Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1964 Complex Ukraine

Chapter 1964 Complex Ukraine

On October 1686, 10, when the various forces on the east coast of the Indian Ocean began to link up and planned to show off their muscles to the idiots of the Dutch East India Company who were unclear about the situation, on the opposite side of the Suez Canal, several Dutch ships The merchant ship has just set sail, full of Egyptian wheat, headed for the Black Sea, and the destination is the Azov fortress of the Crimean Khanate.

On the shore, a large number of Egyptian Mamluk cavalry are also packing their equipment.They will advance along the land route, gather two troops in Aleppo and Damascus, and then go all the way north, across the Anatolian plateau, into the Caucasus area controlled by the Ottoman Empire (the locals nominally submit to the Ottoman Sultan), enter the The Crimean Khanate was located in the grasslands east of the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov, and finally arrived at Azov, an important military town of the Ottoman Empire near the mouth of the Don River, to assist the slightly weak local Turkish soldiers in defense.

It can be seen that the Ottoman Empire is also in a hurry when the battle is over.I don’t know what benefits they promised, so that the Egyptian lake Mamluk, which has always managed its own, also sent more than [-] cavalry. If they bring together thousands of cavalry from Syria, they will be able to greatly strengthen the Azov side. strength of the Ottoman army.If you cooperate with the local grassland herdsmen, it should become a major threat to the enemy's flank.

In Haji Port, which is nearly [-] kilometers away from the Azov Fortress, Marathi, the ambassador of the East Bank in Istanbul, has just finished his visit in Bekkisarai, and is talking with Wu Yifei, commander of the Haji Garrison.

"Grei Khan has moved the Golden Tent to the port of Murato, where he gathered the private soldiers loyal to his lord distributed on both sides of the Dnieper River, and of course the Cossacks from the right bank Ukraine were also organized. It looks like more than [-] people. According to the instructions of the Ottoman Sultan, they are currently under the command of the Crimeans to deal with the threat of the left bank Ukraine and the Russians as soon as possible." Shuangshou held a glass of Tatar style with salt Malati is listening carefully to Wu Yifei's introduction on this aspect.

"The soldiers and horses brought by the Great Khan are not many, but they are very elite. They are basically soldiers from the new army, and their combat effectiveness is not bad." Wu Yifei continued: "From Kajibei (Odessa) to Mu Rato (Kherson), and then to Azov, many local feudal lords also responded to the Great Khan’s edict, and began to recruit troops within their respective territories, and then brought hundreds of people at least, and as many as 2000 people on foot , began to meet at the designated place, ready to deal with armed conflicts. The conflicts were mainly brought by the Cossacks of Ukraine on the left bank, that is, Samoilovich’s troops. These guys often couldn’t stand their loneliness and rushed across the border into the Crimea Burning, killing, and looting in the territory of the Asian Khanate, anyway, there are Russians behind it."

"However, compared to the right-bank Ukraine, the Crimean Khanate is already considered good, because most of the Cossacks in Eastern Ukraine are still targeting Western Ukraine. Under the instigation of the Russians, they continue to send small groups of troops across the river west Go, attack the towns and troops of the Cossacks in West Ukraine, and at the same time arrest the local population and bring them back to the east bank." Wu Yifei said: "There is no leader in West Ukraine now, and there is no one with prestige after Khmelnytsky was executed. People come out to preside over the overall situation, so when facing Samoilovich's troops, the morale is not high, and it is easy to lose. I have seen a few West Ukrainian Cossack officers who came to Haji Port for a 'travel', and they were very good. Decadence, I am very afraid of Samoilovich, let alone those Russians. Moreover, now Western Ukraine feels a little bit hostile, facing the threat of the Polish army from the west and north, and facing the Russians and Samoj Mojlovich's threat, their situation is really worrying. Don't look at the fact that the Great Khan of Crimea asked the heads of the West Ukrainian Cossacks to come and meet, but these people are actually not easy to move. It may be necessary for the Tatars to support some cavalry to help defend, otherwise the Poles may come in, which is something that no one wants to see."

Some of the news introduced by Wu Yifei was inquired by his own people, some were passed on by businessmen on the east bank, and some were obtained by buying information. It illustrates the fruitful work of the east coast intelligence agency located in Haji County, and at the same time, it also shows from the side that wars among Russia, Croatia, Austria, Poland, Ukraine and other countries are about to break out. Live, pointless. The mobilization of 10,000+ troops is no small matter, and it cannot be hidden from anyone.

Now Russia's [-] troops stationed in Eastern Ukraine have begun to mobilize more and more frequently, and various materials have also been brought in from afar—of course, it is still quite insufficient in terms of quantity, but what does it matter, Russia When has the logistics supply been sufficient for a person to fight a war-the intention of wanting to fight is very obvious.

In order to deal with this threat from the Russians, the Great Khan of the Crimean Khanate also left the capital, Bekchisalay, and headed north with more than [-] elite riders. He set up the golden tent on the northern shore of the Black Sea, and called all The men and horses converged and planned to have a big fight with the Russians.There is no doubt that the victory or defeat of this battle is related to the future of the Crimean Khanate. If you win, you can repel the Russian attack, send your influence to the depths of the grassland, and control more tribes; If so, let’s not mention anything, the grain plantations on the northern shore of the Black Sea are likely to be occupied by the Russians, and the local lords will either flee south to the peninsula or be wiped out. This is very fatal to the destruction of the Khanate’s economic potential. It can be said that the future of the Crimean Khanate will be ruined.

Therefore, Gelai Dahan brought the new army that spent a lot of money to train, and waited eagerly for the arrival of the military funds from the East Coast (the cost of renting Haji County), so as to have a better chance of winning.It's just that based on the voyage of the ship, the Great Khan will not be able to get the military funds until the beginning of next year at the earliest, and then he will have to distribute them. He is familiar with the equipment, and he wonders if he can catch up with the Russians.You know, in order to drag the Russians into the water, the Poles have basically given up their sovereignty claims over Kiev and other elite areas of Western Ukraine, and signed a secret agreement with the Russians to cede all these places to Russia in exchange for them sending troops to attack Ottoman Empire and Crimean Khanate.

Based on this understanding, not only Grail Khan was a little anxious at this time, but Wu Yifei was also a little anxious for them.Although everyone feels that even without this batch of military funds, the [-] new army and [-] old army led by Grai Khan (basically mobilized nationwide), together with the [-] to [-] Ottoman Turkish soldiers on the northern shore of the Black Sea, may not There is no chance of winning, but I always feel that with this batch of military funds, the chance of winning will be greater.

"Don't expect the Ottoman Empire to draw troops from the western front. They have just recovered the important city of Belgrade and executed a large number of local lords who surrendered to the Austrians. It is time to stabilize the situation. It is absolutely impossible to deploy too many troops. Support the Ukrainian battlefield. Here, we can only rely on the Tatars to fight on their own. If you win, you will be safe, and if you lose, you will be out of control." Malati took a sip of milk tea with a strong grassland style, then looked up at Wu Yifei, Said: "But according to the information I have, the Russians may not have much chance of winning. It is said that signing an alliance with the Poles is approved by many people in the Russian government and opposition, but sending troops to war has been opposed by most people. The Duma meeting (That is, the All-Russian Gentlemen's Conference) The gentlemen still hope that the Poles will send troops first to take chestnuts from the fire of Russia, and then they will follow up according to the situation, instead of being reckless and reckless as they are now. According to the most widely circulated The regent Princess Sophia insisted on sending troops to conquer Ukraine, and he is likely to send his concubine Golitsyn—a famous writer, artist, translator, and naturalist, but not a military strategist— —Send the throne to the commander-in-chief, if this is the case, an opportunity may arise. If the Crimeans are lucky, they may win a victory. At that time, maybe we can negotiate with the Great Khan The acquisition of Russian prisoners of war is over, and we need these cannon fodder for land reclamation and many other occasions.”

"Ambassador Ma, you are still so optimistic. Let us wait and see." Wu Yifei smiled and said, "Just now you mentioned that the Ottoman Empire regained Belgrade on the western front. What is the specific situation?"

"Well, how should I put it, it's a bad debt." After thinking about it for a while, Malati introduced in as simple a language as possible: "It is the coalition forces of the German princes who are attacking Serbia. One, after a long period of tug-of-war, the Ottoman army finally fought back, lost Belgrade, and retreated further to the rear, but the Ottomans were unable to pursue in this direction. In Hungary, the most critical main battlefield, the Austrian army fought He is brave and has made considerable progress. At present, he has captured the twin cities of Buda and Pest on the banks of the Danube River. Many local Christian lords have heard of the wind and surrendered. The main force of the Ottoman Empire has basically been attracted to this line now to prevent the Austrians from continuing to advance triumphantly, engulfing a large number of new Hungarian troops to invade neighboring Transylvania, threatening the wealthiest and most elite of the Ottoman Empire. The Rumily area, which provides most of the empire's military supplies, equipment and personnel."

"It's this far..." Wu Yifei smacked his lips, expressing his surprise, and then asked: "Can the Ottoman Empire hold on? Now I always feel that they are a bit weak."

"It shouldn't be a problem. After more than a year of brutal war training, Zade Fasher Koprulu's army has recovered somewhat. The Austrians can no longer easily defeat them as usual. It will take a lot of work. Moreover, the Ottoman Empire is also lucky, no, the French have been very active recently, attracting the Austrians to transfer part of their troops to the Western Front, which greatly relieved the pressure on the Empire. It is really a blessing.” Malati said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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