Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1030 Advance along the river

Chapter 1030 Advance Along the River ([-])

"Since the first six months of this year, there have been hundreds of Indian armed attacks in Beiyazihu ​​and Jiaohe, resulting in 51 deaths and 109 injuries on our side. They were all under considerable pressure, because there is a lot of evidence that these attackers have received new reinforcements, and we judge that they are probably Portuguese." In the township government compound of Mupai Township in the northern Jiaohe area, Second Lieutenant Fu Lei of the Gendarmerie was with seven or eight people The subordinates sat opposite each other, discussing a series of recent vicious incidents.

"These Guarani people are obviously not the aborigines nearby. They seem to have fled from the Gerard Mountains, but we judge that they are not regular Indian soldiers under the control of the Portuguese, but were tamed or indirectly influenced by them. In addition, they probably also provided some weapons and material assistance, which gave the Indians the capital to commit crimes.” A middle-aged military policeman with a bright face guessed, “The local Indian tribes are constantly dying out. In this state, it is impossible to oppose us."

"I once heard rumors about 'Felipe' from a Guaraní tribe that was attached to us. Many Guarani barbarians said that Felipe from Brazil came with some cronies to guide the Indians to carry out' Business'. I don’t know if this is true, but I think it should be taken seriously. The Portuguese Brazilian colonial authorities have tens of thousands of Indian soldiers. Although their combat effectiveness is poor, they are well equipped and familiar with the terrain. They have a lot of experience in fighting in forest and swamp areas, which gives them a great combat bonus." Another report was reported.

"People from the Ministry of Communications and the General Administration of Development came to the door angrily. They pointed out that the most casualties are often the engineering and technical personnel who go out for exploration, design and planning, especially road construction personnel and civil engineering technicians. less, concentrate on work, and are easily taken advantage of by the enemy. I compiled the statistics. On the 6st of this month (June), the 1rd Exploration Team was attacked, killing 3 person and injuring 1 people; 3 The exploration team was attacked and 6 people were injured; on June 5, the second engineering team of the First Bureau of Communications and Construction was attacked, 1 person was killed and 2 people were injured; 6 people were killed and 6 person was injured; on June 2, the grain transportation team from Jiaohebao to Yezhutan was attacked and 1 person was injured..." said an intelligence officer in charge of outreach work.

"Many of the casualties are business backbones, and it takes a long time to train, which is a pity. Moreover, this Indian attack has diverse tactics, flexible movements, one-hit and no love for war. It seems that It's really different. Although most of the attacks happened in the Beiyazihu ​​area, and the Army's Second Battalion was also battered by it, we can't take it lightly here. Just like Lao Wang's statistics just now, the Jiaohe area has also been attacked this month. 4 people were killed and 9 people were injured, this is definitely not a small blow to morale."

"Actually speaking, we used to look down on the dolls who graduated from Bingtuanbao, but now it seems that their performance is okay. When encountering enemy raids in the wild, they strictly follow the emergency regulations. Their movements are rigid and their emotions are generally stable (or Occasionally flustered but can be suppressed), shooting calmly and accurately, many movements are almost the standard movements in textbooks. As expected of a person who has trained in a closed environment for ten years, he is indeed different from those frizzy and flustered boys Too much. Without their composure, the casualties would have been even greater."


"Ahem." Second Lieutenant Fu Lei cleared his throat and stopped his subordinates from chattering. He walked around the room with his hands behind his back, and then slammed on the table fiercely, saying: "Jiao Commissioner Xu in the River area is a member of the Central Executive Committee. He asked someone to recruit some businessmen from the eastern coastal areas to invest here. Unfortunately, due to the unstable security situation, many people who originally planned to operate wharves and shops here did not Run away. Fortunately, these Guarani people are still unable to attack the boats sailing on the Jiaohe River. Otherwise, if the number of boats is reduced and traffic becomes difficult, all of us will suffer. .Remember, this incident is likely to involve foreign hostile forces, so we are doomed not to hide from the sidelines and watch the jokes of the State Intelligence Agency, because we cannot get away from it.”

"Why don't you ask the Brazilians for an explanation? Is there no evidence? It doesn't matter, we can find a way to 'get' some evidence. As long as the chiefs of the Ministry of War are determined, don't care what the **** white shirts think , the army of the two battalions in the north first moved northward to several Portuguese towns and strongholds in the mountains, and then we mobilized more than 1 people in the seven counties of Ping'an, Dingxi, Yiling, Shenwu, West Lake, Zhongshan, and Zhenhai in the Duck Lake Basin A militia, and the whole army goes north, and they will definitely kill the Portuguese. As long as these despicable Portuguese are dealt with, are the remaining Guaranis still a problem? They can be wiped out with a backhand!" Some radicals The gendarmes demurred, and he looked like a dangerous Continentalist.

"Bastard!" Second Lieutenant Fu Lei grabbed the man by the collar, then slammed him on the seat, and then said: "Until the Ministry of the Army has no clear statement, no one is allowed to act alone, otherwise we will Just kill him. I keep my word, don't trouble your superiors at this sensitive moment, you can die if you want to die, but don't implicate others!"

"Right now there are rumors in the capital that the Spaniards are talking to us about the land mortgage loan in the Southern Cone. If some of our inappropriate actions cause the Spaniards to be vigilant, suspicious or regretful, and thus make the mortgage loan matter go bad, we will all be responsible. I think everyone is very clear about the methods of Commander Putin. So, give me a little bit of peace for a while.” Lieutenant Fu Lei said to his subordinates word by word, “Of course, peace is the order of the day, but the reasonable work that should be done must not be left behind. For these melons The espionage of the inside information of the Lani guerrillas, the tracking of their supply transportation points, and the investigation of their intelligence sources must be carried out step by step. This time, the General Intelligence Bureau and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also cooperate with us. Everyone must fight spirit, but we must not lose the face of our army."

After training his subordinates for half a day, Second Lieutenant Fu Lei explained the work to them, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

After the meeting, he took an assistant to the drying yard in front of the township government and observed several township cadres explaining the local situation to a group of new immigrants.There are about 200 of these new immigrants. They are all the second generation born on the east coast. The second son and the second daughter are unable to inherit the family business. Due to policy restrictions, the village cannot provide them with "common land" for the time being. , So these people, under the guidance of the propaganda agency, signed up to participate in the pioneering operation in the western region-and this seemed to be the only way for them to acquire land in a short period of time.

At least two-thirds of these people have completed elementary school education. In the western region where illiteracy is everywhere (there are many new immigrants), they can be regarded as rare educated people, and they will also be the best managers or managers of various county and township agencies or enterprises in the future. The source of technical personnel is crucial to the pioneering actions in the western region.At this moment, the officials of the township government are explaining to them the local security situation and natural environment in Mupai Township. Of course, it is for their own good. After all, if these precious new generations are easily lost in the hands of barbarians, it will be a tragedy indeed. .

"Armed reclamation is indeed the most effective way for civilized people to snatch land from barbarians, and it has no side effects. It's wonderful." Looking at the training scene in front of him, Second Lieutenant Fu Lei thought to himself: "In addition, although I just reprimanded some people who were ready to move Brat, but I really don't like the Portuguese on the other side of the mountain. That 'Felipe', can't it be Felipe Camarao himself or his relatives? If I can find out , I will definitely report it truthfully, and I strongly recommend that the Ministry of the Army send troops across the border to attack the Portuguese, so that they can remember. The Ministry of the Army must have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. We have been suppressed by the Navy for so many years, and we have not found a way to play. This time the Portuguese are so stupid that they dare to extend their black hands to the southern foot of the Gerard Mountains, hehe, I am really impatient."

"Maybe they are dissatisfied with our government supporting the Dutch West India Company and meddling in the war in Recife? But so what? We can interfere in your internal affairs, but you have no right to interfere in ours. The Portuguese have always held Looking at the posture of that old country, it has not adjusted its mentality in time, and it is delusional to be on an equal footing with China in the southern New World. Brazenly launching a foreign war will definitely be detrimental to the major policies of the Executive Committee. But if this matter is over and everything is settled, it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our army. Do you want to think about it then? How about making the Portuguese dogs bolder and causing more serious incidents? This will give us more reason to march into the Gerard Mountains, even those white shirts and the damn navy, There is no reason to stop us, right?" Thinking of this, Second Lieutenant Fu Lei couldn't help feeling a little excited in his heart, the army has been suppressed for long enough, and they also need to make their own voices!

(End of this chapter)

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