Chapter 1988 Upheaval ([-])

In June 1687, outside the city of Hanzhong, spring was in full bloom, and the fragrance of flowers was overflowing.Tourists in twos and threes strolled along the forest path, admiring the beauty and grace of nature, without any tension in the air.

The people in Hanzhong have a reason to do this, because in the north of Sichuan in the south, the Qing Dynasty still has some strongholds and has stationed a large number of troops. It has been fighting with the Shun Kingdom for several years, but the scale is not large. Not very high, it seems that both sides feel a little exhausted.

The cessation of the war in northern Sichuan naturally made the Hanzhong government a little relieved, and there seemed to be hope that the heavy burden on their heads would be lightened.You must know that the daily consumption of the tens of thousands of troops in northern Sichuan is not a small amount, especially in the modern army, which not only needs to transport food and grass, but also transports gunpowder, projectiles and heavier cannons. In the backward relationship, artillery of the same power generally needs to be casted thicker-these are all to be conscripted and transported along the way, especially Shaanxi, which is located on the front line of the war, is even more exhausted.

Therefore, the reduction in the intensity of the war in the past two years has really given the people of Shaanxi and Gansu an extremely rare respite.Only in this way can you see that at the turn of spring and summer, there will be so many tourists outside Nanzheng County, Hanzhong Prefecture, which is a sign of calm life and a sign of social and economic recuperation.

Of course, the people who are playing outside may not know that their good days will be over soon.After two or three years of development, Shaanxi's local economy will bear a heavy burden, the burden of war!

In the past year, there have been more and more Mughals and Oirats in Suzhou, Ganzhou (belonging to Gansu Province), Lintao and other places in the west, causing serious border troubles.Not only the daily life of local farmers and herdsmen has been greatly affected, even the troops transporting supplies have been attacked to varying degrees, and some personnel and military supplies have been lost, which greatly angered the Beijing court. An edict was issued to reprimand, and the governor of Shaanxi was strictly ordered to discuss with the admiral of Gansu to find ways to curb the arrogance of the Wala people.

The common people in the Qin land are known to dare to fight. Even the youths in the country dare to fight with spears, and they will not retreat a little between life and death.This kind of brave and fierce folk customs has always been the most important guarantee for the peace of the Northwest Frontier and the peace of the Central Plains Dynasty.However, they will be a little at a loss in front of the Junggar Mongolian army that comes and goes like the wind and is equipped with much better guns and cannons than them.They are not as well-equipped as others, their firearms are not as advanced as others, and their movement is slower than others. The only advantage is that they have relatively more troops, but it is also a problem if you cannot catch them.Unless those Mughals and Oirats are more courageous, suddenly in the interior of Gansu, and then besieged and intercepted by troops gathered from many sides, then it is possible to annihilate them, otherwise there is no way.

Yue Le, the governor of Shaanxi, and Wang Fuchen, the governor of Gansu, discussed the plan on the left and the right, but there was still no good solution. In the end, they could only go to the court and call in the inner provinces to go to the border for reinforcements.Emperor Kangxi partially approved their request, and sent troops from Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei and other places to go west several times, but the total number was only more than [-], which is not a lot, and it can only be said to be enough. That's all.

The reason why he was so "stingy" was mainly because Kangxi considered that the situation on the border of Mongolia was a little tense, and a big war might break out, so he didn't plan to transfer too many troops to the northwest border.What worries him the most is that the Mongolian world has changed, and a large piece of meat will be torn off by a hungry wolf like Galdan, so where will the face of his sweat in the Mongolian world be stored?Therefore, he is determined to hold the most elite troops in his hands and wait for the most dangerous situation before going into battle, especially those elite cavalry troops that are urgently needed in the northwest region. Into the Mongolian battlefield.

Kangxi was convinced that the current situation in Khalkha and Mongolia was not stable, and Galdan, a guy with a keen sense of smell, would definitely not let go of this god-given opportunity, and would definitely find a way to enter Outer Mongolia, and this was exactly what he was extremely nervous about.Although Tushetu Khan, Zhasak Khan, and Chechen Khan of Khalkha Mongolia had close ties to the Qing court, and they never made mistakes in paying tribute to the Qing court every year, their Mobei Mongolian branch encountered Moxi Mongolia. Kangxi was not sure what he would think when he was in Galdan.

Mongolians are Mongolians, they have their own culture and values.After all, Bogd Khan is an outsider. Although he took refuge in Bogd Khan back then, he couldn't beat him. Lin Dan Khan was kicked out like a dog. What can they do?Kangxi suspected that once "My Great Qing" showed signs of decline in the eyes of the Mongolian princes and nobles, they would definitely abandon themselves without hesitation and seek refuge in Galdan, the strong man in the Mongolian world. This is beyond doubt.

Therefore, for every provocation of Galdan in the Mongolian world, Kangxi must go back!It must be head-to-head, and you must not show any weakness, otherwise the position of the Mongolian Khan may not be guaranteed!In that case, the foundation of his Manchu-Mongolian dual empire would be completely disintegrated. How could he control tens of millions of Han Chinese in the future?Is it possible to absorb the Han people into the ruling class to grasp the real power?So is this country still full of people?Therefore, controlling the Mongolian tribes to maintain the foundation of the dual system of the empire is the first priority that the Qing emperors of all dynasties knew very well. That's why they feel so nervous and even panicked about the rise of the Mongolian Junggar tribe in Moxi. They really can't afford it. The price of losing Mongolia!

From another point of view, the great monk Xueshan in the Tibetan area has a very close relationship with Galdan, almost wearing a pair of trousers.This close relationship appeared as early as when the Yarkand Khanate established by the Mughals was destroyed a few years ago, and it bit Kangxi's heart like a poisonous snake at any time, making him very jealous: Most of China is rich and rich, so why not pay more attention to it than a prairie barbarian? How decent is this!Kangxi is now worried that with the huge influence of Tibetan Buddhism in the Mongolian world, someone in Khalkha Mongolia may be persuaded by the lamas at any time, and then take refuge in Galdan. No one can guarantee this!

Taking another [-] steps back, even if the three Mobei Mongolian tribes are loyal, their strength is limited. Against the Moxi Mongolian coalition forces with excellent equipment, advanced tactics and rich combat experience, if they suffer a disastrous defeat (possibly sexuality), most of the people will be fluctuating internally.At that time, things will probably be difficult!

Therefore, Kangxi ordered the assembly of a large number of Manchu and Han soldiers and horses, stationed in the Yanshan area, ready to rush to the desert at any time to stabilize the situation there.These armies are all elites drawn from various places, and the generals are also selected for a while. Many of them have undergone long-term war training on the southern front, and their combat experience and fighting will are commendable.Especially those firearms troops trained by the English, Germans, Portuguese, and French who raised the flag and were naturalized (there are now five or six hundred foreigners who raised the flag and were organized into two assistant leaders), and they It is not inferior to the Musketeers that Galdan is proud of, and it may even be better, and the number is larger, which is incomparable to Galdan.

After all, although his grassland empire has a vast territory—after conquering the Kazakhs, its power has penetrated into Central Asia, basically it was the aggregation of Mughalstan (Chagatai Khanate) and the land of Oirat Mongolia—but the property It is not as good as the Qing Dynasty in terms of population and population, and its resources are poor. It is impossible to trade with advanced Western countries such as the East Coast Republic and the Kingdom of England. The stamina of the war should not be as good as that of the Qing Dynasty.

Based on this idea, Kangxi decided to deploy elite troops on the front line of the Great Wall of Hebei after discussing with his officials, ready to go north to the desert at any time to fend off the three axes of Junggar and Mongolia.As long as this ferocious three-axe is caught, then "My Great Qing" will be able to consume Junggar and Mongolia with its relatively strong national strength and stabilize Bogd Khan's position in the Mongolian world.

Under this kind of national policy or grand strategy, the tranquility of the Shaanxi-Gansu area was naturally ignored, and only received relatively limited support from inland provinces, many of which were even transferred within the province, such as the troops who were withdrawn from Hanzhong Prefecture to Gansu .The commander-in-chief of this army is Zhao Liangdong, a veteran of Hexi, the chief military officer of the Qing Dynasty in northern Sichuan and southern Shaanxi. It is very rare and valuable to be able to gain the upper hand by relying on inferior forces.

The part directly led by Zhao Liangdong is the elite new army, namely the firearms army.He has led this army for many years, and now it can be said that it is like an arm, and it is the backbone of the tens of thousands of Qing troops nearby.I still remember that when Tuhai was still alive, he visited various departments in Shaanxi. It was the middle of winter, the north wind was howling, and it was snowing heavily. No one in Tuhai notified the surprise camp inspection. Among them were many Manchu and Mongolian generals, all of whom were severely reprimanded by Tuhai.Only during the inspection of Zhao Liangdong's troops, thousands of people from the entire army, armored and armed to the sound of war drums, filed out of the camp and lined up, standing still in the wind and snow.Tu Hai sent people to roll their names according to the book, and there were no omissions. He was greatly appreciated, but also secretly shocked. After all, this Han general is not as bright as before, and his progress can be described as rapid, which makes people worry a lot.

Well, let's not talk about these internal worries of the Qing Dynasty, which are still only in their infancy.All in all, many Qing troops in the area of ​​Hanzhong Mansion are now about to be transferred north, including even the troops directly under the veteran Zhao Liangdong.They will follow the ancient road north to the young province of Gansu to help the local garrison defend against the desert bandits who came from the old land of the Turpan Khanate.Those people's whereabouts are erratic, and their combat effectiveness is not bad, which has been a big headache for Gansu. I hope that after the number of troops going there one after another increases, this unfavorable situation can be contained to some extent.

And after the Qing army in Hanzhong Mansion was transferred in large numbers (just like the Qing army in other directions was transferred northward), they could no longer maintain effective coercion against Shun Kingdom.Like the suffocating pressure of the 30 troops of the Xiangyang camp that directly pressed on the top of the head, most of it should be removed now. Only at this time can it be seen that the armistice agreement signed by Shun and Qing can be really implemented. Going down—Shunguo dispatched the army to the south, divided the troops into two groups to attack the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing army dispatched troops to the north to defend the Junggar Mongols. The two sides tacitly reduced the frontline troops at the same time, and each took care of other directions to prepare for possible outbreaks in the future. A more brutal battle.

Such a situation must have made the people on the east coast a little embarrassed, because this seemed to be the moment when they exerted the lowest influence on the mainland.Their attitudes are undoubtedly contradictory, because they do not want the Qing Dynasty to defeat and annex Shun Kingdom and other southern forces, so they hope for a truce between the two countries; I felt even more angry that Shunguo refused to listen to dissuasion and insisted on going south to conquer Ming Dynasty. In short, I was very upset.

But what can be done?These two countries are large countries with a large population and a vast territory in the world. The long-term war has given birth to their absorption and development of foreign military technology. Now the combat effectiveness of the army has also been greatly improved. The gap between them narrowed rapidly, except for those Army regular troops equipped with rifled guns, but their numbers were undoubtedly too few.

Therefore, it seems that it is time for the local executive committee to adjust the Far East policy again.If they don't loosen the policies of the Far East's four vassals and give them greater autonomy, the future outcome may not be too optimistic.Mainland China is no longer the time when they first came here with low military technology (at that time, they were not even as familiar with firearm warfare as the armies of Southeast Asian countries). Now they have absorbed a large number of Western military technology, ideas and even talents, and have made long-term progress , the level of warfare is increasing day by day, and it is no longer the era when people on the east coast can gallop freely with a small number of elite troops and a large number of servants.If they want to do this now, they need a large number (possibly tens of thousands) of modernized trained troops - just like the new army they have in Denglai and Ningbo. There is no other way.

The inability of the people on the east bank to restrain Dashun in the sudden battle of the Shun army against Ming fully reflected this point.Although Liu Houfei, the captain of the Southern Pioneering Team, the captain of the Denglai Pioneering Team, and Lu Xiaofeng, the captain of the Manchurian and Mongolian Pioneering Team, generally sat on the local side, they all agreed that "the four feudal clans in the Far East need to better arm themselves", Otherwise, they may "lose themselves" in the chaotic situation in mainland China in the future.Mainland China is huge, and they have gradually become powerless to control. The four feudal clans in the Far East need to inject more energy into their bodies. This is something that everyone gradually understands.

In short, the series of incidents triggered by Sun Kewang's killing seems to have profoundly changed the situation in mainland China, and at the same time profoundly affected the perceptions of all parties involved.Mainland China, obviously, is about to enter a whole new stage!

(End of this chapter)

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