Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 949 London and England

Chapter 949 London and England ([-])

"Many early towns are in decline, but the countryside has been greatly developed. Of course, London is an exception. The largest city in Europe will not decline." Maurice Thompson sat opposite Mo San , said in a slightly boastful tone: "Many years ago, when the woolen and other industries moved to the countryside and many towns began to decline, London became more and more prosperous because it could continue to attract immigrants. This is London. Charm."

"England has only one head, but it has no friends." Mo San said teasingly.What he said is not only the evaluation of London by outsiders, but also the boasting words of Londoners, because London has a population of 40, but Norwich, the second largest city in England, only has a population of 2 to 3. Thor has a population of just over 1, which is completely incomparable with the giant city of London.

The essence of England is almost here!Although prices in London have been rising over the years—of course, this is due to the price revolution in Western Europe, but also due to the rapid increase in population—in the past 200 years, the price of grain in London has increased by 8 times, and the price of agricultural and sideline products has increased by 6.6 times. It has increased by 3.1 times, industrial products have increased by 12 times, and the living expenses of 150 general consumer goods have increased by 9 times compared with [-] years ago, but the wages of Londoners have only increased by three times!

Such an upside-down income and price increase did not prevent the British from rushing into the city, nor did it stop the slow industrialization and urbanization of the United Kingdom.The proliferation of mercantilism has made wealth flow around London and its suburbs. Trading and colonial companies such as the East India Company, the Levant Company, the Eastland Company, and the West Africa Company have provided many people who have nothing because of the land occupied by the gentry. A large number of job opportunities - During the half century from 1575 to 1630, more than 90 chartered trading companies were established in London, attracting a total of 6336 investors with a total asset of 800 million pounds.

This is an astonishing number, and it is precisely the concentration of such huge capital that makes London uniquely attractive: the most wealth, the best commodities, the most high-end talents, and the best infrastructure, all of which are No other city can match it, and even most cities on the European continent can't match it.

At this moment, Mo San and Thompson just came back from outside the city in a carriage. Thompson took Mo San for a walk around the suburbs of London very frankly, and tried his best to answer the questions raised by Mo San. It seemed that he was asking Mo San everywhere. behavior does not matter.Hearing that Mo San said a common saying about London's status in the UK, Thompson immediately laughed: "London gathers most of the wealth, which is the biggest charm of London. Now England's annual import trade volume exceeds 300 million pounds, most of which are produced in London, whether it is the industrial products produced in England or the goods re-exported by the East India and Levant Company, they must be approved by the London Customs, and the tax rebates obtained for re-exports are also Must be picked up in London. So, you see, the banks of the Thames have been so busy, even during the war. Cowardly and incompetent Dutch, no match for the English Navy."

Mo San smiled when he heard this.At this time, Britain was in the era of transition from early mercantilism to late mercantilism. Except for the negligible export of goods from several other small ports, most of the import and export trade still had to go through London.Especially now that the "Navigation Act" is being strictly enforced, even if the Virginia colonies want to export tobacco to New England, they must first ship the goods to London, pay customs duties and then ship them to Massachusetts. There is no other way. This abnormal and deformed trade policy is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for London's prosperity.

It is worth mentioning that although late mercantilism (also known as heavy industry) also focused on accumulating wealth, focusing on foreign trade surplus, and focusing on keeping precious metals in its own country, compared with early mercantilism, it paid more attention to the development of handicraft workshops and The so-called "man-made wealth" is the main source of profit from exports, and this is obviously the origin of its nickname of heavy industry. Now England is obviously transitioning from the early stage to the late stage. Compared with the early stage of mercantilism in many countries on the European continent Doctrine, to be one step ahead.

The two also focus on the retention of precious metals, and also implement local protectionism, strict guild access systems, and tariff barriers, but one only focuses on the accumulation of precious metals, while the other focuses more on exporting domestic industrial products to accumulate precious metals. The difference in realm between the two is still very obvious, just like the current Netherlands and the United Kingdom.Now the power of the British House of Commons is rising day by day, and the proportion of its members in the parliament is also increasing-according to public information widely circulated in London, the number of bourgeois, enlightened aristocrats and emerging country gentry in the House of Commons has accounted for two-thirds Above, most of them are handicraft workshop owners, or even wholesalers, most of them mainly wholesale British self-produced goods. Therefore, the influence of British industrial capital in the parliament at this time is already strong enough. Another sad news for people.

"Seriously, why do you want to cooperate with the Netherlands? Is it to export some goods to them?" After a long silence, Mr. Thompson finally opened the conversation. It seems that he came here following the collective will of some people. Hear him say: "Perhaps it is tempting for the Dutch to promise you an opening of a partially closed market, but we can deliver as well. England, Scotland, Ireland, Virginia, New England, we can even negotiate for you to re-enter Poland, some We are also willing to share with you the Italian state market that was once closed to you."

"Oh?" Hearing that the other party's conditions are so good, even Mo San couldn't help being moved, because the capacity of this market is quite large, and consumers' willingness and purchasing power are not very low. Domestic industrial production scale and industrial technology are crucial.It can be said that if the British really opened up these markets—at least shared—to the people on the east coast, it would be enough for most domestic enterprises in the east coast to make a lot of money, so that they have sufficient funds to expand their production scale , Update industrial technology, and complete the further upgrade of the industrial system.

"Do you have any conditions?" Having been in Europe for so many years, Mo San knew that this group of people are masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. If they don't have enough benefits, don't expect them to give up their own interests, so he immediately Tried to ask a question.

"Of course there is. The first one is that you need to intercept the ships of the Dutch East India Company off the coast of Cape Town. In addition, if possible, you can properly assist the Portuguese in Brazil, and at the same time close the foreign aid channel of Dutch Brazil so that the Dutch West India Company Get out of the American continent in despair." Mr. Thompson said leisurely, "In this way, the life of the Dutch will be very difficult. Of course, you also cannot export materials to the Netherlands, and you must make the Netherlands surrender."

Hearing what Thompson said, Mo San suddenly felt a headache. This condition is almost completely unacceptable to people on the east coast.If Mo San would have thought about it a little before, then after nearly a month of investigation in England, Mo San's subconscious fear of England has become stronger and stronger-such a person who is walking on the right path, And a country that controls tens of millions of people is worthy of vigilance by people on the east coast anyway, because she has the most potential to surpass the east coast and has to be guarded against.Therefore, now Mo San is doomed not to accept the olive branch thrown by the other party.

"Is this to allow our country to officially join this war?" Mo San asked directly.

"It can be said that." Thompson nodded unabashedly, and confirmed: "Although the strength of your navy is very average, the advantage lies in its superior geographical location. If your main fleet is exhausted, it can indeed give Dutch East India The company's merchant ships are causing a lot of trouble, which is much more convenient and unexpected than General Black's painstaking efforts to capture them off the coast of Scotland. You only need to stand with us and declare war on Holland to claim your dues How about the reward, don't you think about it?"

"It's too risky. We can't do it, and it's not in our national interest. I'm really sorry." Mo San immediately said decisively.What are you kidding?Let's declare war on the Netherlands, isn't that a death sentence?Do you want to sell things in Europe in the future?The Dutch can influence the sales of goods on the East Coast from various aspects such as the market, exchange rate, and politics, and the brains are not playing like this.

As if he had anticipated Mo San's thoughts, Thompson was not surprised at all.So he nodded and said: "Since your country chose the Netherlands in this war, it will definitely hurt England's feelings. Especially for us businessmen, your country's attitude is very disappointing of."

"Our country has always strictly adhered to neutrality, and has no intention of standing on one side. If your country is willing to import our products, then we will certainly not be stingy." Mo San explained.Although he also knew that his explanation was more or less weak, but he still had to express his attitude.

"England's development is changing with each passing day, which is far from what the Netherlands can match. You will regret your choice today." After saying this, the carriage has almost reached the end of the road. Mo San put on his fur cap, got out of the carriage, and looked at a group of Thompson left without saying a word. He felt that there was no need for him to stay in England anymore, because the owner here had clearly expressed a certain attitude.

Then let's go back to Istanbul, Mo San turned and walked into the hotel, intending to leave soon.

(End of this chapter)

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