Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1250 1 Day War

Chapter 1250 One Day War

Yang Liang stepped on the soft beach of São Vicente Island with one deep foot and one shallow foot.Perhaps because the enemy did not have much ammunition, the artillery of the land defense fortress on San Vicente Island was not aimed at this side, which greatly increased the safety of the troops who landed on the side after a desperate detour in a small boat.

Landing together with Captain Yang Liang was the Army's Second Mixed Battalion of Army Major Xiao Xi. Correspondingly, the command power of this battle was also in his hands.Yang, who was officially recognized as a captain by the military department before the battle, only had a remarkable record on his resume as the leader of the Polish-Russian War field tour team, and the others were not worth mentioning at all. In front of the general, it was not his turn to talk to a group of friends who had returned from Russia.

At this time, Yang Liang and others commanded a regiment of prisoners from the Qing army (about 2000 people) transferred from the northern railway construction site. Their group of students who had "advanced training" on the Polish battlefield for several years were full of ambition—— Although Xiao Xi always felt that they were suspected of being superior in power and incompetence-they commanded the Qing army captives with mixed cold and hot weapons around, and they began to attack the land defense fortress set up by the Portuguese not long after they landed.

As for why they had to conquer this series of land defense fortresses, it was naturally for the subsequent capture of coastal defense forts.The land defense fortress and the coastal defense fort were originally integrated, and they were designed to protect the side and rear of the fort. The army troops of the people on the east bank landed outside the deterrent range of the Portuguese coastal defense cannon. What about the small number of soldiers?I can only eat this dark loss.

"The enemy doesn't have explosive bombs, maybe there are very few. Solid projectiles are useless on this kind of soft ground. Everyone, drag up all the field artillery for me and attack!" Yang Liang grabbed several officers and told them Hurry up to gather troops and launch an offensive.The Sixth Mixed Battalion over there had already completed its assembly for 10 minutes, and it was still in such a mess here that Yang Liang felt that he had no place to put his face.

The assembled ex-Qing captives, supported by 8 field artillery from the Sixth Mixed Battalion, attacked the Portuguese land defense fortress.The so-called land defense forts are not really like fortresses. In fact, to put it bluntly, they are nothing more than positions set up by relying on field artillery, and they are not even as good as the local artillery towers on the east coast.

Such a qualified position is naturally not enough to look at in front of the army on the east coast, which is advancing every step of the way.Especially after the 8 artillery pieces of the first company of the independent field artillery also joined the battle line, a total of 16 field artillery pieces completely suppressed the Portuguese firepower. .

The team that took the lead was naturally the former Qing army captives, and now they have recovered from the chaos. Captain Yang Liang swung his command knife, and the small officers among the captives looked at each other, and then gritted their teeth. , rushed up with the team.There is no formation, just rush!And their weapons are also varied, but most of them are white blades, and a few of them are holding thin iron bombs in their hands, intending to create chaos for the enemy

A puff of black smoke rose from behind the low wall held by the Portuguese, which was the firing of their matchlocks and flintlocks.Thanks to Tianzun, the number of muskets does not seem to be very large, which may indicate that the proportion of firearms in their troops is not high, but the bigger possibility is the lack of manpower!

Many of the prisoners of the Qing army who rushed to the front were knocked down by muskets, but this could not stop their determination to continue to charge - the above has already said that after this battle, everyone will be given official nationality, and they will no longer have to hold their heads. It's hard work, how dare they neglect it!

A grenadier was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet when he was about to throw a thin iron bomb. The bomb that fell on the ground exploded instantly, and the flying nails, broken iron pieces, and sharp stones caused considerable damage and confusion to the surrounding people.But this did not stop the Qing army prisoners from charging. Soon, dozens of Qing army prisoners who had crossed the death line rushed to the front of the formation. They threw short spears, throwing axes, and bombs into the Portuguese army. Then, taking advantage of the chaos, they climbed over the low wall and rushed in to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy. The Portuguese suffered a lot immediately.

"Fuck, rushed in, damn it!" Captain Yang Liang, who was born in a professional class and was gentle and refined, was full of yellow accents when he started fighting. At this time, he said in an excited tone: "Six or seven hundred people rushed at him and less than 700 Yan also drowned him! Lieutenant Chen, you go up with the second echelon, help them consolidate their positions, and at the same time expand to adjacent artillery positions, and strive to take down this bird land defense fort as soon as possible."

The short and intense hand-to-hand combat was quickly over.Hundreds of Qing army prisoners left dozens of Portuguese corpses, and then they organized the formation under the organization of the officers, and then expanded towards the adjacent area.There were so many of them that the Portuguese soldiers, who were severely understrength, could not defend at all. Although their volleys were very accurate and their training was very good, they always neglected one thing and neglected another under the advantage of the number of Qing army prisoners. Two or three artillery positions were lost one after another, and more than 100 people were killed or injured.

However, the Portuguese artillery skills were as good as ever, and they quickly replaced them with explosive bombs, which caused a sharp increase in the casualties of the Qing army prisoners who were attacking, and they have approached 400 people so far.One-fifth of the casualty rate, if it was before, this group of people would have dispersed, but now they dare not, so they can only bite the bullet and attack fiercely, hoping that the follow-up troops will quickly follow up and expand the results of the battle. Reduce their stress.

"Holy shit, Chief Xiao's troops are finally moving?" Yang Liang, who was nervously watching the offensive ahead with his binoculars, was reminded by the people around him, and immediately scolded: "I thought they were old hens laying eggs, what a grind. grumble."

As Yang Liang finished speaking, he saw a large group of infantrymen of the Second Mixed Battalion wearing dark blue military uniforms, black smoke caps, and high-top leather boots, holding muskets with high-quality ammunition, forming a relatively tight formation , heading towards the Portuguese position.They invested in three infantry companies, a total of 720 officers and soldiers, and with the assistance of some light field artillery, they pressed towards the Portuguese with an irresistible momentum.

While the Portuguese were being squeezed by the Qing army captives coming over from the "pigs", they faced the second mixed battalion that was coming in a dense formation, and the shells kept falling on their heads-that was a total of 16 field guns. , which is 4 times the number of cannons the Portuguese are firing at this time, which is a definite fire suppression.

The Second Mixed Battalion did not suffer too much damage during the march. Except for the enemy's artillery shells causing more than 20 casualties, most of them drove into the position within 30 meters from the enemy's fort, and then there were intensive volleys of guns.The fierce firepower made the Portuguese cry for their fathers and mothers, which provided great convenience for the Qing army's captives to attack. The two sides cooperated with each other in this way, and soon cleared the remaining land defense forts and wiped out the Brazilian soldiers. More than two hundred, the result is not small.

Since the land defense fort was captured, the coastal defense fort became a shelled egg. When it was captured by the people on the east coast, it was only a matter of one sentence.And the people on the east coast will naturally not give the Portuguese coastal defense artillery the opportunity to continue to block the sea. Thousands of soldiers from the army, Qing army captives, and the Jingjiang County Security Regiment who assisted in the operation pressed towards the coastal defense fort. What can the Portuguese do? The only thing to do is to destroy the coastal defense artillery hastily, and then surrender or escape, there is no other way.

The fighting ended in the evening.In this battle, the Brazilians in the city of San Vicente did not dare to attack, and sat and watched the troops on the east bank make a roundabout landing behind the fort.After nearly 600 casualties, the heroic and invincible East Coast Army finally conquered the coastal defense fort (including the attached land defense fort) guarded by the Portuguese, eliminated 352 Brazilian soldiers and captured 108 people, completely lifting the shroud in San Vicente. The last layer of protection on Techeng can be said to be a success.

After controlling the coastal defense fort of San Vicente Island, several east coast ships that had been staying in the open sea (the main fleet had already moved north) drove into the bay in batches.After sending out a measuring ship to carefully measure the water depth, the four escort gunboats of the East Coasters lined up and fired at San Vicente Island with side guns. The excellent water depth conditions of San Vicente Port became The nightmare of the Brazilians, under the continuous approaching bombardment of long-barreled and large-caliber naval guns, the originally extremely prosperous dock area suffered a catastrophe. Many houses, churches, warehouses, military camps, and workshops were reduced to There was a lot of rubble and a lot of people were injured.

After seeing how weak the enemy was, Major Xiao Xi, who was the highest local official, immediately decided to launch an attack on the main city of San Vicente. They were ordered to land at the dock area, then quickly control valuable targets (this is more critical), sweep away the remnants of the enemy, and slowly advance to the hinterland of the city.

I don't know what happened in the city of San Vicente. They seem to lack regular Portuguese soldiers in an organized way-could it be that only the hundreds of people killed and injured on the fort were regular soldiers? ——Only some nobles, businessmen, and military officers came forward to organize a few groups of militias, relying on the terrain to attack the people on the east bank, and achieved certain results.

But their strength was too weak after all. After more than a thousand officers and soldiers of the Army's Second Mixed Battalion wiped them out with skillful volleyball and precise artillery bombardment, there was no second decent resistance force in the city of San Vicente. In just a few hours, the whole city fell under the control of the people from the east coast, and Xiao Xi, Yang Liang and other supervisors were extremely surprised by the ease - San Vicente, the famous city and the capital of the General District , so occupied?

Xiao Xi and the others were a little hard to believe, but as the officers under his command continued to report that they had controlled such-and-such commercial firms, warehouses, grain depots, and military camps, and the logistics staff excitedly expressed that they had intercepted a large amount of goods and money, they finally confirmed it authenticity.San Vicente, indeed, fell, and it only took the East Coasters a day!

(End of this chapter)

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