Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1014 Right of First Acquisition

Chapter 1014 Right of First Acquisition

Blanco felt his head was dizzy, especially when he was standing on the edge of the straight and wide wharf trestle in Qingdao Port, his thoughts seemed particularly confused at the moment after drinking.This was not because he was incapable of drinking, but mainly because the Englishman gave him too much impact.

It is undeniable that in the current Old Continent, the relationship between England and Portugal is quite discordant. For this reason, Cromwell has sent a fleet to blockade the coast of Portugal. The reason is that they sheltered the fleeing royalists.At the same time, the British republican government also had a good relationship with Spain, which aggravated the uneasiness and doubts of the Portuguese.

Therefore, under such a diplomatic situation, this guy Charles implicitly proposed that Britain and Portugal should unite—at least the overseas colonies should unite—to deal with the "evil" pagan East Coasters and maintain Everyone's common interests, which made Blanco feel a little strange.So out of caution, Blanco didn't give any positive response to his words, and at the same time, he didn't think there was any kindness in the British guy's words.

Of course, perhaps the British are indeed wary of the East Coast. After all, this country has been flirting with the Netherlands recently, which probably angered the British, but this is not the reason for Portugal to get involved.Although Charles is right about one thing, that is, the East Bank also has ambitions for Brazil, as evidenced by this blatant intervention in the Portuguese-Dutch war, so what?When His Majesty Joao was at war with the Kingdom of Spain, he still painstakingly built up a group of fleets. This is the precious power of the Kingdom of Portugal, and it cannot be thrown lightly in any uncertain war, otherwise they may be weak. If you can't defend your own interests, you will only benefit those shameless robbers who are watching from the other side.

Therefore, it is no problem to encourage the British to challenge the South China Sea hegemony of the rogues on the east coast, and they will even provide some convenience and assistance. The consequences were truly disastrous.

"What will the Honorable Governor Antonio Tres da Silva think about this matter?" Blanco was in a state of confusion. Although he did not respond positively to Charles' words, he still planned to report the matter to the Governor Silva, let him decide what to do, because this matter is too big.

Seabirds hovered above the masts, and merchant ships flying the flags of different countries (mainly from the Netherlands and the Hanseatic League) came in and out of the port, appearing extremely busy.After seeing this situation, Blanco had nothing to say and could only sigh, the east bank is getting more and more prosperous after all.

"The West India Company's ships were purchased in the 1623 years from 1636 to 13, a total of 220 ships. In those years, in order to expand its territory in the New World and Africa, the company raised a large sum of money in Amsterdam. Soldiers and Salaries of sailors, weapons and ammunition, supplies, ships cost us so much money. Can you believe that in these 13 years we have spent 1800 million florins (approximately 2400 million yuan) on staff salaries, It's ridiculous." Someone said in Spanish not far away, and the content made Blanco's heart beat.

"You know, the registered capital of the West India Company is only 660 million florins, but we have spent so much money in 13 years. It will be strange if the directors don't take down Siegen from Nassau." The voice is still chattering , there seemed to be someone else echoing.

"Then, Mr. Bickel, the situation in Brazil has now stabilized. I hear that your company is still in a bad position in New Netherland, North America. Last year, the British marched from Connecticut to Long Island, threatening New Amsterdam at one point. They have been further strengthened this year, and are likely to attack New Netherland again, especially while you are still at war with the Delaware Swedes. I hear their commander, Mr. Sedgwick, is a Militants, he will be eager to attack here. You know, they have been eyeing New Amsterdam for a long time." Another middle-aged voice sounded, his Spanish sounded terrible, and he often had to use the assistance of a translator to understand The meaning is complete.

"The power of the company is too dispersed, with nearly three hundred ships, most of them small, spread over a vast area of ​​New Netherland, the West Indies, the Gulf of Guinea, Brazil and the coast of South West Africa, and most of them We are all on the way, which undoubtedly puts us at a great disadvantage. Our enemies can easily block our ports and suppress our trade as long as they concentrate their ships a little, and put us in great trouble "The man called "Mr. Bickle" said, "Think about it, the Portuguese were able to blockade Recife with only a few dozen ships-if it wasn't for your country's help, they must have succeeded- — what else can I say?"

The sound was getting closer and closer. Blanco looked up and saw a group of more than ten people coming from the corner, and the leader was Li Renjun, an "nobleman" on the east bank whom he had met once.Li Renjun seemed a little surprised to see him, so he immediately stopped Cornelis Bickle from continuing to speak, then smiled and nodded with Blanco, walked over without saying a word.

"Cornelis, that gentleman just now is Blanco Almeida, who is well-known in Brazil. It is said that he often visits Governor Silva's residence and has great influence." Li Renjun whispered to Ke Nellis made the introduction.

This time, Cornelis Bickle of the West India Company came to the east bank by boat, mainly for a return visit, and by the way, thank the east bank for their help a while ago.At this moment, he was only a little surprised when he heard the words, and then he said nonchalantly: "As long as we get rid of the entanglement of the British, it is very simple to deal with Portugal, provided that we have sufficient funds. It's just that the board of directors cut the budget so much that most of our soldiers were disbanded. You know, in 1639 we sent 35 ships, 3780 sailors, 3500 soldiers and 1170 artillery; Sending reinforcements of 1643 ships and 42 men, the Portuguese offensive was swept away by us, and of course these actions also exhausted the patience and wealth of the directors, so that the battle had to reduce the number of troops and ships, It's such a pity."

Li Renjun smiled perfunctorily. He was not interested in these old bad debts of the Dutch—of course he was also surprised by the powerful explosive power of the West India Company. Interested in New Netherland on the mainland.

"Cornelis, to be honest, you need to pay more attention to New Netherland, especially New Amsterdam. It is a good place. The British have been coveting it for a long time, but they must not let them take it away." Li Renjun organized a language, and then tentatively said: "What is your company's view on New Netherland? What is its positioning like?"

"It was a good foothold to set foot on the North American continent, to trade with the Indians - very profitable - and also to colonize. Now on that land, we have built a large area of ​​​​farmland, water canals, windmills and Houses and of course lots of lumbermills and vineyards and we fish nearby at the same time. Yes I agree it's a good place but there are so many good places like this in the world, what's your country to New Nieder Lan is interested? Haha, we won’t sell it, at least not for the time being.” Cornelis Bickel said with a smile, “Because it is still an important transit point for our trade in North America, no one will give up there of."

"But your strength is not as good as the British in the neighboring New England area." Li Renjun reminded, "They can easily organize an armed force of thousands of people, but you can't, because you are caught in multi-line battles, and the Indians The relationship between people is not very harmonious. Believe me, Cornelis, the British are worthy of vigilance. They have been eyeing the New Netherland. If you are always so careless, you will suffer big losses sooner or later. Give up those strongholds in West Africa , focus on New Netherland and Brazil, and you will gain a lot. Those strongholds in West Africa took up a lot of your personnel, materials and money, but what did you get? Just some black slaves and rubber, not worth it at all Right."

Cornelis was silent.Africa's profits are also very important to the West India Company. Also from 1623 to 1636, the West India Company obtained a total of more than 1200 million florins in profits from Africa (all in the form of gold), not to mention there are Commodities such as ivory and black slaves, the West India Company really couldn't give up here. Of course, there is no need to tell Li Renjun, an outsider, this.Therefore, Li Renjun's attempt to get the Dutch to shrink the front line and concentrate on developing the New World is doomed to fail at this moment.

At this time, everyone had arrived in front of a beautiful two-story building.This is a new branch opened here by the state-run Oriental Hotel Company, which is dedicated to receiving diplomatic envoys from various countries and some important business partners. As a representative of the West India Company, Cornelis is naturally qualified to stay here.

"Cornelis, it may be presumptuous to say it, but you have to be sure that we have no ill will towards your company or your country, and you can even say that we share many common interests at this stage." Li Renjun was silent for a long time, and finally threw out The main topic: "If your company is forced to sell Recife and New Netherland, then I request to give our government the right of first refusal. If you agree, then on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country, I will solemnly promise that if you Our colony in Cape Town is attacked by the enemy, and we will give our full assistance, how about it?"

"This... this is really surprising." Cornelis looked at Li Renjun helplessly, and asked, "Is this what your government means? I don't think I have the right to give you an answer to this question. But I can report to the upper echelons of the company and the three councils in The Hague, and it will be up to the big shots to decide."

(End of this chapter)

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