Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2287 Europa Universalis

Chapter 2287 Europa Universalis ([-])

October 1695, 10, London, sleet.

Although it was freezing cold outside, it was as warm as spring inside the Iron Mansion.Because of his promotion to deputy envoy, after obtaining the consent of the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zheng Dexiang used part of the funds of the London Commercial Station to redesign and renovate the heating system of the iron mansion, so that it was able to keep people warm even in winter. comfortable temperature.

After the winter, the business at London Merchant Station (next to the Iron Mansion) has slowed down a lot, and the number of boats coming and going has been reduced to one a month.However, this does not mean that London's business is dead. In fact, the country's total import and export volume is growing astonishingly every year, nor does it mean that the trade between the East Coast and England has declined. Growth, the East Coast trade surplus with Britain is also expanding.The cold trade in winter is simply because the people on the east coast adjusted their strategic deployment and devoted more energy and ship tonnage to the Mediterranean side.

In the Mediterranean Sea, people on the east coast leased the Port of Haji and controlled the largest share of the Black Sea trade. The relationship between them is also very hot, and it is understandable to invest more resources there.One must know that Cai Zhenguo was stationed there, and he was Zheng Dexiang's nominal boss, so it was normal to have some emphasis, and even Zheng Dexiang himself didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Early this morning, he had just sent off the envoy from Riga.The messenger brought him multiple encrypted documents, and after having the confidential secretary translate them one by one, Zheng Dexiang had already reviewed them and issued his own opinions.In his view, the current situation in the Baltic Sea is still controllable. Although the Kingdom of Sweden is hated by people, there is no one around who has the absolute strength to challenge its status.Brandenburg-Prussia, Poland, and Denmark, the three countries with which they have a dangerous relationship, are weak unless they unite.But how difficult it is!At present, part of the Prussian army is working for the Dutch, and the other part is also on standby at any time, either under the banner of the United Provinces, or going to Vienna to serve the emperor. There is an intermittent war with the Ottoman Turks in the south (with the intention of recovering Podolia Province), and although a peace agreement has been signed with Russia in the east, there has been no war for many years, but you really can’t take Moscow lightly. The Poles probably only have The future will only be seen clearly after the new king is selected (Sobieski is already bedridden); the Danes are standard weak, in fact, they have always wanted to regain a large piece of land that was occupied by the Swedes in the past few decades , But the ability is not good, dare not use weapons, unless you meet a strong ally.

Of course, if there really is a talented person who can unite these countries and attack Sweden in unison, there is the last insurance line, that is, the United Provinces and England, these two occupy most of the Baltic trade. share country.Zheng Dexiang is very clear that these two countries are very unwilling to see a war in the Baltic Sea. What they hope is to maintain the status quo forever. If any country jumps out to break this situation, they are likely to put pressure on them to call for a strike and truce.It is even possible for the two countries to jointly dispatch naval forces to intervene in the war situation.Therefore, Zheng Dexiang feels that a war in the Baltic Sea is unlikely, and even if it does, it will not be a big one, because external interference will come soon.There is no need for the people on the east bank to get involved in this war. What they want to ensure is that the Duchy of Courland, the fulcrum of the people on the east coast, survive and play a role for the interests of the east coast—this should not be difficult, if If they don't take the initiative to die.

"The snow is getting bigger and bigger..." Looking at the heavy snow falling outside the window, Zheng Dexiang, holding a teacup, said with emotion: "Sometimes the fate of a person and a country is like this snowflake all over the sky. Where does it blow?" , where it falls depends entirely on the arrangement of the wind. The quality of the Grand Duke of Courland is really too bad, but we have to protect him. By the way, is his son's teacher already in place?"

"It's in place. They are all carefully selected talents by the State Intelligence Bureau. They have excellent professional quality and pass the academic knowledge. They are more than enough to teach this duke's son." The secretary came quietly behind Zheng Dexiang and replied.

The enlightenment education for the youngest son of Grand Duke Frederick is already a matter of negotiation between the two countries.The people of the east bank will pass all-round, in-depth and thorough education, so that the prince will have a good impression of the east bank since he was a child, understand who is the real friend and protector of Courland, and ensure that the headache of Grand Duke Frederick The guy won't show up again.

"How's the progress of the war negotiation like the old lady's foot wrap?" After taking a sip of hot tea, Zheng Dexiang asked refreshedly, feeling warm in his belly: "I hope the script can be finished soon, they played well Don’t feel tired, those of us who are watching the show are too tired.”

The war Zheng Dexiang mentioned was naturally the war between the Anti-French Alliance and the French.This war has been going on and off for many years. Both sides are now in a state of exhaustion, and peace negotiations have been ongoing.It's just that the process of peace negotiation has taken too long. It has been three years. The whole process is as smelly and long as an old lady's foot wrap, which makes people very helpless.

"It's close to an agreement. Basically, the two sides probably get nothing. The French took advantage of Savoy and the Spaniards and got some towns. But after the Duke of Luxembourg died of illness, the French Army's Morale has been shaken, and Philipsburg, an outpost on the Rhine, is under siege by the enemy. In the direction of the South Netherlands, the French have not been very favorable recently. They have begun to withdraw their troops to the rear, giving up most of their occupation towns, it seems because of insufficient supplies. As for their opponents, Spain and Savoy are scared like quails, the Austrians are eager to turn around and fight the Turks, and the Dutch government is heavily in debt, so the English are willing to continue fighting , anyway, the battlefield is not in their territory, but their opinion is not decisive." The secretary replied: "Maybe after a few months, at most a year, the smoke of the war will completely clear up. According to our Dutch friends According to the latest news from there, the negotiators of the two sides have begun to temporarily shelve the issue when they are at a stalemate, and instead discussed the health of King Carlos II of Spain, although King Carlos has been in good health recently."

"Oh, stupid and ruthless relatives, they are plotting to carve up Spain's inheritance again." Zheng Dexiang laughed and said sarcastically.

In fact, as he said, during the negotiations, representatives from various countries gathered together, so representatives from all parties discussed the issue of Spain by the way.Because of the ongoing war, negotiators on all sides have expressed concern about the Spanish succession issue, which could spark another war.The two most important relatives of Carlos II, France and Austria, had different opinions on how to divide the inheritance. Louis XIV was very ambitious and wanted his grandson to inherit the Spanish throne, which would allow France to annex Spain in effect.The Habsburg family in Vienna was thinking the same thing. They coveted the rich and vast land of Spain very much, and tried every means to swallow it in order to strengthen their national strength, so that they could be in the east and west. long battle.

It should be said that other countries on the European continent tend to let the Austrians inherit the Spanish heritage, but the problem is that Louis XIV will definitely not agree, so a war seems to be inevitable!Poor Carlos II is not dead, his relatives have already regarded him as a dead person, and discussed the aftermath arrangement in a grand manner. This is really a great tragedy—not only his own sorrow, but also the sorrow of the Spanish people , but who really cares?

Well, it's not true to say that no one cares, in fact people on the East Coast do!As a country that is constantly encroaching on Spanish territory in South America, the East Coast Republic of China really does not want to see Spain being devoured by the hungry wolves around it.From the perspective of national interests, they are the only major powers that hope that the Kingdom of Spain will continue to maintain peace and stability, which is quite ironic.Helplessly, people from the east coast could not get involved in the talks of the century for the time being. Their representatives participated in the armistice negotiations between France and the anti-French coalition as observers, but not many people listened to what they said.In the face of the temptation of huge interests, neither France nor Austria will compromise on this matter. The only solution may really be war!

As for the war, the people on the east coast also made plans.Considering that most of the Spanish nobles now hate Leopold of Vienna - many people think that it was a mistake that the Spanish throne fell to the Habsburg family. As a tool for the family to realize their ambitions, Spain exhausted its national strength in brutal wars and finally fell completely—they were more inclined to merge with France, so after many consultations, the East Coast government has decided that if nothing can be done , immediately sent troops to take down the Spanish colonies in America and lay the foundation of their own eternity.

After that, they can calmly choose how to face the complicated situation in Europe, intervene and occupy at the most suitable time, and grab the greatest benefit.After careful study and judgment, the foreign affairs department on the east coast expressed with full confidence that if everything goes well, then when the war of succession, which may affect a very wide range, is over, the influence of the East China Republic in Europe will be restored. reach a new level.At that time, there is no doubt that more countries will fall to the east coast. Even the continental powers of France, Austria, the United Provinces and England cannot stop this process.The east coast will use its strong military strength, economic strength and diplomatic influence to let the countries including France live under the influence of the east coast, and dance according to the baton of the east coast from then on—if possible.

"Stupid Europeans, maybe this is their last carnival. After this, the pride will be shattered and the dignity will be lost. And all this because they kill each other again and again. Haha, Every time I think of this, I can't help but get excited." Zheng Dexiang said with a smile as he looked at the growing snowstorm outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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