Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2309 Black Sea Pearl

Chapter 2309 Black Sea Pearl

On August 1696, 8, Port Haji was still busy in the heavy rain.

There are a large number of merchant ships from the Apennine Peninsula moored on the pier. They brought in local cheese, olive oil, fish, dried fruits, textiles, wine and other commodities, and then transported away wheat, rye, sunflowers, peanuts, sesame, burdock, etc. agricultural products.

Don't be curious about this trade.Although the Crimea peninsula is facing the sea on three sides—well, considering the width of the isthmus, it is facing the sea on all sides to some extent—but the locals don’t know how to fish, and they are not even as good as those Mongolians. When they were in the Volga valley, they also learned how to fish in the Caspian Sea.The Crimean Tatars also drank alcohol back then. Although they seemed to be Green Christians, their beliefs were not very pious. With the legacy of the grasslands, is it strange to drink alcohol?You know, even the Ottoman Sultan at this time often drank and had fun with his confidants, and Sultan Murad IV died of liver cirrhosis caused by excessive drinking.Even in Saudi Arabia, the most conservative society in later generations, which princes who spend money like water don’t have a wine cabinet in their homes?Rules and regulations have never been aimed at the upper class of society.

Of course, not all the wine shipped to Haji Port was sold to the Crimean Khanate. In fact, a considerable part was sold to various towns in the Danube River Basin.Of course, the Mongolians in the east would also buy some, but they didn’t have much money, and the wine didn’t taste very good, so the sales were mediocre.

Italy has suffered another natural disaster this year.Although not serious, the reduction in grain production is inevitable, so a large amount of grain needs to be imported.Due to the matchmaking of people on the east coast, Haji Port has now become the main distribution center for grain on the north coast of the Black Sea. A large number of merchant ships hired by the Fengyu Office of Genoa, Tuscany, Venice, Milan and other countries loaded grain here and shipped it back to China. .

In recent years, the northern Italian states have followed the people on the east coast and invested heavily in tropical product plantations in Brazil and Xinhua Island in the east. At the same time, they have also acted as an agent for the Mediterranean sales of tropical specialties in New Courland and the South Pacific islands in the east. , making a lot of money.The one-year or two-year reduction in grain production is no longer an insurmountable difficulty for them, and the people's livelihood can still be guaranteed.That's the benefit of following the right boss, isn't it?

The typical negative is that of Spain.Although they cooperated a lot with the East Bank and borrowed a lot of money, they still felt a little wary in their hearts, thinking that the people on the East Bank had great plans and wanted to take their money bags in America.Coupled with the face of the old big country, the body can't be weakened, so after tossing and tossing, the country's situation has not improved, but it has become worse and worse.However, its king Carlos II is still in poor health and has no heirs. Seeing that he is about to be divided up by several relatives, he is miserable.

When it comes to the partition of Spain, the Italians also have troubles.The two states of Parma and Milan are the founding members of the Northern Italian Confederation, but they are also the nominal territory of the Kingdom of Spain. Once they are divided in the future, whether it is the French or the Austrians, they will definitely not miss them.In particular, the Habsburg family of Austria has been coveting the affiliated Northern Italy for many years and tried every means to infiltrate it.Fortunately, their previous strength was not strong enough. Venice and Genoa were also the real top two, and their influence was not small, so they did not succeed in the end.

But things are different now.In recent decades, the Austrian court has appointed talented people, determined to reform, and its national strength has been booming.Moreover, the Habsburg family also bears the title of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. It performed very well in resisting the Ottoman Turkey invasion of the Christian world and preventing the French from ruling the German region. The army can also fight, so it is among the German princes. The influence of the country is very large, and it is often able to receive assistance from other princes in terms of money, materials and even soldiers. The power that can really be mobilized has far exceeded its own strength, which is a serious problem for the Italians.

Of course, the French also have ambitions for northern Italy, but overall, they are still not as threatening as Austria.The French's current primary direction of expansion is the seventeen provinces of the lowlands, followed by the Rhine Valley, and northern Italy is the last choice. This is something every Italian knows.Therefore, among the northern Italian states, except for the Principality of Savoy, which suffered a big loss from the French and ceded land for compensation, even the Genoese had to admit that the Austrians were more threatening.

Based on this perception, they urgently want to resolve the status of the Principalities of Parma and Milan in the partition of the Kingdom of Spain—which is almost inevitable—that is, these two countries must be allowed to obtain legally independent status.Note that it is necessary for the Kingdom of Spain or its successor to sign the document in black and white, so that the two places can be completely liberated.This matter is simple and simple, because the two countries are basically self-governing now. Apart from paying part of the tax to Spain, they are basically managed by local nobles and businessmen.But if there is no one to help stand on the platform, it is actually not easy. The French or the Austrians are not so kind. It is hard to say what price the northern Italians will pay.

Therefore, now the Northern Italian Confederation-basically the Genoese and the Venetians have the final say, and Tuscany also has some say, but not much-it can only choose to hug the thighs of the people on the east coast, because this It is the only country that can help them when the great changes come.

People on the East Coast are certainly willing to do so.An independent and strong Italy can bring variables to Europe and weaken the influence of established powers.In particular, this country is still firmly controlled by the people on the east coast. If it is very obedient, it will be even more wonderful. It can be said that it will be the cornerstone of the East Coast Republic's influence in the Mediterranean in the next hundred years, and it is a strategic action that must not be missed.

The Italians are very aware of this.So now the people on the east coast let them do whatever they want. For example, when they asked them to import more grain from the Crimean Khanate, they decisively abandoned traditional grain trading partners such as Morocco, Egypt, and the Netherlands, and began to cooperate with the Kerry The Mia have established long-term food purchasing relationships.

Haji County is a land leased by people on the east coast and one of the important places for grain trade. Therefore, there are many Italian merchant ships coming and going every year, which has brought huge benefits to the county's economy.Qiu Daye and his team are staying in the best hotel in Haji County—it is also the tallest building, with a total of six floors, invested and constructed by Xu Hao, a famous businessman on the east coast, and there are also some well-established funds or asset management companies among the shareholders— —After that, what I saw was the shocking scene of the forest of masts.

"Brother Huang, when will there be such a scene in Bahrain?" Looking at the seemingly endless masts in the rain, Qiu Daye was also shocked: "I'm afraid there must be dozens of large ships?"

"Brother Qiu has good eyesight. According to my opinion, there must be more than 80 large ships of more than 3 tons, and there are even more small boats and fishing boats of less than 20 tons. There must be 10 ships facing upwards? This is really true. No! The last time I saw so many ships, it must have been in Dinghai Port, Ningbo, where there are more.” The businessman surnamed Huang was also surprised, only to hear him frown and calculate, and then said: “So many ships If you come to do business, the taxes will be enough for a year, right? Although Haji Port has canceled the import and export tariffs, there are still some small taxes such as urban infrastructure tax and social security tax, which are said to add up to [-]%. I'm afraid there will be [-] yuan in taxes this year? And I heard that this city also has corporate income tax, personal income tax, and real estate tax. In a year, the tax collection alone will cost as much as [-] yuan? Really? It’s terrible, it’s terrible! Freeport is so profitable? If tariffs are charged, wouldn’t it be..."

"Brother Huang has made a fool of himself. If tariffs are charged, is it still called a free port? Are there still so many merchants coming to set up trading companies to do business?" Qiu Daye said with a smile: "Haji Port is one of the major grain distribution centers in the Black Sea. Well, it should be said to be the largest distribution center. So many people are willing to come here to do business, why? Isn’t it because of Ansheng here, high government efficiency, and low taxation? Although I have never dealt with Crimean Tartars , but I still know a thing or two about their virtues. Going there to buy food, the price may be one or two cents lower, but there are too many other explicit or hidden expenses. I lived in Daming for the first half of my life, and I have seen There are too many such things, and I can’t finish talking about it for a day and a night. In a word, go to the Tartars to collect grain directly, let alone whether their ports can bear such a large throughput. In terms of cost, it may not be It’s lower than here. In Port Haji, there is no huge amount of donations, no one drags you without food, no one mixes sand, you don’t need to search everywhere, bank financing settlement is also very convenient, and delivery is fast and accurate , both money and goods, efficient and concise. How nice, don’t you think?”

"That's true." The businessman surnamed Huang nodded with a smile and said, "The trade volume of food is more than 400 million yuan a year, which is really amazing. It is said that the Crimean Khanate has a total of just over one million people. This black land is really fertile. No wonder their country has the money to buy guns and cannons, to build fortresses, and to build beautiful buildings. Sell food to the Italians, and then buy weapons, daily necessities, and luxury goods from other places. The distribution center is also located in Haji, this Haji County is going to heaven. Now I really doubt that Haji County can collect more than 100 million yuan a year in taxes alone, I am really envious."

"Yeah, I'm afraid the Turkic country in the south is even more envious." Qiu Daye also sighed, and then said with a smile: "It's a pity that those gangsters don't know how to run the country. A big country, even humiliatingly ran to Haji Port to ask for help for several million yuan of funds. A barbarian is a barbarian, and he will never be a civilized person. Brother Huang, don't just envy. If Bahrain Island is well managed in the future , is not without the possibility of development! Even though there is Diu nearby, the competition is a bit fierce, but it’s not like there are no opportunities at all. As big local families, our two families should ideally support each other and help each other.”

"Extremely! Extremly! It's important to make a fortune together!" The businessman surnamed Huang rubbed his hands and said, "Grandma, if it weren't for the strict control of the Navy, I would like to go to Haji County to settle down and live. This is the really good place." Ah. Well, let’s not talk about these disappointing things. We have been out for a long time, our horizons have been opened, and the truth has been understood a lot. It’s time to think about what business to do in the future. Bahrain Island is a hot place , but now is our home, the place where we take root, and we must develop well in the future. Otherwise, if we mess around like Raksha people and Turkic people, I’m afraid we’ll never get up for the rest of our lives.”

(End of this chapter)

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