Chapter 2185 Motor

With a briefcase under his arm, Ma Xiaopeng flashed into the Naryshkin Building.

As a town under the jurisdiction of Shanghai County, Nancungang actually far exceeds Shanghai Town, which has been defined as the seat of the county government, in terms of economic prosperity.This is actually easy to understand. Nancun Port is now the largest commercial port in the Pampa area. Whether it is Niuzhuang Port in the south or Xincao, Xinbian, and Mingfu in the west, it is far behind here.Here in Nancun, there are too many immigrants from various counties, too many businessmen from various countries, too many goods from all over the world, and too many funds from various fields. If this continues to develop, basically It is the No.1 city of Pampa Grassland.

As the general manager of East Shore Power Company, Ma Xiaopeng came to Naryshkin Building today mainly to rent an office for the company, meet with friends from the banking circle, and finance the company's future development.

As soon as Ma Xiaopeng entered the Naryshkin Building, two big men over two meters tall approached him.They wore special woolen overcoats and wide-brimmed hats on their heads. They were tall and straight, with piercing eyes. They saw Ma Xiaopeng well-dressed and extraordinary, and there were three or four followers behind him, so they didn't dare to ask. Quietly stepped aside.

Ma Xiaopeng smiled.These two guys looked like the natives of Fuego Island in the south. If nothing else, they should be the security guards hired by the commercial building.The Ona people in Tierra del Fuego don't know how they grow. There are many people with a height of more than two meters, and they are very popular in the east coast.The army likes to recruit them as grenadiers, embassies and commercial stations abroad like to use them as guards, and high-end commercial buildings like the Naryshkin Building also like to hire them as security guards.This is how it looks!With a good appearance and a mighty figure, you don't have to worry about finding a job. It's so damn hard to say!

Ma Xiaopeng once chatted with a certain doctor, who thought that the Ona people's tall stature should be due to the long-term use of high-protein (protein, a nutrient that has been publicly proposed by people on the east coast) food.Whales are often washed ashore on Tierra del Fuego, and the indigenous people like to feed on these whales.Especially the fat blubber is one of their important food.In addition, they also hunt seals, llamas, and kill fish. They basically don’t eat grains (they don’t know how to grow them), and at most eat some wild fruits or other plant tubers (such as potatoes) to adjust their nutritional intake. very high.

But Ma Xiaopeng does not agree with this.He cited the aborigines in the area under the jurisdiction of the Manchurian-Mongolian Pioneering Team as an example. They also hunted wild animals and fish, and they also ate high-protein foods. Why did they grow horizontally?Those people are not tall, but they are very stocky and strong, with thick joints and powerful arms, which are two extremes of the natives of Tierra del Fuego.

Doctors think it may also have something to do with the environment.The Shandan people in the outer northeast mainly live in the mountains and forests. Tall people can't eat here, and hunting is not as efficient as short, stocky people. Under long-term natural selection, the tall Shandan people are likely to be eliminated.But the aborigines of Tierra del Fuego mainly live by the sea, and the forest here is relatively sparse, and people are not very interested in the prey in the forest. The living environment is mainly open fields, so tall people have an advantage. And finally weeded out the short people and passed on their genes.

Ma Xiaopeng was noncommittal to the doctor's words.But he also agrees that eating more protein-rich foods such as fish is very helpful for improving the national physical fitness.Take the third-generation nationals born on the east coast as an example. Their height, weight, chest circumference, grip strength and other indicators are all higher than their grandparents.Especially the height, which has risen very fast, obviously surpassing the peers in mainland China and southern Europe.

This fact makes Ma Xiaopeng also have to face up to the fact that nutrition may really be an important factor in physical fitness.Back in the Qin and Han Dynasties, when there were only tens of millions of people in China, the height of the people was still taller than when there were more than 1 million people in China. Isn’t this really a pot of nutrition?Ma Xiaopeng can only be thankful that now Tianzun has given the inexhaustible amount of beef on the east coast, and there are countless fish and shrimps in the offshore. The nutrition of the children is sufficient, which ensures that the people's physical fitness will not decline and the race will not degenerate. .

After Ma Xiaopeng entered the Naryshkin Building, he went directly to the Southern Railway Bank on the second floor. Qiang Xiaoman, a member of the bank's board of directors, was waiting for him in the reception room.

Ma Xiaopeng is really too familiar with Qiang Xiaoman.Both of their fathers were members of the executive committee, and they grew up in a large courtyard. They studied and played together. Although the relationship was not very close, it was not too bad.

Last time, in order to raise funds for buying land in La Plata, the East Coast government sold some of the shares of state-owned enterprises, including the East Coast Power Company.Ma Xiaopeng, who has served as a senior executive in the company for many years and is familiar with the company's inside information, seized the opportunity to raise a large sum of money from the family and bought 8% of TEPCO's shares.If you count the stock awards given to the management by the company over the years, Ma Xiaopeng personally holds more than 10% of the company's shares, basically tying his personal future to the company's development.

It is also because of this that Ma Xiaopeng did not hesitate to sell his old face in order to achieve great development of Tepco this time, and once again found a very good cooperative relationship with Southern Railway Bank, which also made an equity financial investment in Tepco, and wanted to borrow 20% from it. million to support the expansion of the company's power generation business.

Qiang Xiaoman was very clear about Ma Xiaopeng's intentions.But as the shareholder and management of Southern Railway Bank, he is also very embarrassed, because Southern Railway Bank is not a big bank with strong financial strength, and a loan of 20 yuan is not a small amount for them.Especially when they have made equity financial investment in this state-owned enterprise, they should be more cautious in every move, and they must not cause unnecessary risks by throwing too much money into it.

Moreover, Southern Railway Bank itself is also in a period of expansion, which is the time to spend money.They just negotiated with the officials of the State Administration of Precious Metals to open the first branch in Shanghai County to absorb social deposits and support the economic construction of the east coast.Before that, they could only "dwell" in the Southern Cone area. How many people were there?How much deposit can you absorb?How much can you loan out?Over the years, life has been quite difficult, thanks to the support of local enterprises such as the Southern Railway Company.

This time they marched into the Pampa area, and they also made great determination.A lot of business backbones were mobilized, a lot of funds were mobilized, and a lot of rooms were rented in the famous Naryshkin Building as office space, which can be said to have cost a lot of money.Moreover, they tried their best to convince the Shanghai County Government and the Hyundai Special Shipyard, which is being relocated, to borrow 40 yuan from them. , It really made Qiang Xiaoman very embarrassed.

"Mr. Ma, the situation of TEPCO has been researched by our industry. The future prospect is undoubtedly very bright, otherwise our industry will not make financial investment. But, do we need to be so radical? Isn't it good to develop step by step?" Qiang Xiaoman personally Made a cup of coffee for Ma Xiaopeng, and asked with a smile: "Isn't it a big step to build two power stations at once? Who will use the electricity generated? I'm afraid it won't work with arc lamps alone." So much electricity, right?"

The meaning of Qiang Xiaoman's words is already very clear.There are actually three main places where the East Coast Republic currently uses electricity, one is for lighting, one is for industry, and the other is for the post and telecommunications department.Lighting is easy to understand. The specific points are lighthouses and urban lighting. The former is facing fierce competition from gas lamps. Although arc lamps have their own advantages, to be honest, Wang Huadu’s gas company has been deeply involved in this field for many years, with mature technology and extensive contacts. , Tepco competes very hard. Currently, it is limited by insufficient infrastructure (too few power stations), and its market share is very small.

The current use of industrial electricity is not very extensive. So far, only some small enterprises have bought lead-acid batteries to make electrolysis products, such as electrolysis of saturated salt water and so on.One of the outstanding features of these enterprises is that they are small in scale and low in power consumption. They only need to charge some batteries if they are exhausted. If they do not need power stations, they can just buy some small charging equipment.

The post office is similar.Although the use of lead-acid batteries is also huge due to the large scale of cable telegraphy, the only part of TEPCO that can make money is the maintenance of batteries and the sale of charging equipment, and the profits are not large.What they dream of is to let the post and telecommunications departments use the electricity generated by their power stations, and then pay monthly fees, but this is so difficult.

After all, electricity has high requirements on infrastructure. You need to invest in the construction of a power station before you can talk about its use, just like the power station invested and built by Dongdian Corporation in Weihai Port to the lighthouse. Same as power supply.Qiang Xiaoman also often goes to TEPCO to investigate on behalf of the Southern Railway Bank, and has a clear understanding of the company's operating conditions, which is why he asked the question just now.

"Brother, don't look at new things with old eyes." Ma Xiaopeng took a sip of fragrant coffee and said with a smile: "Our company cooperated with the Engineering Technology Research Institute to improve the prototype of the motor developed in the past, and launched A new generation of electric motor. Well, the patent of this electric motor is shared by our company and the Academy of Engineering. It can be combined with machine tools to process various wood and metal parts, and its application prospects are very broad.”

"Isn't this the same as a steam engine? They all drive machine tools for processing operations. Why do you think those industrial companies will buy your electric motor?" Qiang Xiaoman asked after thinking about it.

"Hey, we have tried it. The electric motor is much more stable than the steam engine, and the speed is also faster. You know, the steam machine tools widely used in our country have a huge disadvantage, that is, they are not stable enough and have too much vibration. The more vibration The larger the motor, the more difficult it is to perform some precise machining work. The motor does not have this shortcoming, or it will greatly weaken this shortcoming. In addition, the higher the speed of the machine tool head, the more stable the head is, and the more precise machining can be performed. It is too difficult and costly to increase the speed of machine tools driven by steam engines, and it is far inferior to machine tools driven by electric motors." Ma Xiaopeng replied with a smile: "Look, there are such huge advantages. Electric machine tools replace steam machine tools. It’s just a matter of time.”

Qiang Xiaoman nodded when he heard the words, frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head and said, "Mr. Ma, even if what you said is true, so what? You know that our country now uses There are a large number of steam machine tools, the number of which is already very large, and quite a few of them are still very new, and they are far from being scrapped. It is difficult for you to launch this now. Electric machine tools and steam machine tools, it seems that the power part is not The same, but I think the cost of renovation should be very high? I am afraid that those industrial enterprises are unwilling to spend such a waste of money.”

"Brother, you are really an expert, and you hit the point when you said it. Indeed, the structure of electric machine tools and steam machine tools is very different. You can't simply say that the power system can be used universally. It is delusional, and I know it. But the superiority of this new thing is unquestionable, and people who know the goods will definitely take a fancy to it. I have already figured it out, isn't the iron-clad ship 'Bianliang' being built now? This is a national political task. All enterprises We have to work hard, and our Dongdian company can't be left behind." Ma Xiaopeng said with a wicked smile: "As long as your bank's loan is in place, I will immediately apply to build a power station in Qingdao Port, and then send a few electric motors to the shipyard. Renovate a few machine tools—well, the company paid for the money—to process some high-precision parts. Brother, I’m afraid of comparison in anything, as long as the electric-driven machine tools show their own advantages in the comparison, So are you afraid that there will be no business? Brother Qiang, how about helping me this time? The 'Bianliang' is such a national stage, as long as our electric machine hits the ground running, there will be a lot of wealth in the future! "

"Your calculation is really good." Qiang Xiaoman smiled, but he still didn't let go. He only heard him say: "Mr. Ma, the 20 loan matter, if it is normal, I will approve it directly without saying a word. Here it is for you, what a big deal! But you also know that our bank is in a period of rapid expansion, and the money is really tight! 20 is not much, but it is very important at this juncture, and I will do it too. No Lord! Let’s do this, don’t worry, I’ll send a telegram to the head office to see what they think. If they agree, I have nothing to say. If they don’t agree, then I will No way, what do you think?"

"This—" Ma Xiaopeng was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but he quickly adjusted and said, "That's the only way to go. Brother Wanwang, please say a few good words, and we will never forget each other after it is done!"

(End of this chapter)

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