My God and the Holy See

Chapter 39 Countermeasures and Contagion

() Yide thought that he had already taken the plague issue seriously, but unexpectedly, the plague broke out on the second day after arriving in Lane Town, and it was out of control.

Originally, they only received the news that the old Grandet, a local tycoon in the small town, was seriously ill. It has not been a day since a total of 7 members of Grandet's family and the mayor's family were directly infected by the plague.

The only Xin Yun'er in the two families, one of them is old Grandet's daughter Eugenie, who was recently on a hunger strike and locked up in a small dark room, and was not infected.The other is Tagore, the eldest son of the old mayor's family. This 30-something mayor's son is very lucky. He is a believer. When the plague broke out, he happened to receive the purification of holy water here in Yide, and thus he was able to Dodged a bullet.

However, the eldest son of the old mayor did not choose to hide elsewhere. Now he is serving his parents, younger sister and younger sister in this church that may be infected with the plague at any time. Yide has repeatedly persuaded him to leave this dangerous place. The place was rejected by him.

For the outbreak of the plague, Yide was quite decisive, and immediately closed the church, pulled out the isolation zone in the church, and moved all the seven people who were infected into the church. The seats in the church hall were directly removed by Yide and replaced by a Spread the floor.

At the same time, Yide used a bottle of holy water on his body to set up a purification barrier around the church.

With a few people whose body infections were not too serious, Yide dug a double-decker pit in the backyard of the church to unify the toilets.

The water in the church was directly added a certain amount of holy water by Yide regardless of the cost. For this reason, Yide once again spent [-] Holy See honor points in exchange for eight bottles of holy water stock solution.

"Cough cough." "Cough cough"...

People who got this terrible plague have a characteristic, that is, there is a smear of ashes on their foreheads, and they have a high fever and cough continuously.

Hearing the almost continuous coughing of several elderly people in the hall, Yide couldn't help gritting his teeth.

At this moment, Yide felt a kind of resentment for why he was not a medical student before. If he was a medical student, he could at least have some hope of cracking this terrible epidemic. Now Yide can only use magic to help these infected people continue life.

Coughing constantly, Yide even saw the old Grandet and the old mayor cough up blood. There have been several times when the infected person coughed so much that his eyes turned white and he almost passed out.

"Tagore, cough cough... Please, give my father a good time. Cough cough, this kind of life, I might as well die. Cough cough cough..."

The eldest son of the old mayor, Tagore, once again fed his father a small amount of holy water, which alleviated his father's illness.Listening to his father's words of begging for death, Tagore gritted his teeth and looked at Yide who was treating his younger sister's son with complicated eyes.

Tagore, who serves the patients here, is quite aware of how terrifying this disease is. Tagore recalled his father's education when he was young, and his eyes were slightly red.

I really hope that Father Yide can make a special case to perform a purification technique for his father again.However, this idea can only be buried in Tagore's heart, four times a day, every six hours a purification, healing, blessing, etc., this constant consumption has made Father Yide exhausted.

Since treating the old Grandet yesterday, this young priest has never had a moment of rest, and has devoted himself to the treatment. Tagore looked at the priest with dark circles under his eyes, with complicated emotions that could not be expressed in words.

"Father, please rest assured. Father Yide will definitely save us. Please be patient." Tagore said to his father, who had lost a lot of weight all at once, with tears in his eyes.

"Tagore! Now go and cook a few pots of herbal tea for anti-inflammatory. This is made of honeysuckle, dandelion, wild chrysanthemum, Hedyotis diffusa, Daqingye and other herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. This will make the medicine Tea should be able to alleviate the suffering of patients. It may even be able to eliminate this serious disease."

Yide exchanged a large pack of herbs, called Tagore, and told him to decoct the medicine.

To be honest, Yide himself doesn't really believe that it can eliminate the serious illness.At best, these herbs can only slightly relieve the pain of the patient.

Seeing Tagore holding the herbs excitedly and cherished, ran to the church kitchen, and disappeared around the corner, Yide set his sights on the old mayor with cloudy eyes.

"Lord mayor, please trust me. The empire has already known the situation here, and has sent five master physicians here. As long as we persist for another four days, we will all be saved!"

"Cough cough. Father Yide...cough cough, I don't want to live if I'm not an old man, cough cough, it's really...too painful, cough cough cough. Besides, Father Yide, I know that this disease must be in the small town It broke out. Ahem, it won't be long before the church will be filled with sick people..."

Hearing the words of the old mayor, several patients present raised their heads to look at Yide, and a gleam of clarity flashed in their cloudy eyes.

Yide closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and took out the Bible he was carrying with him. Yide opened his bloodshot eyes again.

"Thank God! How I love your law, and I cannot stop thinking about it all day long. Without faith, it is impossible to please my Lord. Faith comes from you alone, who is the author and finisher of my faith. Be gracious to me, see that I am weak in faith, fill me with your Holy Spirit again, help me to trust you with all my heart, because trusting in you will save me. Give me a holy faith that casts out fear, and an eternal faith outperform the world."

The clear voice of prayer sounded again in the church of the small town, gradually overshadowing the patient's cough, as if hymns were echoing in the ears, and faint radiance gathered from all directions.

When people are most vulnerable, they need an idol and a belief.For this reason, Yide opened up his own field of saints and began his prayers in the church.

Believe in my Lord, you will be saved!

Yide's eyes flashed a kindness that didn't match his age. At this moment, Yide once again devoted himself to the notification.Accompanied by this melodious prayer, the pain of several patients was relieved.

"Brother Yide! Brother Yide!"

While Yide was praying, there was a burst of weeping voices from an immature girl outside the church door.

Yide couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then seemed to think of something, immediately jumped up from the seat, and walked quickly to the door. At the same time, Yide yelled in the direction of the kitchen in the back hall, asking Tagore to take care of the patient.

In this small town, I would call myself Brother Yide, but only the little girl named Shirley who I met yesterday, listening to the girl's crying, Yide secretly thought that it was not good, Mrs. Lisa's house was also infected what! ?

Walking to the gate, Yide released a purification technique for himself, took a deep breath, opened the gate slightly enough for him to go out, and then walked out of the church.

Sure enough, after walking out of the church gate, the little girl Shirley looked at Yide with red and swollen eyes from crying, pulled Yide's sleeve and cried, "Brother Yide, mom and dad don't want me anymore, take Shirley away from home." They were kicked out. Shirley knew they were sick, and it was because of Shirley that she drove Shirley out. Shirley is very sensible, brother Yide, please save Shirley's mother and father. Shirley doesn't want to Become a child without a parent."

"Come on, Shirley, take my brother to your parents. Brother, go and save them now." Yide squatted down, looked at the little girl with pear blossoms and rain, stretched out his hand and patted the little girl's head lightly, Said gently.

Just when Yide took Shirley's hand, stepped out of the church police cordon he had set up, and walked towards Shirley's house.Several young people from small towns blocked Yide's path, and these young people looked at Yide with angry eyes.

"Little Shirley! Come to Fourth Brother! Don't walk with this damned devil priest!"

"Bastard! You must have brought the devil and brought this horrible disease! Why did our town of Ryan be so harmonious and peaceful when you didn't come, and you caused this plague when you came!"

"That's right, it must be you! You cultist of the evil god, you demon priest who deserves to be burned at the stake! You must have sold your soul to the devil Satan or the evil god Lucifer!"

(Thank you for the support of a five-star evaluation ticket from book friend Xingche 99, thank you. ps: Two updates will start today)

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