Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1086 Fresh Blood

Chapter 1086 Fresh Blood ([-])

Recently, it is obvious that the Great East Bank government wants to integrate these new Lithuanians into their own forces, as well as Ukrainians sent from the Kaffa slave market and gauchos recruited from La Plata through various channels.

Since the outbreak of the Polish-Russian War in the spring of 1654, the main force of the Russian army, 10 people, fought successively on the northern front, occupying large areas of Belarus and Lithuania, and at the same time extending the flames of war into the crown territory of Poland's core. The situation can be described as good.However, on the southern front, the [-] army composed of a small number of Russian divisions and pro-Russian Cossacks failed to withstand the offensive of the Polish army.Of course, this is not to say how brave and good the Polish army is. There are only more than [-] people in the Polish army. , German mercenaries guarding Ukraine, and a considerable number of Ottoman infantry.

The anti-Russian coalition forces composed of these forces are huge, and it is only natural that the Russians will be defeated steadily.Among them, the Crimean Tatar cavalry with extremely poor military discipline captured a large number of Ukrainian farmers (and a few Poles who settled on the Ukrainian steppes) and prisoners of war. maybe).These Ukrainian slaves plundered by the Tatars are naturally difficult to digest by relying on the Crimean Khanate with a population of only a few hundred thousand, so it is destined that most of them will still be pushed to the slave market in Kaffa Public sale——As a well-known buyer in the Black Sea region, the Azov Sea Chamber of Commerce, as the client on the east coast, naturally approached it immediately, and the Tatars were indeed very straightforward, and they were old partners who have cooperated for many years , first send some "goods", and you slowly raise the money, which moved Li Qing and Ma De who originally planned to go to Genoa to raise funds. , high-end leather goods (mostly seals, sea otter skins), weapons and military supplies, etc., of course, the shortfall will be made up in cash. In short, it is enough not to let the "kind and kind" Tatar brothers suffer.

As the largest buyers of female slaves, the Tatars have long known the preferences of the people on the east coast, so they selected the female slaves who were fairly well-looking and under the age of 35 early in the morning, gathered 2 people, and arranged them in a separate designated place In the area, wait for the East Coast people to pick up the goods at any time.Of course, during the waiting period, the clothing and food expenses of these 2 people will still be paid by the Azov Maritime Chamber of Commerce, anyway, it will be included in the total price in the end.

In addition to these female slaves, there are also a considerable number of men, mainly captured pro-Russian Cossacks (in fact, most of them are Cossacks with little inclination. Cossack rebels, many of these people are now captured by the Tatars), ordinary Russian soldiers, the total number is about [-], and they are currently placed in the Tatar-controlled area outside Kaffa City, waiting for the people on the east bank to negotiate Purchase——The East Coast Republic is now in the stage of large-scale development. For these contracted slaves who can conquer the barren land with their own lives as the pioneers of the king, it is natural that the more the better, the death rate of the New China Plantation is a bit high. , In addition, the Changshan Iron Mine, the Coal River Mining Bureau, and the Ministry of Communications also need a large amount of "non-national" labor force. In addition, the conquest of the natives also requires a large amount of cannon fodder, so the demand for these prisoners of war is actually quite large.

Of course, it is because of this rare opportunity that there is such a thing as going to Genoa to borrow money in order to eat slaves, and this kind of thing may be less in the future.Gein Qiang Quansheng, Chairman Qiang Quansheng, Chief of the General Staff of the Military Department, and others are all people with strong nationalist tendencies, especially Jiang Quansheng, who has been considering adjusting the ratio of male to female immigrants from the Far East ( In the beginning, almost all of them were men, and then the number of women gradually increased. Now the ratio of men to women is roughly 2:1, and it may be adjusted to 3:2 or even 1:1 later), and they are ready to pay for the next immigration transportation season (1656-1657 transportation season). All implemented.

Once this policy is strictly enforced, the demand for foreign female slaves on the east coast will gradually decrease and eventually remain at a low level.This is the case for female slaves, and the introduction of male slaves is even less. Unless the scale of the plantation on Xinhua Island is further expanded and more human lives are needed to fill it, the policy will be temporarily relaxed for a few years.

The topic is far away. It is said that after the tragic outbreak of the Polish-Russian War last year, the people on the east coast bought a large number of female slaves and at the same time introduced a considerable number of Cossack prisoners of war. People (the number of women is 7000, the number of Cossacks is [-], the fleet of the people on the east coast brought back [-], the French ships that were usually rented and the Dutch ships that were rented temporarily increased the number of [-], and the freight alone cost more than [-] Yuan).

Let’s not talk about female slaves, these are all distributed to the old bachelors waiting in line in some settlements in the country (in principle, they are allocated according to their daily work and life performance, and those who perform well are given priority). Most of them were former rebel soldiers who had been at home after being dismissed by Khmelnytsky, but their combat skills have not deteriorated much over the years. Now the two new lands on the east coast, north and south, are not very peaceful. If these people are well integrated, it may not be a sharp knife to deal with the natives, so the government affairs council and the military will really save a lot of worry.

And just last month (October), Qiang Quansheng, chairman of the executive committee, made the final decision, setting the tone for how to integrate and digest these Cossack prisoners of war.The first step is to mix these 10 Cossacks with the 2000 Ganishari and Spasi (mainly cavalry) soldiers who had taken refuge from the Ottomans.There is no doubt that the Ottomans and the Cossacks can't see each other and have certain contradictions. This will also facilitate the control of the people on the east coast and reduce the risk of rebellion by these people.The mixed troops will be divided into two groups, one of which will go north to the Jiaohe area and the Dingjun Mountains to ensure the success of the reclamation operations by the people on the east bank there (it is necessary to prevent the unwilling Portuguese from sending natives or slave-catching flag teams to engage destroy).

The other group went south to the newly acquired Northern Patagonia region (the grassland area south of 42 degrees south latitude), and fought against the local Tehuelche people who were increasingly conflicting with the east coast.Those Tehuelche Indians are nomads, with the horses, cattle and sheep left over from the Spaniards. They have been grazing on the Patagonian plateau for nearly a hundred years. They have a fierce temperament and are extremely hostile to outsiders. Repeatedly attacked the two settlements of Lugang and Hai'an Port set up by the people on the east coast, causing dozens of casualties and being extremely arrogant.

And to deal with these elusive nomadic Indians, the best way is naturally to send cavalry with equally strong mobility.In the past, only the gauchos in La Plata could be recruited, but the gauchos have a complex composition, and they also have all kinds of unspeakable and complicated relationships with these Tehuelche people, so they are not very reliable (there were gauchos Joe’s mercenaries attacked and killed the people on the east bank in turn).Therefore, although there are more than [-] gaucho mercenaries currently in the hands of the East Coast government, after having the option of Cossacks, they have already planned to replace them, that is, to invest the Cossacks in the southern Patagonia region and The Tehuelches fight.As for those gauchos who are not very reliable, whether they like it or not, the executive committee has recently notified the military department to find a way to send all these people to the Heishui area in the Far East and let them join the local yellow army. Fighting against the Qing army, so that you don’t have to worry about the confusion between them and the Thuerqi people. It is necessary to add some fresh blood to the local area. The Gauchos, who are very skilled in riding (perhaps only the Mongolian riding skills can be compared with it), are naturally a good target.

A total of 1.2 Ukrainian slaves plus more than [-] Lithuanian refugees who came one step ahead of them. After the immigration transportation season ended in July this year, there were [-] "non-citizens" who were not in the plan at the beginning of the year. ", greatly enriched the scale of "black households", making the total number of non-citizens approach the [-] mark.

Although the increase in the number of non-citizens has injected a lot of fresh blood into the East Coast Republic, which has become a large construction site, and accelerated the construction of domestic infrastructure, a series of social problems brought about by them cannot be ignored, namely, the issue of ethnic integration and religious question.It is precisely on these two issues that the East Bank government will never back down and compromise. This will inevitably arouse the anger of the immigrants, and then cause a certain degree of turmoil in the East Bank. This kind of dissatisfaction, alleviating the doubts and anxiety of the old citizens on the east bank is a test of the naturalization ability of this small country on the east bank, that is, the rulers on the east bank need to focus on economy, culture and religion (such as forcing Taoism, people to convert people, etc.) and other aspects of infiltration or subtle influence, or simple and brutal direct intervention, so that these foreign non-citizens gradually give up (whether voluntarily or not) some of their old living habits and accept the new East Coast. "rule".

I believe that if this can be achieved, then over time, these foreign non-nationals will naturally gradually lose some of their cultural characteristics and integrate into the new East Coast system, and their descendants—just like the Cape Town colony in South Africa It is the same as the descendants of French and German immigrants who lost their cultural characteristics after the Dutch intermarried—they will eventually lose more cultural characteristics of their own nation than them, and become a relatively pure East Coaster. what the Committee wishes to see.

However, compared to the effort of assimilating non-nationals, immigrants from the Eastern Ming Dynasty are much easier—especially those who have already worked in the major state-run farms, construction teams, salt farms, and logging farms in the area under the jurisdiction of the Blackwater Pioneering Team Immigrants who lived for half a year—and at the end of December 1655, this batch of fresh blood from the East also joined the development of the East Coast Republic, and the place where the first batch of people were released, The newly acquired Patagonia region.

(End of this chapter)

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