Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1047 Heaven-sent land

Chapter 1047 Heaven-sent Land ([-])

On September 1654, 9, Ma Wanpeng, who was inspecting the Lobster Harbor on Isle of Bey, received a letter from the mainland.

The letter was written by Shi Qinjie, the former chief official of Xinhua Island. After he returned to the mainland last year, he was successfully elected as one of the nine Central Executive Committee members at the National People's Congress, in charge of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, water conservancy construction, and food industry. The work in several aspects can be described as a high position and weight.And the old leader of Xinhua Island has been promoted. As his old subordinate, Ma Wanpeng can naturally receive some care. This is also human nature and can be understood by most people.

In the letter, Shi Qinjie congratulated Ma Wanpeng for removing the word "agent" from his head, and being officially appointed by the executive committee as the captain of the New China Development Team and the commander of the New China Security (Shi Qinjie did a lot during this period, because the local There are quite a few people who went to Xinhua Island, the most important colony on the east coast), and since then shouldered the important task of leading the 5 civilized people on the island to a happy and beautiful life—of course, the above is purely official text, the real It should be said that Ma Wanpeng has since become the "Great Commander" of more than 150 people on the east coast of the island. Facing the harsh natural environment, raging diseases, [-] million fierce natives, and unpredictable foreign colonists, what should he do? It is hard to know.

Of course, Shi Qinjie did not write to Ma Wanpeng to reminisce about the old days. In fact, the main content of his letter was to tell Ma Wanpeng that he had found a way to help recruit some talents who graduated from technical schools in China (of course they were not top students) and had sent them to New Zealand. Huaxia Island's Office in Dongfang County (referred to as the "Beijing Office") will soon come to Xinhua Port on a cargo ship returned by the East African Transportation Company, and their arrival will definitely play a key role in the early construction of the Xinhua Railway Company role.In addition, the letter also wrote some work insights after returning to the mainland, and finally hoped that Ma Wanpeng would cheer up and turn Xinhua Island into an island exclusive to the people on the east coast step by step.

"Turning Xinhua Island into an exclusive island on the east coast will not see any results in the short term." Ma Wanpeng put away the letter paper, then leaned back on the grand teacher's chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind, while thinking: " The war between Xiaobaitu and the Sakarava natives has not yet been figured out. I don’t know how long the fight will last, and I don’t know how much more supplies and money will be consumed. It’s really worrying. .”

It is said that the war against the Kingdom of Manab has entered its third year, and more than 2000 people have been killed or injured on the east coast (nearly [-] of them are soldiers of the Eight Banners of the island, and the biggest cause of death is mostly disease). It is not serious.In addition to occupying the messy royal court and some fertile land of the natives, they obtained relatively limited property. Therefore, in the final analysis, this war was actually a loss-of course, this loss refers to a short-term loss. If you look at it in the long run , expel the natives and distribute the land to their own people, and then build a stable town, which is naturally a big profit.

But fortunately, the war with the Sakarava people has now seen the dawn of the end. Under the joint attack of the East Coast people, Melina people, and Bala people, and under the continuous patrol blockade of the Second Fleet of the East Coast Navy, It is becoming more and more difficult for the Manabo Kingdom to sustain itself. Its people and the main force of the army began to gradually retreat to the north along the Daqing Basin, and seemed to be entering the northwest part of the island.

Of course, the people on the east coast are chasing after this. On July 7, the founder of the kingdom of Manab and the first king, Andrian Dahifu, died in the hands of the army on the east bank in the outskirts of Xindenburg. The person who killed him was an exile Nearly a thousand soldiers from the Ganisari Corps on Xinhua Island.These skilled professional soldiers fought bravely and were eager to prove themselves to their new masters. Therefore, they pursued the main force of the retreating Manab Kingdom and won a big victory. Of course, they themselves paid a heavy price with more than a hundred casualties , and more than 10 people were knocked down by an unexpected epidemic, and lost the ability to join the main force of the east coast army and wipe out the mess. After crossing the Xinlai River, which is extremely docile during the dry season, and escaped into the northern end of the Daqing Basin, he was temporarily relieved.

As for the next move, Ma Wanpeng originally wanted to end the war quickly and shift all his energy to economic construction.It’s just that Xiaobaitu proposed to drive the remnants of the Manabo Kingdom (currently led by the old king’s two sons: Qi Malong Garif and Qi Maradona) into the northwest of the island, allowing them to quickly conquer the local area as they did in history. The natives and Arab forces, and then, naturally, our army on the east coast followed, defeated the last habitat of the Sakarawa natives, and occupied the northwest of the island by the way.

To be honest, Ma Wanpeng was very interested in this kind of plan to drive away tigers and wolves, so he reluctantly agreed with Xiao Baitu's opinion while hesitating, and sent the latest batch of hundreds of Ganishari troops Soldiers were also assigned to his command, allowing him to continue to unite with the Melinas to carry out long-term follow-up strikes against the forces of the Sakaravas.

Of course, the war against the natives continues, but this does not mean that the construction of the people on the east coast has also stopped.Although the war inevitably consumed a lot of materials and money, as well as a lot of manpower, the development of the Daqing Basin, which Ma Wanpeng insisted on, has already achieved initial results.At present, the Dong'an people already have six settlements in this vast coastal basin, including Mianhe Port, Chaoyang Township, Dasheng Township, and Pingman Township, with a total population of more than [-] (accounting for almost [-]% of the entire island's population). half), opened up a large number of cotton and sugarcane plantations (mainly cotton), and also developed a large-scale dry farming, mainly corn, peanut, sorghum, and wheat planting, and the economic construction has been fruitful.

Today, a large number of cotton plantations opened on both sides of the Cotton River have almost become the source of raw materials that are crucial to the textile industry on the east bank. Sweeping hard in the plantation, shipping bags of "white gold" to the mainland.In addition, a large number of Guarani and Krandi farmers who were exiled from the local area were also operating their own small plots to provide various food for the cotton plantations.

In addition to them, we naturally have to mention the Ming immigrants who accounted for the majority of the population in the Daqing Basin.Some of them also ran cotton plantations, others ran livestock, and some practiced traditional agriculture, but whatever they were doing, it was clear that they had put down roots here.And as the local government continues to intercept immigrants going to the mainland (generally accounting for 10% of the total shipments), the number of local populations is still increasing rapidly-so you see, even after the terrible epidemic at the beginning of this year ( caused a large number of deaths), the total number of residents on the east coast of Xinhuaxia Island still climbed tenaciously to 5.1, and the growth momentum is quite obvious.

"Among the country's many overseas colonies, only Xinhua Island is irreplaceable and incomparable." Ma Wanpeng opened his eyes and said to himself: "A wide variety of tropical plantation commodities, such as rubber, sisal, coffee, cocoa , sugar, cotton, tobacco, vanilla, pepper, tropical giant wood, ylang ylang, etc., constitute the main export of the island. Last year, these things, together with Tacheng clean coal, Facai wine (exported to the local anti-malaria) and A small amount of precious seafood has made the export value of Xinhua Island climb to a peak of nearly 70 yuan; at the same time, it is necessary to import bean cakes, whale bone powder, struvite, wine, metal utensils, machinery, cloth, and salt from the mainland. , daily necessities, a total of more than 45 yuan, and the trade volume this year has exceeded one million. Since the value created by this island is so huge, it seems that the executive committee should be more tolerant of our behavior and more willing to listen to us opinion?"

The personality of the newly appointed Ma Wanpeng is almost two extremes of that of the former slightly conservative Shi Qinjie. This gentleman is adventurous and radical, and prefers "leapfrogging and unconventional" development. This can be seen from the two slogans he put forward when he took office. Clue.Of course, the so-called leap-forward development is not impossible, but the premise is that you have a lot of money, materials and manpower. Among them, for the rich Xinhua Island, money does not seem to be a very serious problem, and materials are also a problem. It can be vigorously imported from the mainland and even neighboring Portuguese East Africa, the Ottoman Empire, and Persia, but the problem of manpower is not easy to solve-of course, the manpower problem of Xinhua Island has not been completely solved since the Shi Chinger era Pass.

However, Ma Wanpeng was quick-witted, and he quickly set his mind on the Heishui area in the Far East.When he himself was in the mainland, he had some friendship with Wei Boqiu, the leader of the secret service at that time, and privately organized a very joking association organization-the Action Party, which means that they are all activists, and some There is an essential difference between the talkative party.

Now that times have changed, Wei Boqiu was sent to the Far East as the deputy commander (after years of development, his position has been stabilized), and he, Ma Wanpeng, has also successfully assumed the position in New China, which seems to have created conditions for the two to join forces.But in order to get on line with Wei Boqiu, it is inevitable to enter the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca. In Ma Wanpeng's view, there seems to be some obstacles. After all, the Dutch East India Company has always set its sights on the top. The corresponding exchange of interests will do.

But Ma Wanpeng and the Dutch naturally have no friendship at all, so this matter can only fall on the head of Shi Qingjie, who is now in a high position.Moreover, it is only possible for someone of his status to coordinate with the Dutch on this issue. Of course, this matter is not only good for Xinhua Island, but also for other departments of the country. Thinking of this, Ma Wanpeng sat upright, spread out a pen and paper, and wrote a reply letter to Shi Qinjie seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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