Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1779 No Choice

Chapter 1779 No Choice


The battalion's acting battalion commander, Captain Qiao Yu, set up the battalion headquarters in a Catholic church in the city, and four infantry companies were stationed in the customs building, port wharf, market and a large storage base in the city.The cavalry company is stationed on the outskirts of the city to guard against the approach of any suspicious persons.

In the previous process of stationing, although it was not all smooth sailing, there was no difficulty at all.At the time of the initial landing, the Spaniard's fort fired two shells in the direction of the ship on the east coast, neither of which hit.Then, for unknown reasons, until the first part of the Sixth Mixed Battalion landed and occupied the fort, the Spaniard's sea artillery was in a state of misfire, and no more shells were fired. It should be that an officer stopped the blind movement of his men.

Later, on the way to the core city of Nancungang, a group of Spanish soldiers rushed over to stop them. Their officers held swords and asked the people on the east bank to stop immediately in a trembling voice.Captain Qiao Yu, who led the team, saw through the nature of the Spaniards' aggressiveness, and directly ordered 240 officers and soldiers of the [-]st Infantry Company, which was relatively the best at fighting, to mount bayonets and march forward in line. As a result, the Spaniards were directly squeezed to both sides of the road, and some people crowded After suffering, he even accidentally fell into the ditch beside the road, so he was so embarrassed.During this process, only one Spanish soldier who seemed to have a problem with his head wanted to shoot, but was directly held down by his comrades in arms, which made people speechless.

Finally, when Captain Qiao Yu led the troops directly under the battalion (about 380 people in the battalion, the artillery company, the engineering platoon and the battalion staff), and successfully entered the center of Nancun Port City, the local Spanish colonial officials and church people also It was only a violent verbal protest, and then under the protection of the Spanish colonial army soldiers who also implemented the non-resistance policy, they left the city in despair and returned to Buenos Aires.

Generally speaking, like the previous two mixed battalions and one cavalry battalion stationed along the Yanbu Railway and in Niuzhuang and Yinhai counties, the Sixth Mixed Battalion did not encounter any hostile actions that could be called resistance in Nancungang.The Spaniards implemented the policy of non-resistance very thoroughly, which opened the eyes of Captain Qiao Yu and a group of merchants on the east coast inside and outside the city, and at the same time despised these timid Spaniards even more.

Of course, if you put yourself in the Spaniard's perspective, their behavior is not incomprehensible.Because anyone with a little sense knows how serious the consequences will be if a fierce armed conflict breaks out between the two sides.The large, well-equipped and well-trained army of the East Coasters will flood into La Plata, occupy Buenos Aires, occupy Rosario, occupy Santa Fe, and even occupy Asia. Songson and Cordoba, then the entire colony of La Plata will be over!The current non-resistance policy seems humiliating, but it also prevents the people on the east coast from gaining more benefits, and prevents the Kingdom of Spain from losing more rights and suffering greater humiliation.

After the military control was imposed on Nancun Port, the trading center, the Sixth Mixed Battalion temporarily stopped its progress, and there were no further follow-up actions.They were told by their superiors that without authorization, the Ministry can only conduct limited defensive activities in Nancun Port and its surrounding suburbs, unless the Spanish army launches an offensive-obviously this is extremely unlikely-Captain Qiao Yu even received The message repeatedly emphasized by the Ministry of War is to cooperate with the negotiations between the foreign department on the east coast and the Spaniards in the next period of time, that is, when the negotiations are at an impasse and it seems impossible to make a breakthrough in the short term, then they need to make a move.

This so-called "moving around", as long as you are not a fool, you will understand what it means.Battalion Commander Qiao reckoned that if the Spaniards were too desperate, the secret service agencies would have to direct and act out some incidents by themselves, and then make it easier for their regular troops to dispatch.Qiao Yu didn't believe that when his Sixth Mixed Battalion appeared on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, the Spaniards could still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

And just when Captain Qiao Yu was guessing whether the Spaniards would be stable when his troops marched towards Putrajaya, in Buenos Aires, Constantin de Obando had just finished a important meeting.The meeting was held in the general's office. He, who combined the chief judge of the trial court and the general's authority, convened all the important officials under his command to discuss the sudden change of the situation and plan to come up with a detailed countermeasure.

However, General Owando obviously overestimated the level of these officers, judges, prosecutors, town officials and nobles. Yield directly, so there is still no way to come up with a convincing plan.At the end of the meeting, most of the people still felt that it would be a little bit longer and they had to talk to people from the East Coast to see how the situation would turn out.

This result was somewhat beyond General Owando's expectations, because these people who were still angry before, after seeing the Sixth Mixed Battalion of the East Coasters landed in Nancun Port, they were all shamefully afraid. who!Moreover, what disappointed him the most was that the officers, the defense system of Buenos Aires established by two generations of General de la Plata, did not dare to confront the people on the east coast. What could be more disappointing than this? People feel depressed?You know, there are a gentleman regiment, a Mestizo infantry regiment and a cavalry regiment stationed inside and outside of Buenos Aires. Twice as much, and also learned from the people on the east coast that they engaged in full firearms many years ago.

But even such an army does not have the guts to confront the army on the east bank, which is absolutely inferior in numbers. How can this not make people despair?Since then, General Obando has been very disappointed with the officers under his command. Knowing that these people have been completely corrupted and can no longer be relied on for the safety of Buenos Aires, he can let them put on a facade and suppress the Indians. Some changes.

And since the people below have this attitude, General Owando has nothing to insist on.He usually pays more attention to safeguarding the interests of the Kingdom of Spain, but the current situation really cannot be maintained anymore, the enemy is approaching the city!Of course, from another perspective, General Obando chose to negotiate with the people on the east coast (although it has not yet been fully authorized by Lima or Madrid), so why not safeguard the interests of the Kingdom of Spain?You know, now it may just be a small piece of meat for the people on the east coast, but if a war breaks out, no matter what the scale and intensity, the Spaniards will be forced to cut off a large piece of meat.

In this way, the first negotiation between the Buenos Aires Trial Court District of the Kingdom of Spain and the foreign affairs department on the east coast officially started a few days later, on October 10, at the headquarters of the Sixth Mixed Battalion in Nancungang.In the jungle of bayonets shining brightly among the soldiers on the east bank, the two negotiators from Spain were obviously out of order. When they faced the construction of the Yanbu railway and the operation of the eastern area that the representatives of the east bank were more concerned about, they faltered at first. I, hesitating, didn’t want to answer directly. Later, I couldn’t bear the pressure anymore, so I had to let go, saying that there is no problem with the construction of the Yanbu Railway according to the established plan. As for the authorized operation of the large and vast land east of the railway line, they showed it face-to-face. Embarrassed, he said that he still needs to go back and ask his superiors for instructions.

Clearly obtaining the right to build the railway is not the ultimate goal pursued by the people on the east coast.In fact, the railway line has almost been planned, and a large number of personnel, equipment and tools have also been transported to the site in sections. Whether the Spaniards agree or not, they have to be repaired anyway.What they care more about is still the large fertile Pampa Plain to the east of the railway, that is, the Spaniards must agree that the people on the east bank can operate agriculture and animal husbandry here. It's just a legal document.Therefore, they are looking forward to the Spaniard's next answer.

On October 10, under the constant urging of the people on the east coast—for this reason, the Sixth Mixed Battalion had to dispatch an infantry company to attack a Creole manor suspected of hurting a businessman on the east coast of Nancun Port. More than a dozen people were arrested—General Owando's representative finally reluctantly returned to the venue again, and conducted a second round of consultations with the people on the east coast.

In this consultation, perhaps due to the sufficient authorization, the two Spanish representatives finally agreed in a listless manner that the nationals on the east bank should operate agriculture and animal husbandry east of the Yanbu Railway, which greatly shocked the officials of the foreign affairs department on the east bank who participated in the negotiations. In order to cheer up, at the same time seize the opportunity, did not give the Spaniard a chance to breathe, and directly launched more in-depth talks on some details.For example, the amount of lease or use fees for the land east of the Yanbu Railway, the period of use, whether the Kingdom of Spain can levy taxes, whether citizens on the east coast have extraterritorial rights, etc., the two sides have been discussing for two full days before discussing these details A preliminary agreement was reached.

During the talks in the next two days, Count Sebastian, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the East Coast, also participated in the whole process, but he did not speak, but only attended.After the negotiations, the earl, who had been an ambassador for many years, looked quite lonely. He said that he would not sign the text of the agreement, and that he would resign as ambassador in the near future and return to his territory in the countryside of Toledo on the Iberian Peninsula. live.

Count Sebastian may not have to sign the agreement, but Constantin de Obando, the president of the Buenos Aires Prosecutor's Court and General La Plata, cannot escape up. On October 10th, after waiting for news from Lima for a long time, General Ovando, who had no choice in the face of the aggressive East Bank army, finally signed the negotiation agreement and sealed it. , sent to Lima by the cavalry to report to the governor.

General Owando should be rather frustrated with this result.He has been in charge of the Buenos Aires Prosecutor's Court District for many years. Although many people accused him of being too flattering to the East Coast, as the saying goes, standing up and talking does not hurt the back. General Ovando asked himself to replace it with any other decent person. In his position, it is impossible to do better than him, because he has really tried his best to protect the interests of the Kingdom of Spain.

It's a pity that looking at it now, some of his little cleverness on weekdays are still not enough in the face of absolute strength!No, when the [-] pagan army on the east coast was thrown onto the Pampa Plain, the gentlemen of Buenos Aires were as honest as frightened quails, and never dared to talk nonsense.And now, General Owando has woken up from his dream: the goal of the people on the east coast has never changed. They have been staring at the Pampa Plain from the beginning. The attraction of this vast land to them is unparalleled.As the weak side, the ill-fated Kingdom of Spain is doomed to be unable to keep this land. The Buenos Aires Prosecutor’s Court District, which has not been established for a few years, is a complete joke. The most realistic goal of the Kingdom of Spain today is It should be trying to keep Chile, Chalkas and other neighboring prosecutorial court districts, and do everything possible to adjust the expansion direction of the East Coast people to the Brazilian side, and leave the trouble to the Portuguese.

On October 10th, just five days after the agreement was negotiated (actually, the final attitude of Lima and Madrid is still unknown), two transport ships from the courier liner company accepted the employment of the East Coast Immigration Department, full of more than 25 people. Migrants landed on the south bank of the Rio de la Plata.According to the plan prepared in advance, these "impatient" immigrants will establish several settlements nearby, namely Ruyi Township near the town of General Lavalle in the later generations, Wuxing Township near the town of Santa Teresita in the later generations, and Wuxing Township in the later generations. Luming Township near the town of General Conesa, Shiqiu Township near the later General Juan Madariaga Town, and Iron Hill Township near the later town of Flores, a total of five new settlements , initially intends to place more than 800 people.

This kind of step-by-step action shows the character of the new government—especially Chairman Liao Xiaoyao—who cuts through the mess quickly. It also indirectly expresses to the Spaniards that you have no other choice but to be honest. Follow our path!Since we dare to bring so many immigrants here and arrange them to settle down, we will never bother to move them away again, so you have to agree this time if you agree, or you have to agree if you don’t agree. We are going to settle this one landed!

Once these settlements are established, they are basically not far from Yinhai County in the south.In the next five to ten years, the coastal area to the east of the Yanbu Railway will probably be covered, and then most people on the east coast will build settlements farther away from Buenos Aires in the next step. It's not far away, and I don't know how the Spaniards will react at that time—probably not too strong a reaction!

(End of this chapter)

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