is the truth, Mo, my friend." Kara Murad Pasha picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip, and said: "My task now is to break the blockade of the Dardanelles by the Venetians. This is very important, Mo, I want your help. Now the sea traffic between Egypt, Syria and Istanbul has been completely cut off, and the Rumeli area also had a bad harvest last year. Now the situation is not very optimistic. The hungry soldiers will riot at any time , They have this tradition. In addition, there are still a large number of Selari rebels entrenched in the Sivas area, and what's worse, these rebels still have backers in the palace, and the Ottoman Empire has now entered a critical moment."

"It's really a mess." Mo San shook his head and commented, "So you urgently need to break the blockade of the Dardanelles by the Venetians, so that wheat from Egypt and Syria can be transported into Istanbul, and at the same time, a large number of soldiers and supplies can be transported to Istanbul. Transported into Crete by Alexander to support the armies fighting at the front?"

"Yes, I need more warships and artillery!" Kara Murad Pasha said bluntly, "The number of warships we ordered from your country at the beginning is only the Bayezid" She is still alive. But the sailors driving her are a bunch of cowards. They would rather hide under the shelter of the coastal defense forts than go out to sea and fight the Venetians. I have not been in the navy for a long time now, and these moths will be cleaned up sooner or later, of course Yes, before that, I need to order multiple warships from your country to strengthen the strength of our navy. Hassan will come to discuss this matter with you in detail, please help, and the people of Allah will always remember this friendship."

"I'll try my best to communicate with the mainland." Mo San didn't dare to promise outright, so he only agreed vaguely: "Sail escort gunboats and fast cruisers are no problem, and battleships may be troublesome, but I will try my best to fight for it. In addition, It happens that more than 50 naval long-barreled guns have been stored in the Chinese commercial station in Smyrna for a long time, and you can pick up the goods now."

"Very good, now I feel much more at ease!" Kara Murad Pasha happily patted Mo San on the shoulder, and said, "The former vassals of the empire in North Africa—such as the governor of Algiers— Gathered some warships, intending to use this to reintegrate our navy, and then fight to the death with the Venetians to completely lift the blockade of the Dardanelles. Before that, maybe I still have some doubts about whether this battle can be won, but now I feel sure Much more."

Mo San also smiled cooperatively.He didn't know whether the Ottoman navy, which consisted of North African pirate fleets, had ever defeated the Venetians and lifted the blockade of the Dardanelles, but since these artillery can strengthen Murad Pasha's confidence in victory, Mo San naturally Happy to sell it all.

But it is said that the navy of the Ottoman Empire is tragic enough now. In recent years, almost every battle with the Venetians will suffer a lot.I don’t know whether it’s because of the ship and tactics, or because of the quality of the personnel, maybe it’s a combination of both. In short, their current exchange ratio in naval battles is quite disadvantaged, and the Venetians often only need to pay a small price. Good results have been achieved-and this obviously explains why the battleship "Bayezid" bought back from the east coast shrank in the port as an existing fleet. It turns out that it has lost confidence.

"In addition, there is one more thing that I may need your help with..." At this point, Kara Murad Pasha, who has always been quick to talk, hesitated a little, and only heard him say in a slightly begging tone: "You know, since After Sultan Muhammad returned to power, the days of the Ganishari Army and the Sipahi Army were much more difficult. Now there are rumors in the palace that the army will be purged, which makes many soldiers panic, so... "

Mo San did not speak, quietly waiting for Murad Pasha to continue.He has also lived in the Ottoman Empire for so many years, and he knows the cruel rules of the game in this country.The Ganishari Legion was forced to end three years of military control because of its ineffectiveness against the Venetians, allowing Sultan Muhammad to take power in advance.And now that the Sudan is in charge, will these domineering prostitutes still have a good life?

Respected military generals such as Murad Pasha and Commander Bektash may be fine, but a large number of low-level generals and soldiers under their command are destined to be purged by the political forces that have risen after the Sudan pro-government, waiting for their end It is also very simple, and it is also the consistent simple and rude style of the Ottoman Empire: death (of course some low-level soldiers will also be reduced to slaves).

Mo San, who knows the inside story of the Ottoman Empire, has now vaguely guessed that this Murad Pasha asked the east bank to accommodate some officers and soldiers of the Ganisari Army, lest they be brutally purged by the upstarts?

Sure enough, after being silent for a while, Murad Pasha slowly said what he wanted to say: "I ask you to accept some officers of the Guards system who are about to be persecuted, and allow them to bring their families into exile in your country. These people are all Christians recruited by the Demisheme system since childhood (of course they have now converted to ***), skilled in combat, rich in experience, and strong-willed. I have led them for many years, and I really can't bear to see them They were persecuted by others... Don't worry, I will take care of everything. Some people just want them to leave that position, and they don't really need to kill them, so you don't have to worry about any bad effects .”

"If..." After thinking for a while, Mo San decided to sell the Ganisari Army's face, only to hear him say: "If they are willing to settle in the east coast and overseas colonies, then of course we welcome it."

As an "Old Ottoman", Mo San certainly knew how deeply the influence of the Ganisari Legion and the so-called Demisheme class was in the Ottoman Empire, and wanted to uproot the influence of the Guards?It's still early!Therefore, he decided to help the army at this moment, as a political and emotional investment for himself.

What's more, these officers (and perhaps many soldiers) are extremely rare military talents. They may not be considered advanced in terms of military thinking after learning how to fight since childhood, but their personal skills and organizational discipline are not. I have to say, they are all very good.When these people arrive in the East Coast Republic, they only need to disperse and resettle them (to prevent them from living together in groups and form a prostitute community that is not easy to assimilate), and then use their remaining heat to beat the natives—such as the Sakarava people on Xinhua Island, It couldn't be more convenient for Mai Lina and others, so Mo San agreed without much hesitation.

In fact, what Mo San thinks is right. In the near future, the current grand vizier Nhoku Ahmed Pasha who strictly suppresses and restricts the Ghanishari Army will be involved in the "Prince Suleiman ( Muhammad Sultan's brother) plotted to usurp the throne", and was brutally executed.In this incident, I heard that the Ganisari Army was dispatched at a critical moment to stabilize the situation, and played an extremely critical role in the final victory of the forces opposing the Grand Vizier.

Mo San's political investment is destined to be extremely generously compensated.

(End of this chapter)

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