Chapter 849 Development General Bureau ([-])

"As of January 1651, 1, there had been 31 indigenous attacks in the four township-level settlements of Yiling, Laojunmiao, Modaoshi, and Shifangdian. Compared with the data of the same period last year, the territory has expanded, but However, the number of attacks has decreased. This shows that the security action led by the army and the militias of the two counties have achieved good results. In the recent period, the number of attacks on the four townships has decreased significantly, and the strength of the attacks has also been weak. Weak, it is obvious that the combat effectiveness of the remaining Guarani people in the wild has been greatly weakened, which is very good news for the many settlers in this area." The words of Army Major Zhu Liang still echoed in his ears, and Zhu Liang came to replace him. Anda Shiwu, who was in charge of security work in the Yiling area, straightened his collar and strode out of the temporary barracks.

The site is Fort Taiping, a settlement fortress in the process of construction, near the town of Pantanu Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.This time, the Communications Construction Group dispatched the newly established Fifth and Sixth Bureaus of Communications Construction, with thousands of laborers, to the south bank of the Yakui River to build a series of settlements for the coming Dongfang Ming. resettlement preparations.And this area is the so-called "safe zone" that has been cleared by the Sao Paulo slave capture team in Brazil. The arable land is ready-made. As long as the fortress is built and the population is filled, it will develop at the fastest speed.

By the way, there are two settlements in the east of Taipingbao that are being built at the same time. One is called Dahulin, which was named after the surveyors of the construction team who came here earlier killed a jaguar that was violently wounded. It is located near the confluence of the Franciscanio River and Highway 290 in later generations; another settlement is called Baicaogou, which is located near the small town of Butia in Brazil in later generations. .

These three settlements are basically on the same straight line, and the easternmost Baicaogou is not far from Rat Township in Dingxi County. The construction teams who are building several settlements plan to settle in these settlements after completion. Build a sand road between the points so that they can be connected.Of course, this is not easy. You need to pass through several forests along the way, and there may be hidden Guarani villages in between, so you need to map them slowly.As for a railway built here by later generations in Brazil that is roughly parallel to the Yakui River, it is not realistic for people on the east bank at present. Basically, three or five counties will be built here and the population will reach [-] to [-]. There is a little possibility.

The materials needed for the construction of Taiping Fort are still transported from Dingxi County via ships and horse-drawn carriages. As for the personnel, the construction is naturally provided by labor construction workers, and the development is filled by immigrants.At this time, there were only a few hundred or so immigrants in Taipingbao, and nearly half of them were the second and third sons of families from coastal counties. They are all different.Therefore, it is more effective to assimilate the new immigrants by letting them set an example.

With the increase in the number of immigrants in these years (the absolute number has increased, but the proportion remains undecided) and the construction of the western inland area has been deepened, the Ministry of Immigration alone has organized and included the transportation, health and quarantine, resettlement, migration, and settlement of immigrants. A series of tasks, including development, development, etc., are a bit out of date.For this reason, the executive committee formally established a sub-ministerial-level organization in charge of development in the first ten days of this month (January)-the General Administration of Development.From now on, the Development Bureau will be responsible for planning, land reclamation, resettlement and settlement construction in the western inland area, while the Immigration Department will only be responsible for the transportation and quarantine of immigrants, greatly reducing the burden.

The highest official of the Development Bureau is the director, who is directly responsible to the Prime Minister of the Government Administration Council; the director has two deputies, a deputy director in charge of the reclamation department and land development department, and a deputy director in charge of the land department and general affairs department.Among the above four secondary institutions (departments), the Land Reclamation Department consists of the Training Section (organizing migrants for labor skills training, and military training by the township armed forces), the Supervision Section (supervising the construction of housing, roads, water conservancy and other infrastructure), and the Land Reclamation Section. (organizing immigrants to carry out reclamation work); the Expansion Division is composed of the Intelligence Investigation Section (organizing manpower to investigate the aboriginal intelligence) and the Business Section (responsible for negotiating with the barbarians); the Land Division is composed of the Site Survey Section (investigating the land , minerals, forests, biology, etc.), Land Use Section (approval of land use); the General Affairs Office is composed of General Affairs Section, Planning Section, Manager Section and Labor Section.

The establishment of the Development Bureau mainly has the following points: [-]. To promote and assist inland development; [-]. To investigate, publicize and introduce development projects, and to attract new youth from coastal counties to settle in the western inland—because coastal industrial areas are not Too many industrial workers are needed, so these new generations who have completed primary education can only go to the interior to find a new life; [-]. Negotiate with various domestic departments and external barbarians for the pioneers; [-]. Train the pioneers in various skills; [-]. Complete various tasks required for land reclamation more efficiently.

It can be seen from this that the main business of the Development Bureau is to formulate and approve the relocation plan of the pioneers, assist and guide the pioneers, conduct surveys on the land used, coordinate various domestic departments, undertake foreign negotiations, and develop available land in inland areas. etc., and through the development of inland wasteland (including the construction of farmland, logging farms, pastures, fish ponds, etc.), to promote industrial development and actual control of the country.

In addition, the Development Bureau also has a development research institute directly responsible to the director, which mainly conducts systematic research on various undertakings such as agricultural economy, rural construction, land development and utilization, production technology, farmers' life and rural culture in the development area. , and start the pilot test.In order to apply and popularize its own research results, the research institute can also specially train development instructors after reporting to the director for approval.

In view of the various practical difficulties faced by the pioneering business, the Government Administration Council also instructed the independent establishment of a rural credit cooperative in the pioneering area (a parallel organization with the General Administration of Development, in case the bureau has too much power) to provide financial services for farmers in the pioneering area. , such as: absorbing deposits, providing cash and in-kind loans to individual pioneers, and providing loans to businesses established by individual pioneers, so as to better promote the development of pioneer lands.

Although there are only more than 200 settlers in Taipingbao, the branch of the General Bureau of Reclamation has been established in advance, including two development instructors, one manager of the General Affairs Department, one member of the General Affairs Department, and a supervisor of the Land Reclamation Department. One member, and one staff member of the Rural Credit Cooperative.These seven people are the organizers of the pioneering work here. When everything in Taiping Fort is on the right track and the government sends people to take over the area, the Development Bureau will remove all the staff and transfer all of them to the next pioneering site to start construction from scratch. Pioneering work.

It is said that there are really many ways of inland development in the east coast of China. There are both official immigration development organized by the government (such as organized by the Immigration Department and the General Administration of Development), and private investment in pioneering (such as the pioneering farm of the Great Western Wilderness, The logging camp in the Duck Lake Basin), and the pioneering immigration behavior organized by the Taoist church. In short, there are many ways, but the purpose is only one, that is to better develop the vast inland areas, and strive to actually control the vast land within the country as soon as possible. In some areas.

In order to escort the pioneering work, the Ministry of the Army has a heavy burden. They must always guard against the threat of barbarians, and at the same time undertake the task of preparing for the establishment of the local armed forces and training the military skills of the militia.Although the army dispatched a large number of main forces and militia troops (more than 3000 people) a while ago to deal a devastating blow to the large Guarani tribes on both sides of the Yakui River, there are still small-scale Guarani villages nearby— ——The small Guarani villages that have surrendered to the east coast one after another are proof of this—if any tribes that are hostile to the people on the east coast rise up and attack the pioneers on the east coast and cause casualties, then it will be nothing It's a small matter that can be settled at will.

Because of this, after the Ministry of the Army withdrew the main force of the army, the sixth company of the Anda 1000th Army was transferred here, along with [-] members of the newly formed Jingjiang County Militia Brigade that had not yet been on the battlefield. He will be responsible for the defense and safety of the Taiping Fort-Dahulin-Baicaogou line, and ensure the personal safety of the construction workers of the Communication Construction Group, which is under intense construction, so that the project can be completed in this way.Time is running out now, and there is no room for any delay, because the first batch of immigrant ships from South Africa have officially docked a few days ago and are currently undergoing quarantine. They will arrive here in about [-] days.Therefore, we must hurry up, and the construction period must not be delayed, otherwise everyone's assessment will not look good.

According to news from South Africa, the number of immigrants transported from the Far East to the East Coast this year is expected to exceed 1.8, a record high (1.6 last year and 1.7 the year before)—if it weren’t for two 1200-ton ships If [-] migrants were lost due to the sinking of the motorboat in the ocean east of the Philippines, the number of migrants coming from South Africa this year may be even greater.

If the 1.8 Ming immigrants, together with the self-funded Livonian immigrants and intermediary laborers, are all allocated to the banks of the Yakui River, the Northwest Railway, and the Wujiang area, the population of these areas will be greatly enriched. Accelerating the economic and social development of these areas has allowed the tentacles of the Executive Committee to gradually extend to every corner of the Eastern China Republic.

Anda Shiwu, as the first group of soldiers from the dragon, is naturally overjoyed at the country's prosperity, so he is full of energy at the moment.

"Take my horse out and go to patrol the tiger forest!" Anda Shiwu hung his samurai sword on his waist, and then ordered his adjutant.There are more than a hundred Japanese immigrants in Dahulin. These people spontaneously set up a so-called "hardworking service team" organization, and they are extremely diligent in doing various jobs in land reclamation. Take a tour and meet these fellow villagers by the way. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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