Chapter 2163 Pride ([-])

December 1691, 12, October Avenue 1, Embassy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The new Polish ambassador to the East, Josef Korczko, is having breakfast in the dining room. Sitting opposite him is his 17-year-old daughter Anne Krzka.This girl with beautiful blond hair traveled across the ocean with her father and came to live in the capital on the east coast. It is quite courageous to say so.

Unlike ordinary aristocratic girls, Korczyk has learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge since she was a child. Although this knowledge may seem outdated from the perspective of people on the east coast, you have to consider that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth he lives in is not In a place with advanced technology and open atmosphere, it is already very good to be proficient in several foreign languages, and to know some knowledge of mathematics, painting, music and dance.And coupled with her very delicate appearance, she suddenly became the new darling of the social circle of Dongfang Port. She appeared on many occasions, and her popularity seemed to be higher than that of her father, Mr. Kolzko.

Of course, this does not mean that Mr. Kolzko can't do it.In fact, he is definitely an open-minded figure in Poland. Born in the Principality of Lithuania, he advocates new culture and new knowledge. His family always employs scholars from the West, and his knowledge is very rich.Otherwise, he would not have been chosen by the king to be sent to the east coast as an ambassador, would he?

The country of Poland, after the disastrous second half of the seventeenth century, is now much more sober and pragmatic.Although there are still a large group of idiots in the Congress, more and more open-minded people are slowly increasing. Many people are worried about the future of the kingdom, and are afraid of the situation where the kingdom is surrounded by enemies on three sides—the east is the enemy of the Russian Empire, and the north is the enemy that once attacked their capital. Sweden, Brandenburg-Prussia, and the Ottoman Turkish Empire, the ideological enemy to the south, were not united in the country. The nobles had a lot of disputes, and the whole country was indeed in a precarious and dangerous situation.

Korcsko is a member of Congress and a local nobleman in Lithuania. Of course, he is very sad about the current situation of the country.Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the disasters brought to Lithuania after the merger of Poland and Lithuania, but the matter has come to this point, he can only look forward and make suggestions for the future of the country and the family, so when the king sent him to East After shore, he was 1 satisfied and vowed to make some achievements.

Korczko firmly believes that with the current chaotic situation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, it seems difficult to resist the coveting of neighboring evil neighbors.In particular, the brutal and cruel Russian Empire has always been concerned about the aggression that Poland gave during their chaotic period in history, and has always wanted to invade their land.Although the two countries signed a covenant to deal with the common enemy of Ottoman Turkey, this is not credible. Poland is still very wary of Russia, and Russia is probably the same.

Poland originally planned to seek help from Austria, but the Habsburg royal family in Vienna treated them very coldly, even though the Poles had just rescued them less than ten years ago, so this road basically failed.The Poles also had the idea of ​​Sweden, but this country only has 300 million people, tens of thousands of troops, and the economy is facing collapse. In North Germany, the relationship with Brandenburg-Prussia is also tense, and it is impossible to give the Poles much in the short term. help.

After much deliberation, the best way for Poland to break the situation is to find a way to contact the people on the east coast of the New World in the south, let them find a way to exert influence, contain Russia from the flanks, and give Poland a breathing space.So under this kind of thinking, the Poles finally decided to set up an embassy on the east bank and carry out key diplomatic research. It was against this background that Korczka took office, and the task was arduous.

In fact, as early as several decades ago, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was furious because people on the east bank bought Polish slaves wantonly.At that dark moment in the diplomatic history of the two countries, the people on the east coast were forced to close their trading posts, evacuate their personnel, and lost the Polish market for a long time.Originally, people on the east coast did not expect the hard-headed Poles to take the initiative to restore relations with them, but who would have imagined that these people were too much tossing themselves, and they operated like a tiger. As a result, their own country was attacked twice, and the eastern territory was captured by Russia. People occupy a lot, Podolia in the southeast was ceded to the Ottomans, and the vast Ukrainian prairie has nothing to do with them.With such a huge loss, the Poles seemed to be a little sober, and began to try to restore relations with the East Bank, so as to buy cheap and high-quality East Coast weapons and military supplies as soon as possible, and re-arm themselves, so as to resist the enemies around them.

Kortzko came to the east bank and worked hard for a long time, and finally reached a series of cooperation agreements with them, including the crucial weapons procurement and personnel training.As another part of the agreement, cultural and personnel exchanges between the East Bank and Poland have also begun. For example, the Poles plan to send personnel to the East Bank to help build railways, roads and other infrastructure. After all, Lapla is now The development of the tower requires a massive labor force.

Such a condition, to be honest, is relatively harsh and may cause some backlash from the Poles.However, Korzko is confident in convincing the king and the members of the aristocratic council that the country is now facing a crisis of life and death, and it is not time to be willful. factors, so it needs to be emphasized and implemented.

After the Korczko father and daughter had breakfast, they greeted the hostess Veronica, and then, escorted by servants and guards, they left the embassy in a carriage.Mr. Korzko needs to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the East Bank to discuss with their officials about the import and export of goods, while Ms. Korzka will go to the People's Grand Theater alone. She has an appointment with several ladies from the upper class of the East Bank , go to a concert together.

Carrying out lady diplomacy or lady diplomacy is also one of the means of the Poles.Mr. Kolzko believes that if his daughter forms a good relationship with the "aristocratic" youths on the east bank, and then subtly cry about the poor situation in Poland in front of these people, and denounce the cruelty of Russia and Ottomans, maybe he can get a good result. the result of.Anyway, the only capital expenditure is his young and beautiful daughter, who pays little but gains a lot, and if her daughter is smart enough to use her charm to charm several heavyweight "noble" children, then maybe it can give Poland A glorious country brings unexpected benefits.

The People's Grand Theater will be here soon.Korczka said goodbye to his father, walked into the gate of the theater, and soon met a group of young people from the East Bank compound that he had made an appointment with.These young people are generally not young, including the daughter of the Minister of the Army, the son of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, the niece of the president of the Union Industrial Credit Bank, and the brother-in-law of the boss of the South Sea Transportation Company, and so on. The energy together is really amazing.

Korzka greeted them one by one, and joked with some familiar ladies, which was not difficult for her who is proficient in Chinese.Korzka is wearing a traditional East Coast costume today, with a lake blue jacket on the upper body, a silk shawl around the fair neck, a beautiful pleated skirt on the lower body, and a pair of long tubes on the legs leather boots.

The costumes are born out of traditional Chinese costumes, but have unique East Coast characteristics.For example, the sleeves of the small jacket are narrow sleeves, and the pleated skirt has a waist that reaches to the armpit, and the overall body is tighter, which can better reflect the concave and convex figure of women.Needless to say, the long leather boots have a strong prairie style. This may have something to do with the fact that women on the east coast often exercise more and often ride horses.

Today's concert was held to celebrate the East Coast Republic's acquisition of the god-given land of La Plata. It was organized by the Ministry of Culture and co-organized by many units. The scale and scene were very grand.In fact, the concert is not only music, but also part of the dance performance.

All the gentlemen and ladies here are very familiar with these dances. After all, they have participated in too many balls to count, and everyone, good or bad, will dance a song or two.Korzka is not very familiar with these things, so she watched them intently, and smiled from time to time and chatted with the ladies and gentlemen sitting next to her, seemingly with ease.

In fact, since the development of East Coast Dance, it has gradually stepped out of the stereotype of traditional Chinese dance, incorporated many foreign elements, and gradually developed its own genre.For example, Dongan Jianwu, which was born out of Hu Xuanwu in the Tang Dynasty, has a very lively rhythm and incorporates a lot of Spanish style. It is suitable not only for agile and majestic men, but also for young and bright women. There are two types of dances: solo dance and duet dance. The beauty of jumping to the beat, spinning and kicking is really amazing. To use ancient poems to describe it, it is "returning to the snow and dancing", "turning left and right without getting tired", and is deeply loved by young men and women on the east coast.

Of course, there are also lyrical soft dances on the east bank, and the rhythm is more soothing. With Chinese classical music, the dance is graceful, soft and full of emotion.Qiang Xiaoman, a famous banker on the east coast, knows this well. He owns a private dance studio and maintains a dance troupe. He often choreographs dances himself and enjoys himself.

Korczy watched these dances very seriously, and had already decided in his heart that after returning home, he would spend a lot of money to hire a famous dancer, and work hard to learn and practice it proficiently, which is very important for his communication.After all, the traditional Polish dance she knows may seem fresh at first glance, but it will get boring after a long time, so it is better to do more preparations.

I heard that the Russian bastard Oleg Naryshkin was a good dancer. He once danced face to face with the Qingdao county magistrate's lady, and won applause from the audience.Anne Korzka has never spared no effort to slander and attack this competitor who may sabotage her plan (in a more skillful way, of course).Oleg Naryshkin is a man who can learn to dance on the east coast. Isn't he a charming woman, not as good as that big stupid bear?Koltzka absolutely did not believe this.

When thinking of this, Korczyk was also a little sad.Once upon a time, in Warsaw and Krakow, because of her outstanding appearance and relative background, she was once the darling of social occasions, and she was loved by thousands of people.It's a pity that Poland's national situation is weak, and I have no choice but to travel across the ocean to flatter the children of the "nobles" on the east coast. Just thinking about it makes people feel depressed.

Poland - my motherland, when will it really become stronger and restore its former glory?

(End of this chapter)

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