Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 830 West of the Great River

Chapter 830 West of the Great River ([-])

Men are roaring, women are crying, war horses are whining...

This is the scene on September 1650, 9, near the city of Cachoeira, South Brazil.A Brazilian Sao Paulo flag team from the Gerard Mountains raided here and will settle here, and the Guaraní tribe that has entered the agricultural society with the help of Spanish missionaries has been completely defeated.

More than a thousand strong Guaraní men were killed, and hundreds more escorted the chief as he fled.This group of Indians actually had some horses, so seeing that they could not withstand the fierce attack of the St. Paul's flag team, they got on their horses and ran away without saying a word.They fled extremely quickly, and disappeared into the weeds on the hill that grew taller than people after fleeing three times.Consicao, the captain of the Portuguese flag who was in charge of the pursuit, changed three horses in a row, but failed to catch up with the Indians, which made him very angry.

However, the anger of Captain Consicao was destined to be borne by the captured Guarani people. Some adult males who looked thin were killed on the spot by the flag soldiers (mostly Guarani soldiers who had surrendered to Portugal). The same goes for older women — people who Brazilians see as waste of food.As for the remaining young and middle-aged men and women, they will be brought back to the public auction in the Sao Paulo area, which is one of their main sources of income.

In addition, there are a considerable number of Indian children in the conquered Guarani tribe. Generally speaking, only some of these children will be auctioned, and the other part will be divided according to the rules.Many Brazilian whites or mixed-race whites like to raise some of these Indian children. They usually work as servants in their own homes, and they can accompany them to fight when they grow up. This is what Brazilians have always done. It can also be given away, and young Indian children are also a good gift in Sao Paulo.

The white people in the camp sat on chairs, took out the wine and drank happily, bragging while drinking; the Mameluco (white mixed-race) ordered the Guarani soldiers at the bottom to fetch water and cook; Several wounded war horses were also pulled to the ground and slaughtered. Some Guarani soldiers actually drank the hot blood gushing from the necks of the horses, and the whole camp was full of demons dancing wildly.

A courier stumbled over amidst the mess, and when he was approaching the room where the flag captain Consicao was, he was even stirred by a corpse on the ground and almost fell, which made people sitting idle in twos and threes Some of the soldiers there laughed.Blushing, the young courier kicked aside the corpse of the old Spanish missionary who had stumbled over him, then approached Consicao's room, and got permission to enter.

"The people on the east coast invited us to continue to clean up the nearby Indians to the west?" The flag captain took the letter from the courier, read it and threw it aside, and then asked leisurely: "They really have so many requests How do you feel about staying with them for a month this time?"

"Even without our help, they can independently complete the operation to wipe out the Guarani people in the territory. There is no doubt about it. In places like the New World, I have never seen such hardworking and disciplined training as the soldiers of the East Coast Army." It is also such a strict army. Their combat effectiveness has proved this in previous wars. It is difficult for our people to compare with these soldiers on the east coast. Those people are brave enough, but they lack the strict discipline and extraordinary courage required to go to the frontal battlefield." The messenger answered Consicao's question without thinking, obviously he himself had thought about it I have had similar problems and have come to my own conclusions.

"You think so highly of them?" Consicao was a little surprised, and then changed the subject: "Have the people on the east coast already solved the Guarani people in the east?"

"It was resolved on August 8th, and the battle lasted only a few hours." The letter recalled with a complicated look, and only heard him say: "The number of Guarani people killed and injured exceeded Nine hundred, and more than 29 people were captured—mostly women and children. These women and children could not stay in the East Coast according to the laws of the East Coast, so they planned to send all the women to overseas colonies, And the kids are trying to sell off. They've been really ruthless to the Aboriginal people and not allowing any of those people's blood to be left in their land."

"After they wiped out the Guarani people in the place called 'Yiling', they began to wipe out the remaining aborigines around them. The sporadic fighting has continued until today and has not completely ended.However, when I left for this place, the people from the east coast had already sent a group of settlers and a large amount of supplies from the rear. It seemed that they wanted to completely occupy Yiling, and then consolidate and digest the fruits of victory. "The messenger continued to tell his banner captain what he had seen and heard.

"It seems that the people on the east coast want to speed up their expansion to the inland areas." Consicao understood the intention of his employers (referring to the people on the east coast) as soon as he heard it, but these places are indeed legally speaking. The legal territory of the East Coast Republic of China, they have the right to do whatever they want, and no one else can talk about it.As for whether it was "legal" for the Kingdom of Spain to assign this piece of land where the Indians had legally lived for thousands of years to the people on the east coast, this is not within the scope of Mr. Consicao's consideration, and it does not conform to his consistent cognition. —Are savages worthy of rights?

In fact, Captain Consicao agrees with the model of killing all the people on the east coast and exiling the aborigines from the bottom of his heart. He hates the behavior of big figures in Brazil who are keen to capture Indians as slaves, because it will obviously give Brazil The future casts a heavy shadow.It has nothing to do with race or belief, it only has to do with whether they are aborigines—how can foreign bandits live with peace of mind if they don’t kill all the original owners of this land?In Consicao's view, even if the residents who originally lived on the land of Brazil were not red Indians but whites, they still have to implement the policy of killing, because they are aboriginals after all—this land The natural and legal owner of the land.

In fact, Captain Consicao’s worries were confirmed hundreds of years later. The purebred Indians in various South American countries excluded whites from outside, which led to ethnic conflicts, social division, and endless turmoil in the country; and even the purebred Indians were very In some countries, mixed-race whites also began to exclude pure-blooded whites, because they believed that part of Indian blood (generally descendants of mixed-race white men and Indian women) flowed in their bodies, and they were more qualified to inherit this heritage than pure-blooded whites from outside. country, thus keeping the country in constant turmoil.Coupled with the dark hand of the United States and the blood-sucking economy, the Latin American people are becoming increasingly impoverished, and the ethnic conflicts in these countries have further intensified like a vicious circle, and the future of the country will be ruined.

It's just that he, Consicao, has struggled for many years, and he is just a small captain of the Sao Paulo flag. His subordinates are full of people, but he counts no more than a thousand people, and he speaks lightly. What's the point of saying this?Therefore, it is better to be out of sight and out of mind, what to do with the leisure of future generations, and make money to enjoy life.Catch Indians and sell them to plantations, just catch them!Hired a large number of Mameluco soldiers and even Guarani soldiers, just use it, and save yourself money!Don't think about anything, just make money, maybe some big man will wake up in the future and start to clean up the Indians?Captain Consicao secretly paralyzed himself.

"You go back and bring a letter to the commander of the people on the east bank, saying that our banner team has wiped out the Guarani tribe entrenched in the third area, and ask them to send a batch of supplies along the Yakui River immediately. Ben The flag team will continue to mop up the remaining Guarani barbarians in the third area, and it is expected that the battle will be completely over before September 9, so that this area will be ready for the initial preparations for the pioneers." Captain Consicao was thinking After a while, he sat back on his chair, took out a stack of letter papers, and whispered in a low voice while starting to write: "The dawn of civilization is about to shine on the barren land, whether they are the Lord's people or not, after all they are A gentleman from the civilized world is better qualified than a Guaraní to occupy this land in the sun..."


At the end of September 1650, on a large piece of land from Laojunmiao Township to the west and north, there were as many as seven Slave Hunting Squads from Sao Paulo, Brazil, whose combined number exceeded 9. After months of struggle, they expelled and wiped out several The Guarani people have cleared out large areas of villages, farmland, forest farms, lakes and pastures—of course, the slightly valuable property in these Guarani tribes or villages have been divided up by the St. Paulians and left to the people on the east coast There are only some simple thatched huts (the Brazilians scornfully call it "rabbit hole"), and some so-called "arable land" overgrown with weeds.

However, the people on the east coast didn't expect the greedy St. Paul people to leave them any good things at the beginning. They knew that everything could only be built with their own hands.For this reason, the executive committee instructed the large domestic trust company in the East Bank, East Bank Building Materials Company, to send staff to Yiling, which had just been conquered by the East Bank people, to prepare for the construction of brick kilns, lime kilns and cement kilns.Now the company has a branch factory in every county in the country (some important independent settlements also have kilns), and the massive building materials produced have strongly supported various domestic constructions on the east coast.

After the building materials are available, the Immigration Department will also recruit pioneers across the country. In addition, the Taoist church will also mobilize believers to relocate here, so as to digest the fertile land that has just been taken from the Indians as soon as possible.

As for the St. Paul's flag team, the East Coast people renewed a new employment contract with them, and they will still lead the team to move westward to clean up the Guarani people living there for the East Coast people.

(End of this chapter)

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