Chapter 1938 Chaco ([-])

"Have all these people done ideological work?" Wang Dazhuang, who has been officially promoted to the acting head of Hexi Township, said with a worried face as he looked at the thousands of Quechua aborigines standing on the roof not far away.

Those Quechuas were all distributed with three sets of cotton clothes, but very few people could wear them. Most of the people kept the clothes in their slightly tattered packages with messy hair. His face was full of confusion and fear.Occasionally, there were some young men with stern expressions on their faces, but under the deterrence of the sharp bayonets of the soldiers of the East Coast Guard, they shrank like quails again, not daring to make trouble——those who dared to make trouble before have basically already passed away. After being executed, the rest dare not be vigilant?

These Quechuas were successively captured by people on the east coast for various reasons in the past year, and then arranged in a newly opened collective farm for "discipline training".The so-called discipline training is actually to make these Quechuas adapt to the settled farming life and learn some basic agricultural skills: such as sowing, weeding, fertilizing, harvesting, livestock feeding and so on.

Don't underestimate the difficulty of these basic agricultural skills for these extremely uncivilized Quechuas.In fact, their learning progress was not good, and they were often insulted and beaten by the military and police on the East Coast.At the very beginning, Wang Dazhuang, who presided over the work here, once had expectations for these Quechuas, thinking that they would be able to adapt and get used to this new life within a year, but the reality gave him a resounding blow. The slap in the face, the records in the archives of the State Development Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture are correct. The aboriginal tribes that have not been "opened" by Spanish missionaries are indeed extremely backward and unbearable to various extents.Wang Dazhuang originally hoped that they could make major changes in just one year, which seems a bit too optimistic.

But it doesn't matter anymore, they are not natives of Hexi Township or even the East Bank, but pioneers who have been sent to the Yicheng area of ​​South Africa by default.When they get there, they will basically be incorporated into the farming and warfare system of the Eight Banners of the island, and someone will control them, which should be much better-for tribes or tribes from the perspective of civilization, this method is the most reliable method. Spectrum.

Some people may ask, didn’t the Indians on the South American continent exile them to South Africa, New China, Australia or even the Far East in the past?Why are they exiled to South Africa alone now? Is there any change in policy?

In fact, it can be answered in the affirmative, yes, yes, the policy has changed several years ago!Because some bigwigs in the Executive Committee believe that the South African region has a lot to do with the country's overall strategic deployment and future development, so it must be managed as a top priority.And since it is managed as the core local area, the many black residents who remain south of the southern African dividing line (commonly known as the "yellow-black dividing line") are very annoying.

You must know that over the past 50 years on the East Coast, the number of blacks who have been granted citizenship is less than a hundred, and all of them have made significant contributions. They can be said to be elites and outstanding figures among blacks.As for those black people who came to South Africa to settle in the southward tide of Bantu blacks, how could He De get the nationality of the East Coast?Nothing to say, can only be violently wiped out!

In order to make up for the vacancies left by these blacks after they were arrested and expelled, the people from the east coast naturally had to fill in them to actually occupy this land.Otherwise, thousands of miles of uninhabited land is barren there, and the blacks will come back to multiply after a while, and it will be troublesome.Therefore, in order to reduce this future trouble, the central government decided to give greater autonomy to the Eight Banners of the islands under the jurisdiction of the New China Pioneering Team, allowing them to go to the African continent, firmly nailed to the buffer zone between the east coast control area and the black activity area, While farming and grazing, they captured and killed black people.The blacks can be used to exchange money and various materials from the people on the east coast. In the future, the land occupied by the east coast government will even be requisitioned after a compensation fee (used to resettle new immigrants). The conditions are quite good. Of course, these The Eight Banners of the island had no choice but to obey the arrangement of the people on the east coast.

Due to various factors, most of the native Indians on the east coast are arranged to reclaim the second-line wasteland.The places where they work are still state-owned collective farms, which are managed by cadres and militia sent by the local government of South Africa, and the harvest is also paid by the local government itself.Basically, these Indians, like the indentured slaves from Europe, have to work for five years for collective farms with low pay before they can obtain the identity certificate issued by the East Coast government and become citizens of the East Coast.

Of course, the few brave Indians who are good at fighting can be immediately incorporated into the warrior system of the Eight Banners of the island to make up for the war damage. Basically, if they have fought for a year and are not dead, they can immediately obtain nationality, just like these It is the same as the soldiers of the mercenary units such as the Baoguo Army, the Zhongguo Army, and the Protecting Army that the East Bank government has abolished and established in recent years.

From the arrangement above, we can see how much the East Coast people discriminate against people with darker skin!Even in order to fill up a large amount of open space in southern Africa, they have become so "hungry" that even the Indians and Malays will not be spared. I don't know if the Dutch and the English will laugh out loud when they come to see it.Even the Portuguese in Mozambique next door are a little puzzled. They think that the people on the east coast did not take captives as their primary goal in the battle against black people. It is often like a racial war, which makes people feel a little bit uncomfortable. accept.

"Major Wang, how can it be so easy to do ideological work?" The yellow-toothed township armed minister smiled and said: "After dealing with Indians for so many years, I basically understand their temperament. It is natural liberty, the unrestrained life of the tropics, and the extreme exclusion of control, which the Spaniards probably understand better than we do. In short, these characteristics are common to low-civilized and poorly organized tribes. They don’t have the ability to establish a system, and they don’t know anything about real power, so they are very repulsed by a comfortable and settled life. So, it’s really difficult to get through their work.”

"Then how do the Spaniards manage so many Indians in Paraguay?" Wang Dazhuang suddenly asked again.

This question is a bit tricky. After thinking about it for a while, the Minister of Armed Forces said with some doubts: "It must have taken many years, right? Those Spanish missionaries opened the way with religion, and the entry point is better than us with bayonets How much, so if you can gain the trust of the local aborigines, and then digest it in a hundred years, it should be possible. But on our east coast, this condition obviously does not exist. The Indians are like hot potatoes, except for a few lucky ones. The good ones can stay outside the local life, and most of them will be exiled to overseas colonies to reclaim wasteland, and no one has ever tried to prove anything at home.”

"Well, I hope they can reach the other side of the sea, start a new life, and continue to reproduce. Before that, I hope they can be well taken care of along the way, especially those women and Children, food must not be withheld, and your escorts must not do any acts of oppression and goodness, so as not to cause undue humanitarian disasters, understand?" Wang Dazhuang looked at the Ke who were slowly walking towards the pier under the urging of the cavalry. Chuya suddenly turned his head to the Minister of Armed Forces and said: "I know that some of your subordinates have a bad style of work, and this time they were also selected to serve as escort soldiers, but I hope you can, before they leave this dock, Give them another blow, so that they don't do whatever they want, so that it leads to uncontrollable disasters."

"I will pay attention." The Minister of Armed Forces responded with some embarrassment, and Xu quickly moved to other aspects in order not to continue on this embarrassing topic: "Recently, our troops have frequently attacked the K The Chuya tribe cleared a relatively safe area for the later immigrants. With such a drastic action, the Spaniards should not be so wasteful. I don’t know yet? Why haven’t they come yet? How about we protest?"

"How do you know that there was no protest? It's just that we didn't ask low-level officials like us, but went directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Wang Dazhuang glanced at the Minister of Armed Forces of the township, and then continued: "And the situation in Europe has also undergone some subtle changes recently. The people became more and more powerful, and began to exert force in the southern Netherlands and Franche-Comté, and there was a risk of another large-scale war. Many European businessmen have rumored that the Ottomans strongly condemned the French for breaking the alliance. When they invaded the territory of the Ottoman Empire on a large scale, they did not send troops to contain them, which caused the empire to suffer a lot of undue losses. However, King Louis XIV of France may not be able to resist this, and the main force of the Austrian army was restrained in Turkey, so Louis intends to take advantage of the opportunity to expand in the South Netherlands or the Rhine Valley to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Wang Dazhuang didn't go any further when he said this, but the meaning was already very clear. The Kingdom of France, with its powerful army, had once again expanded its ambitions, so its neighbor, the Kingdom of Spain, was naturally very nervous.In the wealthy lowland region of the Netherlands, they have already lost the seven northern provinces where Protestants are the mainstream, and the remaining ten southern provinces cannot be lost anyway, although their contributions to finances and taxes have been gradually squeezed by the United Provinces. Reduced.

And the Kingdom of Spain is in such a situation, so it can only turn a blind eye to some things that happened in the far south of the New World. Who makes the east coast of today their most reliable "ally" of this outdated country?In the war that the French might launch, without the guns, military supplies, food and various guidance provided by the people on the east coast, it is hard to say whether the Kingdom of Spain would lose the pants.

From this point of view, people on the east coast should really give King Louis XIV a one-ton medal in recognition of his "outstanding contributions" in easing and even promoting relations between the East and the West.Without their large shit-stirring sticks, it is not impossible for the people on the east coast to cut flesh from the Kingdom of Spain piece by piece, but it will definitely not be as easy as it is now.

"So, sooner or later, the Chaco Plain will be in our pocket?" The Minister of Armed Forces of the Township immediately said excitedly: "That's right, so many reserve troops have been mobilized here, so naturally it's not for training. Think about it. How ruthless, there is so much idle land in the north of Brazil that has not been developed yet, so they ran to the Spaniards to eat meat, haha."

"Better do your job well. The status of Chaco is already being discussed with the Spaniards. But this is not easy, because once the Chaco Plain is lost, the densely populated and relatively rich Paraguay region will have so much It means an isolated enclave, how does this make the Spaniards deal with themselves? Therefore, this kind of negotiation is bound to be full of twists and turns, we don’t have to worry about so much, let’s do our own pioneering work.” Wang Dazhuang finally concluded Said.

(End of this chapter)

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