Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 844 Construction of Ancillary Lands

Chapter 844 Construction of Ancillary Lands ([-])

"After the end of the Second East-West War, China's East Coast Republic obtained the rights to the Southern Cone Liangyang Railway and its dependencies in the Southern Patagonia region. At that time, the Ministry of Army was established as the main body, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Agriculture The Southern Cone Railway Company, which participated in the joint efforts of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Communications, started to build the Xingnan Highway before the end of the year, and began to build the Liangyang Railway in the second year." In Qingniwa Fort, an older cadre of the Bingtuanbao was eloquent The Jedi opened the conversation to Mario, the special envoy of the Republic of Genoa and the Doria family who came to investigate: "According to the company's founding charter, the executive committee of our country gave the company many privileges, mainly to manage the land and houses in the railway annexes; Additional local administrative tasks such as civil engineering, education, health, and commerce were given to the subsidiary of the South Railway. In 1649, President Mo obtained an important channel for the company's trade in Peru, and the development prospects of the South Railway were unprecedentedly broad. ..."

"The legal basis of the administrative power of the subsidiary area is based on the "Valladolid Peace Treaty" and the "Outline and Concise Charter for the Establishment of the Southern Railway" promulgated by the National People's Congress, which clearly states: 'In order to obtain the land required for the construction, operation and maintenance of the railway, Minerals, building materials, etc., the land within one league (about 6000 meters) on both sides of the railway must be transferred, and the Southern Railway Company must have absolute administrative power over these lands.'——The above is the railway subsidiary The origin of the land, which was also recognized by the Kingdom of Spain, that is to say, the railway subsidiary land is the legal territory of the East Coast Republic of China, and the Southern Railway Company established a special local department in early 1649 in order to manage and manage these lands. , according to the laws of the East Coast and the Articles of Association of the Southern Railway Company to manage the affiliated areas."

Listening to the introduction of a cadre specially sent by Qingniwabao, Mario had a polite smile on his face, but as a Christian and a core member of a merchant family, he was slandering inwardly: Nantie is just a It is very inappropriate for a franchise company established under the protection of the laws of the East Coast to exercise local administrative powers that only the government has.Of course, he is also very clear that in this era of the Old Continent, there are many companies that are more excessive and powerful than the Southern Railway Company, such as the British Merchant Adventurer Company and the East India Company of various countries.

In addition, there is still one point that the Southern Railway Company is not very clear about, that is, what is the nature of the railway subsidiary?Is it territory, exclusive settlement, leased land, or something else?Unfortunately, as a witness country of the "Valladolid Peace Treaty", Mario once went to the archives of the Republic of Genoa to carefully check the various clauses of the peace treaty, but he still has not figured out the nature of the railway dependency And legal positioning - because the agreement itself is vague.

However, being vague is not a big problem. In Mario's opinion, if there is no major change in the international situation in the future, then the Southern Railway and its affiliated lands will probably never return to the hands of the Kingdom of Spain.People on the east coast have built high-grade highways, factories (branches of building materials companies), breathtaking wharves, the "railway" that has been rumored in Europe, and planned reservoirs and farmland. The waste of such effort is for the future Give it back to the Spaniards?Do you believe?

Mario bet that according to the supplementary terms in the appendix of the peace treaty between the East Coast and Spain, the East Coast people would never return the railway to the Spanish before 1700 AD.Not only will the railway not be returned, but the ten-year fishing, mining and forest logging rights in the southern Patagonia region sold by the Spaniards will not be returned-of course, Mario does not hope that the people on the east coast will return in 1659 Return these rights to the Spaniards before January 1. In that case, what is he doing here?Come eat sand?

In the previous two weeks, he had gone to Tierra del Fuego to investigate carefully, and carefully discussed the details with the people on the east coast about their proposal to sell sea animal skins, whale skins, and high-grade oils.There is no doubt that this is a very profitable business in the Old World. You only need to look carefully at the whaling business of the Dutch, Danes, and Spaniards in the North Sea, and the fur business of the French in North America. How tempting the offer is.This is all about giving them money, maybe this is a disguised compensation for old friends from the east coast? ——For their Genoese friends whose interests were greatly damaged in the Peruvian smuggling trade.

After happily finalizing the details of the fur and oil trade with the people on the east coast, Mario was invited to visit along the South Railway, and at this moment he visited Qingniwa Fort.Although this kind of visit is mostly just a matter of looking at flowers on horseback, it is enough for Mario to understand a lot of things-he really believes that the people on the east coast are the best at construction in the world.

For example, in the main urban area of ​​Qingniwabao, a settlement that was established only a few months ago, people from the east coast have built 17 brick and tile buildings (with an area of ​​636 square meters), a duck farm (weaving reeds) duck shed), a livestock pen (a total of more than [-] cattle and sheep).Except for the area reserved for the construction of military barracks, warehouses, and company offices in the future, most of the other land has been distributed to more than [-] new local immigrants in the form of homesteads and cultivated land. .

What's even more exaggerated is that, I don't know whether it's the special hobby of the local officials in charge of the East Coast or the higher-ups ordered otherwise, the East Coast people actually used local resources to build a large-scale desert oasis outside the city. A well-sized retreat: parks, playgrounds and places for walks.Of course, these recuperation places are still relatively crude at this time, and they are just a prototype.But I believe that with the passage of time and the improvement of the financial situation of the Southern Railway Company, the construction of these places will gradually deepen, and eventually become an indelible memory in the minds of local residents.

But what Mario didn't know was that the construction of a place for people to exercise in Qingniwa was just the beginning. According to the plan of the Southern Railway Company, a larger area had already been built on the other side of the wetland. Buildings: "South Railway Sanatorium" and a "South Railway Hospital".There is no doubt that the Southern Railway Company attaches great importance to various diseases—especially infectious diseases—and they don’t want the railway affiliated areas to become like the local epidemics that break out from time to time, resulting in a large loss of population.

Probably the most important department in the Nantie Sanatorium is the Tuberculosis Sanatorium (TB patients account for 13.5% of all patients).In the past, many patients suffering from tuberculosis in the South Railway area were sent to ordinary rural clinics and itinerant medical teams. There were few diagnosis and treatment methods—mostly conservative Chinese medicine, and there were not many preventive measures, which caused relatively great harm.

As soon as the Qingniwabao settlement was established, the construction of the Nantie Nursing Home started almost at the same time, and was completed before the main urban area of ​​Qingniwabao. The total construction cost exceeded 6500 yuan.In terms of the perfection and novelty of the design of this sanatorium, there is no other sanatorium in the east coast at this time except the Oriental Sanatorium in the capital.

The Nantie Sanatorium was put into use almost immediately after it was completed. Up to now, in just two or three months, all 108 beds in the tuberculosis sanatorium have been occupied by patients, and there is no more vacancy. There are dozens more.A sad fact is that among the tuberculosis patients admitted to the Nantie Nursing Home, very few of them got better, and even fewer recovered their ability to work, and most of them died one after another.The significance of the existence of the Nantie Sanatorium is only to make life more comfortable for those unfortunate people who fell ill during the construction of the Nantie.

In order to avoid a repeat of the tragedy, in addition to spending huge sums of money to build the Nantie Hospital in Qingniwabao and conducting special research on tuberculosis prevention and control, the Southern Railway Company also made requirements for the prevention of tuberculosis in each settlement—that is, to lower the room temperature, Increase outdoor activities, maintain good indoor ventilation, regular health checks, etc., and organize roving propaganda teams to publicize the hazards of diseases and preventive measures to the settlers.

As for the cultivation of vaccines to prevent and control tuberculosis, it is the top priority of the Nantie Hospital, which is currently in the preparation stage.Thanks to the group of Dutch mirror-making technicians recruited at a high price by the Henan Glass Factory, the factory has already built a lens with a very high magnification, and has initially applied it to the field of microorganisms.The few doctors at Nantie Hospital (hired at high prices from the capital) are currently working to isolate the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis, and are believed to have made considerable progress.

In the next step, they will use the ancient Chinese method - animal experiments similar to vaccinia - to test on animals, trying to find a low-toxic or non-toxic bacteria, and then inoculate them into humans, which will not harm humans. While causing too much harm, the human body can successfully produce antibodies to effectively prevent tuberculosis, a terrible infectious disease.President Mo Mingmo of the Southern Railway Company attaches great importance to the work of the Southern Railway Hospital. He asks for money and supplies, and all other conditions, except the manpower is not very abundant, even surpass that of the local, in order to overcome such diseases as soon as possible. , benefiting more than 20 people in the South Railway and even the east coast, and keeping them away from the threat of serious diseases.

Of course, when it comes to such advanced and high-end medical knowledge, the Southern Railway Company will naturally not be so selfless and generous as to show this to the Genoese.Therefore, Mario was able to visit Qingniwa Fort, but he was unable to visit the Nantie Nursing Home and Nantie Hospital, which had almost become a military restricted zone.As old friends who have cooperated for many years, we can vaccinate you for a fee or even free of charge in the future, but when it comes to the specific secrets of this, it is not humane.

(End of this chapter)

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