Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2187 Emerging Industries

Chapter 2187 Emerging Industries

On October 1692, 10, the sky was cloudless.

In a large villa by the Song River, Qiang Xiaoman had just finished dancing a healthy dance and was dripping with sweat.After soaking in the big wooden barrel for a while, he crawled out feeling a little hungry. After getting dressed, he cooked himself and fried a piece of tender veal steak for himself.

He is in a very good mood today, which is not generally good. The reason is that the BMW bicycle factory in which he holds a majority stake has received a large order: the newly established Shanghai County Government has purchased [-] bicycles at one go for the police, postmen and other government officials.

There is no doubt that this is the single largest order since the establishment of the BMW bicycle factory, so that their production capacity is seriously insufficient, and they have to post advertisements everywhere to recruit workers into the factory in order to quickly expand production capacity.Qiang Xiaoman supports this decision of the factory management, because the situation is very clear now. With the improvement of the East Coast National Highway system and the improvement of bicycle performance, the market prospect of this new thing is getting wider and wider, and it is profitable. The prospect is getting more and more optimistic by many people.

It wasn't that no one came to Qiang Xiaoman for a joint venture, but they were all dismissed by this former financial broker and current banker.What are you kidding?Do you look down on my strong Xiaoman?I have large real estate in the capital, Qingdao, Ping'an and other places, and a ranch in Australia. I am also a shareholder of Southern Railway Bank. Do you want your three melons and two dates to invest?

Qiang Xiaoman has decided to set up a new branch factory in Shanghai Town (formerly Buenos Aires, later the core main city of Buenos Aires) next year, and recruit key technicians from Tieling County to prepare for the construction and produce bicycles Serves locally throughout the Pampa region.And this is also one of the important reasons why the Shanghai County Government purchases bicycles in large quantities. They have even promised that as long as the BMW factory opens a branch here, even if it is just an assembly plant, they will have follow-up purchases to support it.

The Shanghai County Government has received a large amount of investment from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications for the construction of infrastructure, including the construction of a very dense national highway system.Once it is fully built in the future, bicycles will indeed be very useful.

Of course, Qiang Xiaoman is not satisfied with his current achievements.In fact, he has been urging the factory not to rush to distribute dividends after making profits, but to continue to invest in research and development, continuously improve the performance and manufacturing process of bicycles, and at the same time develop various new models to enrich the product line.

In his lounge just now, Qiang Xiaoman said to the two factory leaders who came over: "As the major shareholder of BMW Bicycle Factory, I don't know how much money I have invested in R&D, business, and distribution channels for many years. I You are not in a hurry to pay dividends now. What are you in a hurry for? Don’t worry, there will be no less bonuses and stocks that should be given to you. You can relax now and go back to find ways to improve technology and quality. I want to be the BMW factory. Don’t mess it up for me. What? Other shareholders expect dividends? Stop talking nonsense, I don’t agree! If they are upset, just sell the shares to me, I won’t bully them, I I will buy it at a premium and let them come to me!"

Qiang Xiaoman's straightforward words showed his determination.He has been said to be a financial broker and speculator for half his life. This is not a good reputation. He also wants to actively change, but he has not been able to find a way.This time, a bicycle factory was set up by chance, and it was completed. This made him very excited, and he planned to make it bigger and stronger, and make it a century-old shop, so that the gang used to talk about him behind his back and despise him. Take a good look at your own guys, he can also do business!

"Even a rotten person like Wang Hui can make a great business, why can't I, Qiang Xiaoman? Hehe, there is still a long way to go, let's wait and see." Qiang Xiaoman thought while eating veal steak.

Wang Hui is the son of Wang De, a former senior official in the court system.After Bai Yutang, the son of Bai Siwen, devoted himself to politics, he resigned from his public office and became the director of Guangming Candle Factory, which owns a certain shareholding.

The greatest achievement of Director Wang Da is probably to launch a new product for Guangming Candle Factory, that is, kerosene lamps.This lamp uses a liquid fuel extracted and processed from coal. It burns evenly, has a bright flame, and is beautiful in appearance and windproof. It is really an epoch-making product and is very popular.

Of course, limited to kerosene-the name of this liquid fuel extracted from coal-low production and high prices, kerosene lamps are not particularly popular on the east coast, and can only be used by some people who are not short of money. There are some markets.However, with the gradual development of the kerosene refining industry, the high kerosene price will come down sooner or later.At that time, kerosene lamps will quickly spread to thousands of households and become a necessity in people's daily life. The market prospect can be imagined.

Qiang Xiaoman also bought two kerosene lamps to put in his home before, and conducted a detailed study on them. In the end, he had to sigh that this is indeed a masterpiece, and at the same time, he was envious and jealous of Wang Hui's shit luck.He vaguely heard that Wang Hui had already gone to Dingnan County, because a local scientific research institute used crude equipment to produce a new black liquid fuel from the ground.He may want to see if this liquid fuel is useful. After all, the cost of extracting kerosene from coal is still a bit high. If this liquid fuel called "petroleum" is valuable, then it would be great.

Although Qiang Xiaoman doesn't know much about coal chemical industry, he subconsciously thinks that since oil is naturally a combustible liquid fuel, maybe it can really be used as the main fuel for kerosene lamps.At worst, it can also be refined and processed. The cost will not be more expensive than coal-to-oil, right?

However, it seems that Wang Hui still believes in coal-to-liquids.After all, the coal chemical industry has a history of decades on the east coast, and the technology for extracting gas, coal tar and other components from coal is quite mature. Although coal-to-oil is not as old as the above-mentioned products, it also has a profound technical accumulation. It is not comparable to a new thing like oil.

Moreover, there are now a lot of funds invested in the coal chemical industry from all walks of life.The country also regards coal chemical industry as a strategic industry to develop, various new production and refining processes emerge one after another, the scale of the entire industry is expanding, and its cost has been declining accordingly.Bright Candle Factory spent a huge amount of money to build a kerosene production factory two years ago, which is located in Ping'an County. It is said that its technological level has been steadily improving, which is very scary.

Of course, new things like oil cannot be taken lightly. No one can say for sure what will happen in the future.Taking electricity as an example, few people knew about this new thing at the beginning. Except for the state that has been investing funds to maintain it, few private capitals are willing to enter this basic field, although the state does not seem to let go of it. this industry.

But Ma Xiaopeng has not given up for many years.He has been begging his grandpa to sue his grandma to raise funds, and has been encouraging the people in his company to maintain their confidence. As a result, he seems to have seen a glimmer of success until now.The society as a whole is becoming more and more aware of electricity, a new thing, and the sales of various instruments, batteries, and generators (small) produced by TEPCO are gradually increasing.

In the near future, Ma Xiaopeng has even planned to build some power generation houses again, and then gather factories that need electricity to provide them with power and lighting. Sooner or later, they will turn around in the future, and Xiaoman is very sure of this.

"It's all a bunch of shit luck guys!" Qiang Xiaoman curled his lips and complained: "However, the emergence of new things may also have an impact on old industries. Ma Xiaopeng is now putting all his energy into promoting the application of electricity. Those domestic enterprises that produce old-fashioned steam machine tools are feeling the pressure. Will the emergence of kerosene and petroleum also put pressure on the old industry? Will the enterprises that produce steam engines also conduct research on this new fuel? Once it is proved that petroleum If this liquid fuel has more advantages than coal, will those steam engine manufacturers also modify their products to adapt to the ever-changing market conditions?"

Thinking of this, Qiang Xiaoman suddenly remembered the steam-powered vehicles that were not very popular in the East Coast.These vehicles include not only the famous steam trains, but also vehicles such as steam tractors and steam rollers.Especially the former, the land in the Pampa area is relatively dry, which is more suitable for the use of steam tractors than the hot and humid northern areas.If kerosene or petroleum proves to be a better fuel for power than coal, and to greatly reduce the weight of the vehicle's powertrain--too much weight to damage plowed land and roads, which is the most important factor in the failure of the steam tractor to spread-- Then this is likely to be a huge and surprising market in the future.

The BMW Bicycle Factory currently produces unpowered bicycles, and research in this area can really be done in the future.Guangming Candle Factory can break out of the traditional pattern of candles and produce amazing kerosene lamps. Couldn’t our bicycle factory develop a relatively light tractor or other vehicles?

Qiang Xiaoman felt that he seemed to have found a new development idea.It can be predicted that bicycles will be a very profitable industry for a long period of time in the future, but people without foresight must have near-term worries, and it is definitely not enough to rest on the laurels.After the patent expires in the future, a large amount of social capital will squeeze into this industry if it is not guaranteed, and the profit will be greatly impacted.The best plan for the BMW factory is to take advantage of the favorable opportunity when funds are gradually becoming abundant, and decisively develop new products to make new preparations for future corporate transformation.A brand new powered tractor or vehicle seems like a great entry!

"It seems that I can't stay at home anymore. When the matter of the Southern Railway Bank here is in a mess, I have to go to Dingnan County to see if the black liquid fuel is as legendary as it is. It’s so amazing. If it’s really good, then the factory seems to be ready for a rainy day.” Qiang Xiaoman put down the chopsticks in his hand, took out a Huayuan brand cigarette, lit it, and enjoyed the mellowness of the tobacco while taking care of himself. He said to himself: "The BMW factory started with bicycles, but it can't end with bicycles. I have to plan carefully. The rise of emerging industries is often a matter of that moment. Opportunities are fleeting, so don't be careless."

(End of this chapter)

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