Rise of the 1630s South America

Chapter 1002 South Pacific

Chapter 1002 South Pacific ([-])

A boat coming from the Maolin River Basin docked directly at the lookout harbor pier.

A group of farmers who were struggling to set fire to the open space by the pier immediately sighed when they saw it, and then, led by the foreman, threw the torches that had never been able to ignite the wildfire on the ground and ran to the pier—— At Wanghai Port, which is full of waste, there are no full-time dock workers at present. He will play a guest role as a dock worker.

The captain of the Laizhou nationality on the deck thought that this group of people came a bit late, so he swears at his head and face, to the effect of "Livonian lazy bones", "stupid white pigs" and so on, which makes the group of Nordic immigrants who have already mastered Chinese feel embarrassed. It is green and red, so humiliating.But no matter how humiliating it is, you have to bear it. Don't you see, did this ship come with a large amount of supplies?Wanghai Township, a settlement established last year, is not even self-sufficient in food at present. It is short of almost everything. Its survival depends on the supplies transported by sea from the Southern Railway Company. So how could they dare to fight with the captain who brought them life-saving supplies? conflict?

"Peruvian corn, Peruvian rice, Peruvian wheat, Peruvian bacon—well, this pickled horse mackerel should be from homegrown, and whale jerky—this vegetable must also be from Peru, yo, and some dried fruits, probably It’s grown in an orchard outside Lima.” The deputy mayor and director of the port authority, who turned around from nowhere, said with a smile as he looked at the goods unloaded from the ship.This township cadre from the "Yuyuan Army" is 36 years old this year. He is in the prime of life. He was recruited by the Civil Affairs Division of the Southern Railway Company a year ago and then sent to Wanghai Township to take charge of the pioneering and colonial work. It is understood that he is quite competent. this post.

"Haha, children, take all the food back to the warehouse and put it away. It's been a bad day, so I'll take it out to dry after a while." The deputy head patted the laborers around him with his big palm-like hands, He smiled and said, "Speaking of which, the Peruvians supported us, otherwise we wouldn't have the strength to open up wasteland here. Alas, we ran to other people's homes, ate and used other people's food, and at the end of the day, we even dumped food from other people's homes to our own. Objects (wood, high-quality furs), it's an embarrassment to say, the Peruvians are really 'hospitable'."

The deputy mayor's words are not wrong to some extent.Because the Southern Railway Company has found more and more cheap food in Peru in the past one or two years, it has gradually increased its purchases of food from Peru.Especially in places such as Chiloe Island and the Salmon Islands (Jones Islands), purchasing food from the local area is not only expensive, but the journey is relatively dangerous and far away. It is better to purchase from the "compradors" in Peru. Anyway, they will The food was properly prepared, and then transported to Maolin City for trading.

The same is true for tobacco, dried fruit, and a small amount of cured meat. The affluent Peruvian region can provide a large amount of these commodities, and this is obviously an important means used by the Southern Railway Company to balance the trade between the two sides.In addition, Lima, Cusco and other places, which have always been important breeding places for livestock, can also provide a large number of donkeys, mules, pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock to the Southern Railway Company. The pioneering behavior "has made great contributions."

As for the "throwing things into my home" in the mouth of the deputy mayor, in fact, it mainly refers to the specialty of Chiloe Island-high-quality fur, which was already famous in the Spanish colonial era, but After the white colonists here were killed by the Araucans and the colony was abandoned, the Spaniards could only turn to the east coast to buy seal skins and sea lion skins.As for the furs of the famous yellow-legged foxes and Chilean lynxes on the island, the current rare annual production is taken over by the domestic nobles on the east coast, and almost none of them go abroad. Of course, there are still a lot of them in the local area. Sea lions, seals, and penguins can all be caught, skinned, and made into high-grade lubricants, but due to the small local population, this business has not yet been launched.

It can be said that using the hands of the Araucans to kill all the original Basques on this big island-this means that there will be no resistance when it is secretly occupied; and then using the booming smuggling trade in Maolin City to purchase a large amount of supplies nearby- This means that the cost of colonization is low. It only takes a few years for the Southern Railway Company to establish 5-10 settlements on this fertile island and manage 1-2 immigrants. The hope of the Spaniards or the Araucans to return to this island has failed, and this place will probably belong to the people on the east coast in the future.

The sailors on the ship stared blankly at this extremely simple pier. They had just arrived from Maolin City, a relatively prosperous new trading town, and felt extremely uncomfortable with the desolation and poverty here for a while.You see, the small pier is surrounded by an impenetrable, gloomy and dark forest. Occasionally, there are some cleared woodlands, but there are still a lot of roots, bushes and weeds on it. It is simply a barren land The dirt road leading to the rear of the pier is full of potholes, and it is also extremely soft and wet. The sailors estimate that if this road cannot be transformed into an asphalt road in the future, the future of this pier will be extremely limited.

A large number of wild potatoes grow on some flat land near the sea, which can be seen everywhere on Chiloe Island, because here and the salmon islands in the south are the birthplace of potatoes on this planet, and they have extremely rich potato genetic resources. In terms of value, it is of great value.But as far as the residents of Wanghaigang are concerned, these wild potatoes are nothing more than wealth bestowed on them by the Heavenly Lord. It is very good to cut potato vines regularly and feed them to pigs.

Tianzun's gift to the residents of this island is far more than that.Although the local residents have not been here for a long time, they are so clever that they quickly discovered how to grab natural resources more efficiently. For example, they set up a simple fence made of branches in shallow water. When the tide is low, many fish and shrimps that are too late to evacuate are blocked by the fence, and there are many large fish such as salmon among them.

In addition, huge shellfish can be found everywhere on the winding coastline, which are all edible. Later generations were still the traditional delicacy of the Chileans on this island, which will naturally be enjoyed by immigrants on the east coast.The rich environment gave the immigrants a good foundation, and their industrious and simple nature drove them to carry out in-depth development on this island and occupy more and more land-this island, undoubtedly no longer belongs to the Spaniards!

"Have any suspicious people or ships come near the settlement to inquire recently?" The captain who came to deliver supplies took out a pen and paper, and routinely asked the local residents for information, which would eventually be collected and sent to the Southern Railway Company. of.

"There is no suspicious person coming." The deputy mayor said with a guarantee, "The Basques on this island have long since died, and the Araucans were also killed by the Spaniards. Now on this island, there should be no Spaniards. They have completely abandoned this colony since the end of the last war. As for the natives, I can’t guarantee that there are none, because maybe we haven’t explored yet There are still some small settlements deep in the dense forest, but the number of people should be very pitiful, and it will not affect our efforts to control this new homeland. As for the ships, Tie Dan, come and tell me, have you seen it?"

"Tie Dan" is a policeman from Wanghai Township. He was watching the excitement from the sidelines. Suddenly, he was called out by the deputy head of the township, and immediately ran over and said, "I have been squatting on the watchtower every day for the past few months. Sea, except for whales, I really didn’t see anything on the sea. Even if there were, they were all our ships, and they all came to stay in the port, and there was not a single foreign ship.”

The seasoned captain was not moved by the slightly exaggerated words of the police. He took the trouble to ask the details of the police's observations these days, and then recorded them one by one, appearing to be very conscientious.At the end, he kindly reminded the pioneers here: "Although you are very optimistic, I still have to say, you'd better be careful. Now the smuggling trade in Maolin City is getting more and more prosperous. Naturally, more and more The Spanish ships began to sail south here. Although no one should be idle enough to continue sailing south, it is always right to be careful, in case the Spaniards suddenly want to restart the colonization plan of Chiloe Island one day, Then Baobuqi will conflict with the company, and at this time, you are often the first to suffer.”

"Perhaps what you said makes sense, but I still want to say that if the Spaniards come over, I'm afraid the first ones to suffer are not us, but Lao Zhang farther north, right? Their settlement was just established a few months ago , the stockade has not been erected yet, the wharf construction is in a mess, and the militia training is even worse, once the war starts, there is probably nothing to end." The deputy township head was a little disapproving of the captain's warning, and at the same time, he also complained. Fellow colonizers.

"Fort Poor is a bit dangerous. There are not many people, and the stockade is not strong. It is also not far from Castro Port in San Carlos Bay, the traditional Spanish colonial center. In case the Spaniards re-colonize this place If there is an island, then it will be a matter of time before they discover Fort Poor Chill." The captain sighed, agreeing with the deputy mayor's statement, but this seems to be something that the upper management of the Southern Railway Company should consider, no matter how worried they are. There is no help, so I can only submit my own suggestions to the matter.

By the way, Fort Chiongchi is located in the small town of Jongchi on the island of Chiloe in later generations. It is a small settlement near the sea. It is located on low hills or flat land with gentle coastal terrain, and the soil is relatively fertile.At present, the Southern Railway Company has arranged about [-] to [-] pioneers here—mostly from Cixi County, Ningbo Prefecture, and a few laborers from Parma, Italy, who have just obtained citizenship on the east coast—to carry out preliminary development, and I believe they will migrate later. A large number of immigrants came here in order to completely occupy this place.

The Southern Railway Company's penetration into southern Chile is really getting more and more "excessive"!

(End of this chapter)

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