Mengshan Army

Chapter 14 Breakout Part 1

Long Qian finally stopped Kuang Dafa's team in time, and after leading Cheng Erhu's decisive action, he safely withdrew the team to Tianmen, and collected most of the weapons and ammunition lost by the officers and soldiers.The casualties were counted, and the attacking troops paid nearly 20 casualties, most of whom were wounded.Lu Shan's small team suffered heavy casualties, with seven dead and five seriously injured.However, there were at least fifty corpses abandoned by the officers and soldiers in the area from Tianmen to Louzi.In any case, this was a beautiful tactical counterattack, which exceeded Long Qian's expectations.

Long Qian checked his left arm, it was not injured, the blood was all from the enemy.Listening intently, the gunshots from the direction of Duduo Village have stopped, and I am still worried about another battlefield, but there is no need to tell the person who just won the battle in front of me.

Encouraging the subordinates who had calmed down, "Brothers, fight well! I guess the officers and soldiers will not dare to attack again tonight. They have suffered a big loss and are going to lick their wounds. Erhu and your people stay behind to monitor the officers and soldiers , I will leave some ammunition captured for you, pay attention to their cold guns, but don't attack. Understand?" Seeing Cheng Erhu nodded vigorously, "Okay, the rest of you will follow me back to Dudou Village. Erhu, I will pick you up later order to immediately lead people back to Duduo village, it is useless here."

Long Qian stood up, probably in a hurry, feeling a little dizzy.I put all my energy into the battle just now, and now I really feel weak.The chaotic hand-to-hand combat is the most brutal. Even if you are a martial arts master, you can defend yourself against a bayonet stabbed from nowhere.Fortunately, the officers and soldiers couldn't hold back and retreated, otherwise, when their follow-up troops came up for reinforcements, they would be the ones who collapsed.

However, Long Qian knew that the combat effectiveness of the soldiers who survived this battle should be raised several levels.Soldiers saw blood in brutal hand-to-hand combat, and their understanding of death was different from ordinary people.

"Captain, are you alright?" Jiang Yun saw that Long Qian's body was shaking slightly.

"It's okay." Long Qian pushed Jiang Yun away, took the rifle in Jiang Yun's hand and used it as a crutch, "Er Hu, I will send Jiang Yun here in half an hour at the most. What will you do if the officers and soldiers touch him?" ?” Long Qian felt that the officers and soldiers would not touch the camp, but who knew?

"You want to ambush the team here, and you just take a person to squat over there. It will be dark soon. If they come up, don't shoot. After retreating to this hillside, they will go to Guangming Temple. Leave it alone and touch it quietly." Go back to Duoduo village, if they come this way, you will have to fight."

"Understood, captain, you, let it go, don't worry. I won't let it go, let them go!"

Cheng Erhu was Long Qian's trustworthy person. He patted Erhu on the shoulder, and Long Qian led them to disappear into the twilight.

Walking halfway, he met people sent by Wang Mingyuan, Song Jinguo and Feng Guozhu to report the situation of the battle, which made Long Qian feel relieved.Because they discovered the officer army who was turning around and climbing the cliff in time, a volley of guns killed two of them, and the rest retreated.Feng Guozhu's team has searched carefully in the west of Duduo Village, and there is only one place that can be climbed up, and the rest are cliffs that are difficult to climb. They have been guarding until the officers and troops have completely retreated and are out of sight. Now there is still a brother named Shi Stay there and watch.

"Okay, well done. Mingyuan, Jin Guo, how are your preparations going?"

Wang Mingyuan and Song Jinguo replied in unison that the preparations were ready and the food was cooked, and they were just waiting for the captain's order.

"Where's the wounded number?" Long Qian was most worried about the wounded number, and he already had concerns about the retreat route.

"A total of 27 people, oh, not including the brother who was injured just now," Wang Mingyuan said in a low voice, "The vegetable cellar can be hidden after tidying up. If you don't pay attention, you really can't see it, but the wounded ones are a little scared."

"Well, I'll go and talk to them. Come on, let the brothers eat quickly. We still have to drive at night."

Returning to Duduo Village, he took the rough porcelain black bowl Jiang Yun handed over and drank a bowl of cold boiled water. Long Qian asked Song Jinguo to take him to the concentration place of the wounded soldiers.

Not only those from the eighth team were seriously injured and unable to walk, but also those from the sixth team who were injured in the fierce battle in the morning.Excluding the wounded soldiers, the women who were saved by the eighth team were also there.The night had already enveloped the mountain, several torches were lit, and the wounded soldiers were lying in a pile, cursing, and the eighth team stopped cursing when they saw Long Qian approaching, but the sixth team didn't care what happened, they were still there There was shouting and cursing.

Wang Mingyuan must have told them about Long Qian's decision.They probably think that to stay is to die.

"Brothers, I understand your feelings, but there is no way. Because I can't take you on the mountain road, the night road." Long Qian cupped his hands to the wounded, and the people quieted down after he spoke, "Let's walk this road When you are young, you are faced with bloodshed and death. You have no eyes on the battlefield, and you can’t blame anyone. Compared with the brothers who have died under the butcher knife of the army, you are lucky, because there is still hope of surviving. Compared with the later Those of you who died, you are also lucky. At least the brothers have made as thoughtful arrangements as possible, giving you hiding places, leaving you enough food, and taking care of your people. And those who are about to break out with me to catch up with the brigade Brothers, once you are seriously injured, you will either be captured by the army or die. From this point of view, you are really luckier than them. Brothers, I promise you that I will come back as soon as possible, as long as I am still alive. I Long Qian swears to God, if he abandons you, including those seven poor women, he will let the guns of the officers and soldiers crush my head and let my body be fed to wild dogs!"

In this era of widespread superstition and belief in gods, this is a very heavy oath. Looking at the wounded soldiers whose emotions have gradually stabilized, Long Qian continued, "The officers and soldiers will arrive here tomorrow morning. After we retreat, we will set fire to the house, creating the illusion that we have all withdrawn. You can safely hide in the vegetable cellar, and I, Long Qian, will definitely return to the mountain for at least three or five days, or as many as seven or eight days!" With a thought, "Jin Guo, can you take five brothers to stay and take care of them?" Long Qian turned and stared at Song Jinguo.

In the eighth team, because he is a fellow, everyone knows that Song Jinguo is Long Qian's confidant, and manages the eighth team's property for Long Qian, which is also Long Qian's personal property.Therefore, although Song Jinguo is very tall, his status in the eighth team is no less than that of the three small captains.Now Song Jinguo is asked to stay, that is enough to prove Long Qian's sincerity.

"Okay, since the captain has ordered, I'll stay." Song Jinguo said with emotion.

"Good job, good brother." Long Qian turned around and hugged Lao Song, "You take them into the vegetable cellar, it will snow soon."

"Why leave Lao Song to die?" Wang Mingyuan whispered.

"Why die? Do you know that we can live if we leave?" Long Qian sighed, "Old Song is weak, following us is not necessarily a good thing. How can there be a life in troubled times? Damn it!" Long Qian said angrily After cursing, he strode away.

"Captain Long, please stop," came a high-pitched female voice.Long Qian stopped and turned around.

A woman came out of the shadows, with medium build and long hair, her face could not be seen clearly under the torch, and her voice was not very young.

"My name is Sun Juan." The woman took another step forward, plopped and knelt down before Long Qian, "I will remember Captain Long's life-saving grace all my life, but please be merciful Let's go."

"Miss Sun, please come up." Long Qian stretched out his hand, then retracted it, "It's not because I didn't take you with me. First, the wounded ones need your help. Second, we are marching and fighting, and the journey is difficult. I want to see more of your sisters." It is really inconvenient for someone with bound feet. Miss Sun, you heard what I said to the wounded just now. As long as I, Long Qian, return to the mountain alive, you will be my sisters. Please go back and take care of the wounded for me. No, don't be afraid, I guess the officers and soldiers will not search the mountain carefully. You can come out as soon as the officers and soldiers leave. But don't go over to Guangming Temple lightly. In short, everything is up to Lao Song." Long Qian turned and left , Ignore Sun Juan's crying behind her back.

Back at the barracks of the eighth team, the soldiers had all eaten. Jiang Yun had already prepared meals for Long Qian. Long Qian glanced at the pottery pots on the table. There were cabbage stew and big pancakes. For pigs, Sun Dewang asked Nongmeng Fulao to slaughter all the pigs, and the eight teams were divided into two pigs. In the past two days, there has been a lot of meat.

Long Qian didn't have much appetite, so he drank a bowl of cold water and asked Jiang Yun to call over the team leaders and chiefs, as well as Song Jinguo, the logistics chief who was arranging the wounded.

"Where's Cheng Erhu?" Jiang Yun asked.Cheng Erhu is still monitoring the enemy at Tianmen.

"Stop calling him."

When a few team leaders came in, Long Qian had already devoured the pot of stew and the three big pancakes, "Let's talk about it, where should we retreat?"

Ning Shijun glanced at Long Qian, and thought that he was very polite, he said that if he could escape, it would be over, and he even used the word "withdraw". These rough men who don't know a lot of Chinese characters know how to withdraw.

"What can we do? Go to Mengyin with the brigade. It's easy to go if we know each other well." Feng Lun, the team leader of the sixth team, said.

"You can't go to Mengyin." Wang Mingyuan said slowly, "I think it's appropriate to go to Fei County."

"Why?" Long Qian asked with interest.This kind of meeting is unique to the Eighth Team. Long Qian tried his best to let his backbone members use their brains to think instead of simply obeying.His unique approach has been criticized. Generals must make decisions on major military affairs, and the subordinates are not allowed to speak arbitrarily.

What the feudal army did was to fool the people of the feudal rulers, but Long Qian believed that the implementation of understanding was not at the same level as that of passive implementation.

"The officers and soldiers will attack at dawn, and they will follow the guide's instructions and chase down the road." Wang Mingyuan said.

"So what? We walked at least twenty miles in one night, and we've already thrown them off." Feng Guozhu supported Feng Lun's opinion.

"What about Shi Jun's opinion?" Long Qian turned to look at the talents of the eighth team.

"I think what Mingyuan said is that the south should be safer."

"Lu Shan?" Long Qian called his name again.

"The captain must be fussy, we listen to the captain." Lu Shan said naively.

"We must think about the problem, especially when it is a matter of life and death. Where is Lao Song?"

"The road to the south is not easy. What's more, I still have things with me." Song Jinguo rubbed his hands.

"Except for dry food and bullets, nothing else." Long Qian stood up, "We are not going east, nor south, but west!" Regardless of everyone's surprise, "Yes, the officers and soldiers never Come to the west, we will go west. Remember, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is. This is called surprise."

"How to get to the west road? There are cliffs there." Ning Shijun was surprised.

"It may be difficult to go up, but it's always easier to go down. Shi Jun, you remember, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds. If you want to break through safely, you need to take some risks. In the future, you will remember that risks like this are nothing at all. What."

Song Jinguo suddenly realized that Long Qian had asked him to secretly collect ropes a few days ago, and personally inspected the texture of the ropes, and put forward his special request. It turned out that Long Qian had already planned the route to break through.

"Someone has walked that road. Although Orion fell to his death, it is not a dead end..." Song Jinguo said, but Long Qian had already decided that he would stay, and he couldn't violate Long Qian's order. Sadly.

"We're going west, won't we join the brigade?" Lu Shan asked.

"I suspect that there is an ambush by the officers and soldiers on the East Road. If Cao Kun didn't even think of this, he would be studying in the Military Academy for nothing. After passing this level, let's talk about rendezvous." Long Qian said softly, "Don't tell the following , if someone asks, just say that the officers and soldiers are behind you, and you can’t run safely.”

"Always treat us as scapegoats, what's the benefit of meeting them? With the captain's great talent, we will live better than them. I agree with the captain." Ning Shijun looked at Lu Shan who was a little startled.Realizing that Long Qian was about to leave Sun Dewang and Liu Yucai, he felt very excited.

"That's it, time is tight. Prepare separately and get more torches. Lu Shan, you take someone to burn Dongzhai. You can't see it from the direction of Louzi. Don't worry about the officers and soldiers finding out. The content of the military discussion just now Strictly keep it secret, don't disclose it to the following! Later, Mingyuan's team will lead, Guozhu's team will be broken, and Lu Shan and the sixth team will walk in the middle. Anyone who dares to slip away will be killed! Don't be soft-hearted."

Naturally, Wang Mingyuan and others resolutely obeyed, and both Feng Lun and Ye Yanbing expressed their resolute obedience to Long Qian's orders.Long Qian asked them to get ready and set off in half an hour.

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