Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2324 The direction of the world

Chapter 2324 The direction of the world

"When the Han people were displaced, the clothes gradually changed and the language..." Dinghai Port in mid-June was already a bit hot, and in a newly opened teahouse with high mountains and flowing water, two young men in long gowns were chatting.

The Alpine Flowing Water Teahouse is located near the wharf trestle bridge. It is a three-story wooden building, which is rare in Ningbo.It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Generally speaking, idlers should gather here to drink tea, but the business of Gaoshan Liushui Teahouse seems to be not very good, and the popularity is bleak. It is far inferior to the old teahouses diagonally opposite that have been open for many years.

Many of those teahouses have been run by families for generations in the past and next year. They have a good reputation and are full of popularity. If there are no major changes, this is a stable business with steady flow.From this, we seem to be able to taste that in a society with profound heritage and a long history, people are relatively traditional and not very receptive to new things.On the other hand, the East Coast is a blank slate, so chain teahouses (high-flowing water), supermarket chains (state-run department stores, Sun Chunyang Nanhuo Store), and hotel chains (state-run Dongfang Hotel Group) are developing very rapidly. , the business model is also very different from that of the mainland, and people are more accustomed to going to these places with standardized services to consume, so there are still many differences.

But Ningbo is considered the most open area on the mainland.Children's amusement parks, zoos, modern hospitals, new schools, railways, gas lamps, steamships, various factories, etc. are hard to compare with other places.Moreover, this land is still evolving. Through decades of persistent education, people in Ningbo today have a broad enough vision to get information from all over the world from newspapers and magazines (although it has lagged behind for a year or two), and they are interested in new things. The acceptance is high enough. You can see narrow-sleeved tight-fitting oriental-style clothing everywhere on the street, not to mention that the official text here is simplified Chinese characters. Everyone is already familiar with this kind of text that has existed since ancient times and is very convenient for most people to use.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is probably the language. Ningbo dialect is still the mainstream. Although the government and business executives speak Mandarin, most middle- and lower-level cadres and ordinary people still speak dialect.However, if you want to make progress, you still have to learn East Coast Mandarin. There are many dialect schools on the street, and the fees are not expensive. Learning only benefits and not harm.

These two sons came from the south of Nanjing.Because the relationship between the East and the Qing has eased for many years—if you ignore the armed conflicts that broke out in Manchuria from time to time—and they used money to deal with it, they followed a grain ship to the east bank smoothly and settled in Dinghai. This first-class bustling city wandered around.

It's just that after walking all the way, the more they looked at it, the more curious they became, and the more they looked at it, the more discouraged they became.Although Ningbo has only one government, it is well managed.After years of transformation, the city is very different. There are shops or hawkers doing business everywhere inside and outside the city walls. There is no rubbish on the streets, but it is definitely not like the smog in Nanjing City. The whole is relatively clean and the smell is not too big.

In addition, machines roared inside and outside the city, and various materials were produced at a jaw-dropping speed, and then transported to ports or train stations outside the city.There are a lot of laborers transporting materials, but it can be seen that their lives are pretty good, their faces are rosy, and there are a few taels of flesh on their bodies, not the kind of skinny ones, which surprised them greatly.You know, when they first arrived, there was a flood in Dinghai, Yinxian, Cixi and other places. At that time, a large number of villagers flooded into the city. On the one hand, help them find jobs so that they can support themselves during this time.The result is a well-organized social order, and the adverse impact of a natural disaster that might have shaken the ruling order has been minimized, which has to be admired.

These two young masters are not nerds who don't know what's going on outside the window. In fact, they come from official families and know a lot. For example, there was a flood in Nanjing and some surrounding counties last year. They can vividly remember what happened at that time: " Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by the disaster, all fields and huts were gone. Not only did they have no food to eat, no fields to cultivate, but also no land and houses to live in. The victims mostly ate grass roots, bark and Guanyin soil. .”

The countermeasure adopted by the Manchu and Qing courts at that time was to substitute work for relief, that is, to organize the people to build embankments after the water receded a little.But the number of victims was too many, and the imperial court could not save them all. The victims were "sorrowful", "many went to Nanjing and Zhenjiang to beg for food", and "there were no less than [-] poor households living in huts".

It is fair to say that the Manchu Qing court achieved this level, which was not bad in a feudal society, at least it did not cause large-scale deaths.But all things are afraid of comparison. When faced with the same disaster, how does the East Coast government operate?How did the Qing Dynasty work?Both families run textile factories, and even know that the elders in the family hope that the disaster will be more severe so that they can get enough cheap coolies to work. Whenever they think of this, they still feel a little embarrassed, which is comparable to that of the Dongguo people. did much worse.Therefore, the only thing they are proud of now is probably that they claim to be orthodox in China, and they have an inexplicable sense of superiority over the Ningshao area, which is "blazing with Hu Feng".

"The imperial court has wiped out Galdan, and the government should be refreshed next. Our Qing Dynasty also has more time to develop industry and commerce. Given time, it may not be worse than this Eastern Kingdom." After watching the bustling street scene for a while, one of the sons Putting down his teacup, he said, "Brother Liu, as long as the industry and commerce start to rise, the national power will increase greatly. Then we won't be as cramped when facing the people of the Eastern Kingdom. Hmph, I really want to see Master Wang go to the East one day and take this Eastern The people of the country are completely driven into the sea, and the world will be restored."

It is said that the Mongolian hero Galdan has been extremely cramped since he was trapped in Monan Mongolia.My nephew took over my hometown, and I was surrounded by forces that were hostile to him. The soldiers were fighting less and less, and the ammunition was less and less.Therefore, although there were victories and losses in the battle with the Qing army, and they were not fatally hit, after several years, they finally couldn't hold on.

In the autumn of last year (1696), a disease broke out in the Galdan army. Many soldiers were killed and injured, and morale was extremely low.Galdan saw that this was not the answer, so he decided to fight the Qing army after the spring, and the Qing army couldn't ask for it.

In April, a total of more than 4 people from both sides fought in the north of Xifengkou. Galdan won first and then lost, and most of the more than [-] people were wiped out.Galdan himself fled westward in embarrassment with more than [-] remnants, but was intercepted by the Qing army on the grassland north of Ningxia.After a great battle, Galdan, who had been on the grassland for decades, was shot to death by the Qing army, and the rest of the tribe died and scattered. The Galdan tribe that had been noisy in the grassland disappeared in smoke.

When the news came back, Kangxi, who was inspecting the Yellow River, wept with joy, and knelt down on the Yellow River embankment to thank God.Although judging from the previous situation, the collapse of Galdan's troops was almost inevitable, but Kangxi really couldn't afford to lose in the battle for the Mongolian grassland, and the pressure on his shoulders was actually very heavy.This time, he suddenly received the news of Galdan's awarding the head, and under the agitation of his mood, he made a gesture of kneeling and thanking God, which can be seen from this.

The news that Galdan's power had been wiped out was quickly publicized in every prefecture and county in the country under the instruction of Kangxi.And Yuan Weiting, who personally led the army to intercept Galdan and killed him, also became popular immediately. Not only was he promoted to a noble, but he is also currently serving as the commander of a new army in a town and the commander-in-chief of Ningxia.

Of course, the death of Galdan does not mean that the Junggar Mongols have been wiped out.In fact, their roots are still there. Galdan’s nephew, Cewang Arabutan, still firmly holds a large piece of land in the Junggar Khanate, and has just won a big victory in the battle against the Kazakhs. His strength is still quite strong. It is still a dark cloud hanging over the Manchu court.

However, Kangxi has not had time to take care of Tse Wang Alabutan. One is that he has a good relationship with the Manchu Qing, and the two have been fighting for years, and the middle school also needs to recuperate.Money, food, and military resources cannot be changed in a short period of time. Although the national industrial and agricultural production efficiency has improved a lot compared to before-this is also the biggest secret of the Manchu Qing victory over the Junggar and Mongolia. Productivity is stronger than before. The military strength of the modernization reform should not be underestimated-but it still takes time to accumulate so that when it is decided to mobilize troops in the future, it can not be in a hurry.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the Manchu and Qing could not find a countermeasure in a short period of time to attack Allah Butan.Right now, the south has been preliminarily sorted out the internal affairs of Xinde Land. Although there are tens of thousands of people from Li Sixing's tribe on the Guangxi and Vietnam borders, they are short of money and equipment. threaten.Therefore, the Shun Army now has the capital to assemble a large army for the Northern Expedition, if they ignore the already battered finances.

So, the current pressure on the Manchu Qing court is still very heavy.There is Dashun in the south, people from the East Bank in the north, and Tsengwan Arabtan in the northwest who is unpredictable and may become an enemy at any time. It is far from the time to relax.In addition, this years-long tug-of-war with Galdan also brought Han armed forces onto the stage.When dealing with the Mongols with advanced weapons and superb riding and shooting skills, the traditional Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners suffered consecutive defeats as soon as they came up, causing heavy casualties.In the end, it was the Han armed forces who came to the rescue. Not only did the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion show the quality of daring to fight, but the new troops from the six towns that spent a lot of money on training (two towns were children of Manchurian and Mongolian people) even showed superior courage. Combat power, this made Kangxi quite afraid in his heart.

The Han military generals have already taken the lead, and at this time, they must no longer be suppressed, otherwise chaos may arise.But if you do nothing and sit back and watch it expand its power step by step, it will not work.How to divide and disintegrate in the future and win over the attack without letting its combat power drop quickly is still very troublesome. Kangxi has been thinking about this matter recently, and even put aside other affairs for this, which shows how much he attaches importance to it.

The steam tugboat whistled sharply on the pier, and the two sons who were worried about state affairs raised their heads, just in time to see the three-masted sailing ship "Antarctic Wolf" slowly approaching the port.This old sailing ship looks shambling and very old, and it seems to be exactly the same as the Qing Dynasty today.

It's stormy!The two sighed at the same time.Galdan was leveled, but the country was also poor and the people were poor. Now it is really disappointing to see the unusually prosperous scene in Ningbo.Where will the world go in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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