Mengshan Army

Chapter 36 The first meeting with Chen Chao 4

It was rare for Super Chen to meet such a well-informed guest. Super Chen didn't want to let Long Qian go, but insisted on keeping the guest for dinner.Before eating, Chen Chao called his wife and a pair of children to meet Long Qian, which was a good sign of the family.

The so-called white hair is as new as before, but after a while, Chen Chao seems to regard Long Qian as an old friend he hasn't seen for many years, and he will not allow Long Qian to leave.

Chen Chaofa's wife, You Shi, daughter Chen Xian's fifteenth year, and son Chen Zhinian's twelfth year. The three met Long Qian one after another. You Shi, who has always been virtuous and respectful of her husband, had no objection to Chen Chao's behavior of keeping a guest. Chen Shu with big braids said to Long Qian rudely, "You are a person who can climb along the pole, my uncle is just being polite, you really treat yourself as a distinguished guest."

"Shu'er!" Chao Chen was furious.

Before Chen Chao could reprimand, Chen Shu flicked her braids and ran out of the main room.

"Don't blame Mr. Long. My brother left early, and my sister-in-law remarried. This niece has been brought up by me and my wife. To be honest, she is more spoiled than my own daughter. She doesn't want to bind her feet, and I don't force her, because She doesn't like women's red, so since she was a child, she invited a master to teach her to read and write, alas, but she doesn't like reading, but she likes to wield knives and sticks... In short, she is negligent in discipline and rude, please bear with me." Super Chen apologized for his niece's rudeness.

"It's okay, niece Ling is at an innocent age, it's better to be more straightforward." Long Qian smiled slightly, "Long has traveled abroad, but I feel that those nieces in western countries are better than niece Ling, how should I say it, let's put it this way , Nine out of ten things that boys do, they can do. Haha, compared to making my niece just like to practice martial arts, it's much more crazy."

Seeing that Long Qian was not angry because of his niece's rudeness, Chao Chen felt relieved, but his face was deeply worried, "Actually, it's better for girls to learn from female celebrities. A woman's lack of talent is virtue. I love you so much. I'm addicted to her, I don't know if I will be blamed by my brother when I see him in the future..." After all, he just met, and Chen Chao will not express his deep-seated worries about his niece's lifelong events.

"Mr. Chen's way of educating his children made Long admire deeply." Long Qian sincerely said, "At first, I always thought that the feudalism of the motherland was conservative, especially the various restrictions on women, which are really against humanity, such as foot binding, which destroys health. Harming the happiness of women's life, and making the society lack the necessary labor force, in Long's view, it is really the most bad habit in the world. Also, the merit of teaching women to read and write is not the same as getting rid of footbinding..."

The more remote the place, the stronger the power of tradition. Chen Chao couldn't help his niece and daughter's feet, and invited professors to teach their children. The villagers were benevolent and reluctant to talk about it, but friends persuaded them more.Zheng Jing often ridiculed Chen Chao's family affairs, that's all.Xiao Guanyu from Baiwei Town is Chen Chao's close friend, and he also blamed Chen Chaoyu for indulging girls, so how will they deal with them in the future?

It's too much to say that, the girl's future lies in marriage.Super Chen thought through this point, he indulged his niece and daughter because he didn't want to see them suffer.However, Chen Shunian was eighteen years old, and she was already an elderly woman in this rural mountain area. She talked about matchmaking several times, but Chen Chao was worried.At this time, Long Qian praised him highly, and he couldn't help being shocked, "Why did Mr. Long say that?"

"Why do you say that? In traditional customs, there are not only things that are worth carrying forward, but also many bad habits that need to be eradicated. Anyone with a little knowledge knows that footbinding is a bad habit among bad habits, but if you indulge in the custom, it has been like this from generation to generation. And that woman's lack of talent is the ancient saying of virtue, and Long Mou dare not agree with it. Men and women have different personalities, but their intelligence is almost the same. In ancient China, there were countless women with outstanding knowledge, which would make men ashamed. This is still not allowed. As for reading and literacy, just imagine, if all women in the country can read and write, not only will there be countless more talents, but also, it will have infinite benefits for the evolution of the nation. Innovation is difficult, and it is even more difficult to start from yourself. Mr. Chen abolished the bad government Starting from the family, Long Qian really admires the great mind and insight."

These words naturally made Chen Chao happy, but he was still puzzled, "Mr. Long can always come up with a clever idea... Mr. Chen didn't have such a high-level idea to let his daughter learn to read and write. You said that women's literacy involves the evolution of the nation. What's the point?"

"The reason is very simple." Long Qian smiled slightly, saw the skirt outside the door, and knew that the straightforward girl was eavesdropping again, "The future of the nation lies in children. The wisdom of children is the wisdom of the nation. A strong child is a strong nation. This is a very simple truth. Mr. Chen, when I was young, I didn’t like the seriousness of my father, but I admired the kindness of my mother..."

Speaking of this, how can Chen Chao not understand?He stood up and bowed to Long Qian, "Mr. Long is a great talent, and Chen has learned a lot. Thank you."

"Don't dare, dare not," Long Qian stood up and returned the salute.

"I hope that in my lifetime, I can see the day when my Chinese culture will prosper." Chen Chao was excited. In today's world, let alone girls, even boys have almost no chance of being educated. The clarity that Qian pointed out made Chao Chen very excited. Yes, if a mother is literate and sensible, then the children she raises will naturally not be vulgar and barbaric...

"Mr. Long, according to what you see, what should we do in this private school?" Super Chen returned to the topic.

"Private schools are the characteristics of our country. But education and national defense are two of the country's top priorities. They shouldn't be handed over to the people. The basic education of the Western powers is arranged by the state. There are also private schools, all of which are higher education. Listen It is said that Japan is adjacent to the east. Since the Meiji Restoration, the investment in education is not comparable to that of our country. This is one. As for running schools, I have heard such arguments in the United States. If you want to run education, the most important thing is teachers. There are no qualified teachers. , where can there be excellent students? There is nothing to argue about this point, the question is, given the limited national strength, should we start with basic education or university education first?”

"It's all arranged by the state?" Chao Chen heard such remarks for the first time, "You said that education and national defense are the basic duties of the state?"

"Exactly. The government collects taxes, and naturally it has to do what the government should do. What is more important than education and national defense?"

Chen Chao nodded, "It's exactly as Mr. said. But﹍﹍" He wanted to say that since ancient times, only Guozijian has been an official school, so how can we arrange all the education?But after all, I have just met, so it is not appropriate to discuss issues related to national affairs. Instead, I asked, "What is basic education? What is higher education?"

"If a person's knowledge is divided into grades, it can be roughly divided into three stages, namely elementary school, middle school, and university. Both primary school and middle school can be regarded as basic education. Every normal citizen should receive basic education. Only in this way can we have the qualifications to enter the society and become a person who can contribute to society efficiently. As for higher education, it is set up for a small number of elites to do professional research in a certain field. Mathematics will also be divided into many branches, and students choose one to specialize in, hoping to surpass their predecessors. Unlike basic education, everyone is taught the same courses.”

"Understood. Naturally, basic education must be emphasized first." Super Chen thought for a while and replied.

"However, teachers who popularize the basics must be cultivated from universities. As the saying goes, you can only teach others a bowl of water if you have a bucket of water. A middle school student can teach elementary school students at most. Isn't it? Therefore, to run basic education well, University education must come first.”

"However, without qualified basic education, university education is nothing more than a castle in the air." Chao Chen seemed to care more about basic education, "This topic is quite interesting. I wonder which one Mr. Long values ​​more?"

"Long didn't think about it. If you use your intuition, it's better to focus on basic education first. It's like building a house. You have to lay the foundation first. In fact, Long just walked a few more times than Mr. Chen. In terms of knowledge, Long is far behind Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Long is too modest. It is said that one who sees a lot can know a lot. There are many problems that Mr. Chen has been pondering and unsolved. A few words from Mr. Chen can make Mr. Chen suddenly understand. How lucky is Mr. Chen to meet Mr. Long."

Chen Shu, who had been listening to her uncle's conversation with the guests outside the door, finally couldn't help it. She lifted the curtain and came in, "Then you, in the United States, what stage did you go to in the United States? Middle school or university?"

"Shu'er! You really can't speak today. You have wasted my teaching to you, and you still don't apologize to Mr. Long?" Chen Chao lowered his face.

"It's okay." Long Qian said with a smile, "I never went to college. I did go to middle school."

His words dispelled the girl's embarrassment, and Chen Shupu's eyes widened, "What kind of knowledge are you talking about in mathematics?"

"Oh, I don't teach mathematics when I came to the private school. Let me ask you a question, from one to one hundred, what is the total?"

Chen Shu is a girl who likes all kinds of new things. She often goes to her uncle's shop. She has seen the accounts. After hearing Long Qian's words to test her, she was not angry. Instead, she blinked her eyes and calculated this extremely simple question mentally .

"Don't forget, it's five thousand five hundred. You can verify it when you have time. Mathematics is the study of the laws of numbers, and it is the foundation of all natural sciences. Without the support of mathematics, any knowledge is a castle in the air."

"You've already figured it out, haven't you?"

"You can't use a stupid way to solve this problem." Long Qian saw that the girl knew a little math, "I don't even need the nine-nine multiplication table. In fact, you only need to add the first two numbers, and you will find that each group of numbers It's one hundred and one, and there are fifty groups in total, so naturally it's five thousand and fifty. This kind of problem is not considered a difficult problem in American elementary schools, and children of seven or eight years old can do it."

Jiang Yun is a very smart person, he quickly realized that a smug smile appeared on his face, while Chen Shu was still thinking hard, Chao Chen felt it was amused, and seemed to have forgotten his niece's rudeness just now, "Shu'er, Mr. Long is a man of great learning, do you know now?"

"What are you laughing at! You're a thief, you look annoying." Chen Shu caught a glimpse of the smile on Jiang Yun's face sitting by the door, and thought it was mocking her stupidity.

"I, I didn't﹍﹍I just figured it out, this method is really ingenious." Jiang Yun was still immersed in the joy of solving the problem.

"Okay, go and help your aunt get some food, we're all hungry. Today, I'm going to have a good drink with Mr. Long."

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