Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 2005 Hunting Country

Chapter 2005 Hunting Country ([-])

"This Hejian area has a humid climate, crisscross rivers, and fertile soil. It's really a good place. Speaking of which, it's somewhat similar to your ancestor's hometown in Sichuan, Brother Zhang?" A ship is sailing against the wind.Because it is summer, the southeast and southwest winds appear very frequently, so the two ships can sail up smoothly without having to rent a steam tugboat at Jingjiang Port near the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, which saves a fortune. money.

The talking man is a middle-aged man, probably in his early thirties, with a ridiculous red turban wrapped around his head, like the classic style popular in Pirates of the Caribbean.In fact, his occupation is not so formal. Well, he is a captain of the single gang. He has been to the Caribbean and Africa several times. Every time there will be some goods of unknown origin in the cabin, accompanying him A dramatic increase in the number of accounts.

Yes, that's what happened to this man named Wang Bingji, who seemed to run a somewhat shady business and made a fortune quickly from it.However, in the past two years, I heard that he did not go to the Caribbean again, because the frigates of the British and the Dutch were looking for him, and the authorities on the east coast also interviewed him, so he quickly "corrected" and disbanded A part of the crew hired a group of local young people who did not want to farm but were willing to go sailing and take risks. They set sail for mainland China and started the business of "human trafficking" that the government likes very much—well, we generally manage This is called immigration.

Wang Bingji met Zhang Yilan when he was in the Far East, which was in 1685.The two of them purchased Tokyo raw silk in Vietnam (it could be passed off as Chinese raw silk when transported back to the east coast), and then bought a lot of silk and medicinal materials in Ningbo. Of course, the most important "goods" were people. Come Mingren.And with this kind of relationship, the relationship between these two people is naturally very strong. Even after returning to the country, the two parties still kept in touch.

Recently, Zhang Yilan went to the Caribbean once, and delivered a batch of medicines, agricultural implements, hardware products and daily necessities to the Air Canada company station at the mouth of the Mobile River, and then went to Sioux City Port, which is very famous among pirates. A city that has gradually increased its population has sent a large amount of supplies that are in short supply, and by the way, they have shipped a large amount of stolen goods back to the country to cash in.

This time, his cabin contained daily necessities such as linen, cotton cloth, ironware, wine, cheese, ham, vinegar, etc., which were dumped to them by the pirates in Sioux City Port at a low price. Zhang Yilan planned to sell them to Xinkai Cash is collected in the Hexi area of ​​the cross-border reclamation area.There is no doubt that this is a good business, because the price is very low, there is a big market among the land reclamators who are generally in poor economic conditions, and they are afraid that the goods will be snapped up as soon as they arrive. Good business.

Compared with Zhang Yilan, the three-masted sailing ship "Broken Axe Tree" owned by Wang Bingji followed closely behind, and there were many people on its deck.These people have bright faces, and their clothes, hair buns, and other details reveal their identities.Of course, there were two officials from the National Development Administration and the Immigration Department on the deck. They were responsible for sending more than 100 immigrants from the ship to the ground and handing them over to the local government for resettlement, so that they could have an identity and start their lives again.

It is worth mentioning that although some people have been proposing to abolish the privileges of Far East immigrants for many years (they have household registration after landing registration), they must also work for seven years before they can become regular citizens, so as to squeeze their value to the greatest extent and relieve the government. spending on immigration.But after so many years of clamoring, these people's opinions have never been approved, and they didn't even have the opportunity to discuss it at the meeting, which shows the attitude of the top officials.

And the Italians, the Russians, or whatever, are not as good as the Mings.Seven years of working time is necessary, and it is a hard line. Without this, even if you pass the Chinese language, you will not be able to become a naturalized person. This alone is doomed to countless people who have to pay a huge price for it—it’s not that no one can relax. But there is no doubt that the vast majority of non-national laborers who work on the east coast are engaged in very hard work, such as cleaning sewers, repairing roads and digging ditches, sailors and mercenaries, etc., which are not easy.

"Sichuan, that is the place where my father was born. I heard it is very beautiful and livable, but I have never had the chance to go there." Zhang Yilan responded with a smile: "The last time I went to China, my boat went to Wuchang. A port city under the rule of the state. There, I chatted with Zhang Shaozong, the agent of Dinghai Textile Factory. He is a very nice person. He told me that it would be troublesome to go to Sichuan, so I gave up. Thinking about it now, I should have persisted at that time Yes, it's a pity."

"It's okay if you don't go. I heard that Tianfu is prosperous and Jincheng is prosperous and happy. I don't know how much masculinity has been spent. Since ancient times in China, there has been a saying that 'good women do not enter the class, and good men do not enter Sichuan'. You can be alone." How can such a heroic person go to Sichuan, and after a long time, he will be corrupted by the comfortable and enjoyable life?" Wang Bingji also said with a smile: "We boys from the east coast should aim at the world, Conquering thousands of miles of waves and opening up living space for future generations, how can we be tired of these things? If you really want to rest and raise yourself, let’s talk about it after retirement, haha.”

While the two were chatting and laughing, the boat began to draw in its sails and slow down, and it was time to arrive.The pier in front looks very new, and the scale is not small. It doesn't look like it was built hastily on a new land, because a lot of cement, steel bars, stones and high-grade wood are used here, and it costs a lot of money at first glance. Not good is the handiwork of the state-run inland water transport company.They have always had relatively sufficient funds, and they also like to invest in important domestic river ports, because they value the commercial value of these river ports and nearby blocks in the next few decades.

"This port is called Wangxi Port. It was built and completed in the last year. It is a masterpiece of the Inland River Transport Company. It is really beautiful." Zhang Yilan said after asking his men to board a small boat rowing over to inquire about the news.

The small boat rowing over was a ship of the Port Authority, and there were two employees in the uniform of the Inland Water Transport Company on it. They negotiated with this side, and then turned back.After a while, two steam tugboats came out puffing black smoke. It turned out that the dredging of the port here was not done well enough, and the big ships would run aground if they were not careful.Moreover, it is more troublesome for a large ship to enter and leave the port. It would take a long time without a steam tugboat, so it is better to spend some money to rent this kind of tugboat, which is not very expensive anyway.

Wangxi Port was called Reconquista Port in later generations, and it is a city mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry.The reason why people from the east coast of time and space named it Wangxi, the implication is self-evident, is to pin their hopes on this outpost and spy on the land further west.You must know that, unlike the Pampa Plain in the south, the people on the Chaco Plain are relatively rare and the degree of development is seriously underdeveloped. There will be much less resistance from Spain, and even many colonial activities are unknown to the Spaniards.

The east coast intelligence department has found out that if you bring enough water, supplies, mules and horses from Wangxi Port, you can go all the way west to Tucuman, Salta, and Huhu in the northwest of the Buenos Aires Procuratorate District. Yi and other relatively densely populated areas.This road is very easy to walk, all the way is smooth, except for the nomadic Quechua people or fishing and hunting tribes that come and go from time to time, there are no other possible risks. If you ignore the threat of many pumas on the grassland if.

Of course if it's just going to the Spanish colonial towns in the eastern foothills of the Andes then we'd say oh well that's a good commercial route but not enough to call it important strategic line.But if someone now tells you that it is relatively easy to cross the Andes through Tucumán, Jujuy, etc., and enter the coastal area of ​​​​Lower Peru (Chalkas Inquisition Court District), then the importance of this route is It has been raised infinitely.In the eyes of people on the east coast, any land transportation route that can easily communicate with the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean is extremely valuable. It is an important wealth of a two-ocean country. In the future, high-level combat readiness roads and even railways will definitely be built. , otherwise how to control the centrifugalist trend of thought on the other side of the Andes?

So, with that in mind, now you can better understand why the state-run IWT is building a transportation infrastructure that is not shying away from suspicion.It is foreseeable that for a long time to come, this place should also be the town that absorbs the most pioneers (as evidenced by the fact that Wu Bingji’s ship was arranged here by the State Development Administration), because it needs a large population to make it quickly Prosperity, so that it can be used as a base for expeditions to the Chaco Plains, this is the main reason.

There is no doubt that the Spaniards will definitely not support the series of things planned by the East Coasters on the Chaco Plain.Once the east coast eats up the sparsely populated Chaco Plain and pushes its sphere of influence to the grasslands near the eastern foot of the Andes, it will inevitably pose a serious threat to Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán and other regions.In the most extreme case, such a "bangzhuang road" (relatively speaking) from Cordoba, La Rioja and other places in the south to Lower Peru will be cut off. Silver bars would not be able to be transported to Buenos Aires to sea through here, and even the economy between the two places would stop completely.At that time, the entire land of the Buenos Aires Prosecution Court District will become a de facto enclave. Whether it will be swallowed up by the east coast people in the future, it is self-evident!

Therefore, both parties have actually deeply realized the importance of the Chaco Plain, that is, this great plain may not be as good as the Pampa Plain in terms of agricultural conditions, but its geographical location is very important. In the lower Pampa Plain, Xike climbs over the mountains and enters the Pacific side, and the end is the core hinterland, which is very important.

Nowadays, the Spaniards may not have fully realized the possessive desire of the people on the east coast to this land, or if they know it, there is no good way to stop it, so it can only be delayed for a day.But no matter what the Spaniards think, anyway, the people on the east coast are determined to take this plain, push the actual control line to the eastern foot of the Andes, form a semi-encirclement situation on the entire Pampa Plain, and swallow the entire area for the future Lay the foundation.

The large plains of Chaco, Pampa, and Paraguay have been seen by people on the east coast for a long time. The research data of various government departments on this large area of ​​land is even more abundant, which is more abundant than that of the Spaniards. times.In the eyes of people on the east coast, this area will be the "Central Plains" of the East China Republic in the future, and it is the core area. For this reason, even if the expansion in the direction of Brazil is suspended, it will not hesitate. The primary goal is firmly set in Buenos Aires Sierras Trial Court District, don't stop until you eat it all!

The boats of Zhang Yilan and Wang Bingji stayed in Wangxi Port for about a day. On January 1688, 1, the two ships left the dock almost empty, and turned to Qingdao port.They will replenish some supplies there, and at the same time recruit some Italian non-national laborers to board the ship to supplement some sailors who are about to leave.Their next goal is to go to the Far East, do business and at the same time find a way to immigrate a group of Ming people back.Recently, the central government will set up two settlements near Wangxi Port, namely Baima Township near the later town of Las Garzas (Las Garzas) and Baisha Township near the later town of Romang. All require a large population to fill.Now that they are going to the Far East to attract people, not only can they make a fortune from it, but they can also get some in-demand goods from the Southern Pioneering Team according to the policy. It is also very interesting to say the least, so this is why the two discussed before. Traveling to the Far East with Accelerator.

I took the kids outside to play for two days on the weekend. I really don’t have time, so I rushed to it. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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