Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 835 New European Trade Order

Chapter 835 New European Trade Order ([-])

Made recently had a dream, the content of the dream was a movie he had seen before, the name was "Lord of War".

Although after 20 years, the details of the movie are somewhat blurred, but this does not prevent Mudd from revisiting the feeling of chasing the smell of war.And the reason why he had this dream is actually inseparable from what he is doing now.Yes, he's been a warmonger lately too!Not only being a warmonger, but also a slave trader!He is like the vulture on the Pampas grassland chasing the smell of carrion, using his keen sense of smell to keep going back and forth to the area where the war broke out, while discussing the sale of weapons and military supplies with the grassland chiefs and Cossack leaders, while taking money from their hands. Li bought captives, women, and all kinds of gadgets that could be used on the East Coast-such as livestock.

"So, Chief Zaheer, these four hundred muskets and twenty truckloads of military resources are yours." Ma De, wearing a thick woolen coat, stood on the soft grass outside Kaffa City, raised a dodgy The chin of the Polish woman, and said nonchalantly: "These things can arm many steppe warriors, and at the same time can support you in fighting for a long time, enough for you to handle the errands assigned by the Great Khan."

There are more than 50 entourages behind Ma De. These people have been collected by the East Coast intelligence personnel of the Kafa Commercial Station over the years. The retired Ottoman soldiers, and even the guards recommended by the Azov Maritime Chamber, all came from various sources.Although these people can't entrust important confidential matters, they are more than enough to do general security work.

After they were recruited by the East Bank, they were stationed in a commercial station that had been built like a fortress by the East Bank people——Kaffa City is not necessarily safe, and Cossacks often came by boat to attack——Equipment was manufactured on the East Bank. The sophisticated weapons acted as guards.And when they go out of the city to trade with Tatars and Cossacks, these people usually act as coachmen and guards. This is the case at this time. Those prairie men.

Although this is still the periphery of Kaffa City, and there are often Ottoman soldiers patrolling nearby, this is not a reason for Mader to relax his vigilance.These Tatars who are used to burning, killing, and looting are very special. God knows what they will do next. It is not a bad thing to be more prepared.

"A thick glass military water bottle with a cushioning layer!" A not-so-young veteran lifted the canvas covering the cart and introduced, "It's very easy to use, and it won't break even on long-term bumpy horses. It's better than drinking water." The water in the cowhide water bag, which always smells bad, is much stronger. The Ottoman army has already equipped no less than twelve thousand, and it has won the praise of the picky people in the Ganishari Army, so it can’t be wrong.”

"Hemostatic cotton bandages, better than those dirty sackcloth bandages you use. Oh, I forgot, you don't even have enough sackcloth bandages now. Listen to me, friends, give up those sackcloths from Bohemia Let's use the latest cotton bandages, it's great!" The Tatar-born veteran seemed to have a talent for business, and he only heard him introduce these Crimeans in his own language.

"A saber of very good quality, eh, you need to go back and start the battle yourself. As a grassland man, it is incredible not to have a saber in your hand. Um, are you shy? Hehehe, young man, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Uncle I was as poor as you back then, until I went to Transylvania to vote. Go ahead, show the courage of the prairie man, and grab the Poles and Ukrainians, haha!"

"This is an engineer shovel and a pickaxe—well, I don't know why this name was suppressed..." The Tatar veteran pronounced the names of these two Chinese syllables in a difficult language (because there is no special term, foreign People can only use foreign vocabulary from the East Coast), and then continued in an exaggerated tone: "It is a pity that you did not participate in the great war two years ago. In the Battle of Pilyavtsi, Poles and Ukrainians fought They dug incredible lengths of trenches, horse traps and earthen walls, but they didn't dig them as fast as you! Do you know why? Yes, because you used digging tools from the east coast, that's all Yes! Well, there are also shovels, haha, you also need to go back and strike by yourself, this is just a small job."

While the entourage was "bragging" with the Crimeans, Made was also carefully looking at the "goods" standing in front of him-255 female slaves from Poland.These women are all young and pretty—well, not bad, and it can be seen that the Tatars have taken good care of them during this period, which proves that the Tatars do take the female slave trade seriously as a It is a long-term business, and with brand awareness, it pays great attention to the quality and appearance of the goods.

These female slaves are the "payment" paid by the Tatars for this batch of military funds. Both parties get what they need, and everyone is happy.It is very easy for people on the east bank to produce all kinds of military supplies and weapons, but these things are quite valuable strategic materials for Cossacks and Tatars who lack industrial foundations—especially when they The moment in the quagmire of war; and similarly, female slaves are also extremely valuable strategic resources for the east coast, especially when the executive committee is more inclined to immigrate men from the Ming Dynasty (because men are important sources of labor, workers, and soldiers) At that time, women could only be settled nearby, and these undoubtedly created a prosperous slave trade with the Tatars.

In 1648 and 1649, according to conservative estimates, the Tatars plundered more than 20 slaves from Ukraine, including Poles and Ukrainians, as well as nearly [-] German mercenaries.These greedy prairie people not only arrested the Poles, but even the Ukrainian civilians who fought with them, there is no lower limit.But because of this, buying slaves from them is cheap enough and the supply quantity is large enough!

These people do not produce—or produce very little, and most of them are produced by slaves brought back from captivity—but they like to enjoy themselves, and they are very fond of various consumer goods, but they don’t have much concept of money, which is simply excellent trade object.Before that, their business was mainly controlled by Jews, and the backers of these Jewish businessmen were mainly Empress Dowager Kosem Sultan and Emperor Xinxi Hauka.Now their backers have either fallen and been executed by the army Aga, or lost most of their power. It is their weakest moment. If the people on the east coast can seize the opportunity to replace these Jewish businessmen and firmly hold Kerry The Miya Khanate has a market of several 10 people, so its profits cannot be underestimated.

But I'm afraid the East Coast people can't do this by themselves!Gein also had many people staring at this piece of fat. There were also some powerful Jewish and Armenian businessmen in the Ottoman Empire. It was quite difficult to compete with them.However, people on the east coast need not be discouraged. With the influence of the Azov Sea Chamber of Commerce in the Black Sea region, even if they cannot occupy the entire Crimean market, it is not very difficult to eat part of it.If you have money, let’s make money together. It’s dangerous to eat alone!

Judging from the so-called "new European trade order" that Mo San recently contemplated, the Crimean Khanate, the southern part of Moscow (the destroyed Astrakhan Khanate) and the new Cossack Emirate (including the central part of Ukraine today) region and Russia's Bryansk Oblast), should be - and must be - the market of the Eastern Republic.These areas have weak industrial foundations, are limited to historical, diplomatic, or transportation factors, have long been radiated by Black Sea trade, are not well connected with other places, and mainly rely on high-cost inland areas, so they are areas worthy of great efforts to develop.

Even if these places are relatively poor, but with a population base of several million, there will always be some consumers more or less.What's more, when did the East Coasters need their precious metals?As long as they provided a steady supply of livestock, slaves, and other primary products, trade could continue in the long run.

There are similar markets in Moscow and Livonia. Let’s not talk about Livonia. The influence of people from the east coast here is not weak. Just talking about the Grand Duchy of Moscow, a big country with a population of more than 1600 million, is worth it. East Coasters take their time and run it right.Now a group of people sent by Zheng Yong, headed by former Danzig merchant station chief Schneider, has successfully opened an east coast merchant station in Archangel, and started to contact local Russian officials and businessmen, preparing for a big fight .

The Russians also welcome their arrival. After losing the access to the Baltic Sea, the Principality of Moscow today really needs capital, technology, markets and commodities from the West.But now they only have the port of Archangel, which is frozen for almost half of the year, as a window. Occasionally, some ships from England and the Netherlands come to trade, and they are almost in a corner forgotten by the civilized world.

Under such circumstances, when they heard that merchants from the East Coast Republic of China were going to set up a business station here, and at the same time they might also set up a fixed trade route, it is conceivable how happy they were, and this is undoubtedly It has contributed to the rapid opening of the East Bank Commercial Station, and at the same time, the first batch of agents has been established, which can be described as rapid progress.

If the lost Polish market is regained in the future, then the new European trade order planned by Mo San will roughly take shape.In the "post-French era" that lost the French market, it is extremely important to develop new markets, develop new customers, and adjust the market layout, and this is exactly what Mo San, Ma De, Zheng Yong and others are doing. direction of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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