Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1041 Argument and Compromise

Chapter 1041 Argument and Compromise ([-])

On December 1654, 8, light rain.

The militia brigades from the last two counties (Tieling County, Qingdao County) finally arrived, taking turns to take away the militia brigades from Luocha County and Taoyuan County, which had been fighting in the mountains for a month. , The east bank militia in the Jiaohe area still maintains a scale of nearly 8000 people.

During the previous month of combat operations, militia brigades from various counties entered the Gerard Mountains in turn. The tribe killed, injured and captured more than a thousand people, and the results of the battle can be described as huge.Moreover, this operation directed by the Minister of the Army, Mo Ming, did not act in a low-key manner as required by the Executive Committee. After their counterattack, they still stayed in the mountains and found a place to build a temporary military station and hoard combat supplies. , gave the Portuguese a great shock.

"This is Garcia?" Minister Mo Da, who rushed to Jiaohebao in the rain, stood in a newly established military outpost, looked at an Indian who was kidnapped by the gendarmerie, and asked Second Lieutenant Fu Lei.

The man in front of him was the chief of a medium-sized Guarani tribe. This tribe lived in the Gerard Mountains. Since the time when García's father was chief, he had been friendly with the people of the East Coast. During this period, the tribe even accepted Several times the East Coast people provided limited assistance.In return, their tribe also did a lot of work for the people on the east bank—most of them were "dirty jobs"—but since the old chief who advocated cooperation with the east bank died the year before last, the new chief accepted the Portuguese Not only did he become a believer, but he also took the Portuguese name "Garcia", and then the relationship with the East Bank quickly cooled down.In the past six months, the Guarani people have repeatedly crossed the border and attacked the pioneers on the east coast. Although this tribe did not participate, it did not inform the people on the east coast.

Now, Garcia's retribution really came. This guy was arrested when the army on the east bank entered the Gerard Mountains. At this time, his life and death depended entirely on others. The pawns of the Guaraní savages' sorrow.

"Tell this stupid savage that, by the laws of their natural gods, he--well, Garcia--Garcia is the reincarnation of the old chief, so I think we need to remind him,' How he himself was inclined to us and surrendered to us before. He was a priest, and he had such a good opinion of our country before, because he knew clearly how honorable and superior the priests are in our country. They are How to be respected by people. Their primitive religion of natural gods has been verified by the New Taoist Association in China as a branch of Taoism, and if it were not for the differences in language and customs, the two religions could have been combined. Two for one, so if García knows the time, then continue to serve us as he did in his previous life, and not the other way around, serving dangerous catholics from the old world , the consequences of offending us, I think he should be very clear that there are many tribes that have disappeared in the Gerard Mountains, not one of them!" Mo Ming said to a gendarme who was proficient in native language behind Second Lieutenant Fu Lei, "You just follow Translate my words to him, he is not a fool, he should know what to do in the future."

The military police conveyed Mo Ming’s words to my native Garcia. This gentleman is now a prisoner, and he has been frightened by the imposing manner of the soldiers on the east bank. This benefit, at least they know what it is to be afraid - so the young chief immediately forgot the many gifts the Portuguese gave him, hurriedly agreed to all the conditions of Marshal Mo, and then said that he would continue to work for Dashuai after returning. east coast.

After seeing Garcia being taken away (he will be released later by the military police), Second Lieutenant Fu Lei boldly stepped forward and asked, "Boss, why did you let this despicable native go? He is very unreliable, and he still exists after he returns." In view of the possibility of betraying our inside information to the Portuguese, anyway, our army is about to completely control the Gerard Mountains and its surrounding territories. We might as well move these tribes out. The domestic construction sites are short of consumables. It’s not good, they can also be dispatched to New China Island to plant cotton, which can more or less create some benefits for me on the East Coast, but now..."

"It's not that simple." Mo Ming walked slowly in the post with his hands behind his back, and said, "The white shirts of the Executive Committee are now fully working on the mortgage loan in the Southern Cone area. With their Rats are courageous, and they absolutely dare not have a serious conflict with the Portuguese at this time. Therefore, we advocate the capture of the Gerard Mountains in one go, and the matter of advancing the national border northward to the source of the Wujiang River, and it must not be supported by the central government. Without the endorsement of the central government, we may need some opportunities to force the Portuguese to submit based on our army alone, but there is no guarantee of success, and we can't hold out too much hope. After all, you can't expect to blackmail the gang all at once. Portuguese."

Mo Ming's meaning is already very clear, that is, the executive committee feels that this is a sensitive period, when stability should be the main priority, and the domestic population is not abundant, so it is unlikely to agree to the army's northward move for the time being.Then the only possibility for the army to expand its borders is probably to use the favorable situation of the large army at this time to see if it can frighten the Portuguese, and then blackmail some benefits from them (such as discussing the boundary issue). This is the case with Vieira's negotiations.Of course, if the army thinks the opportunity is right, it doesn't mind a little disobedience and forcefully pushes the border to the source of the Wujiang River.After all, in the eyes of army officers, this is also for the good of the country, and everything is justifiable.

"I have been thinking that some of the militiamen who came with us this time are all young people of the new generation, and because they are not the eldest sons, they cannot inherit the family property, so if they don't want to, let them go back to their homeland Is it suitable?" Mo Ming changed the topic while talking, "In a densely populated place like Dongfang County, I think there are too many 'loafers' people, and these people can't be found in industrial and commercial enterprises. What should they do? Continue to stay at home to watch the face of their brothers, and then wait for the opportunity to allocate public land?"

"No, they should stay here!" After being "inspired" by Mo Ming, Lieutenant Fu Lei immediately followed his words and said, "Look at the Gerard Mountains. Before I came here, I always thought that this place was full of birds. The mountains are so high, but now I know I was wrong. There are many valleys and basins in the mountains, and there are many places suitable for farming. The climate is mild, the rainfall is moderate, and the land is fertile. It is not only suitable for growing grains, but also suitable for the development of various fields. Cash crops, not to mention the forests and pastures all over the mountains, and the development of animal husbandry is absolutely unmissable. But the civilization of these Guarani people in the mountains is too backward. I am afraid that the land occupied by a hundred of them is more expensive than feeding a A thousand—sometimes even ten thousand—industrious East Coasters engaged in agriculture, handicrafts, manufactures, and commerce would need more land. These idlers and savages really do not deserve to occupy such a large and fertile land. Therefore, sir, I think that if these savages cannot change their idle, ignorant and backward way of life in a short period of time, they should give up the land they occupy to someone who can manage it better than them, such as us Residents of the East Coast."

"It seems that your recent studies have been very effective, Second Lieutenant Fu Lei." Mo Ming glanced approvingly at the gendarmerie officer who followed behind him, and then said: "In the past, our intervention in Guarani affairs in the mountains was limited, so that It's not right to make these barbarians work more for the Portuguese. I'm thinking that even if we really can't control the mountains this time as we want, then as long as the native tribes in the mountains are more inclined to us and suffer We control, so now I can safely predict that the arrogance that the Portuguese had previously held will be greatly frustrated, and finally will have to do our will, and finally conclude a peace treaty. This Every article of this peace treaty will bring 'happiness' to the peoples of both countries and will become a typical symbol of our incomparable Army's wisdom, love of country, loyalty and bravery, which will then greatly strengthen our army's reputation in the eyes of the people image and influence."

"Sir, I understand your painstaking efforts." Second Lieutenant Fu Lei snapped to attention, straightened his chest and said, "I will urge my colleagues in the gendarmerie, with the cooperation of the soldiers, to contact the Guarani tribes more to ensure that they are We played and are no longer available to the Portuguese."

"Barbarians are afraid of power and not virtuous, Second Lieutenant Fu Lei, you have to remember that if you can win over the tribes that are willing to obey our orders, you can seal up officials and make wishes, and send money and food. This is an expedient measure. It doesn't matter." Mo Ming urged again, "But for those tribes who are stubborn, unwilling to cooperate with us, and turn to us—or even become Catholics—then let them go clean. Tens of thousands of people in seven counties in the south Although the militiamen came to this round of battle, although it was winter time, the dredging work of the reservoirs, rivers, and canals at home must have been delayed, and the time for repairing roofs and roads was also lost. This is a loss! I, as them The highest officials in the country must be responsible for finding some benefits for them to go back. Well, those tribes who have never repented, whether it is their people, cattle, sheep, food, or other property, can take them as much as they want, and then divide them up to subsidize everyone. home use."

"Of course, this is all for the future." Mo Ming stood in the yard of the outpost, looked at the misty drizzle outside, and said: "Now, you pack up first, and I will meet that Vieira next time. See what kind of rules it is for him to come to see me after going back for so long."

PS: I accidentally updated the fifth section of this chapter. . .It can’t be deleted, so I can only update the first two chapters with tears in my eyes. Today, I updated 4 chapters. Oh my god, I made a record

(End of this chapter)

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