Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 90 New Development

Chapter 90 New Development ([-])

"Old Gao, your trade department has to find a way to purchase these things this month, and the current stock is running out..." Vest walked into Gao Mo's office hurriedly with a piece of paper, and then he saw the man sitting opposite Gao Mo. Blanco and his entourage Carlos, "Hey, Blanco, it's you. Have you lost the battle again?"

Blanco and Carlos had sent pig iron and coal to the Ministry of Industry of the vest several times, so the vest recognized them at a glance.Gao Mo smiled awkwardly, and did not translate the last sentence of the vest. He took the paper of the vest back, looked at it briefly, put it in the drawer, and said to the vest: "Okay, the Ministry of Trade will find a way to deal with these things The purchasers just don’t know how the quantity is going to be.”

"Do your best." Waist waved his hand and said, "Uh, by the way, Blanco, I know there are many plantations in Brazil, how big is your cotton production?"

Gao Mo quickly translated it.After thinking for a while, Blanco said, "The vast majority of plantations in Brazil are planted with high-profit crops such as sugar and cocoa. Of course, cotton is also planted, but not many. Of course, I can convince these plantation owners It will not be troublesome for us to sell you a certain amount of cotton. In fact, Santo Domingo and its adjacent islands in the Caribbean have the largest and largest cotton plantations. If your demand is large, you had better go to Go over there to contact the source, but I don't think it will be easy."

"Enough. In the early stage, we only needed the output of the Brazilian plantations to meet the production needs. After all, the reliability of the equipment operation is still a bit problematic." The vest said to himself, "Okay, Blanco, Lao Gao, I'm leaving first. I have to go to the textile factory to see, the hydraulic spinning machines and hydraulic looms they have been working on have problems recently, I have to go and have a look, so I'm leaving first." After finishing speaking, the vest was in a hurry again walked out of the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Inside the textile factory by the Big Fish River.Several designers from the research team of the Ministry of Industry are working with a group of European craftsmen around a hydraulic spinning car, which is huge and placed beside the river.The water flow hits the blades in the water wheel to generate power, and this power is transmitted to other parts such as drafting mechanism and spindle through bearings, so as to realize spinning.A total of 30 spindles are installed on this hydraulic spinning car, which means that it can spin 30 rolls of cotton yarn at a time, which is dozens of times stronger than traditional hand spinning. This efficiency is enough to squeeze all handicraft practitioners out of business. .

At present, this hydraulic spinning machine has been produced intermittently for several months. The designers of the project research team and the maintenance craftsmen of the textile factory have solved the problems encountered in mass production, and it is now very close to perfection.

"Two hydraulic spinning machines, one for wool spinning and one for cotton spinning, currently have an average trouble-free running time of about 18-24 hours. They have been in continuous operation for 100 days and are in good condition. The yarn produced is tough, wear-resistant and durable. It is smoother and better than European handmade products in terms of quality.” Tao Chenxi, the leader of the research team of the hydraulic textile project and a former textile factory technician, introduced to the vest.

"What are the main faults that occur when the equipment is running now? Is there any problem in the design?" asked the vest.

"There is no problem with the design." Tao Chenxi said confidently, "This is the equipment I designed by referring to our existing technical level and the principle of later spinning machines. The technical level is roughly equivalent to that of the British during the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. The level of the invented 'Mule Machine'. Now the failures are mainly concentrated on the material of the parts. Many parts are made of pig iron or even wood. After continuous operation of the equipment, the wear and tear is very serious, and it has to be stopped frequently for replacement. Next, I plan to Replacing these parts with steel parts should greatly increase the life of the equipment. Alas, these crappy parts should not have been used to save money and time in the first place."

"That's fine." The vest patted Tao Chenxi's shoulder and encouraged him: "The textile industry is a very profitable industry in this era. Especially cotton spinning, now the upper class in Europe has begun to popularize light and thin cotton products. The market share of traditional woolen products is declining year by year. Now the executive committee has designated the two industries of military industry and textile as key development industries. For this reason, it has also allocated 1000 yuan as research and development funds for textile machinery. Our Ministry of Industry can no longer It’s slowing down. There will be an election in December, and this is a good opportunity. Hurry up and let the textile factory start production as soon as possible, so that everyone’s life will be easier. By the way, the loom is okay, right?”

"The loom is fine, the only problem may be the underutilization." Tao Chenxi joked.

"Hehe, don't talk nonsense to me, you boy." The vest also laughed, "It is true that the wool raw materials are not very sufficient at present. There are a lot of cattle raised in La Plata, and there are relatively few sheep raised. Every time we buy It’s all troublesome. So until our own flock grows big, let’s abandon those unrealistic ideas and concentrate on developing the cotton spinning industry.”

"But the cotton spinning industry also has many difficulties." Tao Chenxi reminded, "La Plata still has some wool that can be purchased, but if you buy cotton, you will go to the plantations on those small islands in Brazil or the Caribbean Sea." We only have a few ships now, and it is not enough to transport supplies and building materials back and forth between Zhenhaibao and Dongfang Port, let alone go to other places to buy cotton. And now Brazil is in chaos, and the Caribbean is basically Spain People's territory, people are full and support you to sell cotton to you, in short, it is very difficult."

"Where are there so many complaints." The vest laughed and scolded, "You don't need to worry about these messy things. It is the right way to solve the equipment problem for me. Today is already the 26th. Give me a letter of approval. Spinning machine and How long will it take for the loom to be finalized? Can it be done before the end of the month?"

"Try your best." Tao Chenxi didn't dare to promise at this time.There is no way, there is a shortage of talents in time travel.It is so difficult to build a hydraulic spinning machine and a loom. This is still in the case that I and others have a little technical foundation. If I want to tackle a steam engine that is completely unfamiliar to the big guys in the future, then I have to surrender directly.

"Damn!" the vest cursed, and the big palm-like hand patted Tao Chenxi's back hard, causing Tao Chenxi's shoulders to drop and grinning. "I don't care so much, if you don't solve all the problems for me before the end of the month, I'll see how I will deal with you!"

"You're trying to force people to die." Tao Chenxi looked at the vest "sadly", and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's just for the election of the Central Executive Committee? Isn't it? Member of the Ma University, with all due respect, No one can shake your position yet, really!"

"Slap!" The vest slapped Tao Chenxi on the back again, and scolded with a smile, "Is this the kind of person I am?"

Tao Chenxi rubbed his shoulders and looked at him silently, but his eyes clearly said "you are that kind of person".

The vest is happy: "Okay, let's be serious. It's okay to tell you the truth, anyway, you will know next month, and it's all about money. Do you know how much money we have now? As of 1633 On November 11th, that is, yesterday, the balance of funds in the treasury of the Huaxia East Bank Republic was 25 yuan (39667 yuan owed to East Coast Company was not repaid), and the balance of funds in the Finance Department of East Bank Company was 20 yuan. It's only more than 14 yuan. This is our current family property. Judging from our current spending speed, I am afraid that we will go bankrupt next year if we can't last half a year. Now the people from the Ministry of Finance tell me that this budget is fundamental. There is no way to continue, without him, the fiscal deficit is too big. The monthly deficit is more than 7905 yuan, and the existing money cannot cover a few months. Now you know, the textile machinery was officially finalized one day earlier , our machine textile factory was officially put into production one day earlier, and cotton cloth and woolen goods were exported one day earlier to earn foreign exchange. Domestic, La Plata, Brazil, and even Chile, Peru, a super market with 18 million people, so many Why should the British occupy the profits? The British export more than 1 bolts of woolen cloth every year, and re-export hundreds of thousands of cotton cloth from India. The huge profits generated nourish their industry and cultivate their bourgeois power. , to support their huge navy. We just want to tear a piece out of this piece of fat in their mouths, among other things, first occupy the domestic and La Plata markets, and then plan other Now we can't even fully occupy such a small domestic market, and let British products become popular. Isn't it because we don't have enough production capacity! Okay, I won't give you more political lessons, it makes sense I understand, we still need to do it down-to-earth. Xiaotao, the textile industry is the cornerstone of our business, so work hard.”

"Okay, you have raised this to this level, so I have nothing to say. Done!" Tao Chenxi also said cheerfully, "I won't go home from today, and I will sleep in the workshop at night. Spinning There is no big problem with looms and looms. It won’t take long, and the next step is to tackle the problem of cotton gin! At present, the efficiency of cotton ginning is too low. Not only does it take up a lot of labor, but also in terms of production efficiency. It will not be able to keep up with the subsequent machine production, thus restricting our production capacity."

"Okay, that's interesting!" Vest said with a smile, "Then I'll just wait for your good news. Well, I won't dawdle anymore. While I'm free now, I'll go to the Ministry of Finance again to see if I can pick you up. Some money down."

"That's great!" Tao Chenxi laughed, "Hurry up, and don't come back to see the brothers if you don't apply for more than 1000 yuan in funding."

① Cotton ginning mainly refers to the removal of cotton seeds in cotton.The cotton that has just been picked is called seed cotton, and the cotton that has been processed to remove the seeds is called lint.

(End of this chapter)

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