Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2298 Luoyang Mansion

Chapter 2298 Luoyang Mansion ([-])

On March 1696, 3, it was sunny and the southeast wind was four.

The construction of Luoming Highway has now entered the "deep water zone", that is, the easy repairs and sufficient funds have been completed, and the rest are not so easy to repair, and the funding is also procrastinating, which makes people very speechless .The project manager in charge of the road once questioned the Ministry of Communications, why the promised road construction funds could not be released in time, and is the annual budget all for nothing?As a result, the Ministry of Communications told him that the budget is for nothing. In the past 20 years, there has been almost no year where the budget has not exceeded the budget. There are always various urgent allocations and temporary use of money when things come to an end, so the finances cannot be met temporarily. It's normal to come.The project manager was speechless. In the end, he could only accept the reality and do as much work as he had.

The current traffic mileage of Luoming Highway is not ideal.Judging from the map, the construction in Mingfu County has been completed, and it has been further extended to Wenting Township.As for the section starting from Luoyang Funan City, due to material and manpower factors, it has not yet reached Taishun Township, which can be said to be quite slow.

However, if the road cannot be repaired, the convoy transporting supplies to the new capital, Luoyang, can only go on half the hardened road and half the grass, which is very pitiful.The large and small car repair shops along the way have made a fortune. They often replace the axles, springs and other parts of the passing cars because of their severe wear and tear.Some bosses who are reluctant to repair their cars insist on using mules and horses. This is not to save the cost of car repairs, but the cargo volume is incomparable with others, and it is a mess anyway.

However, the State Development Bureau is not worried, they still set up a large number of settlements on both sides of the road, including: Jingtu Township (located near the later city of Galvez), Changshun Township (located near the later city of Rafaela), Angui Township Township (located near the later town of Sastre), Daoming Township (located near the later town of Freyre), Wuyang Township (located near the later town of Las Varillas), Boxing Township (located near the small town of Balnearia in later generations), Zheng'an Township (near the small town of Karilovo in later generations), Zhengding Township (located near the small town of La Puerta in later generations), Runshui Township (located in the later generations of Rio Puri Near the town of Melo), a total of nine new settlements were added, and another [-] immigrants.

These immigrants, plus the first batch of more than 2, will be 4! The production and life of [-] people requires a huge amount of materials. The transportation team directly under the General Bureau of Development, which is responsible for solving the maintenance problems of these settlements in the early stage, wants to die.But there is no way, they can only hope that these new settlements can get on the right track as soon as possible and become self-sustaining, otherwise they will have to continue to transport things endlessly.

Therefore, from here we can see how significant the Luoming Highway under construction is.Only when this road is opened to traffic as soon as possible, the bottleneck of material transportation will be initially alleviated, and then the various departments that are crowded in Dongfang Port may be relocated one after another. Families poured in.Of course, even if the Luoming Highway is opened to traffic, after the influx of a large number of people, the capacity of this highway will soon be saturated, and the construction of the Luoming Railway with a larger transportation volume must be put on the agenda, otherwise the development of Luoyang Prefecture There is always a ceiling, and the status of the capital is not worthy of its name.

According to sources from the Ministry of Communications, the higher-ups will soon double the number of manpower devoted to the construction of the Luoming Highway and the preparatory work for the railway.This determination is undoubtedly great, but it is still a question mark to be able to implement it.The prize pool of the transportation lottery is almost exhausted, and construction materials (asphalt) have to be transported from overseas. There are still many troubles, and it depends on how to solve them.

But it's not going to be easy.Because the Ministry of Communications has set extremely high standards for the Luoming Highway, this first-class national road with a length of more than 400 kilometers will be covered with asphalt. Considering that more than half of the asphalt in China needs to be transported from the Caribbean Sea, this is obviously a huge problem. After all, many other occasions also need asphalt.

The first solution is to send more ships to Huaiyuan Island to transport asphalt (of course, the local miners also need to be employed, which is another problem), especially those dilapidated wooden ships, which were originally planned to be auctioned off by the South China Sea Transportation Company. , Now it is delayed, they allocated funds to repair it, and then put it all into the Huaiyuan Island route.

The second thing is to increase domestic production. Coke, metallurgy and gas companies produce a large amount of asphalt every year, especially the coal produced locally on the east coast. There are many such impurities, which can be regarded as waste utilization.Don't underestimate the output in this area. In fact, it is still very large. Just like the sulfur shortage problem that has been basically solved on the east coast, asphalt can also be partially solved in the field of industrial waste. The three major heavy industrial enterprises on the east coast used to More than [-] tons of sulfur are injected into the atmosphere every year. Now through recycling, a considerable part of it has been recovered. Coupled with some sulfur mines of different sizes in Chile, it is basically possible to achieve the level of sulfur. This is the dividend brought by technological progress!

Sulfur can do this. Although asphalt is a bit more difficult, if you bite your teeth, it can at least make up a large part of it, if not completely. This is very important for the liberation of transport capacity.

Well, everyone knows that there are funding bottlenecks, material bottlenecks, and labor bottlenecks in the construction of the Luoming Highway.Although large-scale wars have been breaking out in continental Europe in the past few years, and people's lives are difficult, the good living conditions of the East Coast Republic have indeed attracted a large number of non-national laborers. Ten years ago, the number of non-national laborers in the East Coast once dropped to There were less than 20 people, but now it has soared to over 30—but the stalls are too big, and people are needed everywhere, and the managers of various projects are frantically sending telegrams to their superiors to ask for labor support.The worst thing is that, regardless of the actual situation, the bureaucrats of the Immigration Department continued to organize Indians and Mestizos to go to overseas colonies or the yellow-black dividing line in South Africa to settle and settle down, which further reduced the available labor force.Many people thought they were crazy, especially those project managers who were driven crazy by the construction schedule and shortage of manpower, and they were even more scolded.However, the masters of the immigration department under the banner of a century-old plan are extremely politically correct, and no one can refute it. In the end, they can only accept the reality.

Fortunately, the people in the army are more powerful.In the past two years, the Ministry of War has dispatched domestic regular troops and reserve security corps in turn to "hunt" in the Chaco Plain, and even sent troops into Paraguay to arrest the local Guaraní people semi-openly.Due to the hard work of the Spaniards for more than a hundred years and the unique environment in Paraguay, the level of civilization of the local Indians is relatively high.They even used the weapons issued by the Spaniards to defeat the Brazilian Sao Paulo flag team many times. Some of the wars were even large in scale, reaching the scale of thousands of people, which shows the level of social civilization.

As the level of civilization increases, its population will increase accordingly. This is almost an iron rule, and Paraguay is no exception.Therefore, the Army's semi-public "hunting" operations have achieved significant results. In just two years, they have plundered more than [-] Quechuas and Guaranis from Paraguay, greatly relieving domestic violence. The dilemma of labor shortage.It is believed that this behavior of population plundering may continue if it is not for the "highest standard" protest by the Viceroyalty of Peru in the Kingdom of Spain.But it’s not working now, the East Coast government still has to show some face, the Ministry of the Army has ordered to stop this kind of behavior, and there is still a shortage of domestic labor force, it has to be said that this is a pity.

After the construction of Luoming Highway is completed, Luohuang Railway, Luoshang Railway, and Luoyan Railway (the construction of Luoyan Highway has already started) will be launched one after another.Through these three main railway lines, Luoyang Prefecture can be connected with core cities in various regions of the country, and the circulation of people and goods will also be greatly accelerated.And when these goods from all over the country gather in the Shendu District of Luoyang Prefecture, they will cross the Andes Mountains by road and railway, and go to the Chilean side. Of course, the premise is that you have to get that piece of land from the Spaniards first. — whether by legal or illegal means.

Of course, we must not forget the communication lines that accompany the railway.The East Coast Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications will also spend huge sums of money to build a wired telegraph network near the railway line to ensure communication efficiency in this future heartland of the country.It is worth mentioning that this time the wired telegraph network will adopt a new generation of technology. Not only the transceiver itself has been improved, but its energy supply system will also be changed from lead-acid batteries to power stations for centralized power supply. Received funding from the government to build a power station at a site along the railway to provide power to the telegraph offices.

Undoubtedly, this is another breakthrough in the application of electricity after lighthouses (arc lamps), battery charging, electrolysis of salt water, and electric machines.With the increasing number of power stations in the country (currently there are five, all of which are very small), the development momentum of the East Coast Power Company can no longer be stopped. In the future, they may increase the power of the power stations Multiply and introduce more devices that use electricity as the driving force, allowing the entire country to electrify step by step.

At this time, the domestic steam engine manufacturers should be the most panicked.They have invested a lot of manpower and energy in the past, and spent a huge amount of money, and managed to further improve the thermal efficiency of the steam engine.But at this time, the electric power represented by the electric motor is coming fiercely, how could they not be worried?A tragic contest is probably inevitable.

However, the East Coast government does not seem to be too worried about this.They seem to uphold a fair stance, let the technology and the market speak, and use whoever is better, it's that simple!

Say a few words.The matter of historical nihilism exploded like an atomic bomb in the historical web literature circle. According to this standard, 95% of historical texts are unqualified.I’ve been preparing a new book for a long time, but I’m afraid it won’t come to fruition. I originally planned to write a story about the Huangchao uprising at the end of the Tang Dynasty, when I wore it alone, made a fortune in the Northwest, and three generations worked hard to establish a dynasty.But this is historical nihilism, if it fails, it is very depressing.

In addition, everyone may know what happened next door, so it's hard to say what's going on in this book.Let's be a monk for one day to hit the clock for one day. If you can't even hit the clock, there is nothing you can do. Everyone should be mentally prepared.My book has more than 800 million words. It is impossible to change it. I will not change it in this life. I can only. . .There is no way. . .

(End of this chapter)

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