fairy jade dust

Chapter 597 Karma

After sorting out his thoughts, Lin Mu's mind gradually became much clearer.

He has to think about the next road and how to go.

Now, he already understood that his memory was not erased by someone, but his original self was sleeping.The current him is not the complete him at all, but he is the real him.

His current mission is to try to wake up his previous self, let the two selves merge, sublimate, and enter the legendary realm.

The harmony of yin and yang, the unity of heaven and earth, these are all relatively equal.

The current him, who just woke up, is not qualified to merge with his original self at all.

My previous self, achieved too much.

In the Nascent Soul Stage, he realized the Sword Domain, which is still the most powerful Boundless Killing Domain.Now, he is just standing on the basis of his previous self and striving to move forward.

Only when he has fully mastered his killing heart, will he have a chance to awaken his former self and merge the two.

It is extremely difficult for him to control the killing heart, and if he is not careful, he will die.

After figuring out his current situation, Lin Mu had doubts in his heart again.

Who is the powerful cultivator who awakened him?

What is the jade pendant on his body for?

He still didn't know anything about the previous things.

He wanted to know these mysteries very much.

He even had some doubts, whether his previous self was played by the powerful cultivator.

Even the current self still cannot escape the control of the powerful cultivator.

Who is manipulating his fate?

Both the previous self and the present self are one.Everyone is like this. They have two selves. Some people may wake up overnight due to some things, and their temperament will change drastically. It may be that another self has awakened, and the previous self has fallen asleep.

There is no difference between the current him and the previous one, they are all one.He still remembers all the common sense of cultivation, the operation of spiritual power, the circulation of meridians, etc. The only thing he doesn't remember is his previous experience.

However, the sleeping self will also affect the present self invisibly, and some things can be vaguely remembered.

Therefore, integration is the way he wants to go!

Now, he only knows that he is Lin Mu, the peerless devil in the Qianfang Realm.This identity, on the contrary, put him under great pressure. Anyone who hears the devil will change his face. If people know that he is a devil, they will definitely attack him in groups, and he will definitely die!

Once he completely unlocks the seal, he will truly be enchanted and fall completely.

In the future, once you act, you must be cautious, so that no one can see the flaws.Lin Mu secretly warned himself.

Since he was a devil before, he must be a peerless good man now.

Too much killing is not good for him to control his heart.

Cultivating the mind and character is a good way to control killing thoughts.

How can I cultivate my mind?

After contemplating for a moment, Lin Mu suddenly thought that there must be a reason for him to appear in the Spiritual Light Realm in the Three Thousand Realms.

In the world of spiritual light, Buddhist practice is prevalent, and there are many eminent monks.

The most powerful thing in Buddhism is sitting meditation.

Some Buddhist practices are like lawlessness, cultivating the indestructible body of the vajra, and practicing external exercises such as shadowless legs. There are also many Buddhist practices that do not really practice, but sit in meditation and chant sutras.

After sitting in meditation, after reaching a certain level, you will generate supernatural powers by yourself.

Celestial eyes, heavenly ears, other minds, these supernatural powers can all be born through sitting meditation.

These supernatural powers are completely different from those of practitioners.

Spells consume spiritual power, and the competition is about cultivation.

These supernatural powers are not needed.Some eminent monks may not have any cultivation, but they can display peerless supernatural powers. With a thought, they can move mountains and seas in an instant.By pinching fingers and counting, one can know the past and the future, which is extremely mysterious.

Sitting in meditation is the best way to cultivate the mind, Lin Mu wants to try it.

He immediately went to Lawless.

Although these two monks did not look like Buddha cultivators, they were much stronger than him.

"You want to practice Buddhism, but you also want to practice zazen?" Unable to understand Ming Linmu's intentions, he asked in surprise.

"Zazen is the most painful, boring and boundless." Wutian persuaded, "Do you really think supernatural powers are so easy to achieve? Many people sit in meditation until they die of old age, but they don't produce any supernatural powers. In the end, they are still mortals with a lifespan of only one hundred and ten years. Years, the gain outweighs the loss, it is better to practice seriously."

Lin Mu said with a smile: "My cultivation base is already in the Nascent Soul stage, at least I have hundreds of years of life, so why can't I cultivate?"

"You can't force this." Fu Fu shook his head again and again: "If you want to generate supernatural powers by yourself, you must have wisdom roots. Wisdom roots are more illusory than spiritual roots. Even my master, it is difficult to tell whether a person has wisdom roots. You If you try rashly, you must be in vain.”

"The two of us are so talented, but we don't have the roots of wisdom, so we can't practice sitting meditation. Do you think you have the roots of wisdom?" Wutian persuaded.

"After you say that, I am more confident." Lin Mu said with a smile: "Perhaps, I really have roots of wisdom."

He said so, of course, not to compare with the lawless two idiots.

It's because he was only a five-element spiritual root with poor aptitude, but he comprehended the sword domain in the Nascent Soul stage, which is not something that can be accumulated by resources.Without his strong comprehension and perseverance, it is impossible for him to have such an achievement.

Perhaps, he is the one with the root of wisdom.

Moreover, he has great expectations for sitting meditation and supernatural powers.

Sitting in meditation can cultivate the mind and cultivate the character, so that he can gradually control the killing thoughts.If luck gives birth to magical powers, he will have the strength to protect himself.

Now that he has no spiritual power, he can only forcibly activate the Boundless Killing Domain. If he is not careful, he will be lost forever.

With supernatural powers, he doesn't need spiritual power at all, he can become very powerful.

"Can you tell me about supernatural powers? I'm very interested in this." Lin Mu looked at Lawlessness and said.

Lawless looked at Lin Mu together, saw Lin Mu's face was determined, and then helpless, so he had to say: "Then let's tell you. The supernatural powers are self-contained, with strange and unpredictable powers, many supernatural powers, even us They don’t know what it’s going to do.”

Wutian followed and said: "But don't be too envious. Buddhist practice is about tranquility, not karma. Once you display supernatural powers, you will be contaminated with karma, and you will have karma. The more supernatural powers you display, the more you will cause The more karma you have, the more tribulations you will experience in the future, and the farther you will be from becoming a Buddha."

"What kind of karma?" Lin Mu asked.

"All kinds of things, all kinds of strange things." Unable to say, "It may be a murder or a natural disaster. The karma is too deep, and it may suddenly die inexplicably. True meditation is extremely difficult. I rarely shoot, and I rarely see them come out."

Lin Mu suddenly said: "In this way, you can only meditate blindly, and you can't come out in order not to be contaminated by karma. It is indeed too boring. Who can bear it?"

"So we advise you, don't practice zazen, that's too illusory." Wutian said.

"Then what are you cultivating?" Lin Mu couldn't help asking.

"We are real practitioners, just like your sword cultivators. There are also many exercises in Buddhism. I practice the "Diamond Sutra", which focuses on tempering the body." Unable to say.

"I see." Lin Mu understood.

"They are all Buddha cultivators, don't you think you will not be contaminated with karma?" He suddenly asked doubtfully.

"We will too." Wutian said, "Before we just came down the mountain, we took you away for 33 days, cheated and kidnapped you, and did a lot of bad things. It's just tainted with karma. The pursuit of Mufu is our catastrophe gone."

"You just escaped from this catastrophe, why do you want to come back?" Lin Mu asked puzzled.

"The previous cause caused the current result. If we don't come back and continue to run away, the cause will continue to accumulate. When we have done enough bad things, we will not be able to bear the result." Unable to say.

"So when we come back, we will end the previous cause. Do you understand now?" Wutian had an unpredictable and profound look on his face, pretending to be deep.

"You two are bastards." Lin Mu scolded with a smile, "After the previous reasons, you can do bad things again later, right?"

Lawlessness is a joke.

"You don't even think about it, if I hadn't shown my true strength, would you have survived this fruit?" Lin Mu said.

Lawless came up together and flattered us: "We were scared to death at the time, thinking that we would not be able to get through it. Fortunately, we have you. You are our lucky star."

"Stop fawning on me." Lin Mu said angrily, "If you do this, it is tantamount to doing something bad. Let me wipe your butt, what am I trying to do?"

He used the Boundless Killing Field before, but he still didn't know why, so if he blindly killed, he would easily become possessed.

Now that I think about it, I was afraid for a while.

"You are not a good bird." Unable to grab Bai said, "This fruit is not only ours, but also yours. You have fallen into today's field, all because of your previous causes."

Wutian followed and said: "I lost my memory, my Nascent Soul was sealed, and I have nothing. What evil did you do to have such a result?"

"You must have been a big villain before." Unable to say.

Lin Mu broke out in a cold sweat.

The cause and effect of Buddhism has such a mystery.

A fool like Lawless can see so many things.

He was really not a good person before, he slaughtered a world, and the murder was very serious.

Could it be that today's situation is the cause and result of the past?

In the dark, it seems to have been destined long ago.

But he still refused to admit it, and quickly retorted: "Cause and effect are what you Buddhist cultivators said, and our sword cultivators don't practice this, so what does it have to do with me, maybe I was a peerless good person before."

"Can you stop claiming to be a good person?" Unable to laugh, said: "Reincarnation of cause and effect is not unique to our Buddhist practice. It is the same with all things in this world. Even if ordinary people do bad things, they will also have karma and will eventually have retribution. .”

"Good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, haven't you heard this saying?" Wutian followed.

Lin Mu thought so, and couldn't help but nodded.

Hearing the words of lawlessness, he suddenly felt that he had benefited a lot, and suddenly became enlightened, as if he had opened up a new world.

"What you did before is the cause, and the current situation is the effect. The effect now is the cause in the future. Between cause and effect, there is continuous reincarnation."

It is impossible to say deeply like an eminent monk who has attained the Tao.

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