Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1265 Attacking Fleet: Port

Chapter 1265 Attacking Fleet: Port

The people on the east coast are planning to launch a naval battle. As their opponent, the Portuguese, what is the current situation?

At the beginning, there were 30 ships in Mozambique's squadron from Brazil. At this time, there are still about 20 ships that can go to battle smoothly (some ships have recovered after repairs), and another four ships in Mozambique are undergoing major repairs. This is almost all of their current strength.

In 14VS20, the balance of strength has gradually shifted to the east coast. The conditions for launching a decisive naval battle off the coast of Mozambique, defeating the Portuguese squadron, and gaining command of the sea are fully ripe!

On November 1660, 11, the East Coast Fleet, which had been repaired and maintained, sailed out of Xinhua Bay one by one under the command of Li Yi, the Minister of the Navy who took over the command, and then formed a formation in the open sea-seven "eight ships" October 10th" class battleship, 7 "Madao" class sail escort gunships, 6 "Super Brave" class fast cruiser, 1 ammunition supply ship, 1 medical ship, 1 repair ship, a total of 1 ships After sorting out the queue, we started to adjust the boom and sailed straight to Mozambique Island.

It was the place where the Portuguese fleet last haunted, and it should still be there. The largest sea battle in the history of the Western Indian Ocean, the largest number of participants, and the largest number of artillery were used. If there is no accident, it will soon be strike!

On November 11, the east coast fleet with a total tonnage of 14 tons slowly arrived in the waters west of Comoros Island.At this time, at the turn of spring and summer, the Indian Ocean anticyclone formed in the deep sea gradually receded to the south, the influence gradually weakened, the strength of the trade wind gradually decreased, and the instability began to increase.On the contrary, the equatorial air mass began to move southward, and some low pressure belts also began to expand towards Mozambique and Huaxia Island, which brought increasing northerly winds to the Mozambique Channel.

Sailors were familiar with the monsoons, and Arab geographers compiled sailing guides showing where and when to sail; Portuguese sailing guides described the usual European routes, which were firmly remembered by experienced sailors. in mind.There is only one possibility of southwesterly winds in the Mozambique Channel this month, that is, there is a cold current in the south, but this year there is no cold current—at least people from the east coast did not notice it when they sailed from the south—so the Portuguese are doomed to sail in this season. , Maybe that's why they didn't blockade the east coast, north coast, and northwest coast of Xinhua Island.

Therefore, under such weather conditions—especially when the flow rate of the Mozambique warm current heading south has gradually increased to two knots—the large fleet of the people from the east coast will go straight to Mozambique Island, and they will surely catch the enemy by surprise.If they were paralyzed in their thinking and failed to respond to the change in wind direction in time, it was very possible that they would be blocked at the port by this fleet of the East Coasters.

Mozambique is undoubtedly the Indian Ocean base most valued by the Portuguese in this era, so much so that its king once praised this port as "the best base I have on the Indian Ocean", "You can call Mozambique an outpost or a supply on the way forward A station after exhaustion".Needless to say, the status of Mozambique in the minds of the Portuguese is probably the same as that of the Cape of Good Hope in the minds of the Dutch in the 17th and 18th centuries. Ships coming from the south can get supplies here and get enough power to sail to India. Mozambique, then all Portuguese ships would have to stop further north at Malindi for supplies, but that would undoubtedly be much harder.

The small island of Mozambique is crowded with a large number of colonial institutions, forts, ship repair workshops, markets, churches and other buildings, but there are no vegetable fields, orchards and reservoirs, and even the wheat reserves are only half empty. storehouse.In other words, the self-sustaining ability of this island is extremely poor. Once it is blocked by people, it is estimated that it will collapse in a short time—well, to be precise, it will collapse within three or two days, because they even need fresh water every day. send it.

So, what are you waiting for?

On November 11, without a single accident, their fleet arrived off the coast of Mozambique Island. When the forest of masts and densely packed gun ports appeared in the eyes of the Portuguese, the naval battle that lasted for several days became uncontrollable. Unfolded - the first shell was a coastal defense heavy artillery from the Portuguese!

"Sir, there seem to be a lot of enemy ships in the port." On the sea behind, the officers of the escort gunship "Big Red Squid" were watching Mozambique Island with binoculars.

"A lot? Where can I get more? There are only twenty or so ships! Moreover, less than half of the professional warships are armed merchant ships. Although it is a bit troublesome to deal with, it is definitely not invincible." Lieutenant Cai Anguo looked at it. , while saying.He felt that he was really lucky this time, and blocked all the enemies in the port, which created conditions for the encirclement and annihilation.Of course, this is not surprising, because of the current and wind direction at this time, where can the Portuguese go?Once they left Mozambique Island, it would be very difficult or even impossible for them to go back.As long as they want to join the merchant fleet from India here, they have to wait again, otherwise everything is meaningless.

Back then, the Dutch East India Company organized a fleet to besiege Mozambique Island, but the Portuguese responded well and tried their best to keep the crucial island intact. In the end, they managed to survive until the Dutch retreated, which is awesome.However, this time the people from the east coast are targeting Mozambique Island, and their strength may not be as "gentle" as the Dutch. The Dutch are eager to bring goods home to make money, and have no time to spend with you for a long time, but the people from the east coast are making a special trip. He came to take your life, and he won't leave until he kills you.

Also, aren’t you relying on the fact that the water behind the island is silted up and the water is shallow, making it impossible for large ships to pass (mainly because you dare not pass because you don’t know the hydrological conditions)?Well, I will assemble a shallow-draft inland river gunboat in the shipyard of Xinhua Island, and then find a way to tow or transport it to prevent the offshore Junk ship from transporting materials to the island, and completely trap you—— Without Mozambique Island, how can you fight us?By God?

"If the Portuguese don't move, will we stay here forever?" asked Zhang Zhijun, the first officer.Beside him, the bosun, gunner, navigator, second officer and others also turned their gazes, waiting for Cai Anguo's answer.

"Of course that's the case. What's so strange about it? The Dutch were able to send a fleet to block Goa when the southwest monsoon came up for several years. The Portuguese sometimes had a lot of ships in the port of Goa, but they didn't do much. ?The wind is really bad, and they can’t go out to sea. How can they fight the Dutch? They don’t have our steam power! So they can only watch the trading ships coming from Europe, let the Dutch kill one by one! Even Those who are not killed can only run away, and the trade in Goa is naturally declining." Lieutenant Cai Anguo said naturally: "Our current situation is actually somewhat similar, but it is different, because it is northwest wind, The ocean currents also come from the north. If the Portuguese make up their minds to go out to sea and escape, they can actually do it. But in that case, the command of the East African coast will be handed over to us, and the trading fleet from India will also be dangerous. Now, the future of Mozambique Island is even more unpredictable. They will not be able to make up their minds for a while. Take a look, their coastal defense battery firepower is quite fierce, and it constitutes a cross-fire force. Minister Li will not let us For the time being, the siege will be the main focus, and we will wait and see what happens.”

Cai Anguo's analysis was indeed Li Yi's intention, so for six consecutive days starting from November 11, their ships were gathering off the coast of Mozambique Island, waiting for the Portuguese to rush out.But it seems that these guys are more tolerant. On the one hand, they kept warning the people on the east coast with one or two shells. On the other hand, they also held a huge religious trial on the island. Burning to death on the pillar almost cut off his own way of retreat. I don't know which religious lunatic did it.

Their crazy behavior successfully aroused the anger of the people on the east bank. Colonel Li Yi sent someone to hold a white flag to negotiate solemnly, pointing out that the Portuguese must give any prisoner on the east bank the necessary treatment. People on the east coast will not recognize the Kingdom of Portugal as a civilized country, and all consequences will be at your own risk!

At the same time, they once again dispatched 960 officers and soldiers from the New China Infantry Battalion (less than a company) that came with the ship, and landed on a promontory extending from the north of Mozambique Island.After landing, the officers and soldiers on the east coast, under the command of Captain Xiao Baitu, immediately used the wood and barbed wire brought by the ship to build simple fortifications to prevent the enemy from driving them into the sea.

The next day, two tuna fishing boats that arrived late brought them many craftsmen—many of which were craftsmen from Qingjiangdu Shipyard in Huaian Prefecture, who were temporarily detained by Xinhuaxia Island—and a large amount of cut wood.Afterwards, these people rushed to work on the tidal flats day and night, and built small boats as quickly as possible. These small boats do not require large size or good quality, just a little, and the quantity must be large.Colonel Li Yi planned that if the Portuguese did not move again, he would wait for some dark night to send these small boats (with small sails) filled with dry wood, coal gangue, kerosene and other flammable materials along the ocean current And Beifeng, put it directly in the area where the Portuguese fleet is concentrated and moored, and see how these grandsons can sit still by then!

On November 11, another thousand soldiers from the Eight Banners of the island landed on the shore. These people joined in the operation of building fortifications, intending to completely build this landing site into a solid defense system.As for why they didn't go deep into the inland areas to cut off the supplies of the Portuguese, it was mainly due to insufficient troops and lack of confidence.You know, on the mainland behind Mozambique Island, there are still some Portuguese strongholds. God knows how many soldiers there are, maybe a few hundred, maybe one or two thousand, maybe two or three thousand, who knows?It's better not to get into trouble, first defend your own position and then talk.

On November 11, an army composed of blacks suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the landing field of the people on the east coast.In a rage, Xiao Baitu beheaded six commanders of the Eight Banners of the island, and then ordered them to attack desperately. Only then did he manage to repel the black army - but this "bloody battle" with more than 30 casualties (The Eight Banners of the Islands accounted for [-]% of the deaths and injuries.) In terms of its technical and tactical content, it was too low, which made Xiao Baitu shake his head. The Eight Banners of the Islands are really useless!

On December 12, Minister Li Yi, who felt that he could not wait any longer, sent someone over to order that the boats be set on fire to attack!So, on this gloomy night, hundreds of small boats of various types loaded with dry wood, coal gangue, kerosene, etc., escorted by a few steam gunboats, sailed along the ocean current towards the Portuguese anchorage.In order to control the course, the people on the east coast also sent many water-savvy sailors to control the sails on the arson ship, so as to get as close as possible to the Portuguese fleet.

At 03:30 in the morning, as the first arson ship was ignited, soon, as if by magic, sparks appeared everywhere on the sea, and the scene was simply picturesque.After lighting the fire, the sailors turned over and jumped into the sea immediately, and swam towards the nearest naval gunboat; The sailors, so enraged by the success of the Portuguese barbaric Inquisition, that even after the arsonist ship had been set on fire, they held their boats in twos and threes in the sea for the last mile, increasing the risk of their collision with the Portuguese ship. boat opportunity.

The Portuguese soon discovered the night attack of the people on the east coast, and the panicked shouts and angry reprimands could be clearly heard far away at night.Xiao Baitu climbed to the top of the lookout post, holding up the binoculars to look for the stars in the dark night sky.Soon, he discovered that the first Portuguese ship was ignited, and the fierce fire continued to scorch near the waterline of the ship. I believe that it will not be long before this armed merchant ship will become an oversized torch—well, Maybe there will be a tragic ammunition explosion, I am really looking forward to it!

Some of the hundreds of small boats were washed away from the anchorage by the current, and then slowly disappeared above the sea.However, more than [-] small boats still managed to break into the concentrated anchorage of the Portuguese fleet, most of them collided with enemy ships, and the raging flames began to fill the night sky. The scene is still talked about in Mozambique many years later. road.

"Is the second wave of arson boats on their way?" Xiao Baitu put down his binoculars and asked an officer beside him.

"It's already on the way, sir!" The young officer replied with a somewhat excited tone, "The second wave of arson boats totaled 106 ships, and Second Lieutenant Chen fired them in the northwest. Although the flow speed there was not fast enough, the wind direction correction would definitely give Portugal a boost. I was pleasantly surprised. They are also stupid. They don’t have enough coastal defense fortresses and troops on the shore, but they still dare to hide behind a small island. They really don’t know how to die. Now they are all finished, haha, what a joy , Let all of you who dare to burn us die, heretics!"

"Don't be so optimistic, young man." Xiao Baitu laughed and said, "The waters in the bay are still too vast, and there are many turbulent currents in it. Although there are enough arsonist ships and many enemy ships are anchored in the bay, but Don't have too much expectations for the effect of the fire attack, after all, this is not an inconvenient river port. To really destroy the Portuguese squadron, it still depends on the capabilities of Minister Li and his navy!"

(End of this chapter)

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