Official bully

Chapter 1023

就这样古天带着野菊回家了2c不过到了家里后2c野菊也没打算放过古天。(本章节由网友上传 )7b24小40说 7d

The two made an appointment to meet on the grass.

The girl hugged her and jumped down.It fell to the ground with a scream from An An again.

Of course 2c was sweating all over Gu Tian.

Ye Ju had already gone underground when she felt it.


"I don't have time to talk about these 2c now, let's have a kiss first and then talk about it." Gu Tian gave a dry laugh 2c didn't think he was dirty 2c jumped up 2c and pressed the girl on the grass.

"No, 2c is too..." Before Ye Ju finished speaking, 2c's mouth was already blocked by someone.But 2c Yeju is unwilling to open her mouth.

"What did you say just now?" Gu Tian snorted.


Immediately, the 2c aroma filled my mouth! 2c, that feeling is really unusual...

The strange thing is that 2c Yeju just opened his mouth, 2c didn't know how to act, and 2c's body was shaking quite badly.


After a while of stickiness, 2c finally tasted the fragrance.

Gu Tian freed one hand to stretch down 2c and finally climbed to the round peaks in his dream.With a pinch and a grasp...

When a certain man felt that he was not enough 2c When he wanted to reach down into the skirt, Mei Paner held his hand tightly 2c and said 3a "No"

"Alas... still... a bit regretful..." Gu Tian sighed in his heart. 2c pressed Ye Ju for a long time before turning over and sitting up.

"You haven't told me how you did it just now 3f." Yeju still didn't give up 2c asked again.


"I was cheated by you 2c "huh" Ye Ju rolled her eyes when she knew the truth.

"Hey..." A certain despicable and shameless person laughed and couldn't answer correctly.

"I'll kill you..." Ye Ju kicked over.Gu Tian caught it and pulled 2c into his arms again.He laughed dryly and said 3a, "If it's not enough, isn't it 2c, how about we try it out again?"

"Don't even think about 2c..." At this time, Yeju's enchanting smile came from the bamboo forest 2c, but 2c, there was only Gu Tian staring blankly at the full moon in the sky.


"You remember to do my things..." Pan'er's extremely soft voice came from the building.

"Are you annoying?" Gu Tian roared angrily.

"I'm sick of you," Melpany's voice came out.



"Where did you hear that 3f" the prime minister asked with a heartbeat 2c He really didn't expect Gu Tian to talk to him like that 2c Immoral 2c Sunny.

"Don't ask me where I heard it from 2c, you carefully look up 2c, I saw with my own eyes that bald-headed 2c who was fooling around with Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to the Cambridge Court that night was dressed in black." Gu Tian said proudly .

"Thank you brother 2c, if you can move that bald head, then 2c I'll treat you to a brothel." The prime minister was naturally a little excited 2c always wanted to move that bald head 2c but couldn't find it.

But that bald head is not a good bird. 2c Later, Gu Tiancai found out that 2c is a national leader. 2c Although he is Li Ka-shing's elder brother, 2c, his identity is quite mysterious.

If it is really like what Gu Tian said 2c, then the bald head is not just a matter of raising a concubine. Where did Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao get the money to open the entertainment city? 2c I guess the wool should come out of the sheep.

Fast forward to the beginning of July, Feijintao Township has a big peach harvest 2c The trees are often covered with huge peaches.

And the antique houses have also been closed. 2c. Yeju mastered the media group to use some means such as TV, film, newspapers and magazines to vigorously blow the stick. 2c. In addition, when the flowers bloomed, they also shot a few commercials. 2c finally ushered in the first batch. guest.

And the name of the film and television resort has gradually risen 2c mainly because the Skywall Highway has not been completed 2c the traffic is still a bit messy 2c otherwise, the grand occasion of 2c must be gratifying.

After the Public Security Bureau is in charge of traffic work, 2c can stop at the beginning, 2c is just eating and drinking 2c, as time goes by, 2c vigilance gradually decreases.

According to reports in newspapers and periodicals 2c the bald guy knew that Vulcan was dead 2c he had already started to reach out.

2c of a certain group of newspapers and magazines are paying attention to all this 2c but Su Yixiao, the secretary 2c Such a large project of the Skywall Highway is fully rolled out in Machuan 2c He can't help but not start.

Under the auspices of the Prime Minister, the Stable Committee cannot operate arbitrarily as usual.

Tiandu and his party 2c Gu Tian has never had time to get to know that section chief. 2c seems to be very well-connected. 2c has to wait until the busy period is over.


After that guy attacked wildly, 2c finally failed to force the opponent out of the circle.Returned dejectedly.

Alone in a stuffy room, he went in with two bottles of Erguotou 2c During this period of time 2c This kid is practicing martial arts crazily in Ye Fan's mansion 2c Hope to improve his strength 2c Force the opponent out of the circle as soon as possible.


Standing under the peach grove, 2c Gu Tian really felt a little emotional.

the phone is ringing.

"Brother Tian 2c, is my hammer repaired 3f?" came the gentle voice of that girl.

"Not yet." Gu Tian is naturally lying 2c This guy has always wanted to imitate a hammer 2c So far he has not succeeded 2c had to withdraw his lie.

In fact, it has been repaired a long time ago. 2c In fact, the meteor hammer of 2c has not damaged much at all. 2c, that girl doesn't know what it means.Gu Tian even suspected that this girl was lending him a reference in disguise.Or maybe some other relationship is unclear.

"Then I'll wait." Ye Ju hummed 2c for a long time 2c said on the phone again 3a "I heard that the change of the Standing Committee of your Tiancheng Municipal Committee is about to come down."

"The dust has settled 3f." Gu Tian was also a little curious about 2c who filled the vacancy of the secretary.

"I also heard that 2c you must not bring it out. I heard that the organization minister of your province has been changed to the executive deputy governor 2c the former secretary-general of the provincial party committee has been changed to the organization minister." Ye Ju laughed.

"Then who is the secretary of the provincial and urban party committee? Who is the secretary general of the provincial party committee?" Gu Tian asked curiously about this.


"..." Gu Tian opened his mouth wide 2c thought in his heart, could it be that the bald-headed future father-in-law came to the stables 2c ya, 2c is too scary 3f

If this is the case, 2c has to hand over him before he takes office, and then say that 2c will lay the foundation for promotion after the menstrual period.The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is not at a disadvantage when 2c knows it.

The fight made up its mind.

Immediately made a call 2c said 3a "Brother 2c how are things going with you 3f"

"It's...almost." The guy stammered 2c, naturally because he didn't want to show embarrassment.He didn't expect that 2c would have been sold to 2c by his old man hahahaha.




"Just... I lied just now. Brother Tian 2c you have to help me ouch 2c I haven't settled it yet 2c I went to his house at the time 3f..." This guy told the truth again.

"Why don't you know, Mr. Chen, go and settle it? 2c Are you a little too stupid, kid? 3f I believe that the old man should not be your old man's opponent." Gu Tian smiled and said.




We only know superficial kung fu, how can 2c be compared.When I really become a master in practice 2c I guess the old man kicked his legs 2c was invited by the bull head and horse face to drink Yinjiu. "Blackbeard was a little annoyed.



"Forget it 2c I see you are honest 2c let's go immediately 2c you just wait there." Gu Tian said.

"Okay 2c Brother Peng 2c There is one more thing I forgot to tell you." Blackbeard said.

"What's the matter 3f?" Gu Tian asked casually.

"I went to a place and met a 2c named Li Qiang. This person is a dutiful son.

When his old mother was sick in bed 2c this man would come to Dingguang Temple every other week 2c to burn incense and kowtow 2c to ask for that broken holy water to heal his mother.

But 2c, the holy water, etc. 2c is naturally the old monks' nonsense to cheat incense money. 2c can't cure any problems.

Once Li Qiang came to ask for holy water again. 2c clashed with some armed police who came to visit the mountain halfway up the mountain.After a while of punching and kicking, the 2c seven armed police buddies all got down and turned into mud.

That kid has good skills 2c I tried to fight a few punches with him at that time 2c seems to be slightly stronger than me.It is estimated that it has reached the top level of the fourth stage. " Gu Tian said.

"You mean recruiting people 3f" Gu Tian said casually 2c secretly thought that it was the task entrusted to Chen Jun by old man Chen.It seems that old man Chen is very serious about his words.


"Okay 2c, if you have time, try 2c to help him rush to a master who is more than a few paragraphs. We are short of manpower." Gu Tian laughed.


Blackbeard is still ashamed and angry 2c He knows that Brother Tian is a rich man 2c That he can fall in love with this kind of second-hand goods 2c That Zhang Qiang is also a little weird.


After Gu Tian went back to the county to deal with some affairs, 2c immediately called his master and went straight to Tiandu City.

"Zhang Qiang" what happened to the car 3f" Gu Tian asked 2c in the car.

"Hey, 2c is the 2c approved by the head of the town this time. It's definitely a good car. 2c" The special high-strength Hummer 2c can hit several times with tanks.

I heard that the material is the aluminum-steel alloy 2c body of a ship, which is not particularly heavy.But 2c was turned into an old car when it was in the factory in order not to be too conspicuous.

And "the outer shell has been changed, 2c doesn't look like a military vehicle, 2c has almost the same shape as a jeep. The off-road performance is superb.


"You kid 2c's good car has been tampered with into junk again." How much is that car worth 3f?" Gu Tian laughed and cursed 2c was also a little curious.




"I heard that the Cheetah's garbage car, 2c, has been promoted to division-level corps as a whole, 3f," Gu Tian asked.

"Well, 2c, at least we got a deputy teacher to sit with 2c, haha." Zhang Qiang was a little complacent again.

"Oh, congratulations. A cadre at the deputy division level is equivalent to a senior official at the deputy department level 2c Zhang Qiang 2c You are better than me 2c I am just the secretary of the municipal party committee now." Gu Tian laughed.


"Brother Tian 2c, the Hummer is really comfortable to sit on. 2c can't compare to such an old car with such good power performance. It is estimated that Zhang Qiang rebuilt the interior of 2c and changed the engine after he bought it." Blackbeard was a little surprised at the performance of the Hummer .

Gu Tian hurriedly shouted 3a, "Fuck 2c, don't you call me Brother Tian, ​​okay? 2c, Brother Peng, do you know 3f"

"Okay 2c Brother Peng 2c I was wrong," Blackbeard said aggrievedly.

"Maybe." Gu Tian smiled lightly 2c Naturally, there is no way to tell 2c "Is there anyone else in that family 3f Could it be some rich family in the south 3f"

“不清楚2c听野菊说2c好像还有个大哥2c叫的名字很怪呀2c因为从小身子骨不怎么好2c所以2c只练了几年小把式2c强身健体2c现在倒是很不错了。没什么功底子。听说在厩什么部委任职2c以前有些自视其高2c瞧不上咱这乡下土鳖2c现在好多了。”黑胡子一边开车2c一边说道。( 无弹窗)

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