Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1220 The War Philosophy of Lack of Money

Chapter 1220 The War Philosophy of Lack of Money

"Chief of General Staff Mo, according to the preliminary estimates of the staff of the logistics department, if everything is carried out strictly according to the 'Operation No. There may be certain difficulties in the preparation of supplies and supplies. Regarding this, the Chief of the General Staff must pay attention!" In the building of the Ministry of War, a first-class staff officer in charge of logistics dutifully reported: "This money, the Ministry There may not be too much out, and the bulk still needs to be allocated by the Ministry of Finance.”

"Let the Ministry of Finance pay? It's a good idea!" Mo Ming took two sips of steaming yerba mate tea and said with a sneer: "Let's say it clearly, the executive committee has no money at hand now, even if what we are doing is meritorious." For Qianqiu, it was difficult for them to pluck out a few hairs, so they gave us 20 or [-] yuan, plus some food and salted fish, and sent us away. We still have to do it ourselves to fight Brazil."

"Of course, everyone knows that money is needed to fight a war. Even if my soldiers on the East Coast can bear hardships and stand hard work, the necessary food, medicine, ammunition, clothing, and military pay are still indispensable. In addition, there are also gun wear and transportation losses , storage and consumption, etc., are all necessary expenses. However, these are not without solutions..." Holding the teacup, Mo Ming sniffed the fragrance of yerba mate tea, and her thoughts have turned to the military budget preparatory meeting just held earlier on.

At the high-level meeting of the military department attended by senior officers from the army and navy, the officers and staff staff worked together and worked out a preliminary plan to raise military expenses and supplies in Brazil—well, this plan seems to be quite unfeasible Low, roughly divided into several aspects:

[-]. There is no doubt that the Portuguese Brazilian colony was plundered.The arable land cultivated by the Portuguese colonists in the past dynasties but with incomplete procedures (this is not uncommon), the land for firewood harvesting and hunting by local residents for generations, and the public forest farms, grasslands and hunting grounds of indigenous tribes are all taken over by the army.This will naturally arouse a strong sense of resistance among local residents, but who cares?There are tens of thousands of troops on the east coast, how many resisters do you have?Hehe, we will accompany you to the end in guerrilla warfare and law and order warfare. How many people do you have to play with us?

As for the recovered land, there is naturally a way to deal with it.For example, there are countless second-generation young men and women who grow up every year in China. Most of them are children without inheritance rights. There will definitely be many parents who love their children generously, buying a considerable amount of land as gift to their children who have no inheritance rights to start a family and start a business. This is a lot of money.

In addition, even for the so-called land with complete formalities, the East Bank Army can confiscate it on the charge of "resisting the East Bank". These grain, tobacco or cotton plantations are often operated for many years. Such as auctioning 30-year, 50-year leasehold rights, etc.), then the prospects are quite good, and a large part of the funds can definitely be withdrawn.

[-]. If the above are all plundering policies aimed at real estate, then the Ministry of War has also formulated an economic squeeze policy aimed at commodities and commerce.For example, at the last land-sea joint meeting, everyone agreed that in the lands under military occupation of Brazil, various commodities including grain, salt, tobacco, alcohol, oil, sugar, cotton, and medicines should be imposed Monopoly, this kind of monopoly right can be entrusted to domestic businessmen on the east coast, or to Brazilian businessmen who are pro-east coast. control, in order to achieve the purpose of grabbing the largest share of benefits.In order to magnify this benefit, of course, people from the East Coast can contact familiar Dutch and Japanese businessmen in advance, and let them undertake the sales task. I believe they will be very happy, after all, everything is real, and The price is cheap and the quantity is sufficient, a fool would not do it.

Moreover, during the military occupation of the East Coast, most of Brazil's foreign trade will undoubtedly be terminated, but the needs of the Brazilians have not disappeared. At this time, only the East Coast is left for their trade.Well, at that time, commodity shortages and soaring prices in the Portuguese Brazilian colony are almost inevitable, and the supply of goods organized by the Ministry of War will definitely sell at a good price. It is not a joke to make a lot of money.

300. How can we forget the military ticket for "showing great power" in the Second East-West War?As mentioned in the second article, people on the east coast implement control and unified purchase and sales of local products. Do you think they are buying with real money?Boy, you are so naive, how is it possible!Just to mention one thing, Chief of Staff Mo has decided that by the end of this year, the Joint Chiefs of Staff will find an opportunity to print the first batch of [-] million yuan military tickets, and then sell them at a [-]% discount in a small area in the country. Go to the commodity market and replace it with various specialty products.

What?You said that military tickets may depreciate?Will be rejected?Hehe, what are the bayonets on hand for the army brothers?What are the giant cannons on naval warships for?It's very simple, use violence to set the currency value of military tickets, you can do as much as you want, and even force the military tickets to be exchanged for silver coins to increase the value of the economy.

[-]. Finally, since some places have been occupied by the military, according to the tradition of the old continent at this time, it is reasonable to levy a series of exorbitant taxes such as war tax, land tax, house tax and even slave tax in the occupied areas. Anyway, the East Coast people do what everyone does, and the Portuguese should be used to it. As long as the degree is controlled to an appropriate level, they will not risk their lives to rebel——It’s great to collect money easily!

By the way, some closed plantations and workshops are definitely indispensable in the occupied area (the owner may have escaped in advance), so it is natural to organize managers and slaves to resume production on the spot to support our righteous counterfeit war of the Great East Coast Army something happened.Anyway, the slaves in the manor should be ready-made, so don’t feel sorry for them, drive them to work hard, and strive to produce the most goods at the lowest cost. If the slaves are not obedient, they will serve you with bayonets and sticks. Don’t worry, anyway. It's not my own property, I'm afraid of Mao!

With such a multi-pronged approach, Mo Ming did not believe that military expenditures could not be raised. He and a group of staff officers even firmly believed that as long as the operation was done properly, the Army might have a slight surplus after removing the military expenditures—as expected War is the only way to get wealth, robbery is always faster than farming!

"In short, money is never a big problem." After taking a sip of yerba mate tea, Chief of Staff Mo said with a final word: "When there is enough money, there is a way to play when there is enough money. When we are short of money, we also have a war philosophy that is short of money. You should worry about it." , it should never be a matter of supplies and military expenses, but whether the "Operation No. [-]" plan is complete and whether there are any omissions, whether the evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the Brazilian colonial army, militia, and even the Sao Paulo flag team is appropriate, and the terrain, environment, and marching route along the way. Whether the surveying and mapping is correct, these are what you should do. Of course, these are all responsible for the intelligence, liaison, marching and combat staff in charge, and you don’t need to worry about the logistics staff..."

"The Brazilians are still sleeping in their dreams, and have not noticed our war attempt at all. Even if some guys with a keen sense of smell guessed something through our various clues on the border, they probably think that we want to engage in border friction again. Let’s get a little cheap.” Mo Ming stood up, put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: “Let them be so confused, it’s our purpose to let them take it lightly. What’s more, they are very angry now, Leixi The Dutch on the front line of Philippe, Olinda, and Fortaleza have been defeated repeatedly. It seems that it has been a matter of two years to recover the lost ground. The glory of the Kingdom of Portugal seems to be restored in an instant. Hehe, we will smash their illusion of."

Chief of Staff Mo's comments caused chuckles from many young staff officers in the office. Yes, the Army has been waiting for this opportunity for too long, how could it be so easy to stop?We have mobilized tens of thousands of militiamen into the mountains every winter to wipe out the aborigines. Do you think it is just to capture labor and improve the security environment?How could the purpose be so simple!Wait until this winter we will completely cut off the indigenous tribes near the source of the Wujiang River, and then build railways, roads, and military depots in sevens and eights, and supplies will be transported in and stored. In the middle of next year—the second half of the year at the latest—you will You will taste the thunderous blow of my soldiers on the East Coast!Who made you refuse to open the market?Who put you in collusion with the British?Who told you to steal our various technologies and then openly spread them?Now the consequences are coming, no one can save you!

"The construction of the Liuding Line Railway is very important. If possible, I hope that this railway can be extended to Shahubao or even further." Chief of Staff Mo said, "It just so happens that a large number of people are empty on the Southwest Railway construction site. For the labor force, the executive committee may promise to second a considerable part of it to the north to help us build the railway, which can be regarded as a kind of support for our military operations. The railway is extremely important, gentlemen, if possible, some roads were even damaged before the war began. It is possible to lay low-standard temporary simple railways and wait until the end of the war before replacing them, so as to maximize the advantages of our army's transportation and logistics. Regarding whether this is feasible, I hope you will immediately find experts from the State Railway Administration for demonstration. Once confirmed, Then make a plan. Well, by the way, the laying of the cable and telegraph network must also be carried out at the same time, which is also very important. We are fighting a modern war, not the messy medieval backward warfare of the Portuguese. "

(End of this chapter)

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