Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2225 Soetu envoys Russia

Chapter 2225 Suo'etu envoys Russia ([-])

"This mountain is really dangerous!" Suo'etu stood on the winding path with the support of two strong guards.Next to it is a deep canyon. In the canyon, the rapids of autumn water are rolling, and some rotten wood is floating.Overhead, cliffs soared, and trees growing in the crevices hung upside down.The horse stepped carefully on the mountain path step by step, and occasionally dropped a stone, which rolled and fell like a cannonball, smashing it to pieces.

Suo'etu, a first-class public in the Qing Dynasty and a powerful man, probably never thought that one day he would embark on such a dangerous path and live such a miserable life.But there is no way, in order to go to Russia, in order to complete this important task entrusted by the emperor, he can only drag such an old bone and bite the bullet.

They originally planned to enter Central Asia from the Western Regions, but they gave up considering the chaotic situation over there and the possible change in attitude of Cewang Allah Butan.To be honest, although he and Kangxi are currently fighting fiercely, both sides know that the other party is not a friend, and there will be a battle sooner or later.And Soetu's mission to Russia may also make Cewang Allah Butan's imagination. Recently, some Central Asian nomads who were bewitched by the Russians threatened Tashkent, an important town in the west. Maybe Cewang Allah Butan ordered Soetu A group of people were detained, so they would be blinded.

Therefore, after discussions and discussions, it was finally decided to go north from the Mongolian steppe, enter the Russian-controlled area, and then turn west to Moscow.Soetu and the others were also lucky. A series of offensives launched by the Qing government made Galdan overwhelmed and forced to shrink their troops. Therefore, they were able to go northward from the old land of the Chechen Khan and then meet in the Udinsk Fort area. The Russian cavalry who came to escort them successfully entered the territory of the Russian Empire.

The journey from Siberia to Moscow is a long one, and a year is required to travel normally.Considering Suo'etu's noble status, it is impossible to travel as hard as the big soldiers, so there will be more delay on the road, just like the tsar's special envoy Golovin, it is very possible to walk for a year and a half.

Suo'etu and his party had passed this difficult and dangerous path at this time, and came to a relatively flat grassland.The Cossack leader Alexander Gorsorokin, who accompanied them to Moscow, said that there is a gold mine tens of versts down from this grassland, where they can rest for two days.

Suo'etu expressed his thanks through the translator, then found a clean place, and planned to rest for half an hour before going on the road.The guards quickly took a small cushioned chair from the pack horse, and Deha, the personal servant, brought a bag of cigarettes to Suo'etu, and several people beside him opened a screen and gave Suo'etu a bag of cigarettes. Block the downhill wind.The Russian Cossacks next to him were amazed by this gentleman's demeanor. How could the nobles under Bogd Khan enjoy it more than those gentlemen in Moscow?

In the distance, a Qing soldier with a big braid was letting the horse take a walk to rest. As a result, the horse snorted, pricked up its ears, and quickly ran away after taking a few steps.While everyone was in astonishment, they saw a large group of birds of prey rising from all directions and circling in the air.The Cossacks told everyone not to panic, saying that these birds of prey, accustomed to eating the corpses of men and horses that fell on the road, would follow them for some distance, and if they were still alive, the birds would go away of their own accord.

He went on to introduce in detail that there are many escaped serfs from the west in Siberia. These people were terrified along the way. They didn’t have enough food or clothing. Many died while walking. It’s normal for them to be eaten by birds. .He also cited an example from his own personal experience, saying that he once pursued a fugitive miner in a gold mine. The miner ran for several days and nights, exhausted and on the verge of collapse.At that time, he saw a dead horse being eaten by birds of prey on the road, so he drove the beasts away, and then tore and devoured the horse carcass. As a result, he himself died after eating, and finally became those beasts. Raptor Satiating Dim Sum.

The Cossack's words made Qing Guo and his party feel very uncomfortable, but Suo'etu was calm and calm, with no waves on his face.He didn't know how many shameful things he had done in his life, how many people he had killed, and he had no mercy for others in his heart.Therefore, after listening to these things the Russians said, I didn't respond at all, but I pondered the information in my heart, thinking about the living conditions of ordinary Russians in places like Siberia.


Pekarski is a well-known supervisor of gold mines. In his hands, unprofitable gold mines can also become profitable.It was already night, and the Soetu mission group stepped into the gold mine with heavy steps.The Cossack leader Gersorokin found Pekarski, explained the situation to him, and then paid some rubles, and everyone lived in the gold mine as they wished.

Soetu was put into one of the best rooms, which was where Pekarski entertained county and state officials.A man in shabby clothes brought them a fairly clean bedding. Soetu asked Deha to give the man a piece of silver, and then chatted with him for a while through an interpreter.

Perhaps in the face of guests from a foreign country, the gold miner made no secret of his anger at the gold mine owner: "Pekalski is a vampire, and no gold mine is as tiring as his here. People give him Worked like hell for a winter's work, and he wouldn't even pay a penny. Many people died of starvation and exhaustion in the mines and forests like dogs. These are poor people. They have no legal identification documents, dirty Terrible, in rags and bark shoes, working as hard as I could in the snow."

"He didn't even want to build a decent house for us. All the workers lived in the deep pit dug out by the mining, and some simple houses were built on the edge of the pit. But these places are too low and It’s cold, even in summer there is snow. Normally, as soon as the sun goes down, the air in this pit is so humid and cold that it’s impossible to go out without warmer clothes. The only way to avoid the cold is to wear a leather jacket. But , most of the workers had nothing but shirts, and everyone was purple and shivering. To be honest, I was lucky, and I usually help in the kitchen, but those people are really pitiful. Many of them are from my hometown. Skinny and pale, like shadows. These cattle and horse workers have been tortured to the bone, but the owner doesn't care about this at all. He just wants the cattle and horses to work for him. If a cow and horse are finished Well, that deserves it. A lot of people will take advantage of the weaknesses of these poor undocumented people and make them work for them, but only a natural villain can do a 'good job' like Pekarski." Goldminer continued to complain .

Suo'etu was silent after hearing this, but his mind began to spin rapidly.In his opinion, these Raksha people are really vicious enough, and the slaves under their opponents don't have any good face at all.I heard that when they explored Heilongjiang, they ate the corpses of the dead in their team because of lack of food.Only such wolf-hearted, cruel and vicious people can fight against the Qing Dynasty for so many years without losing the wind!Because they are ruthless enough, they are ruthless to others, and sometimes they are ruthless to themselves!

It's just that the gentry in Rakshasa are so cruel, causing the common people to be angry and resentful. If they are called out by others, are there followers like clouds?Last time, the leader of the Russian Eight Banners told me that the mud legs and frontier soldiers in their country had rebelled once, and that's right!The administration is so harsh, and the people suffer so much, how can they not rebel?

Thinking of this, Suo'etu was also a little unhappy.Because my Qing Dynasty has no theoretical border with Russia now (not counting Mobei Mongolia), and they don't have the energy to fight into Russia.It's just that people from the Eastern Kingdom are recruiting and accepting rebels on the grassland, and they are stupidly planning to go west.If they let them fight in, as long as these mud-legged people are fed and clothed warmly, they will vote for the Eastern Dynasty and turn their heads to help them deal with the Russian court. This would not be beautiful.

Suo'etu asked Nudeha, his personal servant, to write this down, and when he was free, he would expand it in detail. After returning to the capital after this mission, he would present it to the emperor, saying that he would let the emperor make a decision based on the advantages and disadvantages. Bar.

After resting in the gold mine for two days, the Qing mission set off again under the protection of the Cossack cavalry.They headed west along the road leading to Tobolsk, and Russians were often seen working on the road.Siberia in October is actually relatively cold, and some rivers have even frozen over, but these poor people are standing in waist-deep water by the roadside, struggling to build something.They were ragged and shivering from the cold. Because of the long time, their clothes and shoes even rotted on their bodies.Of course, they have no place to warm up, and they have no better food to eat. They can only work hard day after day, at the cost of overdrawing their vitality, in exchange for some meager income-if they meet someone like Pekarski, They don't even have income.

Of course, there are some better-looking farms on the roadside.The Cossacks told Soetu that they were the residences of peasants or landlords with legal status—in fact, in sparsely populated Siberia, almost every peasant is a landlord—this made Soetu nod slightly, correcting A little bit of previous opinion.It seems that this Raksha country is not always so shabby, ordinary Qianshou also have a good life, but not many.

At this time, he was also surprised that the Russians could occupy such a vast land.Even though the Jurchens originated between the white mountains and the black waters, they knew very little about Siberia, thousands of miles away. They didn't know the vast land and rich products here.Suo'etu has also read books. After thinking about it, he thinks that only the Huns and Xianbei people have occupied this place in history. They were all big and powerful countries that stood side by side with the Central Plains Dynasty.Especially the Xiongnu once set up a siege of Baideng, allowing the emperor to escape by bribing women.

It's a pity that this place is still too remote, and it is impossible for my Qing Dynasty to occupy this land.Even the people from Dongguo, who are very prosperous in Mobei, probably don't have the strength.The biggest enemy here is none other than the harsh climate and extremely bad traffic. No matter how powerful the Dongguo people are, they will not be able to solve these problems in the short term. After all, the Russians have been in business for hundreds of years, and their influence has long been Just ingrained.

Suo'etu felt that instead of thinking about these things, it is better to think about what to do in Moscow.I heard that Peter Khan, like the Emperor Kangxi, succeeded to the throne as a young man, with extraordinary martial arts.It would be great if he could agree to join hands with us, the Qing Dynasty, to completely wipe out the forces of Galdan and even Tseng Arabutan.

It's just——I'm afraid it's not that simple!Suo'etu has never been afraid to judge others with the greatest malice, so since Peter is not stupid, he will definitely ask for certain conditions.After all, Junggar and Mongolia are not a particularly big threat to them at present, and there are even some unclear relationships. Dealing with them is really seeking skin from a tiger, and it is absolutely impossible to be careless!

"I can only take one step at a time. I hope I don't miss the important event of the emperor, then my old bones will be dead." Suo'etu sighed softly, thinking worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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