My God and the Holy See

Chapter 50 Money First

() Shuttle among the crowd, Yide has a wonderful feeling that he is really living in another world.

In the original small town, although it is said to be a peaceful and peaceful place, it is a beautiful and harmonious place, but it is too peaceful. The population of the small town is so small that there is no lively festive feeling at all, and the people in the small town There are too few professionals.

The small town can't compare to Harnst City at all. Harnst City is full of people as far as the eye can see, and there are more professionals in it.

Introduced by the free clinic of the Ancient Asian God Sect, the entertainment activities that had almost disappeared in Harnst City under the oppression of the Giant Spirit God Sect, broke out in a day today.

Magician apprentices performing zero-level magic tricks, roadside stalls selling unknown delicacies, puppet masters manipulating puppets to perform puppet shows, fortune tellers who predict bad luck, laying down weapons to show fitness The mercenaries are playing wrestling matches... Yide is dazzled by watching games full of alien atmosphere.

Yide is a person who likes to be lively, and likes to enjoy a happy and happy atmosphere. Today, Yide is in a particularly comfortable mood. A few days ago, he bleeds and struggled desperately, and feels that the joy and enjoyment of today will eliminate those mental fatigue Totally healed.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the people in Harnst City today, Yide couldn't help clenching his fists.

Yide doesn't know how other sects treat their believers, but Yide can at least do it. Under the control of the Ancient Asian God Religion, people's believers should live a happy and peaceful life.

While happily watching the happy and lively scene of the people in Harnst City, Yide finally received the retribution of walking without looking ahead.

The smaller Yide directly bumped into a soft body, but Yide's face hit a piece of hard metal.

"Ugh... Pain, pain!" Yide howled with tears streaming down his face while clutching his nose that had been flattened by the impact.

What's the situation, I obviously feel that the one I bumped into should be a soft girl, height is the enemy, what is this soft girl wearing around her waist, is it metal?Isn't it too heavy!

With tears in the corners of his eyes, Yide looked up and saw a girl in black robe with crimson double ponytails, with the same crimson eyes, looking at Yide with interest.

Yide finally found the murderer who bumped his nose crookedly. Around the waist of the girl in black robe, there was a corset, and in front of the corset, there were gold nuggets the size of a palm.

Nima, local tyrant!Although the girl only has such a gold coin all over her body, I don’t know why Yide couldn’t help but flash in his heart. The girl in front of him feels like a super rich man. Yide still believes in his sixth sense as His Highness the Pope. .

It's strange to say that the girl in front of Yide has a strong aura of a local tyrant, not the feeling of a nouveau riche, but the feeling of a real rich person, not noble, but wealthy.

The strange thing of wealth can become a kind of temperament, Yide couldn't help but twitched the corners of his eyes.

"Little brother, I'm sorry. Sister, I was counting something just now, so I didn't notice you. I bumped into you. Does it hurt?" The red-haired girl walked up to Yide and squatted down, looking at Yide who was a little wary. Looking at herself, she revealed the gentle smile of a big sister. For children, the red-haired girl knew very well that bear children would not be able to resist an amiable big sister.

"Little guy, how about doing my sister a favor? If the task is completed, this gold coin will be yours!" As if to apologize, or for a task just thought of, the red-haired girl conjured a magic trick on her hand. A gold coin was placed in front of Yide's eyes and dangled.

For the red-haired girl, this is a win-win situation. It is indeed a good way to apologize and get the information she wants.

Yide's eyes lit up instantly, revealing the look of a money fan.In fact, you can't blame Yide for being a money fan. After all, Yide, a brat, was almost collapsed by the financial crisis of the Ancient Asian God Sect two days ago.

Now even if the Ancient Asia God Sect has become a single-city sect, the Ancient Asia God Sect is a rich sect, but Yide still has no self-consciousness that he is already a rich upstart, so Yide probably There is no way to correct this money-obsessed look.

"Heh, the little guy is a little money fan. Joining the God of Wealth Money Church like this may become an excellent priest." The red-haired girl saw Yide's little money fan, and was immediately amused. The girl Cheerfully scratched Yide's nose and said.

Yide looked at the girl with some dissatisfaction, why everyone likes to scratch the Pope's nose now, how can His Highness the Pope's nose be scratched casually by ordinary people like you!However, for the sake of that one gold coin, the Pope will forgive you first.

"Sister, tell me, what do you want me to do? As long as I can do it, I promise to complete the task!"

It's rare to earn extra money, as long as it's within his capacity, Yide is still happy to do some small tasks for the beautiful rich sister in front of him.However, what did the people from the God of Wealth come to Harnst City for?

Yide still has some understanding of the religion of money.This church is actually a super sect on the Divine Continent, a super sect that can almost rival the kingdom-level sects. However, this sect is a strange flower on the Divine Continent.

In the past, the God of Money Sect was actually backed by a kingdom, but to the astonishment of the people in the Divine Grace Continent, the Pope of the God of Money Sect actually sold out the state religion status of that kingdom.

What's even more amazing is that this move of the Pope of the God of Money actually caused the God of Money they enshrined to issue an oracle, saying that what the Pope did was correct.

It would be strange for the gods in normal circumstances to strike the prodigal pope to death with a bolt of lightning when they saw their own pope selling out their sect beliefs.

From top to bottom, this church is simply amazing.In the teachings of the God of Money, it is clearly stipulated that "money is omnipotent, without money, absolutely impossible."

According to gossip, everything in the Money God Sect can be measured by gold coins. Except for the pope and the saint of the sect, other positions, as long as they are priests of the Money God Sect, are eligible to use money to trade as much as they want. desired position.

It is quite normal to say this, and it makes the local tyrants of Shenen Land happy to hear it... Oh no, it is sad that the festivals of the candidate saintesses of the Money God Sect can be purchased with money, which is simply unbearable. Look, this is a paradise for local tyrants, so awesome!

Of course, once the alternate saint becomes the real saint, I'm sorry, no matter how much money you pay, you won't be able to buy other people's festivals.The saint and the pope are the only two existences that cannot be exchanged for money.

The one who appeared in front of Yide was one of the [-] candidate saintesses of the God of Money Sect today, known as Nina Manny Salmon, who came to Hansted City today to meet with Hans Miss Irene from Special City was talking about business.However, before negotiating business with Miss Irene, Nina was fascinated by two new things.

On the big square, the green marching tents of the Ancient Asian God Sect and the advanced first-aid kits carried by the doctors entered Nina's eyes. Just now, Nina bumped into Yide, who was also in a daze, because she was calculating the marching tents and the advanced first-aid kits. The value of these two items in the first aid kit.

Regarding the marching tent and advanced first aid kit, Nina's eyes instantly turned into symbols of gold coins.According to Nina's calculations, if these two things are produced in energy, and then through some means to create a brand, take them out and sell them, they will definitely make a lot of money. For a while, Nina seemed to see the beauty of countless gold coins rolling in. In the future, he didn't even care about the drooling from the corner of his mouth.

Nina clapped her hands domineeringly, and said to Yide: "Little guy, help my sister to ask the doctor who is wearing glasses and treating people over there. Ask if their tent and that tool box can be sold." After asking for information, come back and report to sister, this gold coin is yours!"

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