Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1750 Big Inspection

Chapter 1750 Big Inspection ([-])

On March 1677, 3, after attending a large-scale meeting organized by the Beiyazihu ​​District Administrative Office, Qi Wangping, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Eastern China Republic, took a special car non-stop to Liushuying Township, Pingan County, dozens of kilometers away. The location of the factory.

The reason why this township is called Willow Camp is because a large number of willow trees are densely planted locally to provide willow bark, a key raw material, for the northern pharmaceutical factory that relocated here.In the era when the North Pharmaceutical Factory was first established, except for some scattered herbal medicine preparation businesses (they were originally small-scale workshop-style industries, which were unified and integrated into the new North Pharmaceutical Factory by the Ministry of Health), the heat-clearing and antipyretic drug Aspirin was almost the same as the factory. The largest source of profit has also become a symbol of the northern pharmaceutical factory.

Many people say that if the supply of raw materials (willow bark) does not restrict the production of medicines, it is believed that the profits here will be even higher, enough to exceed those including ferrous sulfate, cod liver oil, aloe vera oil, senna, foxglove, It can be seen from the sum of the sales of ipecac, iodine, opium and other messy medicines.

Of course, later, as the East Bank continued to invest in the medical and pharmaceutical industries for many years, the results began to emerge slowly.Especially after the colonial tentacles of the people on the east coast became deeper and deeper, the production of best-selling medicines including Cinchona Cream, Fengyoujing, Cooling Oil, Huoluo Oil, Safflower Oil, Wind-dispelling Oil, and 108 Medicinal Wine became more and more popular. Gao, the huge amount of money this brings to the northern pharmaceutical factories allows them to invest more funds in the research and development and production of new drugs, and continue to work hard for the well-being of the people on the east coast—of course the Ministry of Health will not forget This hen that lays golden eggs, as a state-owned enterprise, the profits generated by its operations will naturally be extracted by shareholders (the Ministry of Health is its sole shareholder). Therefore, in this way, the disease control publicity funds in many parts of the country will be available. It made the men in the Ministry of Health very happy, and at the same time they kept sighing that the pharmaceutical industry is really a huge profiteering industry.

When Qi Wangping and others arrived in Liushuying Township, the scale of the willow forest here was already very large. It looked like one piece after another, and it was endless. People couldn't help but wonder how much aspirin medicine this northern pharmaceutical factory was going to manufacture. ! At four o'clock in the afternoon on March 3, with a sharp whistle, the La Plata Star train carrying Qi Wangping slowly entered Liushuying Railway Station, and finally stopped on the platform.

"Chairman Qi, this year happens to be the second revision of "Song Medical Records Test" and "Ming Medical Records Test", so there are many medical practitioners meeting here, and everyone wants to meet you." The director of the pharmaceutical factory walked over briskly and said in a loud voice.

"Oh? Is the editorial team of these two medical masterpieces here? Then I have to meet them. Let's lead the way, Director Shou." Qi Wangping had read the secretary's report before coming here, and knew the director of the pharmaceutical factory. He is the son of Taoist Shou, a retired army major.The "fake Taoist" Qi Wangping also has the impression that he spent half his life fighting for the country, and lived in seclusion in Tacheng County, Xinhua Island when he was old. It is said that he has resumed his old profession and is doing alchemy.Now it seems that his alchemy did not produce any results after all, because he passed away due to illness two years ago, and only the old subordinate Anda Shiwu was present at his funeral.

His son is in his thirties this year, smart since he was a child, so he was sent to the mainland by Taoist Shou and entrusted to his comrades to take care of him.And he himself is very competitive. Having learned a few medical skills from Taoist Shou since he was a child, he is very interested in the science of medicine—yes, on the East Coast, this is a discipline defined as science—so Later, he was admitted to the Capital Medical School directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. After graduation, he directly worked in the North Pharmaceutical Factory, and actually participated in the research and development of tropical medicines such as Fengyoujing and Cooling Oil. After retiring due to lack of energy, he was promoted two grades in a row, and became the director of the northern pharmaceutical factory, and even disappointed the second generation who coveted this position, it was amazing.

Almost all members of the compilation team of "Song Medical Records" and "Ming Medical Records" are doctors from mainland China. Because only they are proficient in TCM theory and the characteristics of some medicines, they are selected to verify various TCM prescriptions. Useful ones are compiled into medical books, and useless ones are discarded or left for future review.

Now that many years have passed, people from the east coast have collected a lot of prescriptions from mainland China, and some doubtful prescriptions have been discovered or explained, so this time the Ministry of Health gathered these people together again, Work intensively in the northern pharmaceutical factory in Willow Camp, deploy various drugs nearby, and then conduct experiments.

It is worth mentioning that this time the Ministry of Health is compiling a programmatic book called "East Coast Pharmacopoeia", which intends to include various medicines handed down from ancient times (provided that they are effective) or newly invented medicines.If there is no accident, the new editions of "Song Medical Records Test" and "Ming Medical Records Test" will include all the medicines and prescriptions, so the compilation work this time is also very strict, and each prescription has to be tested repeatedly. , find different patients for verification, and ensure that it is valid before it is included.

Qi Wangping did not disturb the work of the doctors too much, but expressed his gratitude for their hard work, and then held a symposium with the accompanying medical staff at all levels at the district, county, and township levels, and listened to the work report of the medical system.

"The sanitation construction in the Beiyazihu ​​area is the same as other places. It is deployed by the Ministry of Health, but there are also differences. Considering that the mass culture is backward in this area, once the virus invades from the outside, it is extremely difficult to prevent it, so the winter hospital is used. Due to the lack of patients, local medical and health personnel were deployed, and ten medical tour groups were organized. Each group consisted of 3 doctors, 1 pharmacist, 8 students and security guards, and they were assigned to some places with relatively humid climate and poor environmental conditions. Provide medical services; we have also thought of several measures for the prevention of tuberculosis, which is mainly required by the above. First of all, we have stipulated an annual winter outdoor activity week to guide the improvement of people's life style and prevent tuberculosis; prevention of many venereal diseases including syphilis There are also special measures, and the most important thing is to establish the principle of health diagnosis for prostitutes and private prostitutes (prostitution in the east coast is not legal, but the government often turns a blind eye to it), that is, once they are found to be suffering from vaginitis ——especially syphilis—they will be taken in immediately, and they will be placed in a "special women's sanatorium" and ordered to work for treatment." The deputy commissioner in charge of medical and health at the regional administrative agency introduced his political achievements, only to hear him say Said: "After successfully completing the construction of the railway hospital (located in Ping'an County), the railway sanitation situation has rapidly improved. We spent a year conducting a hearing survey on the train drivers and crew members on the Northern Railway. The working environment The air of the train has also been investigated. And in order to prevent train accidents, Ping An Railway Hospital has also organized a special emergency railway rescue team to provide emergency assistance to drivers and passengers in various situations."

"In the future, our most important job is to concentrate on assisting in the recruitment of medical staff in Ping An Memorial Hospital. We have fully understood the necessity of this work and have raised special expenses to recruit Capital Medical School graduates to ensure that Memorial Hospital can operate normally as soon as it is completed." The deputy health commissioner continued.

The Ping An Memorial Hospital he mentioned just now is currently undergoing civil construction work. The special funds applied by the Ministry of Health—also entrusted by the Dongfeng of this large-scale domestic infrastructure construction—while the North Pharmaceutical Factory, the Beiyazihu ​​District Administrative Office and the Ping’an County Government jointly The hospital was built with a huge sum of 20 yuan (it is said that Dongan Company will also donate 3 yuan, which will arrive in the account next month).

This large-scale hospital was established to commemorate the [-]th anniversary of the time traveler's landing, so it was named "Memorial Hospital". And drug procurement, personnel recruitment and training, can be regarded as a rare big deal.

The hospital occupies a vast area, and the square in front of the hospital can accommodate hundreds of carriages.The paved road in the courtyard is flat and extends in all directions.The main building and the side buildings adopt traditional Chinese architecture, and adopt many new technologies including reinforced concrete. Both the design and the technology reflect the highest level of the East Bank today - Ping An Memorial Hospital is designed by the famous architect of the East Bank, Capital Architecture Designed by Sun Dapeng, the dean of the Design Institute and the second generation of wearers.

The main building of Ping An Memorial Hospital has four floors, plus the basement, a total of five floors.Among them, the first floor has general internal medicine clinics (actually, there are not many internal medicine diseases in the east bank at present, but the types of diseases are strictly divided), nurse's room, doctor's room, laboratory, pharmacy, general affairs office, security room, It is composed of accounting office and shop; the second floor is the location of pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology. There are more pathological and bacterial rooms; the fourth floor is rather messy, mainly composed of dental clinics and treatment rooms, library, auditorium, classrooms, binding room, spa bathroom, steam room, massage room, plaster bandage room, injection making room, restaurant, etc. ; the basement contains reference rooms, medicine and cold rooms (using ether refrigerators, the cost is not low), incubator manufacturing rooms, patient bathrooms, barbers, duty rooms, sundries warehouses and other departments.

The side building has three floors, plus a basement floor, which are mostly nurses' dormitory, mail room, reception room, ventilation room, incineration and disinfection room, warehouse, common bathroom, infusion room, mechanical room (including the original electrocardiogram) some equipment), etc.In addition, there are several small ancillary buildings, mainly boiler room, telegraph room, fireman room, dissection room, specimen room, water supply tank, gas room (providing fuel for gas lamps), animal room, etc.

From the above settings, it can be seen that, worthy of being a hospital that costs more than [-] huge funds, Ping An Memorial Hospital is the undisputed number one in the country, at least in terms of scale, not only compared to the other two local hospitals in Ping An County— —Ping'an County People's Hospital and Ping'an Railway Hospital respectively—they are much higher than the hospitals in the capital and Qingdao County. They are worthy of industrial centers and northern metropolises!

In addition, we can also see that after more than [-] years of development, the medical industry on the east coast has really improved a lot.The disastrous medical systems and coverage systems in Europe and China in the Old World are almost completely incomparable with those on the East Coast, not to mention the huge differences in ideas and understandings.From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration for the East Coast Republic of China to call itself a beacon of civilization. The gap between the Old Continent and them is too great.

I believe that after decades of further development, with the growing strength of the East Coast and the continuous development of population, economy, and society, other new hospitals with Ping An Memorial Hospital as the benchmark will surely spring up all over the country. It can be said that there is no great kindness to benefit the people of the whole country.

"Ping An Memorial Hospital is costly, so there are many complaints from other parts of the country. Therefore, after one year of operation, the Ministry of Health will no longer provide funds for it. Everything has to be borne by the hospital itself, which means it is responsible for its own profits and losses. Of course, in order for the hospital to survive the difficult period at the beginning, the Ministry of Finance will allow Ping An Memorial Hospital to issue 5 yuan of ten-year bonds with an annual interest rate of 10% in the Qingdao financial market.” Qi Wangping still has a good understanding of Ping An Memorial Hospital (In fact, most of the living traversers know it well), so I commented a few words: "Of course, you don't have to worry too much. Ping'an County has a large population, almost [-] people, and there are many factories and mines. The business is developed, and the people The general income level is relatively high, and they can still afford the medical services of Memorial Hospital, so as long as qualified medical staff can be recruited, I think the profit prospect of Ping An Memorial Hospital is very impressive, so there is no need to worry too much.”

"In addition, I also found from your introduction that the medical industry in our country has really made great progress. Once upon a time, we did not have any medicines, and we did not have a regular hospital. Diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, plague, cholera, dysentery, and syphilis were all over the place. The whole country was raging, and the child mortality rate was extremely high. In the worst case, one-third of the children could not live past the age of three. At that time, what a difficult situation we were facing. It is frightening to think about it. "Qi Wangping summed up emotionally at this time, and only heard him say: "So I am very emotional and even moved now. Our business has come to this point. It is really something we did not expect at the beginning. So I implore everyone now. , in the future, as always, continue to work hard and continue the business we have created. We want to create more inventions, produce more commodities, and provide better medical services for the people. Please, gentlemen. Let’s work together for this cause.”

(End of this chapter)

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