Chapter 889 The Southern Theater ([-])

In August 1651, the sound of guns outside the stables was rumbling.Cai Huaze wore a pair of light full-body armor from the East Bank, and under the protection of his own soldiers, he came to the front line in person and commanded more than 8 men under his command to fight to the death with the Qing army.

This is a small wharf by the Cixi River, with a small wall built and several 4-pound cannons mounted on the wall. The Cai Huaze Department of Dashun Zhongying was stationed here.This wharf is usually used for berthing transport ships (small boats collected by the people) and shallow water gunboats on the east coast.The Zhejiang admiral Tian Xiong who led the team personally supervised and led more than ten thousand troops to besiege without stopping. He planned to unplug this key node connecting with the rear first, and then slowly gnaw off the edge of Cheshangbao, which was nailed on their only way to Yin County. fort.

But this is easier said than done!Not to mention that when they besieged the wharf, they would constantly be "greeted" by artillery shells from the city of Chestableburg. Let's say that four "Amur River"-class shallow-water gunboats came urgently from the rear this morning and joined the battle. The Qing army besieged the wharf The action has basically been declared a failure.

Whether Tian Xiong is willing or not, his two-day offensive has come to an end. What needs to be considered now is how to safely withdraw from the front line with more than 5000 casualties.Dashun Liu Guochang's [-] people who stayed in the camps inside and outside Chestable Fort, and Cai Huaze's troops who stayed at the wharf camp for two days and nights without losing their main force, are not good people.For Tian Xiong to be able to withdraw from the front line smoothly, the support of the more than [-] Manchu, Han and Mongolian Eight Banners led by Chen Tai (some of the Green Battalion soldiers who followed him south to Fujian have been incorporated into the Han Eight Banners) is the key.

But regardless of whether Tian Xiong can be allowed to lay down some troops when he retreats, it is certain that the Qing army's offensive will end in failure again.And this time, since the establishment of Cheshuangbao and Tianluobao defense lines (plus naval gunboats cruising in the river to form a joint defense line), the Qing army lost for the sixth time.Whether it is Zhang Cunren, Chen Tai or Jierhalang, they have exhausted countless efforts and lost more than [-] troops, but they still have no way to attack this line of defense with only [-] soldiers.

However, the Qing army could not get rid of the defense lines of Cheshangbao and Tianluobao that blocked the corridors. They made limited progress in bypassing the mountainous area of ​​Wulei Mountain-Xiangshan (Dapeng Mountain) and attacking Cixi, the gateway to the northern line of Ningbo Prefecture. .They made no progress other than destroying more than [-] men from Ding Weiyue's Division of the [-]th Division with the artillery purchased from the Dutch and dispelling the threat of the guards on the flanks.

At present, they are stationed under the city of Cixi County, and they are fighting with the Fifth Brigade of the Standing Team, the Third Division of the New Army (Sun Shouzheng's Department, 2000 soldiers), and the Tenth Division (Ding Weiyue's Department, 3000 soldiers, and 2500 people left). The army on the east bank counted [-] soldiers (supplemented by a certain number of gunners and supply troops) and fought endlessly. Not only did they suffer a lot of losses, but even four or five artillery pieces were destroyed. , Gushan's forehead Zhenjinli, Ningbo General Soldier Zhang Jie, and others are ashamed and heartbroken-this is an ordnance purchased by the imperial court from Hongmao at a high price. There are only a dozen of them assigned to Fujian and Zhejiang. As many as five gates were damaged in a small city of Cixi County, how will I explain to Prince Zheng after I go back?

More than [-] soldiers and horses were lost before and after the city of Cixi County, and the artillery fire of the bandits in yellow was very fierce, and the cannonballs fell on the heads of my Qing soldiers like money. I don't understand how this yellow-clothed thief has so many cannons available--now facing the yellow-clothed thief's fortified city and the frightening number of artillery, a strong attack is really powerless!In addition, the navy ships of the yellow-clothed thieves have been cruising and haunting the sea. If they are not in order, a large group of troops will land behind them one day. Wouldn't our Qing soldiers on the front line be in trouble?It's better to retreat as soon as possible, at least retreat to the front line of Guanhaiwei and Linshanwei, first block the possible westward path of the yellow-clothed thief, and then plan other things.

The two Qing armies were frustrated outside Chestable Fort - Tianluo Fort and Cixi County respectively, and most of the offensive was canceled out.Some other Qing troops who came through the mountain roads were physically exhausted, lacked heavy artillery, and had very few horses. They were soon taken by the main force of the East Coast Army (they acted as the de facto general reserve) Elimination added another ray of merit to them who were bored.

As many as [-] Qing troops gathered in the territory of Hangzhou Prefecture (including more than [-] people from the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, and thousands of soldiers from the Han Army Banner). , How embarrassing is this for a group of Manchu and Han ministers headed by Prince Zheng?Of course, it’s not that no one said that their [-] army has blocked the way for the yellow clothes thieves to go out to plunder, but the problem is that your [-] relatively skilled army has been dragged in Hangzhou Mansion, and it’s not a problem after a long time.I have heard that the yellow-clothed thieves are moving strangely, and the huge boats on the sea are also erratic. The Qing army is incomparable with this maneuverability. If they attack other places with all their troops, and then rush back in lightning, such a short time is enough for the Qing army to make a move. What's the reaction?The answer is probably no!

People on the east bank can't see the contradictory and restless mentality of the Qing army, and this is their own purpose: like a magnet to contain a large number of active forces of the Qing army in the south, and give them to the troops of King Lu and the Zheng family who had fallen into decline before. , Li Chengdong, Wang Deren and other Ming troops created opportunities. As for whether they can take advantage of the situation to counterattack and regain their territory, this is beyond the control of the people on the east coast.Opportunities are created for you, but whether you can seize them is completely up to you. I, Dadong’an, am not your nanny. We are just here to get people, books, artworks and other useful things.

However, judging from the current trend of the war situation, the offensives of the anti-Qing armies of various ministries are not bad. Among them, the troops of the King of Lu have grown to tens of thousands of troops and captured most of Taizhou Prefecture and a part of Wenzhou Prefecture. Anti-Qing forces scattered in various places One after another came to vote, and the anti-Qing situation in eastern Zhejiang immediately rose to a new climax.Moreover, King Lu's troops established a foothold on the mainland, not only guarding the flanks of Ningbo Mansion on the east bank, but also effectively eliminating their internal cracks. For example, Zhoushan guard Huang Binqing is very peaceful at the moment, and is no longer as arrogant as before.why?Because Zhang Mingzhen, Ruan Jin, Wang Chaoxian and others have built a huge territory on the mainland, their strength is no longer comparable to him, so they have become very obedient to King Lu.Of course, the premise is that Zhang Mingzhen and others don't infect Zhoushan Island, which he has regarded as his own backyard, otherwise they will turn their backs sooner or later.

As for another major force on the southeast coast—the Zheng Armed Forces led by Zheng Sen is also attacking Zhang and Quan Prefectures at this time, making rapid progress.The Zheng family has been operating in Fujian for many years, and their power is deeply rooted. At this moment, Zheng Sen took advantage of the fact that the main force of the Qing army was taken away by Chen Tai and went north to rescue the three prefectures of Hangjiahu, which are rich in wealth.He himself is now sitting in Haicheng, and his 10 people (or [-] people...) have gone deep into Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.Local forces from all over the country and even the generals of the Qing court came to vote after hearing the return of the Zheng family carrying the Nanming banner, which caused the Qing court's influence in these two prefectures to collapse instantly and no longer become a threat.

After regaining the two prefectures, the Zheng family, who gained a respite, has joined forces with Li Chengdong's department in Nanming—but it's hard to say whether it's a good thing, the relationship between the two departments seems to be at odds—and occupied most of the two prefectures of Zhang and Quan. While recruiting troops and buying horses, the Zheng family actively prepared to advance both land and water. They planned to take Xinghua Mansion first, and then conquer Fuzhou Mansion, and defeat the few green camps owned by Zhao Guozuo (Han Army Banner Gushan Erzhen), the admiral of Fujian in the Qing Dynasty.In his opinion, with an army of [-] pressing down like a mountain, the mere [-] shrimp soldiers and crab generals in Zhao Guozuo's hands will surely turn into powder. How can he be the opponent of his Zheng family's army?Now that Xinghua and Fuzhou are under attack, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou are already in our hands, and Jianning, Yanping, and Shaowu are not difficult to capture. This covers the whole Fujian. I am afraid that I will be promoted from the county king to the king?

Well, the Qing soldiers captured in the war can be used if they can be used, and sold to the yellow-clothed thieves if they can’t be used.These northerners came to Fujian to do more crimes, and they were supposed to be punished. Now that they can sell them to the yellow-clothed thieves in exchange for some urgently needed weapons, it can be regarded as atonement for themselves.A hundred years later, when I arrive in the underworld, I will meet my ancestors with more or less face, which is a good deal for them!

In addition, the troops led by General Youguoyi of Dashun Zhongying, who led the army into Jiangxi, led by General Guo Sheng, after consolidating the occupied Yuanzhou Prefecture territory and quickly expanding the army to more than [-] people, began to move eastward and occupy Linjiang Prefecture. , and then flanked the Qing army in Ji'an Mansion with Wang Deren's tribe who went north from Ganzhou, defeated thousands of Qing troops, and recovered Ji'an Mansion.After doing all this, Guo Sheng led his army to Zhangshu Town, Linjiang Prefecture, and defeated thousands of people from Geng Zhongming's general Xu Degong who had heard the news and came to suppress them with his skillful firearms tactics. After a while, we returned to the starting point.This campaign greatly reversed the decline of the Jiangxi battlefield and effectively dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Qing army. At present, Geng Zhongming and Shen Zhixiang, the main generals of the Qing army in Jiangxi, are sticking to Nanchang, Ruizhou, Jiujiang, Raozhou, and Guangxin in the north of Jiangxi. It was easy to attack southward, and Wang Deren's tribe, who occupied the southern part of Jiangxi, was greatly relieved.

"The Jiangnan Tartars were defeated across the board, and it was time for me to rise up. Someone, bring me my Andalusian BMW, and I will lead my men out of the city to chase after the enemy!" Cai Huaze thought of listening to the yellow-clothed army at the meeting. The military situation in the south of the Yangtze River reported by the chief immediately felt that the Tartar court was on the verge of collapse, and the situation was very good.

Just at this moment when Tian Xiong was besieging the wharf camp for two days and nights, and was about to lead his troops back, the banner of a coordinated pursuit had been raised on the top of Cheshangbao. Cai Huaze suddenly felt that the time had come, so he ordered his own soldiers to plan Take more than a thousand elite troops out of the city to harass the enemy, making them unable to retreat freely.Anyway, now that the gunboats on the east coast are blocking the river, they don't worry about losing their old nest, and the Qing army is also eager to withdraw their troops.

(End of this chapter)

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