Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2296 Luoyang Mansion

Chapter 2296 Luoyang Mansion ([-])

"Last year, a total of 38 enterprises in the six districts of the prefecture applied for registration." On February 1696, 2, in a five-story office building by the Luo River, Governor Zhao Ke was listening to the secretary's report.

At the moment they are talking about the development of industry and commerce in Luoyang Prefecture. The data comes from the statistics of the district governments, and detailed information is attached. The secretary will report to Zhao Ke after the statistics are sorted out.

According to the spirit of the New Capital Development Leading Group, Luoyang Prefecture will not develop large-scale industries in principle, because industries consume water, produce pollution, and bring a huge population, which is inconsistent with the spirit of the central government.But there is no certainty. There are repair shops of China Railway and Amtrak in Shendu District. The South Vehicle Factory has also opened a branch here. It is said that the Meilin Railway Machinery Processing Factory will also open a branch here. There are still some industrial enterprises. And the scale of investment in the future will definitely not be small.

In Nancheng District and Beicheng District, except for some planned urban areas, most of them are still barren, and most of the people living there are farmers.Even in planned places, there is often only a sign erected, and the land is left unused due to progress or funding problems.Zhao Ke once saw a farmer driving a large herd of stinking cattle and sheep into the "State Intelligence Agency".

Therefore, the six districts of Luoyang's prefecture are basically based on agriculture at present, and even Beicheng District, the core of the country, now has a large amount of farmland.Maybe five years later, when all kinds of buildings are built in sevens and eights, these farmlands should gradually decrease-but they shouldn't disappear in a short time.

And precisely because of the existence of these farmlands, agricultural product deep-processing enterprises have also begun to settle here.After all, people can't eat the rice or wheat recovered from the field. Machine noodle mills and rice mills are definitely needed.A prominent feature of food enterprises is that they are close to grain production areas, so Luoyang government has also approved the establishment of some such enterprises to solve the problem of local grain processing.

In addition to food companies, the most new applications last year were probably various construction companies and commercial companies. The former is required for construction, and the latter is for advance layout, such as the Naryshkin Building, which has already started construction.These enterprises have brought a lot of capital and manpower, which has greatly increased the popularity of the entire Luoyang Prefecture, although most of these people may not live here in the future.

It is worth mentioning that these enterprises are "effective general limited liability companies" in the legal sense.In the early days of the East Coast, it used to be a company with unlimited liability. Once the business owner failed, he needed to sell his property to repay the debt, and this was actually in line with traditional Chinese values.However, the higher-ups found that this was actually not conducive to the development of industry and commerce, so they introduced the concept of "limited liability company", that is, once the business owner goes bankrupt, he does not need to bear too much joint and several liability, and the assets under his personal name can be preserved, which greatly stimulated the registration The number of enterprises has indeed prospered the industry and commerce on the east coast to a certain extent, so that people in the Old World are discussing whether they should follow suit.

Of course, the above is only theoretical.In practice, due to the influence of traditional concepts, limited liability companies are basically only meaningful at the legal level.In actual operation, creditors generally don’t care about these things, and they don’t look at who the legal person of the enterprise is, they only care about who is the actual owner and controller of the enterprise, and then they will settle accounts with them (if the method is too drastic, they may face legal sanctions), It's basically unlimited liability.But in any case, at least legal support for the limited liability system is enough. People's ideas will slowly change (and are already slowly changing now). This is an irresistible trend.

"Most of the enterprises applying for registration are commercial enterprises, not many industrial enterprises, and most of them are located in Nancheng District. The district said that it will strictly review and will not allow fraudulent or unqualified enterprises to settle, which will affect the image of the capital." The secretary explained. .

Deceitful enterprises are the beginning of the rise of the limited liability system.Since these enterprises were launched or established, they were not normal. Their qualifications were not sound, their capital was not strong, or their business direction itself was very problematic.The accountability of such enterprises is often not very effective, which further fuels this trend, so that there are many cases of corporate fraud, which is very troublesome.

Given such a situation, it is understandable that unlimited liability companies are more popular with investors and partners than limited liability companies.The actual controller of a limited liability company can evade responsibility. If it has a thick skin and lives in a big city, as long as there is no obvious evidence of operating fraud, the government will protect them. If you can’t use it (it’s another situation in small cities and rural areas), the money will naturally not come back.

Therefore, at present, many enterprises on the east coast—mainly commercial enterprises and financial enterprises—are still unlimited liability companies, such as the famous Sun Chunyang Nanhuoshop, whose corporate legal person has not yet changed the company to a limited liability company.Once the company goes bankrupt in the future, all shareholders will have to bear debts or other responsibilities, so the company is very popular with partners, and many suppliers are willing to deliver the goods first, and then settle the bill later.

Generally speaking, the current ratio of limited liability companies to unlimited liability companies is about one to three.But the trend is that the number of the former is increasing rapidly, while the growth rate of the latter is quite limited. It is estimated that limited liability companies will occupy the mainstream in a few years.After all, it is the national law that reduces their responsibility for the company's shares. People seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Who would cling to "outdated things"?

"Of course you don't want those without qualifications, but some companies need to be carefully reviewed. I heard that there are a few sources with a lot of capital who plan to register a company in Nancheng District and develop the salt marsh in the northeast. They hired a lot of people , are all state-run salt farms, and they plan to do a big job to defeat the increasingly ineffective state-run salt farms and monopolize this market. This kind of company, Lu Ziye, may bully the owner, and if they monopolize the salt industry, they may raise prices at will , it’s not good for the image of the capital. You have to pay attention to this, you have to be screened, and don’t agree to others based on their strength. The capital will not be short of money in the future, nor will it rely on these enterprises to make money. This is not an industrial city, but an administrative city. Do you understand?" When he said this, Zhao Ke couldn't help but frowned, obviously it was a headache for those people, but he finally made up his mind.

It is said that since the restrictions on private capital entry in the salt industry were lifted many years ago, the operation of the state-owned salt farms is now worsening day by day.Even though they have the salt farm with the richest resources in the country, their profits are severely limited by high costs and shortcomings in marketing.Up to now, private salt industry capital has gradually taken over the mainstream, and they have even contracted some salt marshes owned by state-run salt farms, and their operations are booming.

At the beginning of this year, all private investors in the salt industry met in Qingdao to create a new Salt Industry Union, excluding state-run salt farms.The Eastern People's Party's official publication "Minsheng" accused it of possible joint monopoly of salt production, and then continued to increase prices to enjoy excess profits.This is not an unfounded accusation, because it was rumored at this meeting that the participating salt industry bosses planned to form a joint salt industry company to completely destroy the state-run salt farms and form a de facto monopoly.

"Minsheng" magazine accused its ultimate goal of privatizing state property (large and small salt marshes), controlling industrial and civil salt production, and then marching downstream to get involved in commodity fields such as electrolytic salt, chlorine products, and bleaching powder, endangering national economic security .

People in the United Salt Industry Association were confused by this big hat, and even people in the National League (National Power Alliance) expressed concern. The Revival Club had to come out to stand for them, but its explanation was also weak.In the end, it was the government who came forward to let the salt farms of various countries merge to form the East Coast Salt Industry Company and join this new association. management, strictly investigate corruption and malfeasance, and strive to restore the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.

This time the emerging chaebol—well, calling it a chaebol may be an exaggeration, but emerging capital can’t accurately describe it—was wrestling with the political family, and it ended peacefully for the time being.But just like what exists in the department store field, the strength gap between Sun Chunyang Nanhuo Shop and the state-owned department stores is getting bigger and bigger, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.But this incident has at least had a positive impact, that is, it has made the chaebols (through a variety of dazzling investment funds and asset management companies) realize where the red line is, and to what extent should be enough. balance with the public interest.

So, you can now understand why Luoyang Governor Zhao Ke is very concerned about the Salt Industry United Association registering a company in Nancheng District.Recently, the reputation of this semi-monopoly organization is not very good. Although it is not to the point where everyone shouts and beats, it is certain that it will be disheartened.At this juncture, he is really unwilling to take political risks.

In fact, he has no interest in that so-called semi-monopoly organization, and he is not related to them. At most, he is acquainted with some of them.Compared with making money, he still prefers being an official.His family also has some property, which is more than enough for his children to spend their entire lives. As long as his political career does not end midway, then at his level, what can't he enjoy?The quality of daily life is no lower than that of the bosses of those salt companies, and he does not need to pay any fees himself, all of which are government expenditures.From this point of view, the attractiveness of politics is not lower than that of business, and it is even much higher. Why bother to stand up for those wild bosses?not worth it!With that time, why not think carefully about the cultivation and development of various industries in the six districts of the prefecture in the next stage.

(End of this chapter)

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