Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2131 New Trouble

Chapter 2131 New Trouble

In the autumn of 1690, when the various ministries on the Mongolian grassland were fighting endlessly for their own interests, at the other end of the world, on the banks of the Don River in the North Caucasus, Wu Yifei, the Haji garrison commander who came to guide the military training of the Mongols again, Suddenly got a shocking news, that is, Ayuqi Khan actually sent a group of envoys all the way to the east, the destination is unknown, but the destination is likely to be the Qing Dynasty.

This news made Wu Yifei feel a little bit complicated.In fact, he has always wondered why the troops led by Turigen and Arslen have taken advantage of the favorable opportunity of the Russian army's disastrous defeat and the vacuum of power in the local area to occupy this land, but the headquarters of Ayuqi Khan Why has it not left the Volga River Basin?

You must know that the lower reaches of the Volga River are not a good place now. Although there are fish and salt benefits and large pastures, the surrounding situation is very complicated.Russians, Kazakhs, Persians, Uzbeks and other forces mixed together, constantly squeezing the living space of the Mongols.Although their strength is still very strong at present, and they can still hold the scene, but after a long period of time, their strength will inevitably be damaged, and they will encounter trouble at that time.

Not to mention, in the past two years, the Volga River Basin has suffered from severe drought year after year, and the Mongols have lost a lot of livestock, and their strength has been greatly affected.So in such a difficult situation, why does Ayuqi Khan's golden tent still stand firmly there?Is the Volga River so nostalgic for him?

People on the east bank once speculated that it was because Ayuqi Khan was very pious and often sent people to Tibet to worship Buddha and learn scriptures, so he needed to stay there.After all, the Volga River is very important. Once it is lost, they will basically lose their way to Tibet.But the problem is that the lamas in Tibet currently wear a pair of trousers with Galdan. Due to the bad relationship with Galdan, at least in the last seven or eight years, they have prohibited the Torghuts from coming to worship the Buddha. Ayuqi Khan was very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

Since you were not allowed to go to Tibet, why did you stay there?People on the east coast didn’t understand at first, but then they thought about it, maybe it’s because they still have a little bit of thoughts about going home. cruel.

But now the problem is coming again, Ayuqi Khan still sent people to the east, and to the Qing Dynasty - this news is very accurate, because it was obtained by the intelligence agencies on the east coast from people around Ayuqi Khan - this shows that What?In fact, there are two points: [-]. The relationship between the Turghut tribe and the Junggar tribe has been greatly improved. At least the two sides are no longer hostile on the surface, and they can be allowed to go to Tibet to worship the Buddha; [-]. The Torghut tribe has always been thinking about the East. Cultural affiliation is also more inclined there, which can be seen from the endless stream of envoys going east for hundreds of years.

Then that would be embarrassing!The people on the east bank have spent so much effort to turn their heads to the west, but when they are walking slowly west, they are still looking back to the east. What should I say?The secular world of Mongolia in the east and the spiritual world of Tibet are so attractive that people like Ayuqi Khan hesitated and never made up their minds.

And if he can't make up his mind, if he doesn't transfer all his energy to the North Caucasus region, then the time window originally brought about by the disastrous defeat of the Russian army's southern expedition will be lost, which is very detrimental to them.According to the information received by people on the east coast, in the past year, many earth-shattering events have occurred in Moscow, and the most important of these is undoubtedly the downfall of the political group Princess Sophia.

In the middle of last year, Golitsyn, who has the title of the most beautiful man in Moscow, led his troops to attack the Crimean Khanate for the second time.As a result, they didn't even get to the city of Azov this time. Instead, they were attacked by Tatar cavalry when they first left Eastern Ukraine, and the situation was once critical.At the critical moment, it was ordinary Russian officers and soldiers who fought bravely and killed the enemy desperately, and only then did they repel the Tatar cavalry.However, after the war, the losses were counted, and they had already suffered about 2 casualties, and their morale was hit hard.

When retreating back to the base camp in Eastern Ukraine, the [-] Russian troops were attacked by Tatar cavalry again.Fortunately, they were prepared this time, defeated the enemy, and returned to Eastern Ukraine safely.The commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Golitsyn, attached great importance to this insignificant victory and bragged it as a "great victory". Princess Sophia was very excited at one point and planned to take advantage of this "victory" to clean up her political enemies and consolidate her power.But soon everyone in Moscow knew the truth about the so-called victory. Peter I decided to deal with Princess Sophia under the instigation of some important ministers.

In early August, he ordered the arrest of Fyodor Shakrovit, chief of the firing corps.This person is Princess Sophia's confidant and important eagle dog, so Peter is the first to get rid of him. On the night of the 8th, Peter I, who was already asleep, received a tip that Shakrovite was bringing the shooting army to kill him.Peter I jumped on his horse in his nightgown, ran into the woods, and hid in the Holy Trinity Abbey, which was protected by soldiers.

This round of confrontation marks that the two sides have officially torn their faces apart, and they have begun to do everything they can.At this time, Peter I received the support of more nobles and ministers, and began to gain the upper hand. On September 9, Peter I ordered Sophia to hand over Shakrovit and exile Golitsyn, but was refused.The furious Sophia wanted to behead Peter I's messenger, but the executioners ran away, which seemed to herald his end.

The story that followed was very clichéd.The noble officers in the shooting army had long been dissatisfied with Shakrovett, the son of serfs, and they were afraid of being on the losing side, so they united against Shakrovit, and Sophia was gone.The final outcome is that Shakrovite was taken to the Holy Trinity Monastery, where he died after being tortured, Sophia was put under house arrest in the Novodevichy Monastery, and Golitsyn was going to be sentenced to death, but because one of Peter's main advisers, Boris The Duke of Golitsyn is his relative, so he was sentenced to exile in the North Pole after mediation, and the end is not bad.

And after tidying up the Sophia political group, Peter began to rule with his brother Ivan V - at least on the surface - and they are now taking care of internal affairs, rebuilding the army, and are ready to start a new war of conquest.

The National Intelligence Agency on the east coast once obtained some information about Peter I through some informants.After sorting out and analyzing, they believe that, no matter in terms of nature or talent, Peter I considered himself a military leader.Since packing up the Princess Sofia Group, he has let his handicapped brother attend boring and lengthy court ceremonies, let his uncle Ivan Naryshkin preside over the daily work of the government, and himself in Prieol, where he lived as a child. Army drills near the Brazhenskoye estate.

He does not stick to one pattern in selecting officers, whether you are a Russian or a foreigner, as long as you are talented and loyal to Peter, you can serve as an officer to command the army.Moreover, he also selected many soldiers who were originally depressed because of their humble backgrounds to entrust them with important tasks, which can be described as meritocracy.Of course, the nobles who surround Peter the most are still his new nobles, such as the experienced old coach Fyodor Romodanovsky Duke, who is the commander-in-chief of the Huangzhuang Command.

There were also many members of the royal relatives, such as the Dolgorukys, the Saltykovs, the Naryshkins, young people from the Apraksin family, and even a Tsar Alexei Ivan Pushkin, the illegitimate son of Peter I, called him "brother" by Peter I, was the chief of staff around Peter.The veteran Streshnev, who had been denounced for offending Sophia for his outspokenness, was also called in. He was the chief quartermaster of Peter's private army.

It can be seen from this that Peter I was building an army he trusted.The officers of this army include young people of noble origin, sons of peddlers or farmers, and foreign mercenaries. The composition is relatively complicated, but to be honest, they are not ignorant people.Using them as officers to strictly train the army can indeed improve the combat effectiveness of the army.

It is reported that Peter is currently planning to conduct large-scale exercises with this unit he called the Guards and the Shooting Army to see how it works.Once the effect is good-or he thinks the effect is good-then it is very likely to go out in the near future, together with the Russian local troops from the provinces, go south to conquer the Ottomans, Crimean Tatars or Oirat Mongols.

This time will not be too long, as long as four or five years, and as short as one or two years, Peter I will lead his army south to attack his various enemies.Among these enemies, the Oirat Mongols are certainly not the most eye-catching, but they are also very dangerous. Therefore, the people on the east coast have always hoped that they can step up the transfer of the main force, and then develop trade, hoard supplies, and prepare for war.As a result, they are still at both ends of the rat, unable to make up their minds. This is not a good sign.

Wu Yifei felt that he had to go back and find the ambassador to Ottoman to discuss how to deal with it.In the past two or three years, the business in the Danube and Dnieper river basins on the east bank has been increasing day by day. The annual trade volume should be more than 300 million yuan, and this is still under the threat of war. In normal times, it may be even more.

With such a huge benefit, they are doomed to hope that the order of the Black Sea will develop according to the script they wrote, without any accidents.But now Russia's new tsar Peter doesn't look like a fool, and he does things in a orderly manner. He looks like revitalizing the country and expanding the territory, which is very annoying.

Still have to figure out how to deal with this new situation.Presumably the Ottomans should be paying close attention to this, right?People from the east coast still have a lot of common language with them on this matter.In addition, Ayuqi Khan has to step up his persuasion. They can't turn back now. If they don't make a decisive decision, they may regret it in the future.Moreover, people on the east coast can also properly talk to them about their conception of the Mongolian world, and I believe they will be interested.

(End of this chapter)

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