Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1071 Marine Industry

Chapter 1071 Marine Industry ([-])

"The great development of the fishery industry in recent years has driven the follow-up of many related industries. There are really more and more employees in this industry." The deputy general manager of the company is located in the headquarters of the Nanhai Fishery Company in Luocha Port. Zhang Yun said.This gentleman was born as a child in the Ming Dynasty. He lived a rough life in his early years. After he came to the east coast, he put down his figure and served as the captain of a whaling ship. ), so Ji Gong was promoted to the deputy general manager of the company and fully presided over the company's general production affairs, which can be described as a high position.

The South China Sea Fisheries Company has indeed achieved great development over the years, especially the booming whaling that has earned the company a lot of profits. Currently, the company has 16 professional whaling ships and 3 supply processing ships. In addition, there are nearly ten foreign ships whaling in the waters near the Falkland Islands, which can be regarded as peripheral non-organized members of the company.

In Europe at this time, even in the Netherlands, where the whaling industry is the most developed, whales are almost not related to food. The behaviors of processing and handling whale meat ("Mallandia" spiced whale jerky has become a national famous brand) are quite different; however, whalers all over the world are not very different in their attitudes towards blubber, whale bones and baleen. For example, whale blubber is used to refine oil, and then used as machine lubricants (rarely seen in Europe), to make high-grade candles, soaps, lamp oils, etc. use value.

Therefore, the South China Sea Fisheries Company's whaling fleet (more than 30 ships including outlying ships) captures more than 100 whales of various colors for the east coast every year, bringing in profits of several 10 yuan, accounting for almost half of the company's profits.Although it cannot be compared with the Netherlands in the Old World (this country currently catches 700-1000 whales a year, with an annual profit of more than 2000 million guilders) - why is it always inferior to the Netherlands? ——But at least there is not much difference in whaling between France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Denmark and other countries. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the Falkland Islands are a natural whale fishing ground?Or is the whale resource in the southern hemisphere far superior to that in the northern hemisphere?

After the Nanhai Fishery Company made a lot of money every day, in addition to paying taxes and turning over huge profits to the Ministry of Finance, the company also spent a lot of money to improve office conditions and provide some employee benefits to boost everyone's morale.The office building where Zhang Yun is now is newly built (the original office building has been converted into a fishery school building), with a height of four floors. The new office building of Nanhai Fishery Company uses a large number of cast iron components as the frame structure of some parts of the house. In addition, some wrought iron components are connected with the brick structure, so that the wall also has a high tensile strength. strength.

It is worth mentioning that in order to prevent these iron components from cracking the wall due to corrosion and prolong the service life of the building, Dongan Building Materials Co., Ltd. has also invested heavily in the improvement of cement in recent years. At present, it has initially developed a Alkaline cement.This kind of cement is less prone to water seepage and can inhibit the corrosion reaction of iron components. In this way, iron components are not easy to rust, swell, and damage. After many years of use, the wall surface is not easy to crack, and there will be no ugly spots. And the strength has also been greatly enhanced, which can be called a major progress in the materials and architecture of the East Coast Republic. The East Coast Building Materials Company has applied for a technical patent for this cement. short lifespan), and thus made a fortune.

"The Nanhai Fishery Company already has 1883 employees, and the number of fishermen in private fishing boats has exceeded 400. In addition, the South Railway Company also has many fishing workers. It is a sure thing that the number of fishermen in the country will exceed 3000. And your company is nearly Over the years, you have been responding to the call of the navy, and over-staffed some fishing boats to train more seamen. If the whole country is not counted as the navy, there are still 5000 registered seamen. You have made great contributions. Minister Zheng of the Central Committee ( Minister of Agriculture, fishery is also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture) also said, the support to you for so many years is not in vain. Take it as a role model..." Chen Ke, who has been transferred to the special inspector of the Ministry of Agriculture, said with a smile.

Today he came to inspect the fishery production under the instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture. Rocha Port was the first stop, and he would go to Yancheng Port, Baleen Whale Port on Mashima Island, and Araucan Port, a subsidiary of the South Railway.As Zhang Yun is an important figure in the Nanhai Fishery Company, Chen Ke dare not be too negligent even if he is the second generation. Moreover, he himself admires Zhang Yun quite a lot, so he speaks very politely.

"Hehe, Inspector Chen can really talk." Zhang Yun said with a smile, "It's all the hard work of everyone. I can't do so many things by myself. The company's President Chen, Vice President Li, and Vice President Lin (these people all They are people from across the country, who are responsible for personnel, attendance, finance, marketing, outreach and other affairs. They may participate in the formulation of major policies, but they don’t interfere with daily production. They are also experienced and prudent people. The small workshops, small businesses and handicraftsmen of the company came here, and also helped the company with loans, policies, and equipment. To be honest, the credit is much greater and more important than mine. I am just a person who followed the instructions of Shangfeng , it’s just the foreman who follows the production step by step, haha, it’s just the foreman..."


"In the few months since I came back, I have also visited some old officers and comrades-in-arms, and some things have been clarified." Zamparini had already drank a lot of wine today, and his face was flushed. He only heard him say: "Now the Nanhai Fishery Company—yes, they call it the Fishery Trust—is in charge of the daily operations of the company, Zhang Yunzhang, vice president, but the money approval is in charge of Li, the personnel is in charge of Lin, and Chen is in overall charge. , but I heard that he is not in good health and has been recuperating. However, Mr. Chen is said to have done a lot of things before he fell ill. Many small workshops have developed in Luochagang in recent years, and it is Mr. Chen's credit. You Look at the large area on the side of the street, and I count them—the anchor makers (small anchors or special anchors for fishing boats), ballast stone makers, basket weavers, coopers, and all kinds of Tool smith, carpenter, lumber merchant, caulker of ships, wainscoting maker, ship skin maker, compass maker, pump maker, hook and nail maker, lead pipe maker, pulley maker , twisting rope, combing hemp wool cotton silk, spinning, weaving fine canvas weavers, small workshops custom-made sails of various specifications, making nets (and repairing), producing special boat candles and tallow candles, As well as a large number of winemakers, bakers, steamed bun sellers, restaurants, bathhouses, butchers, farmers selling agricultural products and even Italian policemen serving them, oh, don’t forget that there are also a large number of ship repairers and dock laborers, Even the shipyard in Dongfang County next door has benefited a lot from the sale of many fishing boats. You see, this industry has put so many people to work and can support themselves, which is great. The employment of these small businesses, the small artisans and their families add Come to think of it, a few thousand people is the minimum, and it feeds too many people..."

Zhu Chengdong has also wandered around this market for several years, and he basically agrees with what Zamparini said.The above-mentioned handicrafts did not pop up out of thin air overnight, but gradually increased with the scale of fishery production. I heard that there are even more such handicrafts in Yancheng Port.Some of them came from Europe, and a small part came from the Ming Dynasty in the East. Originally, according to the virtues of the Ming people, even handicraftsmen would choose to farm after immigrating to the east coast. Fortunately, the country forced them not to allocate land to these people and let them rely on craftsmanship. making money——but the most are local apprentices who have gradually learned. The number of these people is so large that it has gradually accounted for half of the number. The masters who lead them also receive generous state subsidies, and because the market It can be said that everyone is happy without worrying about being unemployed when the demand is large.

In fact, in Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and France in this era—especially the Netherlands and the United Kingdom—these craftsmen relying on the marine industry for food were also extremely large, but the difference between the East Coast and them is that even It is a small workshop enterprise, and it also uses a large number of mechanical equipment for work, which greatly reduces the requirements for technical proficiency, and at the same time improves labor efficiency, and the product specifications are similar, and the versatility is better. This is undoubtedly brought about by industrialization and standardization. the benefits of.It is believed that as the marine industry of the East Coast Republic becomes more and more developed, these small workshops and self-employed people will gradually evolve into small factories and small shops, and eventually grow into large enterprises and large stores that attract people's attention.

Zhu Chengdong and Zamparini took a short rest after dinner, and then parted ways. Zhu Chengdong went back to sell seafood to foreign distributors, while Zamparini went to the nearby Rongjun Township (formerly Rongjun Township) Farm) visited the disabled brothers who fought side by side in Shandong. During this time, everyone drank and recalled the glorious years in the past, and at the end wept bitterly and couldn't afford to get drunk.

On July 1655, 7, several more fishing boats arrived.In the morning of the same day, Zamparini opened an account in the Rocha branch of the Union Industrial Credit Bank, and deposited most of the silver dollars and money orders he brought back from the Far East, a total of 25 yuan, intending to inject the money into Zhu Chengdong’s "Integrity Fishery Company" to obtain 2000% of its equity—of course, the change of equity needs to be registered with the industrial and commercial office—so far, the registered capital of Chengxin Fishery Company has been reconfirmed. Among the fishing companies in the port of Rocha, they have gotten rid of the bottom position—well, well, in fact, they just changed from the bottom one to the bottom two.

(End of this chapter)

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