Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1972 Central Valley

Chapter 1972 Central Valley (Seventeen)

As night came, the gas lamps outside the four fortresses of the Corps were lit up one by one by the night watchmen, and the dazzling lights immediately filled the desolate wilderness with dots.

Probably because this is a place for the country to cultivate specialized talents, the higher-ups allocated huge sums of money to not only build a large-scale school complex in this desolate land, but also set up supporting facilities.For example, the East Coast Gas Company built a second-generation gas lamp system for the Fourth Fort of the Bingtuan and its surrounding areas, which illuminated the surrounding area and became a famous scene in the wilderness; for example, the National Development Administration also funded the construction of a reservoir here (The rebuilt artificial lake), water supply plants, and water and sewage facilities have made the life of more than 2000 students and faculty members in the whole castle more convenient. Of course, nearby enterprises and institutions and some villages have also benefited; I expressed that the third-class national road leading to Hongqi Prison and the second-class national road leading to Shihezi Prison are currently being built, which cost a lot of money and are full of sincerity.

In short, the establishment of the four forts of the Corps was built under the direct care of high-level government officials, and the cost was very high.After all, in a wilderness with nothing to do—now within the visual range of the Fourth Fortress of the Corps, most of them are still forests, swamps and barren meadows, where animals are infested and sparsely populated—it is indeed true to build some facilities that symbolize modern civilization. It consumes a lot of resources, and it can be seen that the government attaches great importance to this kind of educational institutions that train specialized talents.

The students of Bingtuanbao enter school at a young age and need to study for ten years. Every graduate is a professional with high loyalty and skilled skills. They are much taller, and of course there are differences in learning attitudes and school management, not to mention, they are certainly not at the same level.

The East Coast Republic of China currently has four corps forts, the first three are located on the core east coast prairie, and there is a stable supply of 3000-4000 graduates each year, all of which are allocated to the army, government, schools, research institutions, and state-owned enterprises. .They have received various educations including East Coastism since they were young. They have good obedience and a high degree of national identity. They are a powerful weapon for the government to control the grassroots, and they are also an important weight for the Executive Committee to ensure the long-term stability of the country. It is stipulated that every graduating Bingtuanbao student soldier automatically joins the Bingtuanbao, and is assigned to a local place after two years of service. In this policy, counting the students of Bingtuanbao itself, the Executive Committee can instantly mobilize thousands of loyal, brave and educated soldiers. Students with certain military training went to Beijing to defend the safety of the capital.

The annual enrollment quota for the four forts of the Corps is also 1000, among whom there are orphans collected from various sources, and nationals born on the east coast, roughly equal in half.Because it has only been officially stable for two years, the number of students is not very large at present, and their ages are generally relatively young. Therefore, the guard posts and patrols inside and outside the castle are basically entrusted to the militia troops who come here on duty in turn. This situation will probably continue for a few more years, until the first batch of students who enter the school generally reach the age of 16 or above.

There are some private plots around the Fourth Fort of the Corps. The area is not small, but it is mostly barren.This is reserved for the collective labor of the students in the future, and it is also the best way to cultivate their hard-working spirit and collective cooperation ability.Next to the private plot, there are two small villages on the left and right, each with about dozens of households. These are second- and third-generation nationals who immigrated from the core areas of the country. Of course, there are also a few non-national laborers who have become regular workers, but not too much.

The existence of these small villages is mainly to provide all kinds of food for the students, faculty and staff of the Fourth Fort of the Corps. After all, the cost of long-distance transportation from other places is too high, and it is of course best to solve it locally.Of course, in the future, when the population of these villages increases and the number of villages increases, the meaning of their existence will change again, that is, these villages will become the place where people from the east coast continue to travel along the fertile Central Valley. The foundation of the North Advance has supported one after another the pioneers on the east coast to go north, looking for the land that they and their descendants depend on for survival.

For comparison, when the East Coast Republic was first established, which of the Corps' First Fort and Corps' Second Fort was not built on a barren land?Now those places have become the fertile land of the country, which is the result of the joint efforts of the vast number of pioneers and graduates of Bingtuanbao.From this point of view, we can somewhat understand the significance of the high-level establishment of the four fortresses of the Corps in the wild and remote southern Chilean area: once it expands here in the future, not only will there be a logistics food base, but the population will migrate from the outside world. Even the cadres and professionals in the construction site are all ready, so the efficiency is naturally very high!

Of course, the educational institutions here are not just the four forts of the Corps.Because of the abundant local wood and stone resources, an architectural school jointly established by the regional administrative office and the East Coast Building Materials Company is also building a large-scale construction project outside the Bingtuanbao.This school is expected to enroll [-] students. The learning content includes how to cut wood, quarry and post-processing, especially how to use machine tools for processing, which is very valuable.

Now on the east coast, more and more workers have realized the saying that knowledge is wealth.Therefore, they began to consciously learn all kinds of knowledge, those who could read less to learn basic cultural knowledge, and those who could read more deeply. The development history tells everyone that knowledge is wealth and knowledge can change destiny.

And the business owners are also very satisfied with the workers' enthusiasm for learning, because it can obviously improve production efficiency, improve product quality, and reduce damage to precious machinery and equipment due to ignorance of knowledge.They always hope that every worker in the enterprise has some unique skills, and even become some technical masters, so that even if they leave their company to find another job in the future, at least they can use them for a while, right?

Although some people think that after workers learn too much knowledge, their demands will become "very strange". I don't want these people to be people with excellent skills but full of "weird ideas".However, the voices of such people do not seem to be strong enough at present. The republic with various industries developing rapidly has many opportunities, and the national situation is in a period of obvious rise. There is a great demand for talents, so people are more willing to see people who have learned more knowledge. Workers are spread all over the country.

About half of the students recruited by architecture schools are young people, and the other half are middle-aged uncles.Most of them are workers from the "South Railway Department" wood processing factories on Fenggu Island. This time they were selected to come to this school to study. After graduation, they will also settle down on the spot. In this newly developed land Go to work, continue to engage in your old business, and play your role in local construction.

All these experienced workers have a condition for admission, that is, they must have a primary school diploma, or have primary school education after examination, otherwise it is impossible to be recruited.The reason why such a threshold is set is because people on the east coast have discovered that at this stage of industrial development, the requirements for the quality of workers are getting higher and higher. They are required to know simple mathematics, maintain machine tools, and read and write. They are required to have a complete basic education, otherwise it is impossible to keep up - of course we do not deny that there are no talents or even geniuses among illiterate workers, but if they are not willing to go to special night schools to make up for the shortcomings of basic education If you don't, it is destined that you don't have too many prospects for advancement. At best, you can only be a skilled craftsman.

There are especially many similar schools on the east coast, but the number of architecture schools seems to be the largest among them. This may be closely related to the current economic situation on the east coast. After all, the nickname of "big construction site" has not been called for decades. .In the case of engineering projects everywhere, it is reasonable that there is a large demand for construction talents.

Just at the end of last year, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Education shouted the slogan of building a vocational school in a county at the National Education Work Conference.They believe that with the rapid economic development on the east coast, counties should vigorously cultivate professionals in specialized occupations so that they can be available for local construction.They emphasized that it is best for localities to combine their own realities, and not to be too ambitious. Those who do not have any industrial foundation can simply set up agricultural schools, forestry schools, fishery schools, etc. In short, they should not do things indiscriminately, but should do what they can.

To be honest, this request from the Ministry of Education's gentlemen still troubles everyone.Gein, everyone is still busy popularizing elementary school education in the whole county. The slogan of "one county, one junior high school" has just passed, and now we need to add a vocational school. Isn't this nonsense?Do you really think that everyone's money can't be spent?Maybe the coastal counties with high economic income can still make ends meet, but what about the inland counties with average or poor economic conditions?You know, many purely agricultural counties are exhausted just to popularize primary education. The construction of junior high schools is still in the stage of gnashing their teeth and accumulating, and it is said that vocational schools and libraries must be added as required by the higher authorities. This is really necessary. Many people died.

Therefore, naturally, the words of the gentlemen of the Ministry of Education were selectively ignored by the people below.On the surface, they cannot directly resist the orders of their superiors, so they can only deal with them passively, using the tactic of procrastination, and give priority to using education funds to ensure the salaries, benefits and bonuses of the county's primary school staff, to ensure the purchase of teaching aids, and to use To ensure the maintenance of the school building, and to ensure the sufficiency of funds for various extracurricular activities (usually labor).

In addition, the junior high school, which is the landmark project of the whole county—the poor place finds a way to build one, and the rich place has two or three or even more—the construction and maintenance costs must also be somewhat reasonable.You must know that in the Eastern Republic of China, junior high school is not included in the scope of compulsory education. That is to say, if you want to continue studying after graduating from elementary school, you must pay a certain amount of tuition to enter junior high school. entrance exam.

Due to some traditional concepts, many people on the east bank would rather find a job than pay for school, because they think that a primary school diploma is enough, and further study is a "waste" and completely unnecessary.And this is still an urban child. If it is a rural child, they will go home to farm directly. I believe that if it is not forced by the government, they will not even want to go to elementary school.Therefore, in order to attract the majority of primary school graduates to enter junior high schools for "advanced studies", the admission fees for this junior high school obviously cannot be set very high, and it can even be said to be relatively low.However, the school's various expenses are solid, and this gap can only be made up by the local finance. Anyway, the Ministry of Education hardly contributes money, and even if it does, it is very little.

Now the higher-ups are asking all regions to set up large vocational schools, which will definitely lead to local conflicts.No way, in the end it was perfunctory, set up a dilapidated house, recruited a few old farmers, old carpenters, old bricklayers, even musicians, painters, etc., just got some students to attend classes, and just fooled it.

A school like the Four Forts of the Bingtuan that opened an architectural school and enrolled a hundred students is really outstanding among many newly developed poor counties. Most of the people who are really doing this are some large state-owned factories, and their factories run schools. The quality is not bad, and the students taught are mainly digested internally.

Of course, the architectural school in the four townships of the Bingtuan is actually jointly created by the Ministry of Education and the Southern Chile region, and has nothing to do with the local government at the county level (not to mention that there is no county here), so it cannot be said that local officials have How much you value education.Their minds are full now, and they should focus more on building places and dealing with the Spaniards.

Only when the local construction is completed, the economy slowly improves, and the government's fiscal revenue increases substantially, can all kinds of education be fully rolled out.At that time, if we work hard for some time, I believe there will be a talent blowout period. There is no doubt that this point has been repeatedly proved in the eastern coastal areas.

In addition to primary schools, junior high schools, and vocational schools, Dong'an people have been building education systems over the years, such as Qingdao Luqiao School, Dayuhe Youth Cadre School, Qingdao Finance and Accounting School, Capital Medical School, and Customs School. Not to mention schools such as the Secondary Specialized School of Law, West Lake Agricultural Technology School, and Pingan Metallurgical Secondary Specialized School. They have developed fairly well in recent years and have trained a large number of talents, many of whom have now become the backbone of society.

In addition, the large-scale promotion of high schools is now also on the agenda.That is to say, the situation where there were only two high schools in the country (the High School Affiliated to the Academy of Natural Sciences and the High School Affiliated to the Academy of Engineering) will become history. At the beginning of last year, the Ministry of Education proposed a plan to build eight new high schools across the country within one year. So far, it has basically been completed.Next, they plan to build more high schools this year, recruit more students, and train more people of insight.

Students who graduated from high school may not be as good as students who graduated from technical secondary schools in terms of professional skills, but they have more solid basic knowledge and more in-depth learning. Research institutes, railway technology research institutes, chemical research institutes and other scientific research institutions are also more comfortable.

When all junior high schools are popularized and the number of high schools is increasing, colleges and universities will naturally emerge as the times require.These, in fact, are all complementary things, and they are indispensable.Of course, then again, in the current situation where the popularization of junior high school is still so difficult, the popularization of high school is even far away. There is no shortcut to this, and we can only invest and accumulate year after year, and then we can gain something. .Prior to this, the existence of various research institutes and research institutes actually acted as the educational function of such a university. The students in it learned from the master while helping to do research, and jointly promoted the progress of East Coast technology.

(End of this chapter)

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