My God and the Holy See

Chapter 45 surrender

() Walking in this majestic and resplendent cathedral, Yide smiled happily under Shiro's doubtful eyes.

The only fly in the ointment of the cathedral now, which is somewhat regrettable, is the mythical murals in the corridors, which were all erased and demolished by Xi Luo and others. After all, this is the myth of the giant spirit god, not the myth of the ancient Asian god.According to the old bishop, the new mythological murals have been arranged to invite the well-known painter Blair Emmons in the city of Harnst to create them.

To be honest, Yide is still quite curious about the outstanding achievements of his own black-bellied god like a bear child. However, according to the old man's myth, it is based on a little bit of fact and added fantasy. Yide couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching for a long time.

Yide knows some of the feats of his gods, but, can this kind of thing be painted on the wall? It's too late to cover up the ugliness.

For the decoration of the temple, it should be some well-known masters invited by Iris in the decoration sect. The cathedral of Harnst City looks noble and elegant without losing the majesty of the temple. This makes Yide, who has become the new owner of the church, Ide was very pleased that Iris, a funny guy, gave away such a great cathedral.

Different from the simple reception room in the small town, the reception room originally owned by the Giant Spirit Sect is full of natural atmosphere, adhering to the usual rich style of Iris, a business-minded guy, and the decoration in the reception room is outrageously luxurious. Looking up, the crystal hanging lamps are shining in the light, and the obsidian-paved ground, well-placed bonsai, and porcelain all make people feel relaxed and happy.

"Well, Lord City Guard, may I refill your cup of tea?"

However, the cathedral also has one disadvantage, that is, no matter how bright the lights are, the cathedral is really too big for the sparsely populated Ancient Asian God Sect, so the whole cathedral looks a bit deserted.

In the reception room, even little Shirley was pulled in to help.The little girl was wearing a white nun's robe, holding a pot of tea and looking seriously at the middle-aged man who was sitting on the sofa, quietly waiting for Yide to appear.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black samurai uniform, with scars called "Warrior Proof" on his bronze skin, and a trace of anxiety and restlessness flashed in his brown pupils. As if he was afraid of something, the man had an unshaven beard, a scar on his right eyebrow, his black hair was shaved to a crew cut, and he looked very energetic.

"Uh...thank you." Hearing the little girl's words, the agitated city guard took a deep breath, calmed down, and showed an amiable smile to the little nun. His face was so hard to see that it was a kind smile.

Fortunately, it was the little girl Shirley who was receiving the Lord City Guard. She was very gifted with spiritual perception and she knew very well that this vicious-looking man in front of her had no malice towards her at all.

On the contrary, for such an ordinary little nun of the ancient Asian god religion, the city guard actually has a little respect?This made Little Xueli look at the one in front of her with curiosity and bewilderment.The city guard should be one of the highest-ranking people in Harnst City, the city guard.

"I'm sorry, Lord City Guard, for keeping you waiting. I'm Yide, the Pope of the Ancient Asian God Sect."

While the city guard and Xiao Xueli were waiting quietly, Yide stepped into the reception room.

"Ah! Lord Godfather!" Seeing Yide's appearance, Xiao Xueli happily put the teapot in her hand on the table, and happily ran to Yide.

Yide smiled and gently stroked the little girl's head, then turned to look at the city guard again.

The moment Yide stepped into the reception room, the city guard bounced off the sofa and stood respectfully in front of the coffee table, like a soldier waiting for inspection.

When he saw Yide, the young His Highness the Pope, the scene he saw the day before suddenly came to the mind of the city guard again, and the city guard thought to himself, it really is this lord.

The monstrous power, the powerful holy fire, was burning fiercely, and Aerys, the god of the giant spirit, played and kneaded it to death in his palm at will.This is the power of a seventh-level sky-level powerhouse, an adult.

Seeing Yide sitting on the other side of the sofa, the city guard couldn't help but tremble with fear.I don't know if it's right or wrong for me to ask for a meeting recklessly. In the heart of the city guard, Yide who is sitting opposite to him is the domineering and unparalleled super strong His Royal Highness Holy Fire that day.

"Well, Lord City Guard, I have kept you waiting for a long time. You are welcome to our Ancient Asian God Sect as a guest." Yide smiled kindly.

Seeing Yide's smile, the city guard suddenly became a little flustered, without any hesitation, the city guard immediately got up again, and bowed deeply to Yide, compared to being in front of the city master, now The guard of the city is as obedient as if facing his elderly father, "Teach... Your lord, Chad Hosmorey greets you!"

Looking at the respectful city guard of Chad, Yide couldn't help but nodded in wonder, glanced at Siro with some doubts, and asked Siro with his eyes if he had done anything to the city guard. This respect is a little too much.

Seeing Yide's suspicious gaze, Ciro couldn't help but smiled wryly, how did he know what was going on with the city guard.

Although Ciro had contact with the city guard, the situation at the time was that when he accepted the giant spirit religion that day, the city guard immediately changed his face when he saw the little pope. Regarding the matter of the Spiritual God Sect, the city guard gave Xi Luo and the others the green light to go all the way without any explanation. As for the reason, Xi Luo still hasn't figured it out yet.

Ciro also wondered if Yide had done something to the city guard, and felt that this guy was so respectful to His Highness the Pope as if he was worshiping his own father.

Since there is no way to get information from Xi Luo, Yide can only dig out the reason directly from the city guard.

Yide waved his hand lightly, motioning for the city guard to sit down.

"You don't need to perform such a big gift, and you don't need to be so restrained. I'm not a deep-sea beast. Lord City Guard, please sit down." Yide said to Chad with a smile.

No, the beasts of the deep sea are simply weak compared to you, but you are a super strong Your Highness, the beasts of the deep sea can kill you with just one finger.

Chad murmured silently in his heart, and then followed Yide's intention and sat on the sofa. Now this sitting posture is not as relaxed as when he was with the little nun just now. No matter what the sitting posture is, Chad feels that he is in front of Yide. Sitting a little improperly.

There was no way, in the end Chad sat up straight, his back straight, as solemn and upright as a brat in elementary school facing the threat of a ruler from his teacher.

But having said that, just now, the little nun seemed to call Lord Shenghuo "Master Godfather". Oh, I'm going, is this little nun a celebrity around His Royal Highness Shenghuo!How could such a good opportunity to flatter just now be wasted? Chad, who found out that the people of the Ancient Asian God Sect carry candies with them, now also carries a few candies with him. Today, Chad really wants to buy a regret medicine to eat Well, if I knew this, I should have given all the candy to the little nun.

But, having said that, I should have treated the little nun very well just now, and my facial expression should not have been vicious or anything. I was full of kindness just now, and the little nun will definitely understand my kindness.

Now that Chad is sitting in front of Yide, his nervous thoughts are like a wild horse running wild.

Yide looked at the nervous city guard in front of him and sighed. As for the reason for this respect for him, he asked directly, "City guard, can you tell me why you are so respectful to me? I It’s just a pope of a small sect who just came to Harnst City, you wouldn’t treat me so respectfully, it makes me feel uncomfortable and a little embarrassed, can you tell me the reason.”

"Uh...Your Highness Holy Fire." Chad was taken aback for a moment, and then said to Yide in a panic.

His Highness Holy Fire?Identity exposed! ?

Yide was frightened and angry for a moment, and Yide was not prepared to expose the fictitious trump card of the ancient Asian god religion, the holy fire, especially now that his acting posture, the super gold finger, was sealed by the god himself. Yide doesn't want the identity of the holy fire to be exposed.

Almost without a trace of hesitation, the special talent directly exploded by borrowing divine power.

The coercion like a mountain formed a huge force, blowing the decorations in the living room upside down.

The divine power was like a prison, and the extremely terrifying coercion directly and mercilessly pressed on Chad's city guard.

The violent coercion descended, instantly crushing Chad to the ground.Chad knelt down in an instant, and Chad broke out in cold sweat under Yide's terrifying coercion, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

In this coercion, Chad has already felt the killing intent of the Lord "Sacred Fire" in front of him.

Does Lord "Sacred Fire" want to keep this identity a secret?Chad, who was crushed to kneel on the ground, immediately thought of the reason for Yide's sudden outburst, and immediately shouted in a hurry, "Your Highness, Holy Fire, spare me! I'm here to surrender!"


(Thanks to book friend ljtdhrhh01 for the two five-star evaluation tickets and the reward of 588 starting point coins, thank you. ps: I recommend my friend fantasy king Mao Yushen's new book "My Plane and My Lovely Residents", Mao Yu is the author of "The God and Me" The author of "My Priests", first-class writing, level guarantee)

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