Chapter 862 The Hejian Slave ([-])

April 1651, 4, sunny and light wind.

Roaming on the soft alluvial plain in the Hejian area, breathing the fresh air with the smell of green grass, and bathing in the warm and soft sunshine, Tian Xing felt very good.This is the area west of the Wujiang River and east of the Parana River, which is commonly known as the "hejian" area by the people on the east bank-of course, this is theoretically still the territory of the Kingdom of Spain at this time.

Constrained by the terms of the "Valladolid Peace Treaty", the Spaniards can only build a garrison point in the river area and station a few soldiers (the specific number is limited, and even the caliber and number of artillery are limited), making this vast area The land of the country became a de facto buffer zone between the two countries.

Today, in this vast buffer zone, there are tens of thousands of Kelandi aborigines—including the Kelandi tribe who originally lived on both sides of the Wujiang River, and the western Kelandi who were forced to flee after the uprising failed. di people.To be honest, these people are not harmonious, or in a state of hostility. There are many reasons for this tension among the aborigines, but the most important one is the competition for land and other resources.

In fact, the name of the Kelandi is still divided by the Spaniards. They call some aborigines in the western and central parts of La Plata and on both sides of the Wujiang River as the Kelandi, which is very unscientific.In fact, on the vast La Plata plain, it is impossible for the hundreds of thousands of Klandi people living scattered to be of the same ethnic group, hold the same customs, and speak the same language. The Di people mainly focus on farming, those in the south-central part mainly herd herds, and the aborigines in the north-central and eastern forest and swamp areas mainly gather and hunt. The customs and cultures are so different, how could they be one nation?

The Spaniards didn't bother to distinguish them carefully, so they just gave them a name-Krandi people.The irony is that the people on the east coast are similar, they are also not interested in understanding and listening to the voices of these aborigines.Is there anything necessary to know about these savages?This is what many East Coasters think.

The same is true of Tian Xing himself. As a cadre from the intelligence system, he is naturally ruthless than ordinary people, ruthless to himself, and even more ruthless to the enemy.Over the years, the army and militiamen on the east bank have successively killed and wounded more than [-] Guaranis on both sides of the Yakui River and in the hilly area west of the lake, expelled and exiled more than [-] people, and captured even more slave laborers. It is impossible to make exact statistics—because Guarani slave workers die almost every day in coal mines, brick kiln factories, lime factories, and quarries, and new slave workers are sent every day, and the roster of these slave workers is also "Accidentally" was burned many times, so it is difficult to verify the exact number.

For such a tragic situation of the Guarani people, it is not without the Virgin Mary who has sympathy for them in China, and has been running around calling for the official national treatment of the Guarani people.But Tian Xing has always sneered at this, and agrees with the state's policy of forcibly suppressing such voices, searching for and destroying written works appealing to the Guaraní people, and at the same time intensifying efforts to crack down on indigenous peoples.If the foreign bandits don't kill all the original owners of this piece of land, can they live in peace of mind?Do you still want to integrate and absorb these aborigines?There is simply no limit to death.

To put it bluntly, people on the east coast can absorb Ming people, Japanese, Koreans, Europeans, and even Chinese and Malays, but they cannot absorb Indians. The "wrong" policy of absorbing Indians in a small amount in the early days has now been rejected. It was completely suspended and replaced by a cruel policy of exile and slavery.The reason why the Guarani, Charuya, and Kelandi people are so miserable on the east coast at this moment is that in the final analysis, they have the aura of "indigenous people" on their heads-they naturally enjoy all rights to this land However, even their mixed-race descendants have more power to occupy this land than pure-blood foreigners. This is one of the important reasons for the racial segregation in South American countries in later generations, and the Executive Committee will not ignore it.

Therefore, this also created a very different ethnic policy between the East Coast and Spain.When the Spaniards conquered South America, they relied on opportunistic tactics to divide and win over the Indians, and enlisted a large number of Indian servant soldiers to serve them. ", resulting in a large number of Indians in their ruled area, which is a big hidden danger.

It is not that the Spanish colonies are without insightful people, and many people have also seen the disadvantages of absorbing and integrating Indians, but helplessly, the Indians have already established themselves. If they try to move now, they will be hurt. No one can afford this determination.In addition, the peninsula people in the Old World don’t really care about who lives in their vast colony, they only care about whether their own interests can be guaranteed, and the massacre of Indians will obviously seriously affect their life in a certain period of time. income, so they are not quite in favor of it.

In addition, at this time, many middle- and lower-level officials in the two major governorships of Peru and New Spain are mixed-race whites, and more than [-]% of the soldiers of the Lima Legion are also Indians. At the same time, the ruling order of the Kingdom of Spain in Central and South America was completely disintegrated, which in turn caused other colonial countries to take advantage of it - this result was disastrous and unbearable for everyone.Therefore, after choosing the wrong path at the beginning, it means that the Spaniards may never have the opportunity to correct this fatal mistake.

On the other hand, the people on the east coast have been sober from the very beginning, and their attitude towards the aborigines is also very firm.Perhaps when the country was weak in the early days, it took the initiative to absorb a few Charuyas and Guaranis (the number did not exceed [-]). After exposing his hideous face, he began to forcefully clean up the Indians in his territory.The Spanish priests who originally preached in the Yakui River Basin even claimed that the people on the east coast had slaughtered more than [-] Indians. The Kingdom of Spain expressed "astonishment" at this, but it was only astonishment. Who cares about the barbarians while the people on the east bank firmly denied this, and at the same time, their subordinates did not stop, but stepped up the progress of cleaning up the Indians.What are you kidding?You foreign monks jumped up and down and wanted us to let go of these barbarians who were brainwashed by your missionaries?Stop dreaming, we don't want to leave future generations in trouble.

"Chief Tian, ​​this is the ruins of the Spanish outpost. It was destroyed a year ago. One officer and sixteen soldiers in the outpost all died." After walking on the land covered with swamps and forests, I finally met After stepping onto a stretch of dry grassland, everyone was a little happy. This is indeed a mature area that has been developed by human beings.

Tian Xing wore waterproof boots coated with latex, and walked towards the site of the outpost on the solid and dry soil.The scale of the outpost is small, with a mixed civil-engineering structure. As far as the eye can see, there are ruins: the adobe washed by the rain, the wood scorched by the fire, and the red bricks covered with moss, all tell people about this place. rundown.

In the second year after the signing of the "Valladolid Peace Treaty", the Spaniards rushed here to set up a military outpost, and planned to spend a year or two to gradually expand it, so that they could eventually station more than [-] troops. soldiers.But this plan was doomed to fail from the very beginning, because under the secret instigation of the people on the east coast—Tian Xing himself was even one of the main participants at the time—part of the Kelandi uprising retreated here from the south The army fought bravely, using the iron armor, spears and some hand-thrown bombs provided by the people on the east bank, and launched a desperate sneak attack on this post when it was weakest.

The result of the battle was obvious. Seventeen Spanish officers and soldiers were caught off guard and annihilated. The Kelandi ransacked the outpost and then left again.The Spaniards then sent a team of nearly a hundred people to restore the outpost, but the endless barbarian harassment and a sudden outbreak of the disease caused the team to lose more than two-thirds of its manpower, and was finally defeated. Forced to withdraw in embarrassment.

After two failures, the Spaniards finally put out the idea of ​​​​setting up military outposts in the river area (the utility is also very limited), and instead began to work hard to manage cities such as Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, and began to organize The new army, expanding production, intends to use the Parana River as a link to connect this series of strongholds in series, and finally curb the territorial ambitions of the people on the east coast to La Plata.Of course, it’s hard to say what the effect will be. Anyway, every time the people on the east coast fight with them, the people, guns, and cannons far exceed them, not to mention the logistics supply. The poor population base of the Spaniards is really difficult. Blocked a blow.

"Clean up this old outpost and clean it up. We will live here at night." After "visiting" the ruins of the Spanish outpost, Tian Xing gave orders to the nearly [-] patrolmen and policemen from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who followed him.And following his orders, the sergeants and police officers of the patrol police, and the sub-captains and sub-captains of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also began to issue orders to their subordinates. Fetching water for cooking, feeding horses, and feeding horses are all in an orderly manner. It is obvious that they have been doing these things all year round and are already familiar with the road.

This time Tian Xing brought so many people to the Hejian area, one is to understand the situation of the Kelandi people here, and the other is to make some deals with them, that is, to buy a large number of prisoners of war slaves they produced during the tribal annexation war ——This is an extremely scarce "material" on the east coast today.In order to support the development of the Wujiang area, the executive committee even promised them that the "Hejian slaves" (the name of the Wujiang area) that the Wujiang area bought from the Kelandi people would stay in the area for construction in principle. The earth has aroused the enthusiasm of the military and political officials in the Wujiang area, and this is why they have recruited a large number of patrol policemen, and at the same time borrowed a large number of heavily armed police officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs-who doesn't think about themselves?

(End of this chapter)

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